Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons 2/E... · Predicting the Viscosity of Pure...

EAKI BE63 0193 Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons ABSTRACT 8. E. EAKIN R. T. ELLINGTON MEMBERS AIME The following equation, which describes the viscosity of methane, ethane, propane and n-butane in the vapor, liquid and dense-fluid regions for densities up to 2.4 times the critical density, is presented. . fJ- = fJ-o .• + A(e7 .mP - e-"··P-) where A = 32.80 - 0.1637 (M), micropoises, fJ-v .• = gas viscosity at atmospheric pressure and the fluid temperature, micropoises, p = density of the fluid, gm / cc, and M = molecular weight The atmospheric-pressure viscosity can be represented satisfactorily by Sutherland's equation for which values of the necessary constants are given. The equation represents the data on these materials over the entire region with a standard deviation of 1.6 per cent for 288 points. Except in the immediate vicinity of the critical density, the largest difference between predicted and observed viscosity was 4.3 per cent. To facilitate calculations, the equation is pre- sented as a single curve of fJ- - fJ- u'. evaluated for a gas of zero molecular weight. By modification of the co-ordinates, the curve becomes a straight line. The factor for convert- ing the curve value of fJ- - fJ- u '. to that for the actual gas is a linear function of molecular weight, and is also plotted. INTRODUCTION The pressures at which fluids are produced, transferred and processed have increased steadily in the petroleum and chemical industries. This has resulted in increased interest in the effect of pressure on the thermodynamic and transport properties of fluids. The relationships derived from simple kinetic theory often may be applied in esti- mating gas properties for low and moderate pressures. These have the advantage of simplicity, a fact which has frequently led to use beyond the range of proper appli- cability. At high pressures and low temperatures, these relationships may be greatly in error, and other means of calculation are needed for the dense gas and liquid regions. The thermodynamic properties of fluids have been stud- Ie d extensively, both theoretically and experimentally. The volumetric behavior of a large number of fluids has been measured experimentally to high pressures for wide ranges of temperature. It is more difficult, however, to obtain accurate experimental values for transport properties, and detailed data have been obtained for very few fluids for extensive ranges of temperature and pressure. This situa- tion has greatly handicapped correlation efforts. Original manuscript received in Society of Petrolewn Engineers offic e July 25. 1962. Revised manuscript received Nov. 28. 1962. Paper pre- sented at 87th AmlUol Fa ll Meeting of SPE, Oct. 7-10, 1962, in Los A ngeles, Cal if. INSTITUTE OF GAS TECHNOLOGY CHICAGO, ILL . Because of the limited data available on transport prop- erties and the complex relationships which exist between the transport and thermodynamic properties, generally one of three methods has been applied to represent these prop- erties for pure fluids. 1. Tabulations of each transport property at selected pressure and temperature intervals . 2. Equations for each transport property of each fluid which relate these properties to PVT behavior. 3. Generalized co-ordinate chart for each transport property, frequently with serious restrictions as to accu- racy. The methods are listed in order of decreasing accuracy. The first and second methods are limited to pure com- ponents and certain commonly occurring mixtures such as air for conditions other than atmospheric pressure. Equa- tions have been developed from kinetic theory which quite accurately represent the temperature dependence of vis- cosity of gases" and liquids" at low pressures. Special equations have been developed to calculate the effects of pressure and temperature on viscosity of steam"'" and nitrogen," but these equations are empirical and different for each fluid. No single equation is presently available for accurate prediction of viscosity in both the liquid and gas phases, for any fluid. The third method is based on van der Waals' theory" of corresponding states. Uyehara and Watson" presented a plot of Tr vs fJ- r with lines of constant P ro which is generally accurate within 10 per cent, but in the critical region errors may be as large as 30 per cent. Carr' and Comings, Mayland and Egly· used Pro Tr and fJ- / fJ- o, . as parameters and developed generalized correlations for gases, and Carr extended his to include mixtures. For nat- ural gases Carr's chart is generally accurate within ± 3 per cent, but is less accurate for heavier hydrocarbons or other gases. The purpose of this study was to examine the viscosity- pressure-temperature data on the light hydrocarbons in their liquid, gas and dense-fluid regions, and to develop an equation which relates viscosity to the state properties. The form of the equation should be such that it will approach the kinetic-theory relationships for temperature dependence of viscosity for gases at low pressures, and for liquids at high densities. BACKGROUND Most efforts at development of general relationships for prediction of fluid viscosities are based on equating the expression for momentum transfer per unit area, or shear force, developed by use of a molecular model to the defin- ing equation for a continuous Newtonian fluid. The devel- 21 Referen ces given at end of paper. !!IO JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOI.O( ;Y from the Febl' u al·Y. 1963. Issue of JOURNAL OF PETROL EUM T ECHNOLOGY

Transcript of Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons 2/E... · Predicting the Viscosity of Pure...

Page 1: Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons 2/E... · Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons ABSTRACT 8. E. EAKIN R. T. ELLINGTON MEMBERS AIME The following equation,

EAKI BE63 0193

Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons




The following equation, which describes the viscosity of methane, ethane, propane and n-butane in the vapor, liquid and dense-fluid regions for densities up to 2.4 times the critical density, is presented.

. fJ- = fJ-o .• + A(e7 .mP - e-"··P-)

where A = 32.80 - 0.1637 (M), micropoises, fJ-v .• = gas viscosity at atmospheric pressure and the

fluid temperature, micropoises, p = density of the fluid, gm/ cc, and

M = molecular weight

The atmospheric-pressure viscosity can be represented satisfactorily by Sutherland's equation for which values of the necessary constants are given. The equation represents the data on these materials over the entire region with a standard deviation of 1.6 per cent for 288 points. Except in the immediate vicinity of the critical density , the largest difference between predicted and observed viscosity was 4.3 per cent. To facilitate calculations, the equation is pre­sented as a single curve of fJ- - fJ-u' . evaluated for a gas of zero molecular weight. By modification of the co-ordinates, the curve becomes a straight line. The factor for convert­ing the curve value of fJ- - fJ-u'. to that for the actual gas is a linear fun ction of molecular weight, and is also plotted.


The pressures at which fluids are produced, transferred and processed have increased steadily in the petroleum and chemical industries. This has resulted in increased interest in the effect of pressure on the thermodynamic and transport properties of fluids. The relationships derived from simple kinetic theory often may be applied in esti­mating gas properties for low and moderate pressures. These have the advantage of simplicity, a fact which has frequently led to use beyond the range of proper appli­cability. At high pressures and low temperatures, these relationships may be greatly in error, and other means of calculation are needed for the dense gas and liquid regions.

The thermodynamic properties of fluids have been stud­Ied extensively, both theoretically and experimentally. The volumetric behavior of a large number of fluids has been measured experimentally to high pressures for wide ranges of temperature. It is more difficult, however, to obtain accurate experimental values for transport properties, and detailed data have been obtained for very few fluids for extensive ranges of temperature and pressure. This situa­tion has greatly handicapped correlation efforts.

Original manuscript received in Society of Petrolewn Engineers office July 25. 1962. Revised manuscript received Nov. 28. 1962. Paper pre­sented at 87th AmlUol Fa ll Meeting of SPE, Oct. 7-10, 1962, in Los A ngeles, Cal if.


Because of the limited data available on transport prop­erties and the complex relationships which exist between the transport and thermodynamic properties, generally one of three methods has been applied to represent these prop­erties for pure fluids.

1. Tabulations of each transport property at selected pressure and temperature intervals .

2. Equations for each transport property of each fluid which relate these properties to PVT behavior.

3. Generalized co-ordinate chart for each transport property, frequently with serious restrictions as to accu­racy.

The methods are listed in order of decreasing accuracy. The first and second methods are limited to pure com­ponents and certain commonly occurring mixtures such as air for conditions other than atmospheric pressure. Equa­tions have been developed from kinetic theory which quite accurately represent the temperature dependence of vis­cosity of gases" and liquids" at low pressures. Special equations have been developed to calculate the effects of pressure and temperature on viscosity of steam"'" and nitrogen," but these equations are empirical and different for each fluid. No single equation is presently available for accurate prediction of viscosity in both the liquid and gas phases, for any fluid.

The third method is based on van der Waals' theory" of corresponding states. Uyehara and Watson" presented a plot of T r vs fJ- r with lines of constant Pro which is generally accurate within 10 per cent, but in the critical region errors may be as large as 30 per cent. Carr' and Comings, Mayland and Egly· used Pro Tr and fJ- / fJ-o, . as parameters and developed generalized correlations for gases, and Carr extended his to include mixtures. For nat­ural gases Carr's chart is generally accurate within ± 3 per cent, but is less accurate for heavier hydrocarbons or other gases.

The purpose of this study was to examine the viscosity­pressure-temperature data on the light hydrocarbons in their liquid, gas and dense-fluid regions, and to develop an equation which relates viscosity to the state properties. The form of the equation should be such that it will approach the kinetic-theory relationships for temperature dependence of viscosity for gases at low pressures, and for liquids at high densities.


Most efforts at development of general relationships for prediction of fluid viscosities are based on equating the expression for momentum transfer per unit area, or shear force, developed by use of a molecular model to the defin­ing equation for a continuous Newtonian fluid. The devel-

21References given at end of paper.


Rep r int~d f rom t he Febl'ual·Y. 1963. Issue of JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM T ECHNOLOGY

Page 2: Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons 2/E... · Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons ABSTRACT 8. E. EAKIN R. T. ELLINGTON MEMBERS AIME The following equation,

opment based on the simple kinetic-theory model yields the expression for gases,

J1. = 2.715 X 10'" yMT/(/ (1)

For real gases, the viscosity increases more rapidly with increasing temperature. The Sutherland" model for simple repulsive force yields

J1. = BT'/'/(T + S), (2) which has been found to fit a great deal of the data for gases at atmospheric pressure."


The viscosity of a liquid is due primarily to drag caused by attractive forces between molecules in adjacent fluid layers. Since the influence of intermolecular forces de­creases with increasing distance between molecules, and the density of liquids decreases with increasing tempera­ture, liquid viscosity should also decrease with increasing temperatures .

Over 70 empirical formulas have been proposed to rep­resent the temperature dependence of liquid viscosity." In 1866, Reynolds" proposed

p. = A eHIT (3)

Eyring," Andrade' and Frenkel'" have derived similar expressions based on the kinetic theory of liquids, each arriving at different sets of parameters involved in the constants A and B. Eq. 3 has been found to represent the temperature behavior of some types of liquids (includ­ing some of the hydrocarbons), with a high degree of accuracy, and to give very poor results with other types.

PRESSURE DEPENDENCE OF VISCOSITY According to Eq. 1, the viscosity of a gas is independent

of pressure or density; this is generally true for gases at pressures below 100 psia. At hig'her pressures the viscosity increases with increasing density, as in Fig. 1, which shows the effect of both temperature and pressure on the viscosity of ethane. Enskog8

." was the first to study the effect of density on viscosity, and his equations included two factors neglected in simple kinetic theory: (1) the transport of momentum on collision, and (2) a correction for the effect of the actual volume of the molecules on the prob­ability of collisions.

The forms of equations for gas viscosity at high pres­sures fall into two groups:

J1.=p. •.• (f(p» (4) or

J1. = J1.u ,. + g(p) (5)


150 en

~1140 ~ 130.

~ 12 I­


, , ",'

I-=> ol

1-0, _....J, ~,

<{ >,

1-" <(

'" I

, en 8 II o ' en >



o~ k"1'

c V


V J....--V

70. 10.0

PS. I.A. ..... V

t-- ICQQ I-~ l-

f:::: P P-\ 1 1 ...... ~ ~ ~ I-'" V

I"'--- ~ 1&00 /' V V ~ /' /' V

I--"" 7,.00 ./' L


V V ( V 1.--- ./ ) ~~~/ V V ,/ /p'

V- I-'" ....... V b--'" v V- V


130 160. 190 220 250 280 310 340



AT Low PR F.SSlfR'·: .

The theoretical equation of Enskog' and the empirical equations of Jager" and Dubief" are of the form of Eq. 4, The empirical equations of Vargaftik," Jossi, Stiel and Thodos," and the new relationship presented here, are the form of Eq, 5,

The viscosity of all liquids except water increases with increasing pressure. After an initial small decrease with increasing pressure, the viscosity of water also increases with pressure, For liquefied gases, and the light hydro­carbons at pressures up to 10,000 psia, the viscosity in­creases almost linearly with pressure, as is shown for pro­pane in Fig, 2, At pressures greater than 30,000 psia, Suge:ro and Bridgeman" found that the viscosity increased almost exponentially with increasing pressure.

VrSCOSITY AS THE SUM OF TWO FUNCTIONS Recent theories of the liquid state imply that viscosity

is the sum of two terms, Born and Green,' Kirkwood"" and Eisenschitz13 have developed theoretical equations, based on molecular distribution functions , which can be written

J1. = G/ (T,p) + G m (T,p) (6)

where G / = contribution due to drag-effect of intermole­cular forces, and

G m = contribution due to transport of momentum by molecular thermal motion,

These theories tend to imply also that G m may depend on temperature alone. At least, when both T and p do not have large values, it can be assumed that

G ", (T,p) = G o (T) (7)

where G o(T) = the low-pressure gas viscosity dependence on temperature,

Abas-Zade1 applied this concept to prediction of thermal conductivity of fluids, Thodos and co-workers" lB, 21 applied the concept for correlation of viscosity data, They plotted p. - p.g, . vs density for the monatomic and diatomic mole­cules, and demonstrated that a single smooth curve re­sulted for each material. Starling, Eakin and Ellington" made a similar plot for propane data (Fig, 3) and, again, a single smooth curve resulted,

On the basis of these results, it was determined that

on UJ on






~ u ~ >-" 800 l-v; o u

'" :;: 600






V VI-'" ;;;.~:..----- V V V

V V V I-'" ./" V ~oO

. ./ V V V v


va V ~ /" V V ~ V

~ V V ~ "...... V, ;......-V /-

/' /" ---.'r""'.

/ r V V ~C ~ v ' V /"

V , / 'l,.00' ---IY' V V V :/::: ~/' V V- I--V ,

V V' t/:; V '/.'.,0 V

~~ ~ V ./ ~'Y 1/ ~ t/ v V ~ J,

"" ./

i~ ..2' t& V V V J

~ Ipl V /

V I- \i ao, r => \ P ~';i


:/. f ,...,,-

It :W


o '000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 BOOO PRESSURE, PSIA



Page 3: Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons 2/E... · Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons ABSTRACT 8. E. EAKIN R. T. ELLINGTON MEMBERS AIME The following equation,

the intermolecular-lorce term may be considered to be independent of temperature, and a function of density only (at least for the temperature ranges studied). There­fore , Eq. 6 can be rewritten

p. = G J (p) + G m (T) (8)

Jossi, Stiel and Thodos" developed a generalized viscosity equation based on this concept.


In the initial viscosity study at Institute of Gas Tech­nology, Carr' utilized a high-pressure Rankine-type capil­lary viscometer to obtain relatively extensive data on methane and light natural gases. When attempts were made to obtain data on heavier hydrocarbons, this par­ticular viscometer would not give reproducible results, even though Baron, Roof and Wells' utilized a similar instrument to obtain good data on nitrogen, methane, ethane and propane. A completely different type of visco­meter was developed ," which has proved to be very flexi­ble in operation, to yield data of high reproducibility and give over-all run times short enough that data fields of significant detail can be obtained in relatively short times. Data have been obtained for ethane," propane"" and n-butane lO

; and the critical point region of each material was investigated in great detail separately." Work on binary mixtures is in progress.


The proposed equation is based in part on the theore­tical considerations reviewed and in part on observed behavior. At low densities the equation reduces to Eq. 2, Sutherland's equation for temperature dependence of gas viscosity. At high densities the equation approaches Eq. 3, which is fairly accurate for light hydrocarbon liquids. The equation also represents observed behavior in the region between that for dilute gas and that for liquid; there has been no satisfactory theoretical equation for this region.

To insure that the equation will represent the tempera­ture dependence of liquid viscosity for high densities, it is necessary to transform Eq. 3 into the corresponding density function, since GJ is a function of density only. It is assumed that, for small temperature changes at con-


200 0 TEJP. .IF --'-. 77 • 130

100 or-- D 190

Vl r-- • r-- •

~ 70 (5

o c--- •

Q. 50 o

'" u i 30 . ~20 ::.. >" f-




Vl 0100 u Vl :; 70

~ sO ::> Q Vl UJ 30

'" ~o



220 250 280

V j



V /



0.02 0.03 DOS 007 0.10 0.20 030 0.50 0 .70



stant pressure, the linear equation for thermal expansion of a liquid is sufficiently accurate: '"

P./p, = 1 + a(T- T . ) (9) or, by expansion,

p,jP. ~ 1 - a(T- T . ) (9a)

When Eq. 9 is solved for T, and this expression is sub­stituted into Eq. 3,

fJ.. == AeB/To+(l - Pt IPo) / a

or, by expansion,


J..t ~ Ae8( I -l j (lTo+P, / dl'oPo) /'l'o ( lOa)

If K = AeB(I-l/.T.>/T. and b = B / aT.'p,,, p. = Ke·P

• (11 ) Eq. 11 might be expected to represent the dependence

of the liquid viscosity on density only approximately, at best. If it should be valid, however, a semilog plot of p. - p..,. vs density should result in almost straight lines for each material at high densities. Fig. 4 shows this plot for the four hydrocarbons, for density in grams per cubic centimeter. The curves appear to be parallel straight lines at high densities. Thus, it is worthwhile to try to represent the residual viscosity, p.- p. •.• , by an equation of the form of Eq. 11 for densities greater than about 0.23 gm/ cc.

At low densities the residual viscosity is always less than that represented by Eq. 11, and it decreases to zero at very low densities. A general equation can therefore be written.

p. -p. •.• - Ae· P = g(p) (12) where g(p)-'Jo 0 as p-70.21 gm/ cc, and

g(p)-'Jo - A as p-7 O. A form which satisfies these conditions and also represents the curvature of the data is

• p.- ,p. •.• = A (e·P - e-GP ) (13)

By examination of the high density values for ethane, propane and n-butane, it was determined that b = 7.237 cc/ gm accurately represented the data when individual values of A were used for each component. Similarly, from the low density values it was determined that k = 2.0 and C = 45.9 (cc/ gm) ' acctl'rately represented these data. The value of A for methane was evaluated from data of Carr' and Comings' by use of the b, k and C previously determined, and represented the 100 data points with a standard deviation of only 1.03 per cent.




700 ~ 500 (J")

~ 300 o '" 200 u ~ ;0 100

~ 70

~ 50 en 8 30 (J")

:> 20 ...J <0: ::> o en w 0::







d ~


...rJh ~ METHANE~ ~

~ ~-8UTANE


w,< »


.a V

I i

I I o 0 .05 OJO OJ5 0 .20 0 .25 0 .30 0.35 0 .40 0 .45 0.50 0.55 0.60 065




Page 4: Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons 2/E... · Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons ABSTRACT 8. E. EAKIN R. T. ELLINGTON MEMBERS AIME The following equation,

The values of the individual A 's were plotted vs molec­ular weight (Fig. 5) and found to yield essentially a straight line. Therefore, the general equation was rewritten as

A = A .-a (M), (14)

and all of the data for the four hydrocarbons were treated simultaneously by computer to obtain

p.-p. •.• = A(e" ""P--"" '-) (15)

where A = 32.80 - 0.1637 (M), and p. •.• = BT"/ (T + S).

Values of B and S for the four hydrocarbons are given in Table 1. A summary of observed and predicted viscosity values is given in Table 2.

This equation predicts the available data on methane , ethane, propane and n-butane from the dilute gas to densities up to 2.4 times the critical density with a stand­ard deviation of 1.6 per cent for 288 points. The difference between the predicted and observed viscosity was always less than 4.4 per cent except for densities within 10 per cent of the critical density. For the same data, the results obtained with the equation of Jossi, Stiel and Thodos1s are considerably less accurate, as shown in Table 3.


The graph in Fig. 6 was prepared to facilitate use of Eq. 15. The p. - p. •. a co-ordinate was modified from a logarithmic scale so that a straight line results. This line represents the equation evaluated for a fluid of zero molec­ular weight. To convert the value obtained from the graph to that for the real gas at some given density, the graphical value is multiplied by a correction factor (X).

(X) = A .. -~.(M) = 1·- 0.00499 (M), . (16)

which is also plotted in Fig. 6. To obtain the value of p.- p.u .• for the real gas at a given density, the (p.-p.u .• ) ~'

from the plot is multiplied by (X) for the corresponding molecular weigQt.

p.-p.u.a = (p.-p. •. • ) * (X) (17)


It is possible that the form of this equation may also be applicable to mixtures. The composition dependent para-


W (Jl

0 a.. 0 a:: (,)


« I--z « I--(Jl

z 0 (,)

33 ~

"'" 31

"" ~ 1- -

29 "'" ~ ~


"'" I- 'd '" 25

"~ -- i_

23 ~ 0 10 20 30 40 50





FEB'H UA RY , 1963


·Sutherland Constonts·

Component B S Data Ref.

Methane 7 .390 295.2 (34) Ethane 7.461 466 .2 (34) Propane 6.805 502.4 (34) "-Butane 6,861 600.0 (26, 32 , 33)

· For temperatures in oR, calculates viscosity in micropoises.


Componen t

Methor.e Ethane Propane n-Butane

No . of Points, "

100 47 8B 53

Std. Dev . * u, (per cent}

1.01 1.61 1.79 2.42


~n' (a.F ) Ii> tLe:t l c -JJ,.

·u = 100 - -n--l- and A = --p.--

.Max. Dev . (per cent)

2.65 3.52 4 .30 7 .92

meter A is a linear function of molecular weight for pure components, and its behavior for mixtures should be examined. It is anticipated that p. •.• might be replaced by the atmospheric-pressure viscosity of the mixture, p. .... , which Carr' showed could be represented by

~ x , y'M, J.Lu. n. ; p. .... = _t=-o __ --,;::=-__

~ x , y'M, i

( 18)

However, Eq. 15 has not been tested for mixtures due to the lack of data on a given mixture of known accuracy for wide-enough ranges of temperature and pressure.


A = constant A . = constant

a = constant B = constant b = constant C= constant

I( ) = function of variables in G t ( ) = intermolecular-force contribution to viscosity G .. ( ) = momentum-transfer contribution to viscosity

G. (T) = atmospheric-pressure viscosity as function of T g( ) = function of variables in ( )

K = constant k = constant

M = molecular weight p = pressure S = Sutherland constant T = temperature, absolute

Tr = reduced temperature X = multiplying factor for graphical solution x , = mole fraction of the ith component p = density

p. = density at base temperature, T. Pt = density at temperature T

u = molecular diameter p. = viscosity

J.Lu . a = atmospheric-pressure gas viscosity

p'r = reduced viscosity


Page 5: Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons 2/E... · Predicting the Viscosity of Pure Light Hydrocarbons ABSTRACT 8. E. EAKIN R. T. ELLINGTON MEMBERS AIME The following equation,



Methane Ethane Propane n-Butane

p<p , SId. Points Oev.

80 1.86 29 1.46 20 4.08 14 4.11


Ma x. Dev.

3.83 3.28 8.12 6.70

The equation presented was developed as part of a continued study of bydrocarbon pbysical and tbermo­dynamic properties under the basic research program of the Institute of Gas Technology. The work was supported by IGT members and contributors and by the American Petroleum Institute through Grant-in-Aid No. 77 and Project 65.


1. Abas·Zade, A. K.: "On the Law of Thermal Conductivi ty in Liquids and Gases", Zhur. Eksp. i Teoret. Fiz. (1952) 23, 60. (In Russian.)

2. Andrade, E. N., da c.: "Theory of Viscosity of Liquids", Phil. Mag. (1934) 17, 497,698.

3. Baron, 1. D., Roof, J. G. and Wells, F. W.: j our. Chem. Eng. Data (July, 1959) 4, 283.

4. Born, M. and Green, H. S.: "A General Kinetic Theory of Liquids. I. The Molecular Distribution Functions", Proc., Roy. Soc. of London (1946) A188, 10.

5. Brebach, W. J. and Thodos, G.: ·'Viscosity·Reduced State Correlation for Diatomic G<lses", Ind. Eng. Chem. (July, 1958) 50, 1095.

6. Bridgeman, P. W.: The Physics of High Pressure, G. Bell and Sons, London, (1949).

7. Carr, N. L.: Viscosities of Natural Gas Components and Mix­tlLres, Institute of Gas Technology Res. Bull. 23 (June, 1953 ) .

1;. Chapman, S. and Cowling, T. G.: The Mathematical Th~ory of Non-Uniform Gases, Cambridge U. Press, Cambndge (1939) 273-94.

9. Comings, E. W., Mayland, B. J. and Egly, R. S.: Tke Viscos­ity of Gases at High Pressures, U. of Illinois Eng. Exp. Sta­tion Bull. 354, Urbana, Ill. (19441).

to. Dolan, J. P., Eakin, B. E., Starling, K. E. and Ellington, R. T.: "Liquid Gas and Dense Fluid Viscosity of n-Butane", Paper to be published.

11. Eakin, B. E. and Ellington, R. T.: "Improved High Pressure Capillary Tube Viscometer", Trans. , AlME (1959) 216, 85.

12. Eakin, B. E., Starling, K. E., Dolan, J. P. and Ellington, R. T.: "Liquid, Gas and Dense Fluid Viscosity of Ethane", j our. Chern. Eng. Data (Jan., 1962) 7, 33.

IJl uJ IJl



V /

* V (}.I--}.I-Q,.laclual-(}.I--}.I-Q,.l (Xl / a: u ~

*-= 500 o 0;

:1. i. 300

~ 200 iii o U IJl ;; 100


...J <f :::> o iii uJ a:

5 °v /

0/ o 0 .10

V /

V [21.00"":;:::::

/ ~0.90 ~ ~ ~ I- 0.80 ...........

~0.70 ~ 0 20 40 60


I I I I 0.20 0.30 0 .40 0 .50 0.60




p>p, SId. Max . Over-oil Points Dev . Dev . SId. Dey .

20 7.16 8.62 3.55 18 5.53 7 .97 3.44 68 12.47 15.86 11.11 39 11.71 15.64 10.22

13. Eisenschitz, R.: "The Effect of Temperature on the Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Liquids", Proc., Phys. Soc. of London (1947) 59, 1030.

14. Enskog, D.: "Kinetic Theory of Heat Conductivi ty, V:isc?si~: and Diffusion in Certain Condensed Gases and LiqUids , Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Han.dt. (1922) 63, No.4. Extensively referenced in Ref. 8.

15. Frenkel, J.: Kinetic Theory of Liquids, Dover Publications, N. Y. (1955) Chapter IV, 188·208.

16. Glasslone, S., Laidler, K. .T. and Eyring, H.: The Theory 0/ Rllte Processes, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. , N. Y. (1941) Chapter IX, 477-95.

17. Hilsenrath, J ., et al: Tables 0/ Thermal Properties of Gases. Nat. Bur. of Standards Circ. 564, U. S. Gov't. Printing Office, Washington, D. C. (1955) 10.

18. Jossi J. A., Stiel, L. I. and Thodos, G.: "The Viscosity of Pure' Substances in the Dense G.aseous and Liquid Phases" , AIChE joltr. (March, 1962) 8, 59.

19. Keenan, 1. H. and Keyes, F. G.: Thermodynamic Properties of Steam, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N. Y. (1936) 23.

20. Kirkwood, J. G. and Salsburg, Z. W.: "Statistical-Mechanical Theory of Molecular Distribution Functions in Liquids", Dis· cussions Faraday Soc. (1953) No. 15,28.

21. Licht, W., Jr. and Stechert, D. G.: jOltr. Phy. Chem. (1944) 48, 23.

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