Predicting Emerging Social Conventions in Online Social Networks

Predicting Emerging Social Conventions in Online Social Networks Farshad Kooti * Winter Mason Krishna Gummadi * Meeyoung Cha MPI-SWS * Stevens Institute of Technology KAIST CIKM 2012


Predicting Emerging Social Conventions in Online Social Networks. Farshad Kooti * Winter Mason † Krishna Gummadi * Meeyoung Cha ‡ MPI-SWS * Stevens Institute of Technology † KAIST ‡. Metric. Imperial. Linguistic conventions. Hello. Hey. Aloha. How’s it going. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Predicting Emerging Social Conventions in Online Social Networks

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CIKM 2012

Predicting Emerging Social Conventions in Online Social Networks

Farshad Kooti* Winter Mason†

Krishna Gummadi* Meeyoung Cha‡

MPI-SWS* Stevens Institute of Technology† KAIST‡

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Linguistic conventions

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AlohaHow’s it going


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The retweeting convention

Quoting another user while citing the original author

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Bob Alice

RT @Bob:CIKM startedCIKM started

RT @Bob:CIKM started

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Why retweeting convention?

o Information-sharing channels are explicit in Twitter

o Specific to Twitter: exposures within the community

o Contained in Twitter, hence capturing all usages

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Twitter dataset

o Used near-complete data from 03-2006 to 09-2009- 54 million users- 1.9 billion tweets- 1.7 billion follow links

o Follow links are a snapshot of the network in 2009

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The retweeting variations

o Searched for syntax token @username

o “Adopter” refers to a user using the variation at least once

Variation # of adopters # of retweets

RT 1,836 K 53,221 K

via 751 K 5367 K

Retweeting 50 K 296 K

Retweet 36 K 110 K

HT 8 K 22 K

R/T 5 K 28 K

♻ 3 K 18 K

Total 2,059 K 59,065 K

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Our study of retweeting convention

1. Characterizing the emergence [ICWSM’12, best paper award]

2. Predicting the adoption process[this work, CIKM 2012]

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Defining prediction problem

Suppose we are given a social network with records of users, their interactions, and times of adoptions. However, information about which variation was adopted by user u at time t is hidden. How reliably we can infer that user u has adopted variation v at time t?

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RT or via or ...?

RT @john: tweet

tweet (RT @joe)

via @jane: tweet



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Motivation & ProblemFeatures impacting adoptionPredictive power & results

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Feature categories


Social Global

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feature: # of followersPersonal

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# of exposures

# of adopter friends


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feature: # of adopter friendsSocial

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feature: adoption dateGlobal

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All the considered features

– # of followers and friends, # of posted tweets and URLs, join date, geo-location

– # of exposures, # of adopter friends

– Time of adoption




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Motivation & ProblemFeatures impacting adoptionPredictive power & results

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Measuring the predictive power of features

o We calculate Information Gain (IG) of each feature, which shows the predictive power

o IG: change in entropy (measure of uncertainty) because of the given feature

o IG(Variation, feat.) = H(Variation) - H(Variation|feat.)

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Predictive power of features: results

Rank Feature Type

1 Date Global

2 # of exposures to RT Social

3 # of posted URLs Personal

4 # of exposures to via Social

5 Join date of adopter Personal

6 # of posted tweets Personal

7 # of RT adopter friends Social

Findings:• # of exposures has more predictive

power than # of adopter friends• Geography is not important

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Prediction methodology

o Using different ML classifiers: Bayesian models, boosting, decision trees, etc.– Bagging yields the best result

o Feature selection techniques to find best subset of features (excluded 8 features)

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Prediction accuracyVariation Accuracy Precision Recall

RT 71.2 72.8 68.1via 72.6 52.1 66.6

Retweeting 98.0 43.1 90.5Retweet 98.5 34.3 80.1

HT 99.7 50.5 84.9R/T 99.8 19.0 81.5

recycle icon 99.9 35.9 82.3Weighted average 72.6 65.7 69.8

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Dealing with unbalanced classes

o Problem:– Most of the adoptions (68%) are RT– A simple classifier of always predicting the most

used variation performs goodo Solution:– Take the same number of cases from two groups

(baseline: 50%)

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Prediction accuracy from balanced data

Variation Accuracy Precision RecallRT 61.3 60.7 63.1via 60.7 60.6 60.1

Retweeting 59.1 58.9 61.8Retweet 56.9 56.6 56.6

HT 82.3 82.8 81.5R/T 77.3 77.0 77.2

recycle icon 81.5 83.1 80.2Weighted average 61.0 60.7 61.5

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Stronger definitions

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o Predicting adoption of social conventionso Investigated impact of various factors

o Global feature trumps social and personal featureso The number of exposures had more predictive

power than number of adopter friendso Using the features from network is not enough

for a prediction with high accuracy

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Thank you!