Precision method for evaluating primary aberrations of ...Precision Method for Evaluating Primary...

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 69C, No.4, October-December 1965 Precision Method for Evaluating Primary Aberrations of Lenses With a Twyman Interferometer James B. Saunders (May 2 1, 1965) A simplified pro ce dur e for se parat e eva lu at ion of the thr ee primary abe rr a ti ons of len ses wit h th e Twyman lens te sting interferometer is d esc ribed. Ea ch of the aberra ti on coe ffi cients is found to be a function of obse rvations at only four points on the lens. Equation s are g iv e n for th e optimum choice of refere nce points that give bes t res ult s. Th ese e qu a ti ons are ap plied to data pre vi ously repor ted in the litera tur e. Th e results indi cate that this proce dur e is s uffi cie ntl y prec ise to reveal hi gh order aberra ti ons in a lens that was ass umed to be practically fr ee from such aberrations. Key Words: Int erferometer, lens te sting, Tw yman interferom eter. 1. Introduction The formula for optical path difference in the Twyman le ns t es ting int erfe rometer, u se d by Pro- fess or Kin gs lak e, contains seve n param eters. It would see m that data from se ven referen ce point s would be n ecessary for ev aluatin g anyone of th e paramet ers . By judi ciously c ho os in g the l oca ti on of the referen ce points eac h of the primary mon oc hro- mati c aberrations may be evaluat ed from data taken at only four poi nt s. It will be shown that the results obtajn ed from four point s, with a given lens, ar e of th e same ord er of accuracy as tho se pr eviously obtained, by least s quar e s, from 44 points. Thi s r eprese nts a very large re du ction in co mputation s. Each of th e primar y monoc hromati c aberrations is separately ev aluat e d. Th e r es ults indi ca te that th e sensitivity of th e Twyman inte rferometer is sufficie nt, not only to m eas ur e th e aberration coe ffi cient s ac - curate ly, but also to measur e changes in th ese aber- rations with changes in the aperture of the lens. The di sc overy that four properly c hosen points are adequat e for e valuation of each aberration coefficient with the Twyman interferom eter wa s the result of an anologous di sco very that two points ar e ade quat e for the same m eas ur eme nt s with the Ka sters prism inter- ferom eter. 2. Fundamental Equations Th e terminology pr eviously use d by Kings lak e twill be used in this pap e r. Th e data which he obtained with a si mpl e lens 2 will be use d for demons tration of the pro ce dur es d esc rib ed here. Thi s lens was as- sumed to be prac ti cally free from hi gher order aber- rations over the aperture use d for obtaining results. 1 R. Kingslake, The inl e rferomelcr patl e rn s d ue to the primary abe rrations, Tran s. Opt. Soc . 27 ,94 (1925-6). 2 R. Kingslake, The analys is of an inled erugram, Trans. Opl. Soc. 28 , I (1926- 7). Th e formula for optical path differen ce IS A(x 2 + T)2 + B y(x 2 + T) + C(X 2 + 3y2) +D(X 2 +y2)+ E y+ F x+ G= p (1) where A, B, and C re prese nt , respectively, coe ffi cie nt s of spheri cal aberration, co ma, and astigmatism. Th ese coe ffi cie nt s are relat ed to th e abe rration con- s tant s, at, a2, and a3, by th e e quation s, Lon gi tudinal (primar y) A - - spheri cal aberration 4 - at- S2p c oma (2) ,nCjh2 = = distanc e betw ee n foc al lin es 2J a3 2h2 where s is half the aperture of the len s, h is th e image distance from the optic axis and f is th e dis tan ce from the image to the back surface of the lens. Th e xy- rectangular coordinate system, used in e q (1), is chose n so that the xy-plane is in the prin cipal plane of the le ns - with the y-axis in th e meridional plan e. Th e origin is on th e optic axis of the le l1 s. Th e coe ffi cie nt s, D, E, F, and G re lat e to adju s tm e nt s of the int erferom- eter. Th e order of inte rferen ce is G, at th e origin (on the axis of the lens), and is p at any point (x, y). Figure 1 shows a photograph of the inte rfero gram use d by Kings lak e in footnote 2. Thi s int e rferogram co ntains the e ffec ts of any and all ab e rrations that are as sociat ed with this lens when it is used in the mann er d esc rib e d. If this int e rferogram should con- tain higher order aberrations, eq (1) could not repre- sent th e fringes. The parameters, A, B, and C would be found to vary with the aperture of the lens; whereas, 251

Transcript of Precision method for evaluating primary aberrations of ...Precision Method for Evaluating Primary...

Page 1: Precision method for evaluating primary aberrations of ...Precision Method for Evaluating Primary Aberrations of Lenses With a Twyman Interferometer James B. Saunders (May 21, 1965)

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumentation Vol. 69C, No.4, October-December 1965

Precision Method for Evaluating Primary Aberrations of Lenses With a Twyman Interferometer

James B. Saunders

(May 21, 1965)

A simplified procedure for separat e evaluation of the three prim ary aberra tions of lenses wit h the Twyman le ns tes ting inte rfe romet e r is described. Eac h of the aberra tion coeffi cien ts is found to be a fun ction of observations at only four points on the lens . Equations a re give n for the optimum c hoice of refere nce points that give best res ult s. These equations are applied to dat a pre vi ously re ported in the lite ra ture. The results indicate that thi s procedure is suffi cie ntl y precise to reveal high orde r aberrations in a lens th at was assumed to be practically free from suc h a be rrations.

Ke y Words : Inte rferometer, le ns tes ting, Twyma n interferometer.

1. Introduction

The formula for optical path differe nce in the Twyman le ns tes ting interferometer, used by Pro­fess or Kin gslake , co ntains seven parameters. It would see m that data from se ve n reference points would be necessary for evaluating anyone of the parameters . By judiciou sly c hoos ing the location of the refere nce points each of the primary monochro­mati c aberrations may be evaluated from data take n at only four poi nts . It will be s hown tha t the results obtajned from four points , with a given le ns, are of the same order of accuracy as those previously obtained, by least squares, from 44 points. Thi s represe nts a very large reduc tion in co mputation s.

Each of the primary monochromatic aberrations is separately evaluated. The results indicate that the sensitivity of the Twyman interferometer is suffic ient, not only to measure the aberration coeffi cients ac ­curately , but also to measure changes in these aber­rations with changes in the aperture of the lens.

The di scovery that four properly chosen points are adequate for evaluation of each aberration coefficient with the Twyman interferometer was the result of an anologous di scovery that two points are adequate for the same measurements with the Kas ters pris m inter­ferometer.

2. Fundamental Equations

The te rminology pre viously used by Kingslake twill be u sed in thi s paper. The data which he obtained with a si mple le ns 2 will be used for de mons tration of the procedures described he re. This lens was as­sumed to be prac ti cally free from hi ghe r order aber­rations over the aperture used for obtaining results.

1 R. Kingslake , The inl e rfe rome lc r patl e rns d ue to the prima ry aberra tions, Trans. Opt. Soc . 27,94 (1925-6).

2 R. Kingslake, The analys is of an inled erugram, Trans. Opl. Soc. 28 , I (1926- 7).

The formula for optical path differ ence IS

A(x2 + T)2 + B y(x2 + T) + C(X2 + 3y2)

+ D(X 2 +y2)+ E y+ F x+ G = p (1)

where A, B, and C re present , respectively, coeffi cie nts of s pherical aberration, coma, and astigmatism. These coeffi cie nts are related to the aberration con­s tants, at, a2, and a3, by the equations,

Longi tudinal (primary)

A - - spheri cal aberration 4 - at - S2p

coma fB/h=a2=~


,nCjh2 = = distance be tween focal lines 2J a3 2h2

where s is half the aperture of the lens, h is the image distance from the optic axis and f is the di stance from the image to the back surface of the lens. The xy­rectangular coordinate system, used in eq (1), is chosen so that the xy-plane is in the principal plane of the lens - with the y-axis in the meridional plane. The origin is on the optic axis of the le l1s. The coeffic ients, D, E, F, and G relate to adjustments of the interferom­e ter. The order of interference is G, at the origin (on the axis of the lens), and is p at any point (x, y).

Figure 1 shows a photograph of the interferogram used by Kingslake in footnote 2. This interferogram contains the effects of any and all aberrations that are associated with this lens when it is used in the manner described. If this interferogram should con­tain higher order aberrations, eq (1) could not repre­sent the fringes. The parameters, A, B, and C would be found to vary with the aperture of the lens; whereas,


Page 2: Precision method for evaluating primary aberrations of ...Precision Method for Evaluating Primary Aberrations of Lenses With a Twyman Interferometer James B. Saunders (May 21, 1965)

~ \ ~\lf/~=----'" + x


FIGURE 1. J nterference fringes of a simple ophthalmic lens as seen in a Twyman lens testing interferometer.

The inscribed c ircle represe nt s the "useful ape rture of the lens." This area was pre· viously assumed to be pract icall y free from higher orde r aberration s. The (+) and (-) sign s. about the margin . represent regions of pos itive and nega tive orders of inte rfe rence.

if the lens is free from higher order aberrations these parameters would be independent of lens aperture and, therefore, also independent of the location of the chosen reference points.

The family of curves in figure 2 represents the inter­ferogram of a lens that is absolutely free from higher

order aberrations. These curves (fringes) are com­puted from eq (1) and represent the area inside the circle in figure 1. The values for the parameters are those obtained by Kingslake (see footnote 2). Each curve corresponds to an integral order of interference (integral value for p).

3. Choice of Reference Points

Data from a family of at least four reference points are required to obtain a unique value for each of the aberration coefficients, A, B, and C in eq (1). The ) relative distribution of these points (fig. 3) can be so I chosen that when the observed data (values for x, y, ' and p) at four points are substituted for their counter­parts in eq (1), the resultant four equations will permit the elimination of all parameters except the one de­sired. There are many different arrangements of these four reference points that will permit solutions of the aberration parameters. Preliminary study showed that, in each case, one such arrangement of points could be found that yields optimum accuracy. Therefore, only one arrangement of points will be given here for evaluating each of the three aberration parameters. These arrangements are those which give optimum accuracy.

FIGURE 2. Graphical representation of computed fringes inside the circle of figure 1.

These curves were ('omputed frum the uptical path difference furrn uia (eq (I)) fur a le ns I hat contains onl y p r imary aberrations.


Page 3: Precision method for evaluating primary aberrations of ...Precision Method for Evaluating Primary Aberrations of Lenses With a Twyman Interferometer James B. Saunders (May 21, 1965)



4. Astigmatism

If we draw a circle of radius r, with its center at the origin, in figure 3, it will intersect the coordinate axes at (r, 0) (0, r), ( - r, 0), and (0, - r). If we choose these four points in the interferogram of figure 1, we may evaluate the parameter C from data observed at these points.

The observed data are the orders of interfere nce, p, and the coordinates, x and y, at the four reference points. The data, labeled (XI, YI, PI) , (X2' Y2, pz) , (X3, Y3, P3), and (X4 ' Y4, P4), may be considered as th e coordinates in a three dime nsion rectangular coo rdi· nate system. We get optimum accuracy whe n the following relationships exis t be tween the X and Y coordinates:

XI =Y2 = -X3 = -Y4 = r,

On s ubstituting these values in eq (1), successively for the four points, we obtain the following [our equations :

+ rF +G = PI

. (3) - rF +G= P3

r4A - r3B + 3r2C + r2D - rE

If we add the first equa tion in 3 to the third and the second to the fourth , we obtain,

2Ar4+ 2Cr2+ 2Dr2+ 2G= PI + P3j. 2Ar4+6Cr2 + 2Dr2 + 2G= P2+ P4


By subtracting the first me mber equation of 4 from the second member we obtain

4Cr2=PZ+P4-Pl- P3· (5)

Values for X and y, along the two axes, are given by Kingslake for integral values of p. These values are represented graphically in figure 4. The values for the p's in table 1 are interpolated from figure 4. When the p's , that correspond to any chosen value for r, are substituted in eq (5) we obtain corres ponding values

, for C. These values are given in column 6, table l. The probable error in C is given in column 7 as I1C, and is based on the assumption that the probable error in a single observation is the same as that ob· tained by Kingslake . The probable error, I1P, of a single observation was found to be 0.013A. Values for C are plotted in figure 5 as ordinates for corre·

~ sponding values of r as abscissas. The magnitude of the probable error, I1C, is represented by the length of arrows attached to the corresponding points. Ob· viously, the most precise value for C is obtained by using large values for r .






F IGURE 3. The distribution of reference points for most precise evaluation of primary aberrations.

The four large r c ircles. on the a xes. a re for ast igmati sm: the fuur s malle r c ircles. on the x-ax is. are for spherical abe rra tion: and the four sol id di s ks. on the y-axis . arc fo r coma.


Sec/LOn y , o Xo Yo em





- 4 -2


Sect i on .x "' o -*"---H-

2 4

"" \ --4 \

" -6

- ·8


\ \

\ .j,

\ l. \


6 A.

Cross sections of the wave front along the x and y-axes.


Page 4: Precision method for evaluating primary aberrations of ...Precision Method for Evaluating Primary Aberrations of Lenses With a Twyman Interferometer James B. Saunders (May 21, 1965)

TABLE 1. Value fo r astigmatism, C, and probable error, dC , (in wavelength )f or different lens apertures (in millimeters)

Hadius Ordj' rs of in te r f(' rence Cue fflc ie nt of vecto r as tigmatism

p. Ih p , p, C I1C

I - 0.48 - 0.63 0.48 0 .68 1. 250 0.650 2 - .96 - 1. 17 .96 1.32 0.9:18 .163 3 - 1.43 - 1.6 1 1.46 2.04 1.111 .072 4 - 1.89 - 1.97 1.97 2.74 1.078 .04 1 5 -2.35 - 2.20 2.47 3A I 1.090 .026 6 -2.80 -2.28 2.98 4.04 1.097 .01 8 7 -3.25 -2. 1.5 3.52 4.60 1.112 .013 8 -3.70 - 1.82 4 .06 5.08 1. 133 .010 9 - 4. 15 -1..>2 4.58 5.45 1.1 42 .008

10 -4.61 -0.53 5.1 3 5.74 1.1 73 .007 II -5.1 3 + .48 5.66 .5.86 1.200 .005

Since the fringes in figure 2 are precisely repre­sented by eq (1), the values of the corresponding parameters should be independent of the choice of refere nce points. The value for C (labeled Ctc in fig. 5) obtained from any family of four reference points in figure 2 will be the same as that found by Kingslake because this value was used for computing these curves. The corresponding probable error in Ctc (i.e., dCk ) given by Kingslake is also indicated in figure 5 to illustrate the relative probable error for results obtained from four favorably chosen reference points and from 44 reference points treated statistically by the Method of Least Squares. Since the coefficient, C, varies with r (i.e., from one family of reference points to another) eq (1) obviously does not apply to the fringe pattern of figure 1. The le ns that produced

. this set of fringes is obviously affii cted with higher order aberrations.

I f-



1.1 8

1.1 6

~ 1.1 4 --' w > ~ u- 1.12




FIGURE 5. Values of the coeificient of astigmatism, C, versus semi­aperture, r, of the lens.

The verti ca l arro ws represen t compute d probable e rrors in C. The hori zontal das hed line re presents the va lue fo r C obt ained from figure 2 a nd give n in footno te 2.

5. Coma

Coma cannot be evaluated from a family of reference points that are all equally distant from the origin, as is the case for astigmatism. However, if we choose a family of four points on the y-axis (fig. 3) made up of two pairs such that the two points of each pair are equally distant from the origin but of opposite sign, then we can obtain an equation for B as a function of the coordinates of these four points. If the ordi­nates of the inner pair of points are one half the value of those for the outer points and the outer points are near the margin of the lens the resultant value for B will be the most precise value obtainable from any ,j

family of four points. The marginal point should be far enough from the margin to permit an accurate evaluation of the corresponding order of interference.

The observed x, y, p-coordinates for the four points are (X2, Y2, P2), (X5, Ys, Ps), (X6, Y6, P6), and (X4, Y4, P4), where

X2 = Xs = X6 = X4 = 0 }

Y2 =2ys=- 2Y6=-Y4 = r

We may substitute the coordinates for each of these four points into eq (1) and obtain four equations, from which we may obtain the following formula for B:

If we compute values for B that correspond to dif­ferent values of r (i.e., for different apertures of the lens) we obtain the results shown in figure 6. The

4.3 ,----,----,-----,-----,--,----,-----,---,---,


4 .1



0.2 :r: I

f-<.0 Z

~ 3.7 w w

--' w 0.0 d :ii ,. 3.5

a:i B



2.9 L...-...!4---=---.L6--...!7:----aL------'-9--..J10--.....L--1


Figure 6. Values of the coefficients of coma , B (on the left ) and spherical aberration, A (on the right) versus the semiaperture, r , of the lens.

The vertical arrows represent computed probable e rrors. The ho rizontal , dashed lines represent va lues obtained from figure 2 and g ive n in footnote 2.

> ~ <1,'


Page 5: Precision method for evaluating primary aberrations of ...Precision Method for Evaluating Primary Aberrations of Lenses With a Twyman Interferometer James B. Saunders (May 21, 1965)

probable error, t::.B , of B (based on the same assump­tions used for obtaining t::. C, above) is indicated by the vertical arrows attached to the corresponding points. The value of B, computed from figure 2, (indicated as B K in fig. 5), is constant for all families of reference points. This value for BK is the same as that given by Kingslake for the same lens.

6. Spherical Aberration

Spherical aberration cannot be evaluated from a fami ly of reference points that are equally distant from the origin, as is the case for astigmatism ; nor can it be evaluated from a family of four points on the

" y-axis, as is the case for coma. However, if we choose a family of four points on the x-axis, made up of two pairs such that the two points of each pair are equally distant from some convenient point, Xo (see fig. 3) but in opposite directions from Xo, then we can obtam an equation for A as a function of the coordinates of these four points alone. Also, if the di stance from Xo to each of the inner pair of points (X7 and xs) are one-half the value of those for the outer points (XI and X9), and the outermost point, XI, is near the mar­gin of the le ns, the resultant value for A will be the most precise value obtainable from any suc h family of points.

The x, y, p-coordinates of the four points are (X I, YI, PI), (X7, Y7, P7), (xs, Ys, ps), and (X9, Y9, P9) , where

XI = (8/5)X7 = 4xo =- 8xs = - 2X9 = r'j. YI = Y7= yo= YS=Y9= 0

This family of points has the same relationship to Xo as the family of points in eq (5) has to the origin (optic axis).

On successively substituting the coordinates of these four points into eq (1) we obtain four equations from which we may obtain the following formula for A:

81Ar" = 128[PI - P9 + 2(Ps - P7)].

Values for A, computed for different values of r (i.e., for different apertures) are shown in figure 6, together with the corresponding probable errors , t::.A. The value for A, co mputed from figure 2 (indicated as AK in fig. 6), is constant for all values of r. The value AK is that given by Kingslake for the same lens.

7. Conclusions

The method for obtaining the coe ffi cie nts of primary, monoc hromati c aberrations, desc ribed here, requires a ver y s mall amount of calculations. A 10-in. slide rule is adequate for most work.

The coe ffici ents of all three of the aberrations are found to vary with the aperture of the lens. This in­di cated that the method is sufficiently precise to eval­uate eve n higher orders of aberrations provided the necessa ry formula fo r optical path diffe re nce is available.

(Paper 69C4- 205)