Pre production techniques pro-forma

Pre-Production Techniques LO1 Name

Transcript of Pre production techniques pro-forma

Page 1: Pre production techniques pro-forma

Pre-Production TechniquesLO1


Page 2: Pre production techniques pro-forma


Give a definition for each of the terms listedSelf Financed

Being self financed is where the producer and there product makes all of the money needed to complete their own project, without needing to borrow or issue shares of their business out. One of the advantages of this is that the share holders have no control over shares, therefore their opinions and possible ideas will matter and will not have be taken into consideration.

Employer/Client FinancedEmployer/client financed is where the client of the project or task provides all of the expenses and money. This is where the client of the project or task provides all of the expenses and money that will be a needed for the hired company to prolong and carry on with the project. A good example of this is, if the photographer needed particular lenses or a studio to take photographs, the client would pay for this to make sure that the project is running smoothly.

Kick-starterKick-starter is a funding platform for media companies to request money from the public to make a specific product and be able to do their project. It works by the client having a detailed page with all the information, prototypes etc about their product/project to tell viewers about it. Once enough people are willing to support the project by pledging money, development of those projects can be carried out.

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Which source of funding will be most likely for your production and why?

The funding I would be most likely to use would be a kick-starter fund. I have decided that this would be the best funding for my project because I will be making the recipe cards for public use, and basing my target audience on vegetarians. Vegetarians would be the people that are most likely to support what I am doing in my project, as finding good tasting, healthy food is sometimes hard to come across, and being able to have a variety of different foods is good. The advantages of having this funding scheme will be that all of the money for the project will be funded using this technique, and all of the money made from my recipe cards be a full 100% profit, as I wouldn’t have spent any of my own money on the project. The disadvantages are that I may not get as many people as I expected to support my project, and there is a possibility that I may not make enough money to fund my project, therefore I would have to temporarily postpone my project or maybe end up not being able to do it at all. Doing this can be risky, but I need to be professional about putting my project across, and making it appealing for the public and my target audience.

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List the aspects of your production that will require finance

Most of the aspects in production will all require money.

– Personnel (crew/experts/focus groups); all of these people will need to be on a wage or have some sort of contract that you will have to stick by. The wages will vary between different personnel, depending on what jobs they will be doing for you, but no one will do a large amount of work for free, especially if they’re a professional

– Stock Images/Capturing images; a photographer will be needed to take photographs for your product, and they will need to be paid. You could take the photographs yourself, but they may not look as good as they could, and you will be needed to do other things in your project, you would have to be extremely organised.

– Location/Studio hire

– Equipment hire

– Printing

– Food ingredients

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What methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why

would this be beneficial to your project?There are a few methods that you can use to ensure that you meet set deadlines, such as, planning your work a week in advance, getting your things ready at the end of the day for the next day, and sorting things out in the morning so they are ready for when you leave to do your jobs. Doing simple methods like these allows you to understand where you are throughout your work load and what certain jobs you will have for that day or week, getting the equipment that is needed ready so it’s easier for you to go through with your plans. This will create efficiency and therefore means that you be less likely to miss any set deadlines.

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What is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project?

Contingency time is time within a schedule that is used in case you have run out of time to complete your original task, it gives you enough time to get any uncompleted finished. A contingency plan is usually used for ensuring you have enough time to get in case it just so happens that you don’t get your work finished in the time set on your schedule, this usually occurs when you haven’t given yourself enough time to do your work. You can use your contingency time at any point throughout a project, but it is preferred that contingency time is saved until the end of a project in case and emergency arises. Contingency time is very beneficial as without it, if anything was to go wrong then there would no way resurrecting it. The schedules that I have made may not be completely accurate as I am not sure how long the project will take exactly, but it is important that I give myself extra time to complete any unfinished it work.

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What size team will you use for your production (large or small)? How many people

will you have in your team? Why?

For my project I will be the only person producing the work for my project. This is because I will not need any external help, such as photographers, accountants or models etc. I will be able to all of these things myself, using different resources that are provided by college or equipment that I already have at home e.g. camera, and I have already got an continuously expanding knowledge in the print industry.

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What job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience

would be required?

During production, I will not need a photographer, as I am planning to take the photographs myself, or collecting high quality, professional images from the internet. I am swaying more towards collecting images off the internet, as doing this will save me time, and money on cooking and buying the food. I would like to use a copy writer to make sure that all the correct text is used in my recipe cards, as I will need a good description of what the food what will appeal to my target audience. A graphic designer will ensure that the cards are designed appropriately and professionally. They will also make sure that the cards look attractive and have a good knowledge in using Photoshop to provide a professional quality recipe card.

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How could you find people to be in your production team?

Since I have decided that I will only be using myself as a ‘one man’ production team, I will not need to search for any other people to work with me. Although, if I ever require any further help I could ask friends or even family to help me along with my production. I could also use a local publication to advertise the job , this will include newspapers and websites. You could use a job website or even produce your own posters and put them up.

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List the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source

Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for production

College Self Client

Camera yes yes

Printer yes yes

Access to computers yes yes

Location (studio or kitchen etc) yes yes

Photoshop yes

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Contributor Type of ContributorTeam member Creator of the whole product

Client Provided the brief

Tutor Assistant

Photographer of Sourced Images Internet

Designer Who designs the cards

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What method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production

(production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful?

To indentify locations for our production, to decide suitably a recce can be produced. These allow you to make a decision whether a location should be used for your project or not depending on what you are doing. These are useful to find out lots of specific information such as; how long it takes to travel; permission of use; if it looks appropriate for what you need; if it is safe to use and if it costs money to get or use. These are all really important aspects to know. When you decide on choosing your location, considerations on risk and limitations will need to be taken into account. These can include aspects that could be unsafe or that limit you in your production. Sometimes these can even stop you from completing what you need to do for the project.

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Are there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations?

Location Limitation/RiskTown Getting hit by a car, be careful when talking to strangers about the

foodSupermarket Slippery floor, tripping hazards, secure shelving. Restaurants Food poisoning.

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Codes of Practice - Clearances

What is a model/location release form and why is it important to your production?

A model/location release form is a legal document to clarify that the subject of the photograph is protected if any kind of incident was to occur during a shoot. The signature from the model or subject it giving you permission for the photographer to publish the photographs in any kind of form. Very rarely the photographer is the person that publishes the photograph, but they can license the photograph(s) for someone else to publish. This is important in my production because if I do not have any of these legal forms signed by the model it can cause civil liability for whoever may publish the photograph(s).

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Codes of Practice - Legal

What legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they

relate to?

Aspect of Production Legal Consideration

Location/model release forms Full rights to the photograph in the location and with

the chosen model

Copyright Making sure permission is granted to use other

businesses characters, images, logos etc. Make

sure all work is original.

Health and safety Conduct necessary health and safety checks within

the project. Include risk assessments regarding

each location that is used.

The ASA Ensure that our advert is not harmful to the

audience and we will not lie to sell our product.

Follow the code practice.

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Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your

production?I will need to follow the guidelines/rules of the ASA (advertising standards authority) which includes many different rulings. The most obvious ones would include rulings that make sure that adverts are not harmful in anyway to their audiences, or feed false information about the product to try and promote it. Any advert must be truthful and must not have any additional information in it that hasn’t been stated.

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Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Where can you source information from regarding these guidelines?To source the information we can use the internet to find out the ASA’s guidelines. Their official website is ‘’ this includes all the information about the ASA and all the different rulings that are included.