Pre production techniques pro-forma

Pre-Production Techniques LO1 Robyn & Richard

Transcript of Pre production techniques pro-forma

Page 1: Pre production techniques pro-forma

Pre-Production TechniquesLO1

Robyn & Richard

Page 2: Pre production techniques pro-forma

Finance Self Financed Self financed means that the company or firm responsible for generating the project uses its

own income to support the proposed idea. An example of this would be a wedding photographer as they would have to use their own equipment & pay to get themselves there.

Employer/Client FinancedThis means the money for the project is supplied by the client, this could be before the project

begins or at/towards the end. An example of this would be an author working for a publishing house like Penguin.

KickstarterKickstarter is a website based solemnly on public funds for ideas. One example of a project which

has been successfully funded by Kickstarter is the Pebble watch, a watch synced to your phone so you can keep track of your runs, get up-to-date notifications on your team or other day to day happenings. An American idea by Eric Migicovsky which was backed by 68,929 people who all together, funded a total of $10,266,845 which helped Eric produce his idea. This is a useful idea if neither the client or the company has the sufficient funds to generate the project and they feel as if the project or idea they have will be useful to the public in everyday life.

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FinanceWhich source of funding will be most likely for your production and why? The source of funding we will be most likely to use is the client financed one. We will be more likely

to use this as this is the more reliable way to do it. We will ask for a sum of money from the client to help put us on the way to create their idea and then, if the client is satisfied with what we have produced, we will ask for the rest of the money after the project has finished. This will all be done through a contractual agreement.

Advantages An advantage of this is that we will get funds at the beginning and the end of the project so if we do

the job correctly and the client is satisfied, we should earn enough money to make a comfortable profit. Another advantage to this would be that we get some of the money beforehand, which allows us to work on it & also have funds to pay people.

DisadvantagesA disadvantage of this could be that we will not get all the money at the end of the project if the

clients are not satisfied meaning that we will be out of profit. We may also have to give the money back that was given to us at the beginning. Also, if we do I bad job/unsatisfactory job, we will have a bad reputation and may not get another job.

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FinanceExplain the aspects of your production that could require finance.During our project, lots of things will need financing, such as the personnel involved, for

example the crew and the experts needed. As we are doing recipe cards, it could be a possibility that we need to photograph the food we are focusing on so we may need to hire someone with experience of photographing food and to position it an attractive manner. Another thing that could require funding could be the hiring of a location or studio. Different audiences e.g. a audience with a high socioeconomic rank (ABC1) would require a difference setting/location than one with a lower socioeconomic rank (C2DE). If we choose not to take photographs but find the images we need of the internet, it is a high possibility that these would be stock images – meaning we would also have to pay a contribution towards the owner of the pictures planning to use. The client also wants 3000 of each recipe card printed off so this would also need to be funded and due to the mass of things wanting to be printed, it would be quite expensive (although the client would most likely pay for the printing of the product. As we are only a pair working on the project for the client, the prices will be lower than if we were to hire more people to do the jobs we are capable of.

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TimeWhat methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why would this be beneficial to your project? Using examples from your own experiences can help you add detail here. I could set myself really strict deadlines that I must complete, I will give myself enough

time plus a little bit more in case something goes wrong (contingency time) for each piece of work otherwise I will be massively held back. I have learnt from other projects that keeping track of time and deadlines is key to my project. If time is took for granted, the product could lack the standard it could have if the correct timings were took.

The methods I will use to ensure I stick to my deadlines include using a schedule which will allow me to see visually how much time I have to do a certain task. Keeping in contact with my partner will also help me to know how much time I have left and if anything has gone wrong (communication).

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TimeWhat is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project?Considering some general risks to your project could help you give a more detailedresponse. A contingency plan is a plan devised on the off chance that an unexpected problem

occurs which could then change the outcome of the project. An example of this is if all the work on a memory stick is lost, how would you help reduce the impact. This could be by, backing the work up onto another memory stick or another memory stick. Another example of this is if we choose to cook the recipe we are focusing on and plan to photograph but the food goes wrong and we didn’t plan for that to happen, this could be solved by making sure we planned enough time to re-do the dish in case of a disaster. If we were not to have contingency time (or give ourselves contingency time) & something went wrong, we would not be able to meet our deadline & we would then not be paid by our client.

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PersonnelWhat size team will you use for your production (large or small)? How many people will you have in your team? Consider the reasons for this. Think about theadvantages and disadvantages of your team size.Overall, I think our production team will be a medium size as we will need a few

people for the several job roles we have, such as the photographer, the copy writer and the graphic designer. I think having a medium size team will be better than having a bigger team as it will cost less money and it will a lot easier to organise and to communicate with a smaller group of personnel. A disadvantage of this is that we may be more rushed for time, as fewer people will have to do more job roles in less time which may not work as well as it would with a bigger group.

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PersonnelWhat job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience would be required? Think back to your early work on jobs roles and departmentsand also the skills you know you need to use to produce work. Drawing on your ownexperience as well as your industry knowledge will help you here. We will have three main job roles in our production, these will be the photographer,

copy writer and the graphic designer. To get these job roles, the persons wanting them will have to have experience dealing with a similar situation and should be able to time-keep well and should be able to work to a high standard under pressure.

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PersonnelHow could you find people to be in your production team? Think back to your owncareer development plans to help you with this.To find people to be a part of production team, I could you sites such as a job site

specific to media jobs such as or These sites would allow me to find people to do specific jobs to produce the recipe cards.

I could also find people to be in my production staff by using my own connections e.g. people I have worked with beforehand & my own family and friends. Making these images, I will be working with a peer of mine in the same course as myself.

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FacilitiesList the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source

Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for production

College Self Client



Mac Computer




Kitchen & cooking equipment

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Contributor Type of Contributor

Team member Expert

Client Expert

Tutor Expert

Photographer of Sourced Images Expert

Model Talent

Public Public

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LocationsWhat method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production (production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful?

One way I could use to find locations for the production & post production facilities is to use a recce (location scout). You would tell them what you are looking for & they would have to research & find the location. There are complications when trying to find a location:

• Travel: with some locations, you would have to travel. This can be a problem if there are many people working on site. It would be better if the location was closer than farther away. This would cost more money.

• Permission: you would have to get permission to use the location in some cases, especially if the photographs are going to be used for commercial purposes (like the recipe cards are).

Locations for post-production would be the facilities that will be needed to edit the final recipe cards. This would usually consist of using a Mac computer to edit. Finding a facility to do this (if you have not got one of your own could be costly depending on how many people will be editing.

During the production locations can vary. For this project, the production would take place in a studio (if I was to take the photographs for the recipe cards. If I was not to take the photographs, I would expect to be using a room where a Mac computer is readily available.

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LocationsAre there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations?

Location Limitation/RiskStudio I would have to book out the studio to take the photographs. This is a limitation as a may not be able to book the

studio when needed. There are also risks that can occur when using a studio like the heavy lights falling & burns that can occur from touching them.

Computer room I would not always have access to the computer room that I will need to use to produce my work. There are risks that can also occur when using a computer room like wires on the floor & the use of the computers (health &

safety act).Kitchen

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Codes of Practice - ClearancesWhat is a model/location release form and why is it important to

your production?A model release is a form the employer must get signed by the

model. The form will usually feature things that need to be cleared e.g. how the photographs will be used. The model has to sign this to legally confirm they know what is happening on the shoot.

A location release form has to be signed by the appropriate people that own the building. It will reference what the project will feature & what they will use within the location.

A release form is so important due to legal reasons. If you do not get the right signatures you could be sued my the people that own the location or the model featured in the photographs/media product. There are two examples of the release forms to the right. An example of a model release form not stating how the images would be used is Louisa Raske. She sued a total of 25 agencies (along with other models) due to the fact they resold photographs of her (and others) to ad agencies and major cosmetics companies without passing along the profits form the reselling. This would not of happened if the company had stated in the model release form that they would resell & reuse the images.

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Codes of Practice - LegalWhat legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they relate to?

Aspect of Production Legal ConsiderationImages If it use stock photographs, I will have to pay for the use of the

photographs as they are owned by the photographer who took them. If I used them without their permission, I would be breaking the copyright

law. Images If I was to take my own images, I would have to make sure I had the

legal forms (model & location) signed. Some companies e.g. McDonalds have strict guidelines about taking photographs in/outside their store. I

would have to get full permission before taking photographs their. Post-production During post-production, I have to make sure my colleagues & myself

are following the health & safety at work legislation put in place by the government in 1974. This will allow the production to be as safe as possible. Particularly when using electrical equipment during post-

production. Recipe cards When making the recipe cards, we will have to gain permission from the

person that has created the recipe, otherwise we would could be breaking a copyright law.

The final product My recipe cards, once finished, must comply with what the company wants (what was said in the contract) from us. If not, we have broken

the contract.

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Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your production? Where could you source that information from. Be specific.

When producing the recipes for the eight recipe cards we will create we will have to make sure we are complying with some regulatory bodies such as the food safety act of 1990. It has to comply with such rules because the recipes include the use of foods. The safety act includes things such as if the recipes are aimed at kids & also the food must not falsely described or presented (in the images). An example of this would be when a restaurant use photographs of food that did not look like the actual product that you would get.

The ASA (advertising standards agency) also has legislation that I would have to follow when producing the recipe cards. This is due to the fact that the recipe cards are vegetarian recipes, in a way, they are promoting being a vegetarian.