Prayer Diary: February 2016 - May 2016

Prayer Diary February - May 2016


CrossReach Prayer Diary: Feb '16 - May 2016 Join us in praying for those we support, those that support us and our staff.

Transcript of Prayer Diary: February 2016 - May 2016

Page 1: Prayer Diary: February 2016 - May 2016

Prayer Diary February - May 2016

Page 2: Prayer Diary: February 2016 - May 2016

Week beginning Sunday 7th February Week beginning Sunday 14th February

PERTH PRISON VISITORS’ SUPPORT AND ADVICE CENTREStaff and volunteers at the Centre are on hand Monday to Saturday before, during or after a prison visit, to offer support in a neutral setting.

l Pray for all those who come into the Centre, many of whom have had long or difficult journeys, that they may experience a sense of peace and calm.

l Pray for all the Centre staff and volunteers, that they may have wisdom to deal sensitively with all the various needs of the service users.

l Pray for all prisoners, that they can maintain a positive relationship with their families, wherever possible, and remember those who have no visitors.

l Remember the Chaplaincy Centre in the prison who provide a service to those of all faiths - and those who have no faith - and are on duty every day to provide support when needed.

l Give thanks for all the many churches who give such valuable support to the Centre in so many different and thoughtful ways.

l Pray for all the children who use the Centre that they may benefit from their time here and for our children’s worker as she prepares all the activities for them to engage in.

l Give thanks for all the different support agencies who come to the Centre to be available to give advice, and remember all those who work in the prison, day and night.

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Week beginning Sunday 7th February Week beginning Sunday 14th February

BUDHMOR HOUSE, ISLE OF SKYEA residential care home for 29 older people in Portree.

l Pray that staff are kept safe whilst travelling to and from work, especially during the winter months.

l Pray for the home’s managers, especially Judith in her new role and for Ann our deputy manager.

l Pray for those who have the desire to help others in need, both in spiritual and health issues, that they may consider working for CrossReach.

l Pray for staff who are ill at this time that they will be granted good health.

l Pray that God will provide the means for us to start of the new build, and thank God for his provision so far.

l Pray for the families and loved ones of our residents that they would be free from worry.

l Pray for peace throughout the world and pray that all in poverty will be given all that is necessary for hunger and shelter.

l Pray that God would bless and protect Budhmor; let his love, joy and peace fill this house and fulfil his plans and purposes for Budhmor. (Paul and Mel, staff at Budhmor House)

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Week beginning Sunday 21st February Week beginning Sunday 28th February

THE MALLARD AND THE GARRATT, GLASGOWProvide short breaks and residential care for children and young people with disabilities.

l Pray for staff as they provide personal care and support to young people with complex needs, that the children are aware of God’s love in action through the work of the staff.

l The new community based service to children and young people with disabilities in Glasgow, GO2, will provide support to children to take part in community activities. Pray for the staff as they set up this service and make contact with new families.

l The Garratt continues to work with children and young people with complex needs and challenging behaviours. Remember in your prayers the families of these children, that they may be surrounded by God’s love.

l Give thanks to God for the facilities we have at the Mallard that make it such a special place for the children and young people - for the sensory room and the spa that allow the children a calm place to be, and for the beautiful garden space in the middle of the city where we can see the beauty of God’s creation as the seasons change.

l The Mallard is going through a time of change because of different ways of funding and supporting children and young people with disabilities. Pray for those who are involved in the decisions that will shape the future of the project – that the opportunity will be used to develop imaginative ways of working that will allow the project to continue to support families in and around Glasgow.

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Week beginning Sunday 21st February Week beginning Sunday 28th February

RANKEILLOR INITIATIVE, EDINBURGH Provides supported accommodation for men in recovery from drug or alcohol misuse in shared flats in central Edinburgh.

l Give thanks to God for the work of Rankeillor Initiative in serving people in our supported accommodation and in their own homes. Pray for this work to continue into the future.

l Pray for the physical and emotional health of staff working with clients with complex needs and that staff will let God be their strength, wisdom and motivation. Pray that they will honour him with all their actions and words.

l Pray that staff will have continuing good relationships and communication with partner organisations such as the City of Edinburgh Council, local organisations and the consortium in which we work.

l Give thanks for our staff team including new staff members having recently joined. Pray that we will continue to build a supportive and encouraging team.

l Pray for clients as they face challenging circumstances in uncertain times and that they will see Jesus in the actions of staff. Pray that staff will bear witness to a hope that transcends all circumstances.

l Pray that each client feels safe and at peace in their accommodation and homes and within their local communities.

l Pray that clients and residents will find fresh opportunities to build resilience in their lives.

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Week beginning Sunday 6th March Week beginning Sunday 13th March

CAMERON HOUSE, INVERNESS A residential home for 28 older people who are living with dementia.

l Give thanks for the professionalism and care of the staff at Cameron House. Pray that we will all be able to see our work as a ministry and that we will have the energy and enthusiasm to serve Christ well in serving our residents.

l Pray for the ongoing recruitment drive that the correct candidates will be attracted to the vacant positions and that they will strengthen the existing team.

l Give thanks for our second and newly formed Relatives’ Support Group. Pray that this will be a real forum for pastoral care and support to the families of those who are in our care.

l Praise God for our Friends’ Group who are not simply a fundraising body but a source of great practical help and support to us at Cameron House.

l Give thanks for the ongoing opportunities that exist for community co-operation. We currently have excellent relationships with the local schools, Brownie Guide Groups and Guilds, all helping to ensure a varied and stimulating life in the house.

l Pray for the installation of our new sprinkler system. This work is to be undertaken shortly and has the potential for some disruption. Pray that we will be able to assure our residents about any concerns this may cause.

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Week beginning Sunday 6th March Week beginning Sunday 13th March

CROSSREACH COUNSELLING: LOTHIANSA generic counselling service offering counselling, play, art, couple and family therapy in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

l As spring approaches, give thanks with us for all that God enabled us to do in the past 12 months. Pray too for 2016, that God’s hand will be upon all that we do - to guide, protect, prompt and enable us to serve those who come through our doors.

l Give thanks for the opportunities that God has given us to work in some of our local schools, with a fourth high school added this year. Pray that this side of our work continues to flourish and grow, touching young lives, healing and restoring so that they can enjoy their childhood, adolescence and harness hope for their future.

l Pray for wisdom as we seek to discern God’s leading as to future premises for the service in East Lothian. We ask that God will provide the right location at the right time.

l Give thanks for the wonderful opportunity that we have had to offer extended family therapy clinics in both our service in Dunbar and in one of our local high schools. As this pilot comes to an end in April, pray for God’s provision to enable us to continue to offer this much needed service.

l Pray for the newest branch of our service, Confidential Conversations, our Employment Assistance Programme, reaching out to local business and other charities to offer our support and expertise.

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Week beginning Sunday 20th March Week beginning Easter Sunday 27th March

CLASHFARQUHAR HOUSE, STONEHAVENA care home providing self-contained flats for 20 older people, plus respite care, day care and a lunch club.

l Give thanks for the families and community groups who have gifted money for the creation of our new dementia friendly garden.

l Pray for our service users, staff and volunteers that they may look forward to springtime and all the facilities at Clashfarquhar.

l Give thanks for Lynn and Lindsay our ‘Oomph’ instructors who provide us with a unique exercise session which provides good healthy fun for everyone.

l Pray for our friends’ group for their commitment to improving and maintaining the service users’ quality of life. Welcome to Gwen a new friend, well known to everyone at Clashfarquhar.

l Give thanks for the support of our handyman, joiner, electrician, gardener and plumber and other tradespeople who assist with the maintenance of the building.

l Give thanks for new staff at Clashfarquhar and ask that God would guide us to find new care workers to join our team.

l Give thanks for the friendship of staff who support each other at difficult times in their lives.

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Week beginning Sunday 20th March Week beginning Easter Sunday 27th March

LEWIS STREET PROJECT, STORNOWAYThe project consists of five flats which provide supported accommodation to adults with a mild learning difficulty or a mental health issue.

l Pray for our service users that they would be kept safe.

l Pray that our service users would gain confidence and see their own self-worth and that this would, in turn, lead to them having the confidence to live independently in their own accommodation.

l Pray for the staff of the Lewis Street Project as they carry out their duties in a way that would encourage service users to thrive.

l Pray that our service users would be strengthened so that they would feel able to ask for the support they need to enable them to fulfil their potential within the community.

l Pray that our staff would know the right things to say and do as we support service users with their specific problems.

l Give thanks that you are a merciful God - the one we can come to in prayer at any time; through prayer you can ease our hearts and minds when we are troubled and confused.

l Pray that God would continue to bless us in the work we do. We all have times in our lives when God is the only one who can provide peace and strength to face the future.

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Week beginning Sunday 3rd April Week beginning Sunday 10th April

KIRKHAVEN PROJECT, GLASGOW A residential service for homeless people.

l Only the Lord Jesus can change lives so we remember the many in Kirkhaven who have chaotic lives and ask that they would seek his face.

l Pray for the staff at Kirkhaven who often work in extremely challenging circumstances.

l Remember management who carry a heavy load with a difficult client group.

l Pray for the members of staff who have been going through very difficult times that they would know that when they pass through the waters that God will be with them.

l Pray for staff members as they carry out their day to day work that they know that God will keep them in perfect peace when their minds are stayed on him.

l Pray about financial concerns that all finances would be met to enable this much needed service to exist and function well.

l Pray for service users who move on from full time residential care that loneliness and isolation would not lead to a fall back into their old way of life.

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Week beginning Sunday 3rd April Week beginning Sunday 10th April

CUMNOR HALL, AYRA specialist dementia care home caring for 29 long-term residents as well as 2 respite beds.

l Pray especially for staff who are on long-term sick leave and also remember residents who are ill at this time.

l Give thanks to God for the continued support of both our local Friends’ Group and Relatives’ Group.

l Give thanks to God for our volunteers and students who support us in many ways.

l Give thanks for other professional workers such as local doctors, district nurses, Community Psychiatric Nurses and social workers.

l Pray that we all would work together for the wellbeing of service users.

l Give thanks for the opportunity to access local community resources such as Church Lunch Club, Ayrshire hospice, Musical Memories, Dementia Art Club and Dobbies Garden Centre.

l Remember the work of the Care Inspectorate, Local Council and Social Work Department who aim to meet the needs of the community with ever increasing financial constraints.

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Week beginning Sunday 17th April Week beginning Sunday 24th April


l God, we thank you for the gifts you have given us, the abundance of your Creation, and the beauty that surrounds us.

l Give thanks for all the wonderful people who support CrossReach - those who volunteer generously of their time and talents and those who support CrossReach with their gifts.

l Pray that the Supporter Relations Team remains eager to inspire our volunteers and donors to give joyfully of their skills and money.

l “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.” (1 Chronicles 29:14)

l Pray for discernment from grant-giving bodies as we approach them for funds to support our work, especially with children and families.

l As the Trading Team continue preparations for Christmas Trading this year, pray that they make wise choices in the selection of images and greetings.

l Pray for those planning fundraising activities this year on behalf of CrossReach that they will have fun, be safe and experience the satisfaction of raising significant sums.

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Week beginning Sunday 17th April Week beginning Sunday 24th April

EASTWOODHILL, GLASGOWA residential home for older people.

l Pray for the friends and volunteers who dedicate so much time and support to services, helping to fundraise to enable us to continue to deliver quality care and support to the vulnerable people that cross our threshold. Ask that God be with them and help them to know that we are grateful for their dedication and commitment to the residents.

l Give thanks for this new day and the love that God bestows upon us. Remember our sisters and brothers experiencing war and uncertainty in the world and pray that he would keep them safe.

l Pray for CrossReach’s 2,000 staff and give thanks for their dedication and commitment to the organisation and individual services in which they serve.

l Ask that God would guide and watch over us as we work together as a team with the aim of enabling our residents to reach their full potential, whilst making a positive difference to each and every one of them. Give thanks that we are continually building relationships with relatives and community agencies, working together to provide the best possible care to every individual.

l Heavenly Father, please remain forever with us as we see friends come and go. Help us to accept and to know that they are safe in your loving care. (Eastwoodhill resident)

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Week beginning Sunday 1st May Week beginning Sunday 8th May

DICK STEWART PROJECT, GLASGOWThe service provides residential supported accommodation in single rooms with shared facilities for up to 7 male and female former offenders.

l Pray for the men who are rebuilding their lives at the Dick Stewart Project, working with staff to find positive activities to engage in. l Pray for those who move on to their own home, to maintain the positive changes they have made while at Dick Stewart. l Give thanks for the transforming of the garden at Dick Stewart last year and pray that this will be developed further in 2016. l Pray that the staff and manager at Dick Stewart would provide helpful support and encouragement to the people using the service. l Ask that the service to continue to be a safe place of change, free from alcohol and drugs. l Pray for good relationships with neighbours and other partners as we work together to support the men who use our service. l In all our dealings with those who use our services, pray that they may sense God’s love as the motivation for our actions.

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Week beginning Sunday 1st May Week beginning Sunday 8th May

GLASGOW SUPPORTED LIVING SERVICESProvides 24 hour supported accommodation for older people at Tollcross Mansionhouse in the East End and Beil Drive in Yoker.

l Pray for our service users that God would give them safety whenever they are travelling.

l Pray that God will provide accommodation for homeless people in our society.

l Pray that our worship may have the integrity of life behind it which God requires.

l Give thanks for the ways in which God has been good to the organisation as a whole since the beginning of the year and our service users in particular.

l Pray for those who acknowledge there is a God but do not know his love in Christ personally.

l Give thanks that staff can respond to individual needs where, privacy, dignity, respect, choices and rights are secure.

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Week beginning Sunday 15th May Week beginning Sunday 22nd May

THE BUNGALOW, STONEHAVENThe Bungalow, Stonehaven is home to five adults with complex health needs and profound and multiple learning disabilities. The service users are Abigail, Ashleigh, Helen, Edward and Scott.

l Pray for Kathleen as she leads her team and for wisdom as they deal with the needs of the service users on a daily basis. Ask God to continue to guide and bless them and also give thanks for a growing confident team.

l Pray that the service users continue in good health and are happy in their home.

l Pray for the service users and their families that God will meet their needs and we pray for God’s guidance as we seek to expand his work. We ask for patience, strength and grace for all carers throughout the community and within the CrossReach fold.

l Give thanks for the many volunteers who help at CrossReach support services. We pray that churches will continue to connect with families affected by learning disabilities and support them to be fully involved with church life.

l Pray for staff vacancies to be filled with people hungry to serve God.

l Pray that we will develop rich spiritual lives, living lives of balance, meaning and purpose.

l Jesus is risen! Help us to live today as if we really believe this with every part of our lives.

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Week beginning Sunday 15th May Week beginning Sunday 22nd May

SOCIAL CARE COUNCIL (CROSSREACH)The Social Care Council consists of 31 members who oversee the work of CrossReach and prepare a report for the General Assembly each year in May.

l Give thanks for the convener of the Social Care Council (CrossReach) Dr. Sally Bonnar.

l Pray for all those that are involved in the preparations for this week’s General Assembly who work so hard to allow this important event in the life of the Church of Scotland to happen.

l Ask for God’s blessing to be on the commissioners at the General Assembly as they gather to work through the items on the agenda that they have before them.

l Pray for the thousands of people from across Scotland who will attend the ‘Heart and Soul’ event held in Princes Street Gardens on Sunday afternoon of the General Assembly. May it be a time of great blessing and worship as it showcases the life and work of the Church of Scotland.

l Remember the 31 members of our Social Care Council as they seek to guide the work of CrossReach in Christ’s name.

l We pray for wisdom for the new Moderator of the General Assembly Rt. Rev. Russell Barr as he chairs the debates this week.

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Week beginning Sunday 29th May

MORLICH HOUSE, EDINBURGHMorlich House in Morningside is a care home for 23 older ladies. Our service users have a variety of support needs.

l As we head towards sunnier days, pray that God will bless all of the outings we will have - to shine upon the joy and laughter these times can bring.

l Give thanks for the staff team, for the work they do, for the extra mile they go, often in very difficult circumstances. We thank God for the strength he gives them.

l Remember the families of our service users, because we know that it can be difficult when loved ones become frailer both physically and mentally. Pray that God would be a comfort to them, helping them to accept difficult situations.

l Pray for safety for the staff as we head towards holiday times. Pray that they would have refreshing restful times, and return feeling refreshed and renewed.

l It is a blessing to care for vulnerable people, and as we remember this, we ask that God would give peace and comfort to those who are feeling low, who are struggling with ageing bodies. Guide us at all times to meet the individual needs that each resident has.

l Pray for people in our community as they start to look for a care home and ask for guidance for those who face difficult choices in this period of their life.

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CrossReach (Church of Scotland Social Care) was launched in June 2005 and continues the Kirk’s long tradition of providing care and support. In fact, this work started back in 1869, so we have been offering care and support for nearly 150 years.

We employ 2,000 staff in more than 70 services stretching from Shetland to Ayrshire, making us one of the largest social care agencies in Scotland. Our care and support services help thousands of people in need every day of the year. Our work is split into 8 service areas:

l Children and Family l Counselling and Support l Criminal Justice l Homeless People l Learning Disabilities l Mental Healthl Older People l Substance MisuseThe Church of Scotland Social Care Council (operating as CrossReach) reports every year to the General Assembly and has the following remit:

l To offer services in Christ’s name to people in need as part of the Church’s mission.l To provide specialist resources to further the caring work of the Church. l To identify existing and emerging areas of need, to guide the Church in pioneering new approaches to relevant problems and to make responses on issues arising within the areas of the Council’s concern through appropriate channels such as the Church & Society Council, the Scottish Executive and others. Thank you for taking time to pray for our work.

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