Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson...

Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020

Transcript of Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson...

Page 1: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period

Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020

Page 2: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period
Page 3: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period

Lent and Fasting

Lent is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a

period of time for reflection, repentance, and preparation. Lent is also an

ideal time for prayer and fasting. It is a season of spiritual preparation in

which we remember Christ’s temptation, suffering, and death. Historically,

the church has celebrated Lent as a 40-day period beginning on Ash

Wednesday (which begins February 26th) and concluding the day before

Easter. It is observed in many Christian churches as a time to

commemorate the last week of Jesus’ life, his suffering (Passion), and his

death, through various observances and services of worship.

Many Christians use the 40 days of Lent as time to draw closer to the Lord

through prayer, fasting, repentance, and self-denial. In a culture of fast

food, instant gratification, and self-centeredness, one of the best ways to

get our eyes off of ourselves and back onto the Lord is through the

discipline of fasting. However, fasting has largely been disregarded and

forgotten in the comforts of the modern church and its people.

We want to change this this Lenten season.

So, What Is Fasting?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, fasting means to abstain from food;

especially to eat sparingly or not at all or abstain from certain foods in

observance of a religious duty or a token of grief. Fasting and religious

purposes cannot be separated because they are intricately intertwined. The

Bible gives us numerous references to individual and corporate fasts. There

were even certain days that were designated each year for fasting and

prayer. Fasting is a gift that God has given to the church in order to help us

persevere in prayer. Fasting draws us closer to God and gives power to our


Reasons for Fasting

People have been fasting since the ancient days of the Bible. The Bible

records numerous accounts where people, cities, and nations have turned to

God by fasting and praying: Hannah grieved over infertility “wept and did

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not eat” (1 Samuel 1:7); Anna, who was an elderly widow, saw Jesus in the

temple and “served God with fasting and prayer” (Luke 2:37). Saul

encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, “was three days without sight,

neither ate or drank.” (Acts 9:9). Cornelius told Peter, “Four days ago I was

fasting until this hour…” (Acts 10:30). Most people fast for religious and

spiritual reasons, while others choose to fast for health reasons. There are

several specific reasons that the Bible tells us to fast.

1. To be Christ like. (Matthew 4:1-17; Luke 4:1-13).

2. To obtain spiritual purity. (Isaiah 58:5-7).

3. To repent from sins. (See Jonah 3:8; Nehemiah 1:4, 9:1-3; 1 Samuel


4. To influence God. (2 Samuel 12:16-23).

5. To mourn for the dead. (1 Samuel 31:13; 2 Samuel 1:12).

6. To request God’s help in times of crisis and calamity. (Ezra 8:21-

23; Nehemiah 1:4-11).

7. To strengthen prayer. (Matthew 17:21; Mark 9:17-29; Acts 10:30;

1 Corinthians 7:5).

Types of Fasting

In the same way that God appointed times and seasons to fast, He also

designated several types of fasts. Because of certain medical problems, and

physical needs, there are different types of fasting. Not everyone can go on

an extended 5-7 day fast; in a similar way, not everyone can totally abstain

from food and water. A person should exercise wisdom and consult their

physician if they have any medical concerns before they fast, otherwise it

could actually be harmful to your health. However, there are at least three

types of individual fasts: absolute fast, solid food fast, and partial fast.

1. Absolute Fast An absolute fast is conducted by abstaining from all food and water for a

certain period of time. This is also known as the “total fast” because an

individual chooses to abstain from all foods and beverages. There are

several Biblical examples for the total fast. Moses and Elijah both

abstained from food and water for forty days and forty nights.

(Deuteronomy 9:9, 10:10, 18:25-29; 1 Kings 19:8). Although the Bible

says they fasted for forty days, many people usually only totally abstain

from food and water for three days.

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2. Solid Food Fast A solid food fast is where an individual may drink juice and water, but

chooses not to eat solid food. Certain scholars and theologians think that

Jesus may have drank water while in the wilderness since the Bible doesn’t

say that he was thirsty after his forty day fast (see Matthew 4:2). Drinking

water while fasting for several days can actually be therapeutic for your

body. In any case, you should not fast for more than a week unless you

consult a doctor.

3. Partial Fast To fast simply means to “abstain” from something. A partial fast is where

you choose to abstain from certain foods and drinks instead of complete

abstinence of food or drink. The Bible tells us that Daniel abstained from

bread, water, and wine for twenty-one days (Daniel 10:3). Others may

choose to fast from television, computer, newspaper, and hobbies. This will

help you free up some time to spend in prayer and reflection.

What Jesus Said About Fasting

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught a lesson about how to fast and

how not to fast:

“Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad

countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to

men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.

But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so

that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your father who

is in the secret place; and your father who sees in secret will reward

you openly.” (Matthew 6:16-28)

We see that it is important not to brag or boast to others about fasting. The

Jews of Jesus’ day used fasting and giving to make everyone think that

they were more spiritual than others. But Jesus tells us that fasting should

be done in secret so that it can’t be used as a way of bringing glory to


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Practical Steps for Fasting

There are several practical steps that you should follow before you begin


1. You should decide which fast is better for you. As we said earlier,

due to health reasons not everyone can do a total fast, for example.

Also, sometimes work schedules and other duties may prevent an

individual from a certain type of fast. You may want to begin with a

partial fast and work your way to a total fast. Ultimately, you should

pray and ask God what His will would be for your fast.

2. Decide how long you want to fast. People in the Bible often chose to

fast for a certain period of time. To prepare their hearts for the

seasons, the early church would fast before Christmas and Easter.

3. You should consult a physician before you go on an extended fast. If you have any physical problems then you will certainly want to

follow this advice. Fasting can be healthy to the body when it is done

right, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t exercise wisdom.

4. Make sure that you take the time to pray. Although some people

fast for health reasons, it will not do you any spiritual good if don’t

allow yourself time to pray. It might be helpful to think of your

fasting time as an exploration in finding alternative sources of

sustenance (as you meditate on God’s word and pray with the aim of

listening for God’s voice).

5. Just do it! Many people never fast because they are afraid to do it or

because they have never done it before. Don’t let fear or inexperience

stop you from experiencing one of God’s greatest blessings. Probably

all of the great heroes of the faith spent many hours fasting and

praying unto the Lord.

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Using This Prayer & Fasting Guide

Through the use of this Prayer and Fasting Guide, we will be encouraging

everyone to pray daily and fast each Wednesday of Lent. Each week you

will be provided a guiding prayer for you to pray each day that relates to

that week’s series focus. You will also be provided with several suggested

prayer topics to help you pray. Again, these are just suggestions. You

might find God leading you to pray for only one or two things on the list

that week, or you might add something of your own. We just want you


Each Wednesday you will be provided with a scripture passage [or

passages] that are meant to be your “daily bread” as you fast that day. Take

these and read them slowly as you start your day – listening for, and

expecting to hear from, God. Ask Him to search your heart and reveal what

needs healing and/or addressing. At lunchtime read the passage[s] again a

few more times, making note of words or phrases that stand out. As those

surface, pray to God asking him to speak, guide, nudge, encourage, and/or

challenge you. Take time to write what you hear God saying and begin to

act on those leadings. Be sure to pay attention to the circumstances and

conversations you have throughout the day (especially those in the Body of

Christ), as God may choose to speak through them as well.

Regarding how you fast on Wednesdays, we leave it to you to determine

your strategy. You might choose to fast dinner-to-dinner (skipping

breakfast and lunch on Wednesday), or you could skip lunch on

Wednesday. Or you might choose another form altogether. The invitation is

to intentionally set aside time for prayer and scripture reading, reflection,

and listening when you’d normally be eating or preparing meals.

Additional Fasting Resource!

Join our very own Dr. Susie Rivard on Sunday evenings at 7:30 pm

(February 23 and March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) on our church’s Facebook page

for a live stream event. Each week she will cover Biblical and scientific

issues of fasting. She will also give tips, offer advice, and answer your


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Pride & Ash Wednesday, February 26- Saturday, February 29

Weekly Prayer:

O Model of humility, strip me of all pride and arrogance. Remind me of

my lowly state and enable me to acknowledge my weaknesses and

lingering sin. Grant that I might properly and rightly depend upon you

every moment of every day– a sinner in desperate need of your grace.


Prayer Topics:

Hunger for God

Nation & Leaders

Give me a hunger to discover my spiritual gifts



Show me where You want me serving

Show me how to be a better listener

Wednesday Fast: Feast on James 3:13 - 4:10 & Philippians 2:1-11

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notes from my time in prayer and fasting

My observations:

How I sense God leading:

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Envy &

Sunday, March 1 - Saturday, March 7

Weekly Prayer:

O Model of humility, strip me of all pride and arrogance. Remind me of

my lowly state and enable me to acknowledge my weaknesses and

lingering sin. Grant that I might properly and rightly depend upon you

every moment of every day– a sinner in desperate need of your grace.

O Exemplar of love, keep me from all envy, bitterness, discontent, and

striving. Let the grace of your love dwell in me that I may consider

others greater than myself and genuinely rejoice in the happiness and

success of others. Amen.

Prayer Topics:

To love others the way God loves them

Openness for God to challenge me to kindness

Patience for myself and others

Single parents

For those feeling loneliness

Wednesday Fast: Feast on Galatians 5:13-25 & Hebrews 12:1-3

Page 11: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period

notes from my time in prayer and fasting

My observations:

How I sense God leading:

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Sloth &

Sunday, March 8 - Saturday, March 14

Weekly Prayer:

O Model of humility, strip me of all pride and arrogance. Remind me of

my lowly state and enable me to acknowledge my weaknesses and

lingering sin. Grant that I might properly and rightly depend upon you

every moment of every day– a sinner in desperate need of your grace.

O Exemplar of love, keep me from all envy, bitterness, discontent, and

striving. Let the grace of your love dwell in me that I may consider

others greater than myself and genuinely rejoice in the happiness and

success of others.

O zealous Lover of my soul, keep me from all sloth, apathy, and

indifference of mind or body. Inspire me with zeal for your glory, so that

I may delight in doing all things for you and in you. Amen.

Prayer Topics:

Give me opportunities to share my faith journey this week

Allow me to seek joy in difficulty

Grow faith in me and in others

For an opportunity to invite/share my faith with at least one person

this week

For opportunities to meet new people moving into the area this year

For those in the community who have no church to find one

Wednesday Fast: Feast on Romans 12:9-21

Page 13: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period

notes from my time in prayer and fasting

My observations:

How I sense God leading:

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Anger &

Sunday, March 15 - Saturday, March 21

Weekly Prayer:

O Model of humility, strip me of all pride and arrogance. Remind me of

my lowly state and enable me to acknowledge my weaknesses and

lingering sin. Grant that I might properly and rightly depend upon you

every moment of every day– a sinner in desperate need of your grace.

O Exemplar of love, keep me from all envy, bitterness, discontent, and

striving. Let the grace of your love dwell in me that I may consider

others greater than myself and genuinely rejoice in the happiness and

success of others.

O zealous Lover of my soul, keep me from all sloth, apathy, and

indifference of mind or body. Inspire me with zeal for your glory, so that

I may delight in doing all things for you and in you.

O meek Savior and Prince of Peace, implant in me the virtues of

gentleness and patience. Let me curb the fury of anger and restrain all

resentment and impatience so as to overcome evil with good, attain your

peace, and rejoice in your love. Amen.

Prayer Topics:

Show me how to be a peace maker

Suicide- break the stronghold of hopelessness

Pray for those struggling with mental health issues

Pray for those in abusive relationships that the pattern be broken

Wednesday Fast: Feast on Matthew 18:21-35

Page 15: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period

notes from my time in prayer and fasting

My observations:

How I sense God leading:

Page 16: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period

Greed &

Sunday, March 22 - Saturday, March 28

Weekly Prayer:

O Model of humility, strip me of all pride and arrogance. Remind me of my

lowly state and enable me to acknowledge my weaknesses and lingering sin.

Grant that I might properly and rightly depend upon you every moment of

every day– a sinner in desperate need of your grace.

O Exemplar of love, keep me from all envy, bitterness, discontent, and

striving. Let the grace of your love dwell in me that I may consider others

greater than myself and genuinely rejoice in the happiness and success of


O zealous Lover of my soul, keep me from all sloth, apathy, and indifference

of mind or body. Inspire me with zeal for your glory, so that I may delight in

doing all things for you and in you.

O meek Savior and Prince of Peace, implant in me the virtues of gentleness

and patience. Let me curb the fury of anger and restrain all resentment and

impatience so as to overcome evil with good, attain your peace, and rejoice in

your love.

O Father of the poor, help me to avoid all covetousness for earthly goods and

give me a love for heavenly things. Inspire me to give to the needy, just as

you gave your life that I might inherit eternal treasures. Amen.

Prayer Topics:

For those experiencing homelessness and how I can be a part of the


Entrust all my finances to God

For those seeking employment


Show me how I can be a support to individuals and families with


Wednesday Fast: Feast on Luke 12:13-21 & Matthew 6:19-24

Page 17: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period

notes from my time in prayer and fasting

My observations:

How I sense God leading:

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Glustony (Lust and Gluttony) &

Sunday, March 29 - Saturday, April 4 Weekly Prayer:

O Model of humility, strip me of all pride and arrogance. Remind me of my lowly state and

enable me to acknowledge my weaknesses and lingering sin. Grant that I might properly and

rightly depend upon you every moment of every day– a sinner in desperate need of your


O Exemplar of love, keep me from all envy, bitterness, discontent, and striving. Let the grace

of your love dwell in me that I may consider others greater than myself and genuinely rejoice

in the happiness and success of others.

O zealous Lover of my soul, keep me from all sloth, apathy, and indifference of mind or

body. Inspire me with zeal for your glory, so that I may delight in doing all things for you

and in you.

O meek Savior and Prince of Peace, implant in me the virtues of gentleness and patience. Let

me curb the fury of anger and restrain all resentment and impatience so as to overcome evil

with good, attain your peace, and rejoice in your love.

O Father of the poor, help me to avoid all covetousness for earthly goods and give me a love

for heavenly things. Inspire me to give to the needy, just as you gave your life that I might

inherit eternal treasures. O Teacher of abstinence, help me to serve you rather than my

appetites. Keep me from gluttony – the inordinate love of food and drink and let me hunger

and thirst for your justice.

O Lover of purity, remove all lust from my heart, so that I may serve you with a pure mind

and a chaste body.

O Jesus my Merciful Redeemer, my Loving Savior, my Divine Healer, all this I humbly pray

and ask in confidence to be filled with faith, hope, and trust, in Your Holy and Mighty

Name. Amen.

Prayer Topics:

For self-control in myself and others

Free me from a false sense of identity

Grant me wisdom and discernment

For those suffering from addiction that they might be freed from it, and for those who

have been hurt by others with addictions.

Protect our children & youth (students) from temptation


Our leaders

Wednesday Fast: Feast on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 & Matthew 5:27-30

Page 19: Prayer and Fasting Guide Lent 2020 - Wilson is a special season within the Christian calendar year which provides a period

notes from my time in prayer and fasting

My observations:

How I sense God leading:

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Join us for our Holy Week sermon series:

Palm Sunday, April 5

Regular worship at 9:00 or 10:30 am

Wednesday Connect Cancelled, April 8

NO regularly scheduled Wednesday evening programming.

Maundy Thursday, April 9

Worship at 7:00 pm. Child care available.

Good Friday, April 10

Join us at 6:00 pm for a meal. After dinner we will be

showing the movie, “The Passion of the Christ.”

Child friendly options will be available.

Easter Sunday, April 12

* Please note the altered worship schedule * 7:00 am sunrise service: outdoor service as weather allows.

9:00 am worship service

10:15 am – 10:45 am: Community Egg Hunt

11:00 am (NOT regular 10:30) worship service