PRAISE HIM! · March/April 2016 PRAISE...

Volume No. 2 XLIII March/April 2016 PRAISE HIM! Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ The Victory of Mercy Over Justice by Val Conlon The Power of The Resurrection: Christ is Truly Risen by Rev. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap Our Legacy: The Grace of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit by Tom Mangan Fighting Fire with Fire by Mark Mallett

Transcript of PRAISE HIM! · March/April 2016 PRAISE...

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Volume No. 2 XLIII March/April 2016

PRAISE HIM!Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ

The Victory of Mercy Over Justice by Val ConlonThe Power of The Resurrection: Christ is Truly Risen by Rev. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM CapOur Legacy: The Grace of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit by Tom ManganFighting Fire with Fire by Mark Mallett

Page 2: PRAISE HIM! · March/April 2016 PRAISE HIM! Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ The Victory of Mercy Over Justice by Val Conlon


Mother Juana Teresa Chung, DLJCSuperior General

A Note From


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The Lord is Risen as He said! Alleluia!As I read the article by Fr. Cantalamessa who challenges us to proclaim the

Resurrection of Jesus, I recalled a little memory from my childhood. My family members were converts. I was baptized at the age of three with my grandparents, mom and my baby brother. Because my family members were new converts, they were very fervent in their newfound faith and they introduced me to their new joy and hope with great fervor and enthusiasm. By the time I was in CCD, I already knew my prayers and I had such a certainty that God loved me and that He died and rose for my salvation.

One day when I was in second grade, a Buddhist friend from my class visited me to do homework together. We had snacks with milk that mom had served us and when we had finished homework, I decided to share with her my Bible story books. It was one of my favorite books and it had a picture of Jesus on the Cross. I showed her the picture and simply shared with her the story of the Cross. I told my friend, “This is God on the Cross, He loved us so much that He gave His life for us. Then on the third day He rose again.” In a childlike simplicity, I just said it as it was. I was not “trained” for evangelization. It was just simple, “this is what happened.” Then, I was in for a surprise. My friend started weeping. This little second-grader was so touched by the Story of the Cross that she wept. She was deeply moved that God would love her so much that He would lay down His life for her.

Indeed, the story of the Cross and resurrection is very powerful. So simple that a second-grader could tell others by using a Bible story book, so powerful that it can change a soul from a total ignorance of God to personal knowledge of Him.

Let us then tell all men the story of the Cross! We do not have to wait to become professional “evangelists”. Let us simply tell this story that is powerful.“Go and tell men everywhere the story of the Cross.” (DLJC Founding Document)

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Jesus’ death on the Cross was in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world. In the message of Divine Mercy revealed to Saint Faustina, Jesus asks that at 3 o’clock we immerse ourselves in His Passion. John the Baptist immersed people in water because it is a symbol of cleansing. Through His death on the Cross, Jesus cleansed mankind’s souls with the water that flowed from His side, and then he gave the soul new life with the blood that ebbed from His sacred body.

What happens on the Feast of Mercy is that He makes this extra-ordinary grace available to sinners once again, and our souls can be cleansed and renewed, we are given a new life, a new beginning. On this day Jesus allows you to stand at the Foot of the Cross. He is making you present at the moment He expired, for it was at that moment that Divine Mercy was won for the world.

Dismas was the first person to benefit from this victory over death, because it was then that Jesus was given the power of Divine Mercy by the Father. Canon Ignacy Rozycki, Doctor of Dogmatic Theology, appointed

by Pope John Paul II to examine the revelations to Saint Faustina, came to the conclusion that the extraordinary grace given by Jesus on the Feast of Mercy is a gift of grace equaled only by that of Holy Baptism. This means that on this day your soul can become as pure as on the day of your baptism. This means you are starting your life all over again and you only have to worry about the sins you commit in the future,

your past sins no longer exist. No matter what sin you have committed in your past life you get complete remission, (forgiveness) for all past sins with no time in Purgatory.

So on the Feast of Mercy, we are being taken to that hill of Calvary and we, like Dismas, are being looked on by Jesus, He is there with us on that day cleansing us with the water that flowed from His side, which happens when we go to confession, the sacrament of reconciliation, and then we are beginning a new life by the transfusion of His sacred Blood, which we receive in Holy Communion, in His presence.

So, we are being immersed on this day in the Blessed Water and His Divine Blood. Our presence at the Feast

(Continued on p. 10)

By Val Conlon

The Victory of Mercy Over Justice

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of Mercy is also giving witness to our faith, our belief in why Jesus died on the Cross. On the Feast of Mercy, our souls are being commended to the Father, by His Son, Jesus Christ. “This day you will be with Me in Paradise.”

The gift you receive on the Feast of Mercy is that which He gave to Dismas, if you died the following day, you would go straight into His presence in Paradise. For on the Feast of Mercy, your whole past life being forgiven, there is nothing for you to be judged on.

We should of course be mindful that the Feast of Mercy is an extraordinary act of forgiveness but it is one of our failings as humans not to forgive our trespassers, even though we expect to be forgiven ourselves for the wrongs we have done in life. If we claim to be without sin on this day then we should forgive all who have offended us in our lives, no matter how badly they treated us. On this day you must hand it over to Jesus and let Him deal with it. We deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, if we have not forgiven all others on this day. Before confession bring to mind

the names of those you may have had a grievance with and ask the Lord to take away all bitterness from your soul. This is important. If we confess our sins, then we must include the bitterness you have in your life against others. By going to communion on this day we are claiming we have no sin on our soul, do not go if you have not forgiven everyone in your life that has offended you, if there is something you have not confessed, going to communion, it would be a big

mistake, for then instead of receiving the grace of God you would receive the wrath of God.

It is not just good enough to say, I can be forgiven for my sins, but they should not be forgiven for theirs. On the Feast of Mercy, we must forgive our enemies and pray for them

as well as asking to be forgiven for the sins we have committed.

If we do it right in preparation for this great gift of mercy, then the love of God will embrace us and grant us the graces He has promised us on this extraordinary occasion, the Feast of Mercy.

PRAISE HIM! March/April 2016

It is not easy to entrust oneself to God's mercy, because it is an abyss beyond our comprehension. But we must! ... "Oh, I am a great sinner!" All the better! Go to Jesus: He

likes you to tell him these things! He forgets, He has a very special capacity for forgetting. He forgets, He kisses you, He embraces you and He simply says to you: "Neither do I condemn

you; go, and sin no more" (Jn 8:11). — Pope Francis' Homily on March 17, 2013

(Printed with permission from Divine Mercy Publications, Maryville, Skerries Co Dublin Ireland.- [email protected])

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On Mercy Sunday, go to a Church where they are being fully obedient to the desires of Jesus and follow the steps He asked of us in the revelations for this day.The revelations in the Diary of Saint Faustina makes the following quite clear:1. The Feast should be celebrated on

the Sunday after Easter.2. It should be preceded by a Novena

of Chaplets of Divine Mercy beginning on Good Friday.

3. An act of mercy should take place in our lives, on each day of the novena, as part of our preparation for the feast. We should be merciful to others in our words, deeds and prayers.Merciful Word: forgiving those that you have a grievance with,Merciful Deed: to carry out some work of mercy or donate to a work of mercy.Merciful Prayer: to say prayers for sinners in need of God's Mercy

4. The Image of Divine Mercy should be ceremoniously blessed on the day.

5. We should demonstrate publicly our trust in Jesus, Divine Mercy. This can be carried out by kissing or touching the Image, and saying the words aloud, "Jesus I trust in You". This can be done either during the

celebration like the kissing of the cross on Good Friday or as people leave the Church, if numbers attending, prevent it during the ceremony.

6. Confession and Communion on the day: If confession is not possible on the day, it should be as close to the day as possible. The important requirement is that your soul should be in a state of grace on the day.St. Faustina made her confession in preparation for the feast on the Saturday before. Communion, as always, should be accompanied by complete trust in Divine Mercy.

7. The Sermon by the priest on that day must be on God's Mercy – that is the mercy which God the Father bestows on us through Jesus Christ His Son.

8. We must contemplate, on this day, the Mystery of our Redemption as the greatest revelation of Divine Mercy towards us.This is also a day of extraordinary

opportunity to bring erring souls with us in spirit to the throne of Gods mercy, with petitions of prayer, and offer these souls up to Jesus when He promises to heal and strengthen them. Jesus said, "I yearn for souls, on the day of My Feast, the Feast of My Mercy, you will bring faint souls to the spring of my mercy, where I shall heal and strengthen them"

Preparation for the Feast of Mercy

(Printed with permission from Divine Mercy Publications, Maryville, Skerries Co Dublin Ireland.- [email protected])

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Whose day is Sunday? The Lord's Day. Why is Sunday the Lord's Day? Because of the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection of Jesus put a seal upon this first day of the week. This is what I want to speak about. The resurrection of Jesus is the most liberating, joyful message we can hear.

He is Alive!Try to imagine the

women who went to Calvary to see Jesus' tomb on Easter morning. They were so sad, so silent. But then, an angel appeared to them and asked, "Why are looking among the dead for someone who is living?" This question should be repeated over and over. Why are you looking among the dead for a person who is living?

The women were amazed, overwhelmed, frightened. Try to imagine these women bursting into the upper room, saying to the apostles, "The Master! The Master! Jesus! He is alive! He is no longer among the dead! Angels - We have seen angels!" I am sure the apostles tried to calm them down, to make them speak one at a time. But already, just by looking at these women's

eyes, they could perceive that something unheard of had happened.

From that moment, the news of the resurrection of Jesus started its course as a long, majestic wave which will pass through all the centuries until the end of the world. Nobody can stop this wave. Many princes and rulers have tried - first the synagogue, then the Roman Empire, and then Communist regimes. But the

resurrection of Jesus is still being proclaimed.

Faith in the Resurrection St. Augustine used to

say, "The faith of Christians is the resurrection of Jesus." Everybody admits that Jesus died. It is a matter of history that Jesus of Nazareth was put to death. But not everybody

believes that He was raised from the dead. Therefore, the faith of Christians is the resurrection of Jesus. When you proclaim the resurrection of Jesus, you proclaim at the same time that He died for our sins.

The great thing about the death of Jesus is not the fact that He died, but that He died for our sins. The resurrection of Jesus is the seal the Father put on the life, the death, the words, and the deeds of



By Rev. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap

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His Son, Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus attests that God was in favor of this man, who was killed for our sins. In the Orthodox world, there is a very beautiful tradition. When people meet each other, especially at Easter time, one person says to the other, "Christ is risen." And, immediately, the other answers, "He is truly risen."

At the beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution, there was a public debate in a Russian city between an atheist and a Orthodox priest. The atheist speaker stood up and spoke against the resurrection of Jesus. When he was done, he stepped down convinced that his arguments could not be disputed. Then, the Orthodox priest came to the platform, looked at the crowd and said, "Christ is risen." And all at once, everyone shouted, "He is truly risen!" With that, he left the platform.

Raising the DeadNow, it is not

enough to believe in the resurrection of Jesus and rise from the dead ourselves. We must raise the dead - which is a little more difficult. Do you find this statement strange? Open the gospel and you will see a very beautiful phrase of Jesus. When He sent the apostles out He said, "Heal the sick and raise the dead" ( Mt. 10:8). Do you think that Jesus had in mind only a few people - only a few saints - who could raise the dead? No. He meant every Christian. So, how can you raise a dead person today? Perhaps you and your husband or wife had an argument and you never really

reconciled. Well, you can raise the dead by reconciling, by embracing and saying, "The future will be different; let us put the past behind us." You may have an elderly person in your family, who is living in a nursing home, and this person may feel alone, isolated. Try to find time to visit, to comfort this person, to assure him or her of your love. You can raise the dead!

Tell My DisciplesThere is one last reflection that I

want to share with you. What do we do once we have heard again this message of the resurrection of Jesus? We must share this message. Jesus Himself said to the four women who went to the tomb, "Go quickly and tell my

disciples that I am alive" (Mt.28:10). Just think: They became the first evangelizers.

Now why did Jesus say, "Tell my disciples" and not

"tell everybody?" I think this contains a message for us. We must start by re-proclaiming the resurrection to Jesus' disciples, His forgetful disciples, to nominal Christians who are baptized but no longer go to Mass or don't care about any Christian practice. We must start bringing this message to our very close friends and our families. This is not something that only priests can do. At the end of the Mass, we used to say in Latin, Ita missa est. One translation – which we are more familiar with –is, "The Mass is ended." But, in Latin, missa can also mean "mission," or

(Continued on p. 11)

PRAISE HIM! March/April 2016

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Our Legacy:

The Grace of Baptism in the Holy SpiritBy Tom Mangan

“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”

~Robert BrowningThe Christian life isn’t difficult; it’s impossible. That is why grace and mercy are so integral to our pursuit of God. We can’t talk to Him, we can’t love Him and we can’t serve Him without the Holy Spirit. He is far beyond our grasp; He exceeds our capabilities. We absolutely need God to live for God. If it were not for Father sending the Son there would be no way into the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is Jesus who says, “You have heard from me, for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now” (Acts 1:4-5). With that the apostles retire to Jerusalem where, in the upper room, they will await and welcome the Holy Spirit into their lives. Can you imagine? The world is about to be turned on its ear! I can think of no other more poignant spiritual experience in my life, no greater grace than having been baptized in the Holy Spirit. In that moment, in that “upper room” of St. Paul’s monastery in Pittsburgh in 1969 I had met God! The incredible grace of

that moment was full joy and peace. Surely, the Lord was in that place and I knew it!

From that day until now I can say unequivocally my life in Christ has been sustained by that extraordinary encounter. The mere thought of forfeiting such a grace or underestimating the significance of its effect is odious to me.

When our Holy Father addressed 50,000 char-ismatics in Rome’s Olympic Stadium in June 2014 he challenged them to share with all in the Church, “the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit.” As I reflected on his inspiring exhortation I thought, “This is our part in the New Evangelization.” In effect, Pope Francis has commissioned us to bear

witness to “the love the Holy Spirit has poured out into our hearts” as a result of our personal Pentecostal experience.

The joy of the Gospel is that Christ is alive in us. Let’s tell the world, but let us begin by telling our brothers and sisters in the pews! We dare not hoard this “holy thing” for it may cause us to be prideful and we may forfeit the great grace associated with it. Rather, we must give away freely what we have so freely

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PRAISE HIM! March/April 2016

been given. Love only increases if we pass it on. The fruit of the Holy Spirit actually deepens in our heart when we let it fly.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit has awakened in us a deeper relationship with God that is fired with unspeakable joy. Therefore, in answer to the Holy Father’s encouragement to share this experience with others we dare not be “lukewarm” because lukewarmness nauseates Jesus (Rev 3:15-16). We ought to be compelled to impart the grace of this awakening!

We have drunk of the one Spirit. We have set our sights on the things above now we must pay it forward. Grace should be answered with gratitude, and how better to express our thanks than by spreading the Good News of our encounter with Him?

The oil of gladness has been poured out on us; we represent Christ,

His Word and sacrifice. It is simply not enough that we keep Him to ourselves. It is imperative that we receive, reciprocate and share God’s love. We were made for this purpose and it should be as natural to us as flight is to a bird.

Pope Francis, in his inimitable way, has called us back to our humble beginnings, back to when we were

witnessing to others with ease the blessing of the Holy Spirit and the exciting news of our redemption. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is “roof-top news” or “go tell it on the mountain news.” It can never be dull, run-of-the-mill or boring news. The only possible

response to charis is eucharistia. Thus, deep, heartfelt gratitude must follow such great grace.

Thank you, Holy Father, for assigning us the task to proclaim to the whole Church our legacy in the Holy Spirit.

(Printed with permission from Pentecost Today, Winter, 2015 issue)

Check it out! We have NEW email addresses: For general inquiries [email protected] For prayer requests [email protected]

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During one Mass, I was attacked by the “accuser of the brethren” (Rev 12:10). The entire Liturgy rolled by and I had barely been able to absorb a word as I wrestled against the discouragement of the enemy. I began my morning prayer, and the (convincing) lies intensified, so much so, I could do nothing but pray aloud, my mind completely under siege.

In between reading the Psalms, I cried out to God to help me, when suddenly a burst of understanding pierced the darkness: You are suffering the mental anguish of the Passion.

Along with this under-standing came counsel: unite this suffering with Christ’s for the sake of sinners who are on their way to damnation. And so I prayed, “I offer up the suffering of these attacks and temptations for the sake of those about to lose their eternal souls to the fires of hell. Every fiery dart thrown at me, I in turn offer that a soul may be saved!” Immediately, I could tangibly feel the attacks stop; and there was an instant peace like the rays of the sun breaking through a rainy day. A few minutes later, the temptations returned, so I eagerly offered them up again. That’s when the temptations finally ceased.

When I came home, this email was awaiting me, sent in by a reader: "Upon waking one morning I was subjected to a pornographic thought. Knowing where it came from I did not rebel, but I offered this temptation from the evil one as reparation for my sins and the sins of the world. Instantly the temptation disappeared, for the evil one will not be used for reparation for sins. "

Fight Fire With Holy Fire Are you beset with discourage-

ment? Then wield it like a sword. Are you tortured in conscience? Then swing it like a club. Are you burning with passions, lusts, and fiery cravings? Then send them like arrows into the enemy’s camp. When you are assailed, plunge yourself deep into the wounds of Christ, and let Him transform your weakness

into strength. Suffering is a secret weapon.

When united to Christ, it is a blade which severs the cords of slavery binding unknown brothers; it is a light sent to expose the darkness in the soul of a lost sister; it is a tidal wave of grace washing over some soul in the desert of sin… carrying that one away into a Sea of Safety, an Ocean of Mercy. "Oh how

Fighting Fire with Fire

By Mark Mallett

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PRAISE HIM! March/April 2016

"commission." So, at the end of each Mass, this message can resound, "Now is the moment of commission. Go and tell the people." I have noticed that the simplest and most common way to win a person to Jesus is just to invite him to some group prayer or to a Bible study. It is difficult sometimes to share with a person the full message of the faith you have. But you can say, "Come with me; it won't do you any harm. If you like, you can stay. If not, you can leave."

There is a beautiful Negro spiritual song, which says, "There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin-sick soul. There

is a balm in Gilead to heal the wounded soul.” In ancient Israel, Gilead was very famous for its perfumes and balms. So what does this mean "there is a balm in Gilead to heal the wounded soul"? Today, Gilead is the church, and the balm is the Holy Spirit. So, we can say, "There is a balm in the Church, which heals the wounded soul. Come freely."

The last verse of this song says, "If you can't preach like Peter, if you can't preach like Paul, go home and tell your neighbors that Jesus died for all." So, is this too difficult? Go home and tell your neighbors that Jesus died for all!

(Printed with permission from Archdiocese of Miami Charismatic Newsletter Spring/Easter 2012)

(Continued from p. 6)

precious our suffering is! How often we waste it…"

"Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. "(Js 4:7)

"In my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body, that is, the Church." (Col 1:24)

"Christ has taught man to do good by his suffering and to do good to those who suffer…. This is the meaning of suffering, which is truly supernatural and at the same time human. It is supernatural because it is rooted in the divine mystery of

the Redemption of the world, and it is likewise deeply human, because in it the person discovers himself, his own humanity, his own dignity, his own mission. We ask precisely you who are weak to become a source of strength for the Church and humanity. In the terrible battle between the forces of good and evil, revealed to our eyes by our modern world, may your suffering in union with the Cross of Christ be victorious!" (POPE JOHN PAUL II, Salvifici Doloros; Apostolic Letter, February 11th, 1984)

(Printed with permission from Mark Mallett [email protected] via Nov. 1, 2015)

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DLJc News

Women's Retreat, Seattle, WAFebruary 19-21 Sr. Lucy joined Bishop Peter Smith, auxiliary bishop of Portland, in giving a retreat to 95 women from Washington and Idaho. The theme was "Daughters of the Most-High King." Sr. Lucy was especially blessed by the transformation of one young woman into the beautiful Daughter of the King!

Life in the Spirit Seminar, Lincoln, NEFebruary 5-7, Sisters Lucy, Catherine and Sarah Rose gave the seminar to people from Nebraska, two from Iowa and one from South Dakota. The pastor of the parish, Fr. Brian Conner, was among the 50 or so attendees who were so open to all the teachings

and gifts of the Holy Spirit. One witness to the Word Gifts: there was a prophetic word about the location of a lost wallet; though the man had looked in the same place earlier, he found it where the prophecy said it would be!

Women's Retreat, Groom, TXFebruary 6, 2016, Sisters Cecilia and Damiana led praise and worship for 30 women. Fr. Ken Keller spoke in the morning. Sr. Cecilia's afternoon talks focused on receiving God's mercy and then being an ambassador of His mercy to others. It was beautiful to be able to share about this Jubilee Year of Mercy at the Cross in Groom, with the Divine Mercy Fountain just outside.

Vocations Sharing, Vega, TXJanuary, Sister Mary Gianna, the Novices and the postulants spent an evening with young ladies at Immaculate Conception Church. They showed the DVD "For Love Alone" to the girls, Sisters Mary Gianna and Raphaelle Marie shared testimonies on how the Lord called them to religious life. The novices joined in the panel discussions.

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Magnificat Retreat, Tampa, FLFebruary 26-28 Jesus: Face of the Father's Mercy was the theme of the retreat Sisters Cecilia and Elizabeth Ann gave for 70 women. The women were so open to the Lord. A special highlight was a prayerful meditation on an Icon for the Year of Mercy by Vivian Imbruglia, followed by small discussion groups. Times of praise and worship were filled with great joy, dancing and surrender!

Come and See, Prayer Town, TXMarch 7-11, Sisters Chistine Marie and Catherine hosted 11 beautiful women who are discerning the call to religious life. Various Sisters gave sharings and testimoies and participated in a discussion panel. The women also had times to work along side the Sisters and join the community for prayers and meals.

PRAISE HIM! March/April 2016

Life in the Spirit Retreat, Amarillo, TXMarch 5, Sisters Lucy and Clara, along with othrer prayer group leaders were the team who gave a Life in the Spirit Seminar at St. Joseph's Parish. Among those attending was the Confirmation class from Blessed Sacrament Parish. It was a blessed and fruitful day!

Annual Charismatic Retreat, Beaumont, TXFebruary 26-27 The 40 people, Sisters Joan and Marie Fidelis gave the retreat to 40 people who were so open to the Holy Spirit; the praise and worship was powerful, the gifts of the Spirit flowed and people were set free to be bold and courageous to spread the Good News! They really benefited from the small group discussions, teachings, ministry and workshop.

Pre-Confirmation Retreat, Tijeras, TXMarch 5, Sisters Michael Marie, Marguerite Marie and Raphaelle Marie gave an action-packed one-day-retreat to 28 young people who were very open to paise and worship. Many recieved healing in their hearts and the gift of tongues.

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Prayer TownPO Box 64

Prayer Town, TX79010-0064(806)534-2312

Sr. CeciliaMission Advancement

[email protected]

Amarillo1828 Mustang St.

Amarillo, TX 79102

(806)355-3552Sr. Elizabeth Ann

Mission Advancement Director

[email protected]

Evangelization Travel 26,000.00

Retreat House 16,750.00

Mission Houses 36,700.00

Ministry 9,600.00

Praise Him! Publication 31,220.00

Education 64,310.00

Other Expenses 1,637.00 186,217.00


Kitchen/Food 38,780.00

Medical 53,767.00

Vehicle/Gasonline 28,286.00

Vocations 9,125.00

Utilities 50,620.00

Formation of New Candidates 9,200.00

Other Expenses 38,418.00 228,196.00

Prayer Town Improvements

Maintenance 36,750.00 36,750.00

Development 35,200.00 35,200.00

Tithe 15,000.00 15,000.00

Payroll 24,368.00 24,368.00

Sacristy/Chaplain 30,225.00 30,225.00

Retirement Fund 15,600.00 15,600.00

Medical Fund 39,600.00 39,600.00

Social Security Payments 31,200.00 31,200.00

Other Extraordinary/Capital Expenses 81,360.00 81,360.00

Total Budget 2016 723,716.00


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