Prairie Knolls Falcon… ·...

Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March is here and that means we are close to the end of Quarter 3. Spring Break will be upon us soon and we will begin 4th Quarter when we return in April. Don’t forget that construction will begin soon on Nesler Road south of Prairie View and Prairie Knolls. They will replace the bridge over Fitchie Creek. For those families who transport their children and high school students who drive to school, please adjust your travel times and follow posted detours as applicable. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Transportation Department at 847-464-6052. We will again administer the PARCC test this school year. The PARCC testing window this year is April 04 - 28. Similar to last year, there are six different tests in this year's PARCC test; 3 ELA tests (110 minutes, 110 minutes, 90 minutes respectively) and 3 Math tests (each 80 minutes). Our leadership team met and determined that we will utilize the ELA/Math block time for this testing. By using the block, we will be able to take advantage of best practices by having the students' Math or ELA teacher administer that particular test to the students. This should minimize the impact to the other academic areas. We have finalized the actual testing time schedule and we did target days to administer the tests. They are as follows: Tuesday, April 11, Tuesday, April 18, Wednesday, April 12, Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 13, Thursday, April 20. We learned last year that the use of the Chromebooks greatly streamlined the testing process for students and we are looking forward to working with our students to insure that they have a chance to practice with the online tools that come with these tests. Since many of the tests being developed and administered by our teachers reflect the enhanced rigor of the new Illinois Learning Standards, we anticipate that the students’ confidence in working with the material on the PARCC tests will be high. Our students did very well on PARCC last year. While it is nice to have high test scores, what is more important is that we believe our revised curriculum and assessments are more closely aligned than ever before with the Illinois Learning Standards, which the PARCC tests measure. We will analyze this year’s results and use this information to adjust our instruction so that we can continue to provide the students of PKMS with a high quality education. Once again, we want to thank all of our parents for the wonderful contributions that you bring to our school; from volunteering to assist in school activities, to involvement with the PTO, to safe driving practices at drop-off and pick-up times, to the support that you give to your children as they engage in the challenging homework and projects from their classes. Your support makes a huge difference in the success of our students and all of us at PKMS appreciate your efforts! Matthew Haug PKMS Principal March 2 11:15 Dismissal 3 No School–Teachers In-service 9, 10, 11 – Willy Wonka @ CMS 14 Chorus Concert 20 Board of Education 6pm 24 End of Quarter 3 March 27 – March 31- Spring Break April 6 Full day of school 6 Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (by invitation) 7 11:15 Dismissal 13 Student Council Dance 14 No School - Non Attendance Day 17 Board of Education 6 pm 20 5 th Grade Parent Orientation/Parent Night 22 Fine Arts Showcase 9am-noon Flyers Boosters Draw Down Bilingual Parent Advisory Fine Arts Showcase Are you registered for the Niagara Falls/Toronto trip? If so it’s time to sign up for roommates. Stop in the library beginning Monday, March 6, to fill out your room request form. The list of all registered participants will be posted on the library doors, so, see who’s going and find your roommate.

Transcript of Prairie Knolls Falcon… ·...

Page 1: Prairie Knolls Falcon… · Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March

Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017

Important Dates From the Principal:

March is here and that means we are close to the end of Quarter 3. Spring Break will be upon us soon and we will begin 4th Quarter when we return in April. Don’t forget that construction will begin soon on Nesler Road south of Prairie View and Prairie Knolls. They will replace the bridge over Fitchie Creek. For those families who transport their children and high school students who drive to school, please adjust your travel times and follow posted detours as applicable. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Transportation Department at 847-464-6052. We will again administer the PARCC test this school year. The PARCC testing window this year is April 04 - 28. Similar to last year, there are six different tests in this year's PARCC test; 3 ELA tests (110 minutes, 110 minutes, 90 minutes respectively) and 3 Math tests (each 80 minutes). Our leadership team met and determined that we will utilize the ELA/Math block time for this testing. By using the block, we will be able to take advantage of best practices by having the students' Math or ELA teacher administer that particular test to the students. This should minimize the impact to the other academic areas. We have finalized the actual testing time schedule and we did target days to administer the tests. They are as follows: Tuesday, April 11, Tuesday, April 18, Wednesday, April 12, Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 13, Thursday, April 20. We learned last year that the use of the Chromebooks greatly streamlined the testing process for students and we are looking forward to working with our students to insure that they have a chance to practice with the online tools that come with these tests. Since many of the tests being developed and administered by our teachers reflect the enhanced rigor of the new Illinois Learning Standards, we anticipate that the students’ confidence in working with the material on the PARCC tests will be high. Our students did very well on PARCC last year. While it is nice to have high test scores, what is more important is that we believe our revised curriculum and assessments are more closely aligned than ever before with the Illinois Learning Standards, which the PARCC tests measure. We will analyze this year’s results and use this information to adjust our instruction so that we can continue to provide the students of PKMS with a high quality education. Once again, we want to thank all of our parents for the wonderful contributions that you bring to our school; from volunteering to assist in school activities, to involvement with the PTO, to safe driving practices at drop-off and pick-up times, to the support that you give to your children as they engage in the challenging homework and projects from their classes. Your support makes a huge difference in the success of our students and all of us at PKMS appreciate your efforts! Matthew Haug

PKMS Principal


2 11:15 Dismissal

3 No School–Teachers In-service

9, 10, 11 – Willy Wonka @ CMS

14 Chorus Concert

20 Board of Education 6pm

24 End of Quarter 3

March 27 – March 31- Spring Break


6 Full day of school

6 Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (by invitation)

7 11:15 Dismissal

13 Student Council Dance

14 No School - Non Attendance Day

17 Board of Education 6 pm

20 5th Grade Parent Orientation/Parent Night

22 Fine Arts Showcase 9am-noon


• Boosters Draw Down

• Bilingual Parent Advisory

• Fine Arts Showcase

Are you registered for the Niagara Falls/Toronto trip? If so it’s time to sign up for roommates. Stop in the library beginning Monday, March 6, to fill out your room request form. The list of all registered participants will be posted on the library doors, so, see who’s going and find your roommate.

Page 2: Prairie Knolls Falcon… · Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March

Notes from the Nurse The Flu Season is still in full swing! Please remember the 3C’s in preventing the spread of Illness:

Clean your hands

Cover your nose and mouth

Contain your germs (stay home if sick!) When calling your child in absent, please be sure to report their symptoms. This will help us accurately complete the required weekly report to the Kane County Health Department. Symptoms that are especially important to report are a fever of over 100ºF accompanied with a cough and/or sore throat. Please remember that your child should stay home until they are fever-free without the use of medication for 24 hours. If you have any questions, feel free to call the nurse’s office at 847-717-8103.

The PKMS library has a nice collection of eBooks that your student can access anywhere they have internet. This is really a great resource when traveling, no books to pack or lose! To access the eBooks simply have your student follow these steps:

1. Start at the D301 homepage 2. Go to the black header at the top and click Destiny e-Library (on an I-Pad this is along the right side

bar) 3. Click on your building 4. Click the Catalog tab at the top 5. On the left side bar click Destiny Discover 6. To log in your username is your student ID number. Your password is your last initial capitalized,

Your first initial lower case, followed by your locker combination. 7. You may also download the Destiny Discover app to use with your I-Pad, Kindle, or phone. This is a

free app, but you do need the url to initially set it up. The url is:

6th Grade Update

Math - Math is just finishing up our ratio unit and will continue with Geometry. In this unit, students will learn how to use area, volume, and surface area to apply to real world applications! ELA - ELA is continuing our adventure into our whole class read of Touching Spirit Bear. Throughout March, we are also diving into some PARCC review to help students do their best in early April. Please make sure your 6th grader has earbuds/headphones with them at all times at PK. They should have a dedicated school set of earbuds/headphones! Science - We continue our study of weather. The students were able to convection in action this past week when temperatures were near 70 degrees. We were able to go outside and observe how a solar balloon works. The air in the balloon heats up and becomes less dense than the surrounding air and will actually begin rising off the ground. Look for information in the near future about a weather project we will be doing using a STEM program. S.S. - Social Studies has been studying the impact of the Fall of Rome on citizens and other major cities. We will be looking into the economic and religious shifts that will be happening as barbarians make their mark and life in Europe declines. March will see us moving more towards the Middle Ages complete with feudalism, daily life structures and the Crusades!

Page 3: Prairie Knolls Falcon… · Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March

7th Grade Update

In ELA, we are finishing our Responsibility Unit. The students studied different topics and eventually, they were able to choose their own person who effectively displays social responsibility to research. They took that information and composed an explanatory paper. We are now working on infographics and will soon move into our Equality Unit of study. In math, seventh graders are finishing an algebra unit with solving multi-step equations containing rational numbers. The next unit will be a geometry unit involving angle relationships, and finding area and perimeter for two and three dimensional figures. The Constitution test is coming fast and will be administered to students on March 24th. In addition to nightly homework, students should be studying every single night. Each student is making a set of Constitution Cards that they can use to study and even play games with. Additionally, students should be reviewing all handouts and any notes that we take in class to aid in their preparation. Past quizzes as well as the correct answers are also available on Canvas to use as a study tool for quizzes and final test. There are also many resources available on our website: In science the students are working on a STEAM project. This is a very exciting time where they get to branch out and really pull in some creative ideas. The project is centered around reducing our carbon footprint and saving the environment. All students are working in groups. Group members should "share the wealth" with not one person bringing all the materials. Also RECYCLED and RE-PURPOSED materials are encouraged (after all, this is about saving the environment). For one of the math portions, they need to total up how much they "spend". Recycled and re-purposed items are "free", but if they need to purchase something new, that needs to be incorporated in the cost. For instance, if you help build a frame at home out of scrap 2x4's and fasteners you have around, then there is no cost. If you need to run to Menards, that should be used for the price. The groups are sharing Google Docs to show their progress. Ask your child to see their doc! If you have questions, please contact the science teacher! The first judging will be March 17th.

Tickets on Sale Now!

Come join Prairie Knolls as they present Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka Jr.!

Performances will be at CMS on March 9th, 10th, and 11th.

Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in advance online, at the PK office, or at the door.

Click here to order tickets

Page 4: Prairie Knolls Falcon… · Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March

Gold Honor Roll - Quarter 2 Sami Aburmishan Matthew Eshoo Madeline Kudelka Alexander Randolph

Nickolas Andrinopoulos Ashley Esposito Kristian Kwasniak Kieron Rank

Sophia Anthony Abigail Evenson Giovanna Labadessa Hana Rasul

Keira Sofia Antona Moussa Fall Madison Lagasca Elaina Rezabek

Sophia Ary Ava Farrell Jacob Lederle Hannah Rindner

Asna Asif Tanya Fedak Ethan Leegard Erin Rothenbaum

Johanna Baeza Tiana Foreman Matthew Lemon Sara Rothenbaum

Shanav Bagga Emma Foster Cody Leon Chelsea Ryan

Hannah Barry Mason Freeman Libby Levine Christian Ryczek

Haylee Bart Michael Ganziano Jayden Lobliner Eysha Salwan

Jasmine Basa Lea Garcia Ernesto Lopez Magallanes Yzabelle Sanavongsay

Nathan Batani Alexia Gil Braden Lowitzki Andrew Scharnowski

McKenna Berglind Logan Good Aryan Mahajan Taylor Schilke

Hunter Bertoncini Paige Greenhagel Shannon Mahoney Zachary Schmidt

Ivan Clyde Berus Chaitan Grewal Kevin McCoy Morgan Schmidt

Jasmin Betancourt Ravindar Grewal Dhairya Mehta Sarah Schrader

Andre Blakley Jr Satindar Grewal Amanda Melton Mariana Shapiama

Eva Boer Maya Gusciora Lucas Meyer Khushi Sharma

Alaina Bognetti Ryan Hacker Nolan Milas Madison Sobota

Kristiana Brennan Rylie Hahn James Muetterties Isabella Solomon

Rachel Burton Tyler Haines Maya Mylott Karina Spencer

Dylan Cagle Cody Hanline Addison Nava Sierra Steele

Kyle Carlson Payton Hartwig Clarisse Navarez Taylor Stieglitz

Nicholas Carpenter Liberty Her Jacob Nielsen Rachel Stoneman

Ava Castle Jake Herman Andrew Nordwind Charles Strout

Chloe Chiles Troutman Brooke Hermanson Teagan O'Connor Param Thakkar

Youngwoo Cho Kyle Hermanson Mikayla Onayemi Hallie Thomas

Jossette Coloma Trevor Hoffman Avery ONeill Nora Thompson

James Crosby Raiden Hoshina Ethan Onken Holly Thompson

William Crumlett Jade Huaracha Madelyn Oranski Joselyn Valladares

Aidan Daniels Vanessa Huichapa Calvin Ostrye Nandana Varma

Peter D'Antonio Emily Jack Molly Paez Vasyl Vatsyk

Chase Davenport Mariam Jafri Sarah Pagels Timothy Vesper

Russel De Leon Hailey Jamrozek Isha Patel Noelle Vina

Daniel Dela Cruz David Johnson Urvi Patel Trestan Wagner

Isabella Delgado Jenna Johnson Isabelle Patterson Aurora Walters

Samantha DiBartolo Kyriaki Karavasis Gabriella Payton Michelle Wang

Leighton Dietz Thomas Kareka Tyler Payton Alexandria Whitworth

Chloe Doody Catalano Jordan Karner Luke Pedrigi Ian Wiegel

Cooper Dorn Emma Keeny Mitchell Pedrigi Masin Williams

Aiden Dorn Emma Kerr Jack Petsche Michael Wood

Rylie DuVal Fiza Khwaja Brianna Phorasavong Alexander Wright

Ava Elders Nathan Kim Szymon Placzek Katelynn Wrobel

Kelly Anne Empleo Griffin Kollhoff Aanya Prasad Emily Wyzukovicz

Page 5: Prairie Knolls Falcon… · Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March

Silver Honor Roll - Quarter 2 Joules Apura Elijah Dumlao Zachary Lawrence Katrina Rath

McKenna Ashton Stephanie Eiklor Nathan Leicht Khushi Raval

Gabrielle Atkins John Eltzroth Barrett Lewis Carly Robinson

Daniel Aykroyd Mason Erickson Zachary Lichner Haley Rutke

Andrew Azar Page Erickson Kirsten Ellagrace Lim Charles Rutke IV

John Christopher Balasbas Ethan Escobar Haley Lindquist Kean Clyde Saligumba

Joseph Barm Edgar Espinosa William Maramba Ethan Sanderson

Kayla Batts Oliver Ferro Zachary Mariani Wyatt Sanderson

Skyler Bergeron Hannah Freesemann Antonio Martin Ava Sandoval

Atish Bhungalia Robert Gall Maihli Matlock Gavin Sarvis

Evelyn Bourgin Natalie Gamez Sophia Mazziotta Meera Sathish

Samantha Bramer Sriya Gangavarapu Alexandra McGowan Kyle Schmidt

Samuel Buckman Giada Gemelli Ria Mehta Mia Schnabel

Christian Cabral Justin Genenz Andrew Messina Tyler Schultz

Rebecca Carani Jacob Glazik William Metz Annagabriella Segura

Nicholas Casillas Nicholas Gouriotis Lukas Moldenhauer Charlotte Semyck

Seamus Chiles Troutman Nana Ama Serwaa Gyamfi Ella Muermann Vraj Shah

Brady Cigrand Emily Hageman Jack Muffitt Affan Siddiqui

Fausto Coloma Samantha Harbeck Luke Nazarowski Emma Sieverding

Nathan Considine Zaayar Hasan Cody O'Neill Abbi Smith

Madelyn Cook Makenna Herman Mason Page Bridget Snellback

Julia Copre Ryan Holder Kaira Palao Morgan Sobota

Emma Corcoran Dylan Hunt Arianna Panzarino Brandon Stumbaugh

Abigail Cornwell Ethan Hutchcroft Ishaan Patel Lexi Teresinski

Heather Crary Omar Ibrahim Kashvi Patel Nina Tomko

Matthew Crumlett Kaleb Jao Riley Pecucci Zackary Tosello

Isabella David Jack Kaufholz Alicia Perez Khadeeja Tunkara

Matthew David Eesa Kazim Robert Perry Paul Vesper

Karina De La Cruz Abby Keeny Benjamin Peterson Christian Walikonis

Emily Delgado Anna Keeny Caden Phengkeokaisone Sydney Walker

Tessa DiDomenico Gabrielle Kerr Sophie Pollack Alena Warner

Joseph DiMaggio Lauren Knief Matthew Powell Ashley Webb

Colin Dubin Lena Kyriazis Bailey Quinn Gunnar Williams

Sam Duesler Kayla Lanser Grace Raap Gyana Williams

Jenna DuMelle Katelyn Lawrence Hannah Raders Ryan Wustefeld

Page 6: Prairie Knolls Falcon… · Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March

Bronze Honor Roll - Quarter 2 Rhiannon Abate Makayla Esfahani Grace Lyon Eduardo Serna Saucedo

Shawn Adkerson Christian Esparza Alexandra Macias Raghdah Shaibi

Sayf Afeef Mason Eyrich Tyson Malak Sarim Siddiqui

Summer Alcorn Brianna Farmer Averi Maraccini Dilpreet Sidhu

Adrilina Alicea Colin Finn Ella Marin Mannet Sidhu

Rohan Amin Aaron Franco Emily Menke Hannah Siedsma

Michael Appoh Michael Franzone Luciano Metallo Hunter Smith

Eliana Arcos Caleb Garcia Allison Meyer Martin Soto Navaez

Aidan Arreola Fabian Garcia Reilly Mikkelsen Rylan Stamper

Ashley Arroyo Makayla Gonzalez Isabella Murillo Maci Steele

Nathan Astudillo Loghan Gorman Joshua Murray Skyla Stewart

Yusuf Baig Samara Granger Elaina Neufeld Kennedi Stock

David Barkocy Jacob Griffey Nicholas Nuno Cayden Sweitzer

Aric Beaman Owen Hachfeld Amya Ocasio Hannah Tatu

Jorie Bergroschtje Anthony Haith Samantha Origel Sydney Tecza

Sohan Bhungalia Amira Hamdani Josiah Ortiz Preet Thakkar

Christian Biggs Savanna Heiniger Logan Ortiz Vidhi Thakkar

Marla Bingcang Owen Hensler Alfredo Ortiz Jr Radko Tomko

Arianna Borre Natasha Holcomb Amber Panichi Nadine Trevino

Gillian Bramer William Horton IV Gavino Pedone Ian Trujillo

Kody Bruce Dylan Isola Lukas Perry Alyssa Turffs

Robert Burke IV Payton Isola David Peterson Caden Ulmer

Andrew Capps Keian Jao Lillian Phillips Karime Valadez

Alisa Chanthana Caleb Jayaraj Amanda Popovich Yasmin Valdivia

Blake Cornwell Briana Johnson Brooke Reynolds Rosario Valenti

Carli Courtney Timothy Kareka Dayannah Rodriguez Rubio Reese Vonderlack

Diego Cruz Miles Kennedy Tommy Ruiz Martinez Madyson Warmus

Nora Dalke Piper Kling Damien Salazar Luke Welker

Adelaide Dauel Andrew Knox Lucas Samaan Ethan Welsh

Riley Doody Catalano Keaton Koch Ayden Sayavong Lauren White

Ricardo Echavarri Keanu Kono Mason Sayavong Lexi Wilbrandt

Jasmine Edwards Hannah Kowalik Nathan Scarso Fred Wills IV

Warsame Egeh Brady Lamberg Kyle Schmidt Carter Woodruff

Samuel Erb Emma Laria Matthew Schmidt Alec Zaccaria

Quinton Erickson Ivan Larson Jessica Scigliuolo Michael Zeinieh

Jenifer Escobar Chelsea Logsdon Gaetano Selvaggio Tanner Zimmerman

Page 7: Prairie Knolls Falcon… · Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March

Student Recognition Congratulations to the following students for earning 2nd Quarter Recognition. Each student was congratulated during a recognition breakfast on Thursday, February 9th. During this time the parents, teachers, and administrators were present to encourage students and recognize their successes. Great work ladies and gentlemen! Congratulations!!! You are fantastic role models for your peers!

Academic Excellence Award

Exemplary Effort Award

Prairie Knolls Award Good Character Award

Kristiana Brennan Paige Greenhagel

Chaitan Grewal Brooke Hermanson Kyriaki Karavasis Matthew Lemon

Mikayla Onayemi Tyler Payton

Christian Ryczek Andrew Scharnowski

Zachary Schmidt Mariana Shapiama

Jenna DuMelle Keenan Eilrich Emma Foster

Natasha Holcomb Vanessa Huichapa

Braden Lowitzki Lukas Moldenhauer Amanda Popovich

Carly Robinson Affan Siddiqui Lexi Wilbrandt

William Aguirre Abigail Evenson Kyle Hermanson

Anna Keeny Shannon Mahoney

Nolan Milas Andrew Nordwind Sophia Ochana Preet Thakkar

Trestan Wagner Madyson Warmus Alexander Wright

Eva Boer

Diego Cruz Ava Farrell

Jacob Glazik Tyler Haines

Madison Lagasca Addison Nava

Ryan Wustefeld

Page 8: Prairie Knolls Falcon… · Prairie Knolls Falcon Flyer March 2017 Important Dates From the Principal: March

2017 Winter Sports

Girls Basketball Update -

The Girls basketball team is having a great season and we hope to see their success

continue into the NCJC Tournament. On Thursday, March 2nd & Saturday, March 4th the

7th grade girls’ basketball team will play at Prairie Knolls for the NCJC Tournament. Let’s

cheer the girls on to a victory!

Scholastic Bowl Update –

The PKMS Scholastic Bowl is having a great season! They have their conference tournament at

Belvidere South Middle School on Saturday, March 4th. We wish them good luck in the tournament!

Wrestling –

Wrestling is about to begin their postseason as part of IESA. They compete in DeKalb on Saturday,

March 4th for the Regional Tournament. If any Wrestlers advance Sectionals will be held on

Saturday, March 11th and State would be on Friday, March 17th and Saturday, March 18th at NIU. Good

luck Wrestlers!

2017 Spring Sports

Track –

Track season is just around the corner! Our first official practice on Monday, March 13th. Practices

will continue from 3:00 - 5:00pm each evening. There will be a parent information meeting on Monday,

March 13th at 5:00 p.m. in the PKMS Gymnasium. All 7th and 8th graders who join the track team must

attend the meeting with one parent/guardian. Parking for the meeting will be available near the gym

and door 26 (athletic doors) will be open. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact one

of the track coaches prior to the meeting.

Track Coaches: 7th grade – Coach Ebener, Coach Ferstl

8th grade – Coach Govea, Coach Fanella

Registration for Track and Field is now open!! To register visit Click

on the registration tab and then follow instructions to sign up for 7th grade Track and Field. To join

the team, student athletes must register on 8to18, print and sign a concussion form and turn in an up-

to-date physical (within one year) before the first day of practice. If your child has submitted

paperwork for a previous sport this school year they do not need to turn in additional paperwork. We

hope to see you there!

*Any student who has not registered on 8to18, turned in physical form or concussion form will

not be allowed to tryout or practice!*

-Fee ($100.00 due before the first competition)

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