Practice Report Use Gps

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  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps




    Prepared by :

    Arditiya Tri Yuliwardana /10/XII-GP.A

    Fistian Bayu Keshawa /28/XII-GP.A

    Galih Imam Priadi /29/XII-GP.A

    Herman Suryawan / 32 /XII-GP.A




  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps



    Practice report use of GPS in the area SMK N 2 Depok Sleman, which we performed at:

    Day / Date : Monday, October 15, 2012

    Time : 10.00 am

    It has been inspected and approved:

    Day / date :

    By :


    Ir. Heri Wibowo Ir. H. Holidi

    NIP. 19590113 198903 1002 NIP. 19550210 198403 1002


    Head of the Department of Geology Mining

    Agung Widyatmoko, M.Pd.

    NIP. 19611006 198803 1004

  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps



    Title Page .. 1

    Page Endorgement .. 2

    Contains List ........................................................................................... 3

    Preface 4

    Chapter I Introduction .. 5

    Background .. 5

    Purpose and Objectives .. 5

    Practical Implementation .. 6

    Chapter II Practicum GPS . 7

    GPS Equipment Parts .. 7

    Uses GPS Parts .. 9

    Siting Through GPS ... 11

    Tracking . 11

    Transfer Data From GPS to a Computer . 14

    Ploating Waypoints and Tracking Data to the Map ............................ 15

    Image Data Track .. 17

    Chapter III Conclusion .. 18

  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps



    Assalamu'alaikum. Wr. wb

    Thank God we prayed to Allah SWT for His mercy and guidance so that we can complete

    this lab report lab and smoothly. Blessings and greetings may always given to our master

    Prophet Muhammad.

    With the finish of this task we thanked profusely to those who have helped in the

    implementation of this report. Especially thank you, I thank:

    1. Mr. Ir. Heri Wibowo, as a guidance counselor that I have given to our learning and knowledge

    in the practice of GPS time,

    2. and Mr. Ir. H. Holidi as a guidance counselor II which also has helped provide our learning

    and knowledge to the practice of GPS time.

    The report is structured after the practicum was held on Monday, October 15, 2012. By

    reading this report I hope readers can add a bit of knowledge about how the operation and use

    of the GPS device.

    So what can I say, I hope this report can be useful for pembaca.Kritik and suggestions so

    I need to build my behalf in making the next task.

    Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Sleman, October 15, 2012



  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps




    1.1 Background

    At present Mining Geology majors are majors must have a reliable Human Resources,

    good knowledge, physical, mental, and Humans attitude.the sources is much needed by the

    workforce later. Thus in addition to given educational theories, we should also be able to apply

    it in the field, so we'll work in the world are used in the field. For instance using application GPS


    GPS (Global Positioning System) is a tool to determine where on the Earth's surface with

    the help of alignment (synchronization) satwlite signal. and these tools can serve to determine

    the location (plotting location), making the trajectory (tracking), to determine the direction of

    the compass, to mark the point on a path, which we use to dll.GPS lab is kind of Garmin


    1.2 Purpose and Objectives:

    - Train students team works.

    - Train students to get accustomed to using a GPS device.

    - Train students to work accurately and timely.

    - Increase the experience and insight of students.

    - Adds the ability for students.

    - Students can learn how the operation of the GPS.

    - Improve student skills in pengguanaan GPS device.

    - To train students to work in groups.

    - Improving the quality of students in learning practical cartography.

    - Train students to work accurately and timely.

  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps


    1.3 Implementation Practicum:

    Day, date : Monday, October 15, 2012

    Time : 8:00 to 11:00 pm

    Practice Area : Area SMK N 2 Depok campus

    Ploating our first location (mark) in tracking using GPS, we start mining geology

    laboratory we named ST01 and we put a "P" on the track (track) GPS, and ploating our last

    location tracking is a security post in southern SMKN 2 Depok which we named STPM SLTN and

    we put a "home". Our tracking trajectory can be seen in "Chapter II point 2.6 Image Data


  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps



    Practicum GPS

    2.1 GPS Equipment Parts

    - Front:

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    - Rear Sight :

    - Display the GPS main menu:

    a. First Menu Display:


    Satelite Signal

    Satelite Symbol

    around us


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    b. Second Display Menu:

    2.2 Uses GPS Tool Parts

    - Part of the Home GPS:

    1. ON / OFF button. This button serves to turn on or turn off the Receiver or to adjust the light /

    dark screen.

    2. Button Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons. This button works on view page (page) map (map) to

    zoom in or zoom the map screen.

    3. FIND button. The Find function to display the Find menu, useful for navigating find a point of

    known coordinates (waypoint).

    4. Mark serves MARK.Tombol button to save the current position to the waypoint


    5. QUIT button. Quit button function to exit from a menu screen or return to the previous page.

    6. ROCKER button. Rocker function buttons to select the menu or move the cursor on the

    display layer.

    7. PAGE button. The button serves to move from page views (page) 1 to the next page.

    8. MENU button. The Menu button function to display the option each page view or two timeswhen pressed will display the main menu page.

    9. ENTER button. Some function keys are as follows:

    To select the MENU / SUB MENU and to enter data (eg enter coordinates to Waypoint).

  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps


    - Rear Parts GPS:

    1. Belt Clip, for GPS put on the belt.

    2. Antenna connection port, for connecting external GPS antenna.

    3. Foreign port Battery Connection, to connect the GPS to the external battery.

    4. USB Cable port, to transfer data from your GPS to your PC using a USB kebel.

    5. GPS antenna, to search for satellite signals.

    6. Battery lock, to lock the battery on the GPS.

    7. GPS Battery Place, to put / place the battery.

    8. Slot Close battery, battery cover to support GPS.

    - Display the Main Menu:

    a. Menu Display First:

    1. The reading of coordinates, the coordinate readout is part of a point.

    2. Satellite, is the location / position space satellites captured by GPS.

    3. Accuracy, is precision / accuracy of the GPS reading distance.

    4. Satellite signal, is a graphic indicator that captured GPS satellite signals.

    b. Second Menu Display:

    1. Tracks, is a submenu to create a track / path.

    2. Routes, is a submenu to see our route on the map /

    3. Highway, is a submenu to determine the height of a point.

    4. Setup is a submenu to set, change the GPS system.

    5. Proximity, is a submenu to define the scope of a circle around the waypoint location.

    6. Calender, is a submenu setting the date, month and year.

    7. Calculator, is a submenu to process the data in the form of numbers.

    8. Stopwatch, is a submenu to calculate the duration of time.

  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps


    9. Sun & Moon, is a submenu to know the location / position of the sun and moon in the earth.

    10. Hunt & Fish, is a submenu to record the best time in the game of hunting and fishing.

    11. Games, is a submenu for various games.

    2.3 Determination of the location via GPS / way point

    To start track / waypoints to make the track the first time (the starting point of tracking)

    can be determined with the following steps:

    - Press the page button on the GPS a few times to find the "map page". Map page is a map in

    the GPS, there is a point where we stand and there is also a measurable scale indicated by the


    - Press the enter button, or mark button and it will display the page "mark waypoints". Mark

    Waypoint is the GPS menu to mark a point on the Map Page. Inside there Waypoint symbol

    point, point name, creation time, coordinates, elevation, and depht.

    Map Page

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    - Give the name of waypoints and give the symbol according to the needs and desires.

    2.4 Tracking

    Tracking is one of the sub menus that can be encountered on the main track

    menu.Menu used for recording or the recording of a journey, with the data obtained includes

    the time, location, and mapping coordinate .On track submenu is used to perform tracking or

    mapping areas a mineral exploration paths.

    Here are the stages of activity tracking:

    - Once the GPS is turned on with a good signal and good accuracy, then press the menu button

    located on the GPS twice. Will display the main menu.

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    - Select the sub menu tracks and hit enter, then tracks the page will appear as shown above.

    - To start tracking, select "ON" and then enter. Please start tracking along these lines that you


    - In conducting tracking, sometimes we find the location that is considered important or

    necessary in the make waypoints. To mark it, press the "mark" on the GPS to bring up a page

    mark. Change the name of the location and give the symbol, then select "OK" and enter the


    - At the time mark with waypoints do not forget to download the track Off track on the menu,

    this is to prevent the occurrence and recurrence track irregularity on track.

    - Do the same on the locations of the tracking path that is considered important by way of

    marking the waypoint menu.

    - Finally, after tracking process has been completed, save the data tracking dengancara track

    back into the menu and select "SAVE" and press enter. After that change the name or

    description of the data tracking needs and press "OK".

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    - If we want to see our track on the map, select "Map" on the menu saved track. And we

    akanterlihat track appears on the map.

    2.5 Transfer Data from GPS to a Computer

    In track data processing using software, you can transfer data from your GPS to track computer

    is as follows:

    - First turn on the GPS first by pressing the "ON" at the top of the GPS,

    - Then connect the USB cable port GPS with Computer using USB cable / data cable,

    - Once connected, it will display a dialog box GPS data from the memory card,

    - To retrieve data from the GPS, the first open software "Map Source", then select the taskbar

    "Transfer" and select "Receive from device" to retrieve data from the GPS,

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    - It will display a dialog box receive from the device, and select the device according to the GPS

    series and also set the type of data you want, then click "Receive",

    - The data from the GPS will be transferred to a computer and track data can be accessed and

    processed using Folders Source software.

    2.6 Ploating Waypoints and Tracking Data into Maps

    - Once the data is transferred from the memorycard GPS to the computer, then the data can be

    read by software Map Source,

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    - Then the data track on the receive to Map Source and the dialog box will appear to the left of

    the display software folder that contains the submenu Source maps, waypoints, routes, and

    tracks. Looks like the picture above,

    - Then select the submenu track to select the track according to the name of track that has

    been created, and double click on the data track, then a dialog box will pop track properties and

    select the "Show on Map" and then click "OK",

    - Select submenu mengeplotkan waypoints for all waypoints that have been made in the

    tracking path by replacing the "All Categories",

    - Then track the path that we have made will come complete with a view of the entire map,

    waypointnya. Pictured above is a sample track from our group.

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    2.6 Image Data Track

    Start Waypoint

    Koordinat Titik :

    -Derajat : - UTM :

    S 7046 20.8 N 432972

    E110023 31.6 E 914080

    Koordinat Titik :

    -Derajat : - UTM :


    46 22.5 N 432954


    23 31.0 E 9140755

    Last Waypoint

  • 7/31/2019 Practice Report Use Gps




    GPS (Global Positioning System) is an electronic aids which are of great importance in

    the world of Geology Mining. The primary function of the GPS is to determine the coordinates

    or position at a given location, as well as the creation of a movement path in the exploration or

    geological mapping.

    Judging from the function and development of today's technology, GPS for students

    learning courses in Geology Mining is needed to train the understanding and operation of the

    GPS directly or field conditions. No less importantly, the process of data using software that will

    increase the carrying capacity of the students in the world of mining geology.