Practice ~ DBQ #1

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  • Crystal Eshraghi APUSH ~ Period 5 05-03-14

    Practice ~ DBQ #1 !Analyze the causes of growing opposition to slavery in the United States from 1776 to 1852. In your response consider both underlying forces and specific events that contributed to the growing opposition. ! Slavery, the so-called peculiar institution of the United States, has long been the subject of heated debate and the culprit of intense sectionalist divide. Despite the fact that the business of human bondage remained well at large until the mid nineteenth century, gradual opposition to slavery had been mounting across the nation throughout the near-century prior. Among the numerous underlying forces and specific events that contributed to this growing opposition were the moral disagreement with the system of human chattel maintained by millions of American reformers, as well as the predominance of personal interests in the matter, which often encouraged white Americans to protest against slavery primarily because its existence impacted their own lives negatively in some way. ! Moral opposition to slavery was evident since the colonial period, and only grew in strength and power as time went on. As demonstrated by the fact that Northern states such as New York and Pennsylvania provided for the gradual emancipation of slaves (Doc A), northern industrialists and manufacturers who did not depend on slavery nearly as heavily as did the Southern plantation farmers argued against the indefinite continuance of slavery, paving the way for the energetic abolitionists of the coming decades, most of whom hailed from these Northern territories. This anti-slavery sentiment was recognizable from the colonial period, as the Quakers of the Pennsylvania colony established the first anti-slavery organization in the New World. In addition, a court decision upholding the abolition of slavery in Massachusetts claimed that all men are born free and equaland every subject is entitled to liberty (Doc B). Clearly, northern territories such as Massachusetts were the birth place of the abolition movement, as talk of moral opposition to the immoral human bondage so freely practiced in the South quickly spread and the concern over the loss of American liberties at the hands of selfish slaveholders became a central focus of regional debate. A specific event that occurred in 1810 clearly illustrated the growing moral opposition to slavery: an African American minister was gifted $500 by the residents of Philadelphia so that he could build himself a church (Doc C). Evidently, these northern citizens must have felt that whites and blacks were more or less fundamental equals, because they claimed that the ministers personal success would benefit the entire community, regardless of skin color. Many opponents of slavery and supporters of black-rights believed that the races should coexist in harmony because they were interdependent and reaped social and economic benefits from intercommunication. Many whites also felt that investment in free blacks was a healthy cause, because it would potentially further their standing and empower African Americans throughout the nation. William Lloyd Garrison, renowned radical abolitionist, called for the unconditional end of slavery throughout the country, claiming that he would do all he could to help secure to the colored peopleall the rights and privileges that belong to them as men, and as Americans (Doc E). Garrison was the editor of the anti-

  • Crystal Eshraghi APUSH ~ Period 5 05-03-14

    slavery newspaper, The Liberator, and he called for the immediate and uncompromisable end of slavery on the grounds that it was entirely immoral and stripped rightful Americans of their birthright. Garrison represented the growing radical abolition movement, which arguably reached its peak with the violently legendary raid on Harpers Ferry initiated by the radical John Brown, who believed that slavery was inherently evil and that God had commissioned him to spell its end. Angelina Grimke, another abolitionist, invoked American fears of human suffering by emphasizing the terrible separations and physical torture endured by virtually all slaves (Doc F). Many white Americans connected to the slaves plight by recognizing the immorality of their circumstance and by criticizing the intense cruelly they suffered at the hands of their masters. Harriet Beecher Stowes revolutionary novel, Uncle Toms Cabin (Doc J), epitomized the growing sectional conflict over slavery by encouraging embittered whites to voice their opinions against slavery on the basis of the immoral suffering and inhumanity it wrought on its victims through its vivid depictions of a family of slaves suffering through just that. ! In addition to moral opposition, the anti-slavery crusade also took flight due to the white populations desire to guarantee only the best for their own self-interest, and for many, the continuance of slavery seemed to hinder that. The American Colonization Society, predominately led by middle-class white men, encouraged the return of black Americans to Africa, claiming that this description of persons are not, and cannot be, either useful or happy among usthere should be a separation. These white abolitionists were only against slavery because of their inherent prejudice against the black people, and due to an underlying sentiment of white supremacy maintained by many white citizens. These reformers believed that blacks were not the equals of whites, and although slavery was not the appropriate solution, African-Americans did not belong in the United States whatsoever. David Wilmot, perhaps most noted for the failed Wilmot Proviso which proposed the permanent forbiddance of slavery in all territory seized as a result of the Mexican-American war, was in fact only against the spread of slavery because of his commitment to his own personal interests in the matter. He declared that he plead the cause of the rights of White freemen (Doc H) rather than those of the slaves themselves, and was primarily motivated to advocated for free soil because the lack of slavery in western territories would provide many more opportunities for poor, white farmers and laborers, who often had to compete with the much more desirable slaves for work. ! The debate over slavery has helped to define much of American history, and the growing opposition to this peculiar institution of human bondage emerged in part by the mounting moral opposition to such blatant human suffering as well as by personal grievances by the somewhat threatened white majority.