Practice Christianity

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  • 7/28/2019 Practice Christianity



    By Weston Elliot Strickler

    Practice ChristianityThe Instructions, Commandments, and Teachings of Jesus

    This handout includes the three synoptic gospels; Mark, Luke, and Mathew, the non-synoptic gospel of

    John, and also the gospel of Thomas. In this handout I am focusing upon statements, commandments,

    and teachings that Jesus told us to do or not to do. I have divided this handout into various Practice

    Divisions. There are, I am sure, more categorized divisions which I have not exhausted. I have included

    the number of training commandments per division below the section title to help us compare and

    contrast the differing focuses and emphasis of the various gospels. At the beginning of each gospel I

    have also included a list ofJesus sayings that exonerate practice. I have used the NIV translation for the

    four canonical gospels and the translation by Thomas O. Lambdinfor the gospel of Thomas.

    The main divisions to this handout are:

    Exonerating Practice: These are sayings to encourage and instruct us to live out, follow, and practice the

    commandments and teachings of Jesus.

    The main training commandments: These are the greatest commandments and the fulfillment of the

    practice that all the rest of the commandments and teachings hang upon.

    The training commandments for those who want to be perfect and who can accept renunciation:

    Renunciation is the lifestyle of giving up all worldly things to fully practice, fulfill, and live the teachings.

    These instructions are given to all people, but are lived out as, Jesus says, by those who can accept

    them. Renunciants, monks, nuns, and homeless spiritual seekers are common place throughout Asia,

    but this tradition and lifestyle of celibacy and lack of ownership has for the most part been lost,

    disenfranchised, and compartmentalized in the West.

    The training commandments for Renunciants and all people: These are the practices that are intended

    for all people, lay followers and Renunciants alike. These practices do not require the complete

    renunciation of the family and home to follow, though the spirit of these practices do point to and

    praise renunciation as its fulfillment and greatest lifestyle and spiritual ideal. Classical Asian spirituality is

    divided between the householder or lay person and the Renunciant. The Renunciant renounces all for

    the fulfillment of the practice while the householder encourages, supports, and learns from the

    Renuncients quest to fulfill the religious ideal.

    The symbolic and mystical training commandments for Renunciants and all people: These are

    teachings that are meant to be practiced metaphorically or spiritually.

    The training commandments to Priests and Teachers of the law: These are instructions that are

    specifically directed at experts and teachers in priestly or religious knowledge, though they are

    instructional to all.

    The training commandments that we are to say or pray: These are the instructions on what we are topray or say.

    The training commandments concerning Belief: These are the practices on how we are to believe.

    The training commandments that apply to the disciples contextual situation: These are instructions

    that apply to a specific context within the narrative.

    The training commandments that you must be born again: These are the training commandments

    concerning the idea that we must be born again.

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    The Gospel Of Mathew

    Exonerating Practice


    5:19 Whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.5:19 Do not break one of the least of these commandments and do not teach others to do the same or

    you will be called least in the kingdom of heaven

    7:24 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man

    who built his house on the rock.

    7:26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish

    man who built his house on sand.

    11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me

    15:3 Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition.

    15:6 Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.

    19:17 Obey the commandments

    28:20 Go make disciples of all nations and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you

    The main training commandments


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and

    the Prophets.

    22:37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, this is the

    greatest commandment.

    22:39 Love your neighbor as yourself, this second commandment is the like the first. All the Law and the

    Prophets hang on these two commandments.

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them

    but to fulfill them.

    The training commandments for those who want to be perfect and who can accept renunciation


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    5:48 Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

    7:13 Enter through the narrow gate

    19:11 Renounce marriage for the kingdom of heaven. Those who can accept this should accept it.

    19:21 Sell your possessions and give to the poor and have treasures in heaven and then follow me if you

    want to be perfect

    19:29 Leave your house for my sake and you will inherit eternal life

    19:29 Leave your brothers and sisters for my sake and you will inherit eternal life

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    19:29 Leave your fathers and mothers for my sake and you will inherit eternal life

    19:29 Leave your children for my sake and you will inherit eternal life

    19:29 Leave your fields for my sake and you will inherit eternal life

    The training commandments for Renunciants and all people


    Instruction and Practices To Do:

    4:10 Worship God and serve him only.

    4:17 Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.

    4:19 Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

    5:3 Be poor in spirit

    5:4 Mourn

    5:6 Be meek

    5:7 Be merciful

    5:8 Be pure in heart

    5:9 Be peacemakers5:10 Be persecuted because of righteousness

    5:11-12 Rejoice and be glad when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil

    against you because of me.

    5:16 Let your light shine before men so they can see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

    5:20 To enter the kingdom of heaven your righteousness must surpass the Priests and teachers of Law.

    5:24 Be reconciled to your brother

    5:25 Settle matters quickly with your adversary. Do it while you are still with him.

    5:37 Let your yes be yes and your no be no.

    5:39 If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn him the other also.

    5:40 If someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.

    5:41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.5:42 Give to the one who asks you.

    5:44 Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in


    6:4 Give in secret.

    6:6 When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.

    6:12 Forgive your debtors

    6:14 Forgive men when they sin against you

    6:17 When you fast, look nice and normal, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting.

    6:20 Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven

    6:33 Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

    7:5 First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from

    your brothers eye

    7:7 Ask, your Father in heaven, and it will be given to you

    7:7 Seek, your Father in heaven, and you will find

    7:7 Knock and the door will be opened by your Father in heaven

    7:15 Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are

    ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.

    9:9 Follow me

    9:13 Practice Mercy

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    9:38 Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field

    10:7 Preach this message

    10:8 Heal the sick

    10:8 Raise the dead

    10:8 Cleanse those who have leprosy

    10:8 Drive out demons

    10:8 Freely give as you have freely received

    10:16 Be as shrewd as snakes

    10:16 Be as innocent as doves

    10:17 Be on your guard against men

    10:22 Stand firm till the end

    10:23 When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another

    10:27 Speak in the daylight what I tell you in the dark

    10:27 Proclaim from the roofs what is whispered in your ear

    10:32 Acknowledge me before men

    10:38 Take your cross and follow me

    10:39 Lose your life for my sake and you will find it

    10:41 Receive a prophet and receive a prophets reward10:41 Receive a righteous man and receive a righteous mans reward

    11:28 Come to me and I will give you rest

    11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me

    12:7 Do Mercy, not sacrifice

    12:50 Do the will of my Father in heaven and be my brother and sister and mother

    14:16 Give them something to eat

    15:32 Have compassion

    16:6 Be careful

    16:6 Be on guard against the yeast of the Priests and teachers of the Law.

    16:24 Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me

    16:20 Have faith18:3 Change and become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven

    18:4 Humble yourself like a child

    18:15 Go and show him his fault, just between the two of you, if your brother sins against you

    18:16 Take one or two others along with you, if your brother will not listen, so that there will be multiple

    witnesses if your brother sins against you

    18:17 Tell it to the church if your brother who sins against you refuses to listen.

    18:17 Treat him as if he were not part of the church, if your brother who sins against you refuses to

    listen to the church

    18:22 Forgive seventy-seven times.

    18:35 Forgive your brother from your heart

    19:17 Obey the commandments

    19:18 Honor your father and mother

    19:18 Love your neighbor as yourself

    20:26 Be a servant

    21:21 Have faith

    22:21 Give to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is Gods.

    23:11 Be a servant

    23:12 Be humble

    24:4 Watch out that no one deceives you

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    24:6 See to it that you are not alarmed when you hear of wars or rumors of wars

    24:13 Stand firm to the end and be saved

    25:13 Keep watch

    25:35 Give someone hungry something to eat

    25:35 Give someone thirsty something to drink

    25:35 Invite a stranger in

    25:36 Give clothes to those in need

    25:35 Look after those who are sick

    25:36 Visit those who are in prison

    26:41 Watch and pray so that you do not fall into temptation

    28:19 Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the

    Holy Spirit.

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    4:7 Do not put God to the test.

    5:22 Do not be angry with your brother.

    5:22 Do not say you fool5:28 Do not look at a woman lustfully.

    5:32 Do not divorc your wife except for marital unfaithfulness.

    5:34 Do not swear at all.

    5:39 Do not resist an evil person.

    5:42 Do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

    6:1 Do not do your acts of righteousness before men, to be seen by them.

    6:2 Do not announce it with trumpets when you give to the needy.

    6:3 Do not let your left had know what your right hand is doing when you give to the needy.

    6:5 Do not be like the hypocrites and pray to be seen by men.

    6:7 Do not keep on babbling like pagans when you pray, for they think they will be heard because of

    their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask.6:16 Do not look somber when you fast.

    6:19 Do not store up treasures for yourselves

    6:24 Do not serve Money. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and Money.

    6:25 Do not worry about your life

    6:25 Do not worry what you will eat or drink

    6:25 Do not worry about your body

    6:25 Do not worry what you will wear

    6:28 Do not worry about clothes

    6:31 Do not worry

    6:34 Do not worry about tomorrow

    7:1 Do not judge

    7:3 Do not look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your

    own eye

    7:6 Do not give dogs what is sacred

    7:6 Do not throw your pearls to pigs

    9:13 Do not practice sacrifice

    10:19 Do not worry about what to say or how to say it when they arrest you for following me.

    10:26 Do not be afraid of them.

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    10:28 Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body, but be afraid of the One who can destroy both

    body and soul

    10:31 Dont be afraid

    10:33 Do not disown me before men

    10:34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth.

    10:37 Do not love your father or mother more than me

    10:37 Do not love your son or daughter more than me

    12:32 Do not speak a word against the Holy Spirit

    12:36 Do not speak careless words

    15:3 Do not break the command of God for the sake of your tradition.

    15:6 Do not nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.

    15:9 Do not worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men

    15:19 Do not have evil thoughts

    15:19 Do not murder

    15:19 Do not do adultery

    15:19 Do not do sexual immorality

    15:19 Do not do theft

    15:19 Do not do false testimony15:19 Do not slander

    15:32 Do not send people away hungry

    17:25-26 Do not offend the kings of the earth by not paying taxes

    18:6 Do not cause the little ones who believe in me to sin

    18:10 Do not look down on the little ones

    19:6 Do not separate a couple God has joined together in marriage

    19:9 Do not divorce your wife, except for marital unfaithfulness.

    19:9 Do not marry another woman, except if your wife is martially unfaithful.

    19:14 Do not hinder the little children

    19:18 Do not murder

    19:18 Do not steal19:18 Do not give false testimony

    20:25 Do not exercise authority over other people

    21:21 Do not doubt

    23:8 Do not call yourself Master

    23:9 Do not call anyone on earth father

    23:10 Do not call yourself teacher

    23:25 Do not be greedy

    23:25 Do not be self indulgent

    The symbolic training commandments for renunciants and all people


    The training commandments to Priests and Teachers of the law


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    22:26 Clean the inside of the cup and dish, and the outside also will be clean.

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    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    23:4 Do not tie up heavy loads and put them on mens shoulders when you yourselves will not lift a

    finger to move them

    23:5 Do not have everything you do to be seen by men

    23:5 Do not make your phylacteries wide

    23:5 Do not make your tassels on your garments long

    23: Do not love the place of honor and the banquet

    23:6 Do not love the most important seats in the synagogues

    23:7 Do not love to be greeted in the marketplaces

    23:7 Do not love for men to call you Teacher

    23:13 Do not be hypocrites

    23:13 Do not shut the kingdom of heaven in mens faces who are trying to enter when you yourself do

    not enter

    23:23 Do not neglect justice, mercy, and faithfulness

    23:26 Do not look beautiful on the outside and on the inside be unclean

    23:28 Do not on the outside appear to be righteous, but on the inside be fully of hypocrisy

    The training commandments that we are to say or pray


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    6:9-13 Pray: Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth

    as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our

    debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

    The training commandments concerning what to Believe


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    21:22 Believe and receive whatever you ask for in prayer

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    24:23 Do not believe it if some says look there is Christ

    24:26 Do not believe it and go out into the desert if some says he is out there

    24:26 Do not believe it if someone says I am in an inner room

    The training commandments that apply to the disciples contextual situation


    The training commandments that you must be born again


    Questions for the gospel of Mathew:

    What does Jesus say God is? 6:6 unseen, Father, Lord, 9:38 Lord of the harvest

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    What does commandment mean?

    What are good deeds?

    What is your light?

    What is renunciation? 22:30

    What is righteousness?

    What does it mean to believe?

    What does it mean to follow Jesus?

    How do you serve God?

    What is the kingdom of God?

    What is sin?

    What does blasphemy against the Holy Spirit mean?

    What is the meaning of fishers of men?

    How do we become poor in spirit?

    How do we become pure in heart?

    How do we practice these instructions Jesus is giving us?

    How do we become like little children?

    How do we humble ourselves like a little child?

    The Gospel Of Mark

    Exonerating Practice:


    7:8 Dont hold onto the traditions of men and let go of the commands of God.

    7:9 Do not set aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions

    7:13 Do not nullify the word of God by your traditions that you have handed down

    The main training commandments


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    12:30 Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your


    12:31 Love your neighbor as yourself

    The training commandments for those who want to be perfect and who can accept renunciation


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    6:10 Stay there until you leave that town whenever you enter a house

    8:34 Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me

    8:35 Lose your life for me and the gospel and save it

    9:35 Be last to be first

    9:35 Be a servant to all

    10:21 Go sell everything you have and give to the poor

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    10:29 Leave home and brothers and sisters and mother and father and children and fields to follow me

    12:25 Be like angels in heaven who neither marry nor are given in marriage

    10:43 Be a servant

    10:44 Be a slave to all

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    6:8 Take nothing for the journey except a staff and sandals

    6:8 Take no bread on the journey

    6:8 Take no bag on the journey

    6:8 Take no money in your belts for the journey

    6:9 Take no extra tunic on the journey

    The training commandments for Renunciants and all people


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    1:15 Repent and believe the good news.

    1:17 Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men

    4:9 Hear if you have ears

    4:20 Hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop

    4:23 Hear if you have ears

    5:34 Have your faith heal you

    5:34 Be at peace

    5:34 Be free from suffering

    6:37 Give them something to eat

    7:21 Clean evil thoughts from within you

    7:21 Clean sexual immorality from your heart7:21 Clean theft from within you

    7:21 Clean murder from within you

    7:21 Clean adultery from with you

    7:22 Clean greed from within you

    7:22 Clean malice from within you

    7:22 Clean deceit from within you

    7:22 Clean lewdness from within you

    7:22 Clean envy from within you

    7:22 Clean slander from within you

    7:22 Clean arrogance from within you

    7:22 Clean folly from within you

    8:15 Watch out for the yeast of the Priests and that of local rulers

    9:37 Welcome the little children in my name and you welcome the one who sent me

    9:50 Be at peace with each other

    10:15 Receive the kingdom of God like a little child in order to enter it

    10:19 Honor your father and mother

    10:52 Have your faith heal you

    11:22 Have faith in God

    11:25 Forgive anyone who you hold anything against when you pray

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    12:17 Give to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is Gods

    12:27 Worship the God of the living, not the God of the dead

    12:38 Watch out for the teachers of the law

    13:5 Watch out that no one deceives you

    12:43 Be like the poor widow who gives everything she has, all she had to live on

    13:9 Be on your guard when you are handed over to the local council

    13:9 Be witnesses to governors and kings

    13:10 Preach the gospel to all nations

    13:13 Stand firm to the end and be saved even when all men hate you because of me

    13:33 Be alert

    13:33 Be on guard

    13:37 Watch

    16:15 Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    3:29 Do not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit

    4:17 Do not have trouble or persecution make you fall away from the word4:19 Dont have worries of this life choke out the word

    4:19 Dont have the deceitfulness of wealth choke out the word

    4:19 Dont have the desire for other things choke out the word

    8:36 Dont forfeit your soul by gaining the world

    9:39 Do not stop anyone who does a miracle in my name

    9:42 Do not cause a child, who believes in me, to sin

    10:9 Do not separate a married couple

    10:11 Do not marry another woman and divorce your wife

    10:12 Do not marry another man and divorce your husband

    10:14 Do not hinder the little children from coming to me because the kingdom of God belongs to them

    10:18 Do not call Jesus good, but only call God good10:19 Do not murder

    10:19 Do not commit adultery

    10:19 Do not steal

    10:19 Do not give false testimony

    10:19 Do not defraud

    10:23 Do not be a rich man

    10:42 Do not exercise authority over others

    11:23 Do not have doubt in your heart

    13:11 Do not worry about what you will say when you are arrested and brought to trial

    The symbolic and mystical training commandments for Renunciants and all people


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    9:43 Cut off your hand if it causes you to sin

    9:45 Cut off your foot if it causes you to sin

    9:47 Pluck out your eye if it causes you to sin

    9:50 Have salt in yourself

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    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    13:36 Do not let the owner of the house find you sleeping

    The training commandments to Priests and Teachers of the law


    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    5:36 Dont be afraid, just believe

    The training commandments that we are to say or pray


    The training commandments concerning what to Believe


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    11:23 Believe what you say will happen

    11:24 Believe that you have received whatever you ask for in prayer and it will be yours

    16:17 Believe in the good news and drive out demons

    16:17 Believe in the good news and speak in new tongues

    16:17 Believe in the good news and pick up snakes with your hands and they will not hurt you

    16:18 Believe in the good news and drink deadly poisons and it will not hurt you

    16:18 Believe in the good news and place your hands upon sick people and they will be healed

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    13:21 Do not believe it when they say look there is the Christ

    The training commandments that apply to the disciples contextual situation


    The training commandments that you must be born again


    Questions for the gospel of Mark:

    What does Jesus say God is? 12:29 one 12:29 lord

    What does repent mean?

    What does follow me mean?

    What is the resurrection?

    What does it mean to believe?

    What is preaching the good news?

    Why does Jesus say only call God good and do not even call him good?

    Why does Jesus say not to divorce and remarry?

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    What is the word?

    What is your soul?

    How do you clean evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit,

    lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly from within you?

    The Gospel Of Luke

    Exonerating Practice


    6:40 Be fully trained like your teacher

    6:26 Why do you call me Lord and do not do what I say

    6:47 Hear my words and put them into practice

    6:49 Dont hear my words and not put them into practice

    8:15 Hear the word, retain it, and persevere to produce a crop

    8:21 Put Gods word into practice and be my mother and brothers

    11:28 Hear the word of God and obey it11:42 Practice justice and the love of God

    12:21 Be rich towards God for you will get what you have prepared for yourself

    13:24 Make every effort to enter through the narrow door

    The main training commandments


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    10:28 Do this and you will live: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with

    all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbor as yourself.

    The training commandments for those who want to be perfect and who can accept renunciation


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    9:4 Whatever house you enter stay there until you leave that town

    9:5 Shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town if people do not welcome you as a

    testimony against them

    9:60 Go and proclaim the kingdom of God and let the dead bury their dead.

    10:5 Say first, Peace to this house, when you enter a house.

    10:7 Stay in the house you enter and do not move around house to house10:7 Eat and drink whatever they give you.

    10:8 Eat what is set before you when you are welcomed into a town.

    10:9 Heal the sick

    10:9 Tell them, The kingdom of God is near you.

    10:11 Say in the streets when you enter a town and are not welcomed, Even the dust of your town that

    sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God is near.

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    10:18 Trample on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the power of the enemy for nothing will harm


    10:20 Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

    13:24 Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many will try to enter and will not

    be able to

    14:26 Hate your father and your mother

    14:26 Hate your wife and your children

    14:26 Hate your brothers and sisters

    14:26 Hate your own life

    14:27 Carry your cross and follow me

    14:33 Give up everything you have to be my disciple

    14:35 Have ears to hear

    17:33 Lose your life and you will preserve it, because one will be taken and the other left

    18:22 Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come

    follow me.

    18:29 Leave home and wife and brothers and parents and children for the sake of the kingdom of God

    and you will receive many times as much wealth in this age and in the age to come. You will receive

    eternal life.

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    9:3 Do not take anything for your journey

    9:3 Do not take a staff for your journey

    9:3 Do not take a bag for your journey

    9:3 Do not take bread for your journey

    9:3 Do not take money for your journey

    9:3 Do not take an extra tunic for your journey

    10:4 Do not take a purse

    10:4 Do not take a bag10:4 Do not take sandals

    10:4 Do not greet anyone on the road

    10:20 Do not rejoice when spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

    20:35 Do not marry or be given in marriage and be considered worthy of taking part in that age

    20:35 Do not marry or be given in marriage and be considered worthy of taking part in the resurrection

    of the dead

    20:36 Do not marry or be given in marriage and be like angels

    20:36 Do not marry or be given in marriage and you can no longer die

    20:36 Do not marry or be given in marriage and be Gods children

    20:36 Do not marry or be given in marriage and be children of the resurrection

    The training commandments for Renunciants and all people


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    4:8 Worship God and serve him only

    4:18 Preach the good news to the poor

    4:18 Proclaim freedom for the prisoners

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    4:18 Recover sight for the blind

    4:18 Release the oppressed

    4:19 Proclaim the year of the Lords favor

    6:20 Be poor for yours is the kingdom of God

    6:21 Hunger now for you will be satisfied

    6:21 Weep now for you will laugh

    6:22 Be hated and excluded and insulted and have your name rejected as evil because of the Son of


    6:23 Rejoice and leap for joy when you are persecuted for your reward is great in heaven

    6:27 Love your enemies

    6:27 Do good to those who hate you

    6:28 Bless those who curse you

    6:28 Pray for those who mistreat you

    6:29 If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also

    6:29 If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic

    6:30 Give to everyone who asks you

    6:30 If anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back

    6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you6:35 Love your enemies

    6:35 Do good to your enemies

    6:35 Lend to your enemies without expecting to get anything back

    6:35 Be kind to the ungrateful and wicked

    6:36 Be merciful

    6:37 Forgive

    6:38 Give

    6:40 Be fully trained like your teacher

    6:42 First take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your

    brothers eye

    8:15 Hear the word, retain it, and persevere to produce a crop8:18 Consider carefully how you listen

    9:13 Give them something to eat

    9:23 Deny yourself and take up your cross daily and follow me

    9:24 Lose your life for me and save it

    9:48 Welcome the little child in my name

    9:48 Be the least among you

    10:37 Go and do mercy

    11:8 Be bold

    11:9 Ask, your Father in heaven for the Holy Spirit, and it will be given to you

    11:9 Seek, the Holy Spirit from your Father in Heaven, and find

    11:9 Knock the door, of your Father in heaven for the Holy Spirit, and it will open for you

    11:10 Ask, your Father in heaven for the Holy Spirit, and receive

    11:10 Seek, the Holy Spirit from your Father in Heaven, and find

    11:10 Knock the door, of your Father in Heaven for the Holy Spirit, and it will be opened

    11:23 Gather with me or you will scatter

    12:1 Be on your guard against the yeast of the Priests, which is hypocrisy

    12:4 Fear him who has the power to throw you into hell

    12:8 Acknowledge me before men and the Son of Man will acknowledge you before the angles of God

    12:15 Watch out!

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    4:12 Do not put your God to the test

    6:24 Do not be rich because you have already received your comfort

    6:25 Do not be well fed now because you will go hungry

    6:25 Do not laugh now because you will mourn and weep

    6:26 Do not have all men speak well of you for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets

    6:37 Do not judge

    6:37 Do not condemn

    6:41 Do not look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your

    own eye

    8:14 Do not let lifes worries choke the growth of Gods word in your hearts

    8:14 Do not let lifes riches choke the maturing of Gods word in your hearts

    8:14 Do not let lifes pleasures choke the growth and maturing of Gods words in your hearts

    9:25 Do not gain the whole world and yet lose your self

    9:25 Do not be ashamed of me and my words

    9:50 Do not stop a person who is driving out demons in Jesus name, but who is not with you, for

    whoever is not against you is for you.

    10:41 Do not be worried or upset about many things, because only a few things are needed.

    11:23 Do not be against me, but be for me12:4 Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body

    12:7 Dont be afraid

    12:10 Do not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit

    12:11 Do not worry about how you will defend yourself or what you will say when you are brought

    before the priests, rulers, and authorities, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should


    12:22 Do not worry about your life

    12:22 Do not worry about what you will eat

    12:22 Do not worry about your body

    12:22 Do not worry about what you will wear

    12:29 Do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink12:29 Do not worry about it

    12:32 Do not be afraid for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom

    12:51 Do not think I come to bring peace to the earth, I come bringing division

    16:13 Do not serve Money

    16:15 Do not value what is highly valued among men which is detestable to Gods sight.

    16:18 Do not divorce your wife and marry another woman which is adultery

    16:18 Do not marry a divorced woman which is adultery

    16:19-31 Do not be a rich person, live in poverty

    17:2 Do not cause one of these little ones to sin, so watch yourselves

    17:23 Do not go running after men who tell you the Son of Man is here or there for the Son of Man is

    like lightning which flashes and lights of the whole sky from one end to the other.

    17:33 Do not try to keep your life or you will lose it

    18:14 Do not exalt yourself

    18:16 Do not hinder the little children, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these

    18:19 Do not call Jesus good, only call God good

    18:20 Do not commit adultery

    18:20 Do not commit murder

    18:20 Do not steal

    18:20 Do not give false testimony

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    18:20 Do not dishonor your father and mother

    18:24-25 Do not be a rich man

    18:46 Do not make the Lords house a den of robbers, but a house of prayer

    22:25 Do not lord yourselves over others like the kings of the Gentiles, but instead the greatest among

    you should be like the youngest and the one who rules like the one who serves.

    22:24 Do not exercise authority over others and call yourselves Benefactors, but instead the greatest

    among you should be like the youngest and the one who rules like the one who serves.

    The training commandments to Priests and Teachers of the law


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    11:41 Give what is inside your dish to the poor and everything will be clean for you

    11:42 Practice justice and the love of God while giving a tenth of your mint, rue and all kinds of garden


    14:10 Take the lowest sitting place when choosing a place to sit

    14:11 Be humble14:13 When you give a banquet or a large dinner, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.

    19:42 Know what will bring you peace

    19:44 Recognize the time ofGods coming to you

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    11:39 Do not be inwardly full of greed and wickedness, while cleaning the outside of the cup, priests

    11:42 Do not neglect justice and the love of God, priests

    11:43 Do not love the most important seats and greetings, experts in the law

    11:46 Do not load people down with burdens they can hardly carry when you will not lift one finger to

    help them, experts in the law11:47 Do not kill the prophets, experts in the law

    11:52 Do not take away the key to knowledge, experts in the law, because you yourself have not

    entered and you are hindering those who are entering.

    12:1 Do not be a hypocrite, teachers of the law

    14:8 Do not take the place of honor when choosing a place to sit, but take the lowest place

    14:11 Do not exalt yourself

    14:12 Do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors, when you give a

    luncheon or dinner; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid, but when you give a

    banquet or dinner, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.

    16:15 Do not justify yourselves in the eyes of men for God knows your heart

    20:46 Do not walk around in flowing robes

    20:46 Do not love to be greeted in the marketplace

    20:46 Do not love to have the most important seats in the house of prayer

    20:46 Do not love to have the places of honor at banquets and dinner

    20:47 Do not devour widows houses

    20:47 Do not make lengthy prayers for show

    The training commandments that we are to say or pray


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    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    11:2 When you pray say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our

    daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into


    17:10 Say, We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty, when you have done everything

    you were told to do.

    The training commandments concerning Belief


    The training commandments that apply to the disciples contextual situation


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    22:36 If you have a purse, take it.22:36 if you have a bag, take it.

    22:36 If you dont have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

    22:36 Pray that you will not fall into temptation.

    23:45-49 (Open your minds so you can understand the scripture that) the Christ will suffer and rise from

    the dead on the third day and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all

    nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my

    Father has promised but (stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.)

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    23:38 Do not be troubled and do not have doubts arise in your mind that I am not a ghost, but I haveflesh and bones.

    The training commandments that you must be born again


    Questions for the gospel of Luke

    What does Jesus say God is? 20:38 God is God of the living for to him all are alive. God is not God of the


    What is the meaning ofJesus name?

    What are the angles of God?

    What does the Son of Man mean?

    What is the narrow door?

    What is the resurrection from the dead?

    What is Love?

    Where is the Kingdom of God? 17:21

    How can faith make you well? 17:19

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    The Gospel of John

    Exoneration of Practice


    3:21 Live by the truth and come into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what you do has beendone through God

    5:29 Those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be


    5:29 Do good

    8:51 Keep my word and you will never see death

    8:31 Hold unto my teachings and you will know truth and the truth will set you free

    12:47 Keep my words when you hear them

    12:50 Know that his command leads to eternal life

    13:17 Do the things I have told you and be blessed

    14:12 Have faith in me and do what I have been doing

    14:12 Do even greater things than these

    14:15 Obey what I command if you love me

    14:21 Have and obey my commands is to love me and if you love me the Father loves you

    14:23 Obey my teachings if you love me

    15:14 You are my friends if you do what I command

    15:10 Obey my commands and you will remain in my love just as I have obeyed my Fathers commands

    and remain in his love

    15:20 If they obeyed my teachings, they will obey yours also

    The main training commandments


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    13:34 Love one another is the new command I give you

    13:34 Love one another as I have loved you

    13:35 Love one another so all men will know you are my disciples

    15:12 Love each other as I have loved you

    15:13 Lay down your life for your friends, there is nothing greater than this

    15:17 Love each other, this is my command

    The training commandments for those who want to be perfect and who can accept renunciation


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    12:25 Hate your life in this world and keep it for eternal life

    The training commandments for Renunciants and all people


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    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    4:23-24 Worship the Father in spirit and truth

    4:38 Reap what you have not worked for

    5:23 Honor the Son and honor the Father who sent him

    5:42 Have the love of God in your heart

    6:27 Work for food that endures to eternal life

    6:63 Understand the words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life

    8:31 Know truth

    8:31 Have truth set you free

    8:47 Hear what God says and belong to God

    13:14-15 You also should wash one anothers feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I

    have done.

    13:20 Accept anyone I send and you will accept me and the one who sent me

    14:1 Trust in God

    14:1 Trust also in me

    14:14 Ask for anything in my name and I will do it

    14:21 Love me15:4 Remain in me and I will remain in you

    15:4 Remain in me and bear fruit

    15:7 Ask whatever you wish and it will be given you if you remain in me and my words remain in you

    15:9 Remain in my love

    15:27 Testify

    16:24 Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete

    17:11 Be one

    17:21 Be one

    17:22 Be at complete unity and be one like Jesus and God is

    20:22 Receive the Holy Spirit

    20:23 Forgive anyone of their sins then they are forgiven and if you do not forgive anyone of their sinsthey are not forgiven

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    2:16 Do not turn my Fathers house into a market

    3:7 Do not be surprised at my saying, You must be born again

    3:20 Do not do evil

    3:20 Do not hate the light

    5:29 Do not do evil

    6:25 Do not work for food that spoils

    7:24 Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment

    8:15 Do not judge by human standards

    14:1 Dont let your hearts be troubled

    14:27 Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid

    The symbolic and mystical training commandments for Renunciants and all people


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

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    6:51 Eat this bread, which is my flesh, and live forever

    6:53 Eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood to have life in you

    6:54 Eat my flesh and drink my blood to have eternal life and I will raise you up on the last day

    6:56 Eat my flesh and drink my blood and remain in me and I will remain in you

    6:57 Feed on me and live because of me just as I live because of the Father

    6:58 Feed on this bread and live forever unlike your forefathers who at manna and died

    7:37 Come to me and drink if you are thirsty

    8:12 Follow me and have the light of life and never walk in darkness

    9:9 Enter through me and be saved

    12:26 Serve me and you will follow me

    12:36 Put your trust in the light so that you may become sons of light

    12:36 Become sons of light

    The training commandments concerning what to Believe


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    3:15 Believe in the Son of Man to have eternal Life

    3:16 Believe in him and you will not perish, but have eternal life

    3:18 Believe in him and you are not condemned

    5:24 Hear my word and believe him who sent me and have eternal life

    6:29 Do the work of God which is to believe in the one he has sent

    6:29 Believe in the one God has sent

    6:46 Believe and have eternal life. Believe that no one has seen the Father except for the one who is

    from God and Believe that only he has seen the Father and have eternal life.

    6:64 Believe

    7:38 Believe in me and streams of living water will flow from within you8:24 Believe that I am the one I claim to be or you will die in your sins

    11:25 Believe in me and live even though you die

    11:26 Believe in me and live and never die

    11:40 Believe and see the glory of God

    12:44 Believe in me and believe in the one who sent me

    14:11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me or at least believe on

    the evidence of the miracles themselves

    16:27 Believe that I come from God

    20:27 Stop doubting and believe

    20:29 Believe even though you have not seen me

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    3:18 Dont not believe in the name of Gods one and only Son or you will stand condemned already

    9:37 Do not believe me unless I do as my Father does

    The training commandments that apply to the disciples contextual situation


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    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    21:15 Feed my lambs

    21:16 Take care of my sheep

    21:17 Feed my sheep

    The training commandments on being born again


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    3:3 Be born again to see the kingdom of God.

    3:5 Be born of water and Spirit to see the kingdom of God

    3:7 You must be born again

    3:8 Be born of Spirit

    Questions for the gospel of John:

    What does Jesus say God is? 4:24 spirit

    What does it mean to hate your life in this world?

    How do you honor the Son and the Father?

    What is the Son of Man?

    What does it mean to believe?

    What does it mean to be born again?

    What is Spirit?

    What does one and only mean?

    What does worship mean?

    What is the last day?

    What does Jesus mean when he says he will raise you up?Who does Jesus claim to be in John? 8:24

    What does it mean to be saved?

    What does it mean to love Jesus?

    What does it mean to eat Jesus flesh and blood to live forever?

    What does it mean to become a son of light?

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    The Gospel of Thomas

    Exonerating Practice


    79 Hear the word of the Father and keep it

    The main training commandments


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    25 Love your friends like your own soul

    25 Protect your friends like the pupil of your eye

    The training commandments for those who want to be perfect and who can accept renunciation


    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    14 Eat what people serve you wherever you go

    14 Heal the sick wherever you go

    15 Fall on your face and worship when you see one who is not born of woman. That one is your


    22 Make the two into one

    22 Make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner and the upper like the lower

    22 Make the male and female into a single one, so the male will not be male nor the female be female

    22 Make an eye in place of an eye

    22 Make a hand in place of a hand22 Make a foot in place of a foot

    22 Make an image in place of an image

    23 Stand as a single one

    27 Fast from the world

    28 Shake of the drunkenness of the world

    37 Strip without being ashamed and take your clothes and put them under your feet like little children

    and trample them

    42 Be passersby

    49 Be alone

    55 Hate your father and mother

    55 Hate your brother and sister55 Carry the cross as I do

    64 Do not be a buyer or a merchant

    75 Be alone and enter the bridal suite

    110 Renounce the world

    The training commandments for Renunciants and all people


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    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    2 Seek until you find

    3 Know yourself

    5 Know what is in front of your face

    12 Go to James the Just

    19 Pay attention to my sayings

    21 Be on guard against the world.

    21 Prepare yourselves with great strength

    21 Be a person who understands

    21 Have two good ears and listen

    24 Listen if you have two ears

    39 Be as sly as snakes and simple as doves

    48 Make peace

    58 Toil and find life

    60 Seek for yourselves a place of rest

    70 Bring forth what is within you76 Seek his treasure that is unfailing, that is enduring, where no moth comes to eat and no worm


    81 Renounce Power

    90 Come to me, for my yoke is comfortable and my lordship is gentle, and you will find rest for


    91 Examine the present moment

    92 Seek and you will find

    95 Give money to someone whom you wont get it back

    100 Give the emperor what belongs to the emperor and give God what belongs to God when taxes are

    demanded of you

    111 Find yourself

    Instructions and Practices Not To Do:

    6 Dont Lie

    6 Dont do what you hate

    36 Do not fret from morning to evening and from evening to morning

    36 Do not fret about your food

    36 Do not fret about what you are going to eat

    36 Do not fret about what you are going to wear

    39 Do not hide the keys of knowledge like the Priests and the Scholars

    44 Do not blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

    47 Do not serve two masters

    87 Do not depend on your body

    93 Dont give what is holy to dogs

    93 Dont throw pears to pigs

    95 Dont lend money at interest

    The symbolic and mystical training commandments for Renunciants and all people


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    Instructions and Practices To Do:

    18 Stand at the beginning

    19 Come into being before coming into being

    19 Know the five trees of paradise

    101 Drink from my mouth

    The training commandments to Priests and Teachers of the law


    The training commandments on what to say or how to pray


    50 Say, We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself,

    established itself, and appeared in their image, if they say to you, Where have you come from.

    50 Say, We are its children, and we are the chosen of the l iving Father, if they say to you, Is it you?

    50 Say, It is motion and rest, if they say to you, What is the evidence ofthe Father in you.88 Say to yourselves, When will the messengers and prophets come and take what belongs to them

    and when they do come, give them what you have

    The training commandments concerning Belief


    The training commandments that apply to the disciples contextual situation


    The training commandments that you must be born again


    Questions for the gospel of Thomas:

    What does Jesus say God is? The living Father, Light, One not born of woman (spirit)

    How do we know ourselves?

    How do we make the two into one?

    How do we find ourselves?

    How do we examine the present moment?

    How do we stand at the beginning?

    How do we come into being before coming into being?

    How do we know the five trees of paradise?

    How do we drink from Jesus mouth?

    What does it mean to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

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    Questions Comparing and Contrasting the Five Gospels

    How is the main training commandment a fulfillment to the rest of the training commandments?

    How does the main training commandment guide and shape our understanding of the rest of the


    How are the various training commandments instructional and descriptive in showing what the maintraining commandment means?

    How are the training commandments of the synoptic gospels different from the training

    commandments of John?

    What does this infer about the differing focuses and emphases between the synoptic gospels and the

    gospel of John?

    How is the use of belief in the gospel of John different from the use of belief in the other gospels?

    Which gospels do you think come from more renunciant traditions and which gospels do you think come

    from more householder traditions?

    How are the gospel of Thomas and the gospel of John similar?

    Which gospels instructions of practice are the most similar and which gospels are the most different?