Pr List 2014

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Transcript of Pr List 2014

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    .No Project Title

    1 Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud

    2 NCCloud: A Network Coding Based Storage Syste in a Cloud-of-Clouds

    3 !nabling Data "ntegrity Protection in #egenerating-Coding-Based Cloud Storage: $heory and "%leentation

    4 &ey-Aggregate Cry%tosyste for Scalable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage

    5 Privacy Preserving 'ulti keyword #anked Search over !ncry%ted Cloud Data

    6 Decentrali(ed Access Control with Anonyous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds

    7 Building Confidential and !fficient )uery Services in the Cloud with #ASP Data Perturbation

    8 Dynaic Backlight Scaling O%tii(ation: A Cloud-Based !nergy-Saving Service for 'obile Streaing A%%lications

    9 "nnovative Schees for #esource Allocation in the Cloud for 'edia Streaing A%%lications

    10 *ow-!issions #outing for Cloud Co%uting in "P-over-+D' Networks with Data Centers

    11 On the Cost,)o! $radeoff for Cloud-Based ideo Streaing .nder Aa(on !C/0s Pricing 'odels

    12 O%tial Power Allocation and *oad Distribution for 'ulti%le 1eterogeneous 'ulticore Server Processors across Clouds and Data Centers

    13 PAC&: Prediction-Based Cloud Bandwidth and Cost #eduction Syste

    14 A Stochastic 'odel to "nvestigate Data Center Perforance and )oS in "aaS Cloud Co%uting Systes

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    15 $owards Differential )uery Services in Cost !fficient Clouds

    16 An !fficient and $rustworthy #esource Sharing Platfor for Collaborative Cloud Co%uting

    17 A Decentrali(ed Cloud 2irewall 2raework with #esources Provisioning Cost O%tii(ation

    18 Distributed3 Concurrent3 and "nde%endent Access to !ncry%ted Cloud Databases

    19 On the &nowledge Soundness of a Coo%erative Provable Data Possession Schee in 'ulticloud Storage

    20 "dentity Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in 'ulti-Cloud Storage

    21 )oS Aware Data #e%lication for Data-"ntensive A%%lications in Cloud Co%uting Systes

    22 Dynaic Cloud Pricing for #evenue 'a4ii(ation

    23 "ntegrity for 5oin )ueries in the Cloud

    24 Co%atibility-Aware Cloud Service Co%osition under 2u((y Preferences of .sers

    25 Scalable Distributed Service "ntegrity Attestation for Software-as-a-Service Clouds6

    26 !4%ressive3 !fficient3 and #evocable Data Access Control for 'ulti-Authority Cloud Storage

    27 Secure kNN )uery Processing in .n trusted Cloud !nvironents

    28 A Scalable $wo-Phase $o%-Down S%eciali(ation A%%roach for Data Anonyi(ation .sing 'a% #educe on Cloud

    29 Co%atibility aware Cloud Service Co%osition .nder 2u((y Preferences of .sers

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    30 Panda: Public Auditing for Shared Data with !fficient .ser #evocation in the Cloud6

    31 Consistency as a Service Auditing :Cloud Consistency

    32 A Secure Client Side De du%lication Schee in Cloud Storage !nvironents

    33 Collaborative Scheduling in Dynaic !nvironents .sing !rror "nference

    34 Behavioral 'alware Detection in Delay $olerant Networks

    35 A Syste for Denial-of-Service Attack Detection Based on 'ultivariate Correlation Analysis

    36 An O%tial Distributed 'alware Defense Syste for 'obile Networks with 1eterogeneous Devices

    37 Building a Scalable Syste for Stealthy P/P-Botnet Detection

    38 An !rror 'inii(ing 2raework for *ocali(ing 5aers in +ireless Networks

    39 A Scalable and 'odular Architecture for 1igh-Perforance Packet Classification

    40 Bandwidth Distributed Denial of Service: Attacks and Defenses

    41 !-'ACs: $oward 'ore Secure and 'ore !fficient Constructions of Secure Channels6

    42 Secure Data #etrieval for Decentrali(ed Disru%tion-$olerant 'ilitary Networks

    43 Ca%tcha as 7ra%hical Passwords8A New Security Priitive Based on 1ard A" Probles

    44 !fficient and Privacy-Aware Data Aggregation in 'obile Sensing

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    45 P#O2"*#: $oward Preserving Privacy and 2unctionality in 7eoSocial Networks Nodes

    46 O%tial 'ulticast Ca%acity and Delay $radeoffs in 'AN!$s

    47 S$A#S: A Statistical $raffic Pattern Discovery Syste for 'AN!$s

    48 $ra9ectory "%roves Data Delivery in .rban ehicular Networks

    49 !nergy !fficient #eliable #outing Considering #esidual !nergy in +ireless Ad 1oc Networks

    50 *everaging Social Networks for P/P Content-Based 2ile Sharing in Disconnected 'AN!$s6

    51 !fficient Data )uery in "nterittently-Connected 'obile Ad 1oc Social Networks

    52 'ulticast Ca%acity in 'AN!$ with "nfrastructure Su%%ort

    53 *everaging Social Networks for P/P Content-Based 2ile Sharing in Disconnected 'AN!$s

    54 AAS#: An Authenticated Anonyous Secure #outing Protocol for 'AN!$s in Adversarial !nvironent

    55 PS#: A *ightweight Proactive Source #outing Protocol 2or 'obile Ad 1oc Networks

    56 Defending Against Collaborative Attacks by 'alicious Nodes in 'AN!$s: A Coo%erative Bait Detection A%%roach

    57 !fficient and Privacy-Aware Data Aggregation in 'obile Sensing

    58 *arge Scale Synthetic Social 'obile Networks with S+"'

    59 Stochastic Bandwidth !stiation in Networks +ith #ando Service

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    60 !fficient Authentication for 'obile and Pervasive Co%uting

    61 2riendbook: A Seantic-based 2riend #ecoendation Syste for Social Networks

    62 A )oS-Oriented Distributed #outing Protocol for 1ybrid +ireless Networks

    63 Secure and !fficient Data $ransission for Cluster-based +ireless Sensor Networks

    64 An !rror 'inii(ing 2raework for *ocali(ing 5aers in +ireless Networks

    65 A Survey of "ntrusion Detection Systes in +ireless Sensor Networks

    66 "%act of .P2C on Power Swing Characteristic and Distance #elay Behavior

    67 Secure and !fficient Data $ransission for Cluster-based +ireless Sensor Networks

    68 1o%-by-1o% 'essage Authentication and Source Privacy in +ireless Sensor Networks

    69 O%tii(ation Deco%osition for Scheduling and Syste Configuration in +ireless Networks

    70 Secure Continuous Aggregation in +ireless Sensor Networks


    72 $o%-k )uery #esult Co%leteness erification in $iered Sensor Networks

    73 $ransission-!fficient Clustering 'ethod for +ireless Sensor Networks .sing Co%ressive Sensing

    74 DA-Sync: A Do%%ler-Assisted $ie-Synchroni(ation Schee for 'obile .nderwater Sensor Networks

    Sna%shot and Continuous Data Collection in Probabilistic +ireless Sensor Networks6

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    75 An !nergy-Balanced #outing 'ethod Based on 2orward-Aware 2actor for +ireless Sensor Networks


    77 Data Density Correlation Degree Clustering 'ethod for Data Aggregation in +SN

    78 "%roving 2airness3 !fficiency3 and Stability in 1$$P-Based Ada%tive ideo Streaing +ith 2estive

    79 "nnovative Schees for #esource Allocation in the Cloud for 'edia Streaing A%%lications

    80 'obility Prediction-based Sart%hone !nergy O%tii(ation for !veryday *ocation 'onitoring

    81 A Scalable and 'obility-#esilient Data Search Syste for *arge-Scale 'obile +ireless Networks

    82 Sart DC 'obility Prediction-based Ada%tive Duty Cycling for !veryday *ocation 'onitoring

    83 A #eal-$ie Ada%tive Algorith for ideo Streaing over 'ulti%le +ireless Access Networks

    84 Collaborative Policy Adinistration

    85 Coo%erative Positioning and $racking in Disru%tion $olerant Networks

    86 7reenDroid: Autoated Diagnosis of !nergy "nefficiency for Sart%hone A%%lications

    87 'OS!S: Su%%orting and !nforcing Security Profiles on Sart%hones

    88 Security $hreats to 'obile 'ultiedia A%%lications: Caera Based Attacks on 'obile Phones

    89 2ast Nearest Neighbor Search with &eywords

    5oint #outing and 'ediu Access Control in 2i4ed #ando Access +ireless 'ultiho% Networks

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    90 An !%irical Perforance !valuation of #elational &eyword Search Systes

    91 2acilitating Docuent Annotation using Content and )uerying alue

    92 Su%%orting Privacy Protection in Personali(ed +eb Search

    93 Secure 'ining of Association #ules in 1ori(ontally Distributed Databases

    94 !fficient #anking on !ntity 7ra%hs with Personali(ed #elationshi%s

    95 SOS: A Distributed 'obile )A Syste Based on Social Networks

    96 Privacy-Preserving and Content-Protecting *ocation Based )ueries

    97 Active *earning of Constraints for Sei-Su%ervised Clustering6

    98 An !%irical Perforance !valuation of #elational &eyword Search $echni;ues6

    99 A%%ro4iate Shortest Distance Co%uting: A )uery-De%endent *ocal *andark Schee6

    100 Privacy-Preserving Authenticated &ey-!4change Over "nternet6

    101 Accuracy Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control 'echanis for #elational Data

    102 A generic fraework for to% k %airs and to% k ob9ects ;ueries over sliding windows

    103 !fficient Prediction of Difficult &eyword )ueries over Databases

    104 Discovering !erging $o%ics in Social Streas via *ink-Anoaly

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    105 BestPeer

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    120 Scalable 2ace "age #etrieval using Attribute-!nhanced S%arse Codewords6

    121 A #esource Allocation Schee for Scalable ideo 'ulticast in +i'A> #elay Networks

    122 An Access Point-Based 2!C 'echanis for ideo $ransission Over +ireless *ANs

    123 !nergy-!fficient Coo%erative ideo Distribution with Statistical )oS Provisions over +ireless Networks

    124 Co%ressed-Sensing-!nabled ideo Streaing for +ireless 'ultiedia Sensor Networks

    125 Ada%tation of a virtual ca%us for obile learning devices

    126 Bluetooth 'obile Based College Ca%us

    127 !Co%s via 1andheld 'obile Devices

    128 Privacy-Conscious *ocation-Based )ueries in 'obile !nvironents

    129 #anking 'odel Ada%tation for Doain-S%ecific Search

    130 SPOC A Secure and Privacy-%reserving O%%ortunistic Co%uting 2raework 2or 'obile-1ealthcare !ergency

    131 $he +ord in a nut shell : CONC"S! #AN7! ).!#"!S

    132 !nabling $rustworthy Service !valuation in Service-Oriented 'obile Social Networks

    133 !4%loiting Service Siilarity for Privacy in *ocation-Based Search )ueries

    134 *oca+ard: A Security and Privacy Aware *ocation-Based #ewarding Syste

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    135 On 2alse Data-"n9ection Attacks against Power Syste State !stiation: 'odeling and Countereasures

    136 $raffic Pattern-Based Content *eakage Detection for $rusted Content Delivery Networks

    137 Coo%erative Caching for !fficient Data Access in Disru%tion $olerant Networks

    138 SOS: A Distributed 'obile )A Syste Based on Social Networks

    139 Certificateless #eote Anonyous Authentication Schees for +ireless Body Area Networks

    CC- Cloud Computing

    NS -Network Security

    !nd " !nd #- Network$ d%oc & "N'( & #N'(

    #C- #o)ile Computing

    *SN-*irele$$ Sen$or Network$

    N !nd *C-Networking !nd *irele$$ Communic!tion

    +, !nd ## -+m!ge ,roce$$ing !nd #ultimdi!p !nd S- ,!r!llel !nd i$tri)uted Sy$tem

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    Domain Year

    CC #!r-14

    CC .!n-14

    CC /e)-14

    CC /e)-14

    CC .!n-14

    CC /e)-14

    CC /e)-14

    CC /e)-14

    CC pr-14

    CC .!n-14

    CC pr-14

    CC .!n-14

    CC /e)-14

    CC #!r-14

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    CC .un-14

    CC pr-14

    CC pr-14

    CC /e)-14

    CC .!n-14

    CC #!r-14

    CC .un-13

    CC ec-13

    CC ec-13

    CC #!r-14

    CC #!r-14

    CC .ul-14

    CC .!n-14

    CC /e)-14

    CC #!r-14

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    CC ec-13

    CC #!r-14

    CC pr-14

    CC #!r-14

    NS .!n-14

    NS /e)-14

    NS .un-11

    NS .!n-14

    NS /e)-14

    NS #!y-14

    NS /e)-14

    NS .!n-14

    NS /e)-14

    NS .un-14

    NS pr-14

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    NS pr-14

    !nd " !nd # pr-11

    !nd " !nd # pr-14

    !nd " !nd # pr-14

    !nd " !nd # /e)-14

    !nd " !nd # /e)-14

    !nd " !nd # pr-14

    !nd " !nd # .ul-14

    !nd " !nd # /e)-14

    !nd " !nd # #!r-14

    !nd " !nd # /e)-14

    !nd " !nd # .!n-14

    #C pr-14

    #C .!n-14

    #C pr-14

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    #C #!r-14

    #C #!y-14

    #C #!r-14

    *SN #!r-14

    *SN /e)-14

    *SN 14

    *SN /e)-14

    *SN #!r-14

    *SN #!r-12

    *SN /e)-14

    *SN #!r-14

    *SN #!r-14

    *SN .!n-14

    *SN #!r-14

    *SN #!r-14

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    *SN /e)-14

    *SN /e)-14

    *SN pr-14

    ndroid ,roect$ /e)-14

    ndroid ,roect$ pr-14

    ndroid ,roect$ 14

    ndroid ,roect$ #!y-14

    ndroid ,roect$ #!r-14

    ndroid ,roect$ pr-14

    ndroid ,roect$ /e)-14

    ndroid ,roect$ #!r-14

    ndroid ,roect$ #!y-14

    ndroid ,roect$ .un-14

    ndroid ,roect$ #!r-14

    !t! #ining pr-14

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    !t! #ining .!n-14

    !t! #ining /e)-14

    !t! #ining /e)-14

    !t! #ining pr-14

    !t! #ining pr-14

    !t! #ining .un-12

    !t! #ining pr-12

    !t! #ining .!n-14

    !t! #ining .!n-14

    !t! #ining pr-12

    !t! #ining .!n-14

    !t! #ining pr-14

    !t! #ining .un-14

    !t! #ining .un-14

    !t! #ining .!n-14

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    !t! #ining pr-12

    !t! #ining pr-14

    !t! #ining #!r-14

    N !nd *C .!n-14

    N !nd *C /e)-14

    N !nd *C pr-14

    N !nd *C #!y-14

    N !nd *C pr-14

    N !nd *C /e)-14

    N !nd *C .!n-14

    +, !nd ## pr-14

    +, !nd ## #!y-14

    +, !nd ## Sep-13

    +, !nd ## /e)-12

    +, !nd ## pr-12

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    +, !nd ## ug-13

    +, !nd ## .!n-13

    +, !nd ## .!n-13

    +, !nd ## .ul-12

    +, !nd ## .un-12

    .2#' ,roect$ pr-11

    .2#' ,roect$ 14

    .2#' ,roect$ 14

    .2#' ,roect$ #!r-10

    .2#' ,roect$ pr-12

    .2#' ,roect$ #!r-13

    .2#' ,roect$ 14

    , !nd S /e)-14

    , !nd S /e)-14

    , !nd S /e)-14

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    , !nd S #!r-14

    , !nd S /e)-14

    , !nd S #!r-14

    , !nd S pr-14

    , !nd S /e)-14

  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


  • 8/9/2019 Pr List 2014


    CC- Cloud Computing

    NS -Network Security

    !nd " !nd #- Network$ d%oc & "N'( & #N'(#C- #o)ile Computing

    *SN-*irele$$ Sen$or Network$

    N !nd *C-Networking !nd *irele$$ Communic!tion

    +, !nd ## -+m!ge ,roce$$ing !nd #ultimdi!

    p !nd S- ,!r!llel !nd i$tri)uted Sy$tem