PR Brief June 2013

Volume 3 June 2013


Monthly newsletter of the Public Relations Society of Jamaica

Transcript of PR Brief June 2013

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Volume 3 June 2013

Page 2: PR Brief June 2013

Dear Colleagues, We have bravely used information you kindly shared with us to prepare our first draft of a catalogue of business communicators in Jamaica who are known to the PRSJ. This is presented in the PR Brief format, our society newsletter. We have also presented pages of published creative work that was written by members and their organisations. Recalling that this is a draft, it has a very long way to go and we ask that you look for your name and send us changes in the catalogue that you would like to see reflected. This will include any regrettable omissions, state the lead category that best represents your area of expertise or interest, and your business contact information. This is the industry version, and another will be done for the general public that will not include your contact information, unless you specifically ask for it to be placed there. Our members get additional benefits by having a photo next to the profile, and we are willing to go much further for our dear members. We are well underway with preparing for our conference in September, and are putting a package together that will help us all to sharpen our professional edge. We have also placed in this brief, flyers of past events, and some upcoming events in the city of Kingston. There is also a notice from JACAP on what our responsibilities are with regards to copyright and planning of events. We hope that this issue inspires thought, and that you will let us know your views. Let’s keep in touch. Best regards,

Chris, Rohan, Meris, Analisa, Maxine, Gwyneth, Leo June 2013

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On April 4, the PRSJ AGM marked the 32nd anniver-sary of the society and saw the election of the 2013 executive: From left: First Vice President Rohan Pow-ell, President, Christopher Benjamin; Vice President Membership, Meris Haughton; General Secretary, Gwyneth Davidson; Assistant General Secretary, Max-ine Francis; Vice President, Finance, Analisa Downes Allen; Vice President Special Events, Leo McEwan. The Trustees were returned, Camille Taylor and past presi-dent Dayner Azzellino who is based in Italy.

Table of Contents Page Numbers Creative publications of practitioners………………………………………………………………..…………… 3 – 4 Catalogue of practitioners in Jamaica Highlight photos are placed beside members of the PRSJ

Writing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5 Event design and coordination……………………………………………………………………………..5 Video Production………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Marketing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………...6-7 Public Education ………………………………………………………………………………………………….8-17 Higher Education ………………………………………………………………………………………………...17 PR Counselling and Corp Comms ………………………………………………………………………...19-49 Administration …………………………………………………………………………………………………...50

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Notice of General Meeting The next meeting of the Public Relations Society of Jamaica will be held starting at 5PM, Tuesday, June 25 at the PCJ auditorium. All business communicators, and marketing professionals are invited. General Secretary

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Ann-Margaret Lim’s first poetry

collection, THE FESTIVAL OF

WILD ORCHID,( Peepal Tree

Press, 2012), received a UK


Ann-Margaret Lim’s first poetry collection, THE FESTIVAL OF WILD ORCHID,( Peepal Tree Press, 2012), received a UK Guardian First Book nomina-tion two months after its publi-cation, and in February of 2013 made the prestigious Bocas Prize long list. Her book is among 4 in the poetry category.

She has been published in several Caribbean-centered journals, the Pittsburg Quarterly; the two major Jamaican newspapers, and three poetry anthologies. She has been shortlisted in the Small Axe Literary Competition (poetry); received the National Book Development Council of Ja-maica’s Highly Recommended Award (2006) (poetry) and was Red Bones Poet of the Year (2005).

of the dogs we adopted as part of our family - and the surprises (often humorous or bewildering) that attended their stay. It can be found at: Our Bad Dogs is the first in a series (Vol. 1) entitled "Short Stories from My Ja-maican Childhood. The story, like the others which will comprise this collection, is a work of fic-tion, but the

Our Bad Dogs is the first in a series (Vol. 1) entitled "Short Stories from My Jamaican Child-hood. The story, like the others which will comprise this collection, is a work of fic-tion, but the situations are inspired by real incidents and characters. Our Bad Dogs tells the story

situations are in-spired by real inci-dents and charac-ters. Our Bad Dogs tells the story of the dogs we adopted as part of our family - and the surprises (often humorous or bewildering) that attended their stay.

Poetry—Ann Margaret Lim

Short Story— Audrey Williams

ages of the founding fa-thers of Jamaica, seminal moments and challenges in the birth of a nation, and the leaders who have guid-ed the country through the past 50 years.

The book received the bronze 2013-2014 Mercu-ry Award in the category of picture book.

Picture book— Jamaica Information Service

Our Golden Jubilee: Snap-

shots of Post Independent

Jamaica 1962-2012. This is

a compilation of picture-

perfect moments in the

first fifty years of independ-

ent Jamaica'.

The book contains rare im-

Page 5

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Page 6

Soul Dance captures the voice of every Jamaican, as well as their thoughts and dreams. Taken from writings spanning Jean Low-rie-Chin's 30-year career, the pieces reflect the events that uplift, as well as burden, Jamaican society. Her poetry is both universal and prophetic, from the warnings against the rat race in 'Slow Down Child', to the startling take on the life of Lee Boyd Malvo in 'Your Son Too'; they demonstrate that though so much has changed, a lot has also stayed the same. Her

selection of columns are amusing and inspiring, re-flecting on the achieve-ments of outstanding Ja-maicans such as The Hon-ourable Louise Bennett, Usain Bolt and Jamaica's most pertinent issues, like the future of Jamaican men, in 'A Vision of Our "Men at Risk"'. Soul Dance, Jean Lowrie-Chin's first and much awaited book, is the work of a woman who loves her country and has truly experienced it. It is a mov-ing, significant addition to Jamaica's creative and intel-lectual literature.

Janneth Mornan-Green is

Jamaican. She is a graduate

of the University of the

West Indies, Mona, where

she now lectures part-time

in Public Relations at the

Caribbean Institute of Me-

dia and Communication

(CARIMAC). Her work has

Crossings is a collection of

poems that disturbs the

proverbial “rock” to explore

life’s complexities under-

neath. The age old myster-

ies of love,

death; relationships and

social issues – are all sub-

ject to the author’s scrutiny.

appeared in Dream Rock, a

collection of poems edited

for the Jamaica Information

Service (JIS) by

Kamau Brathwaite as well

as Bookends, the literary

arts publication of Jamaica’s

‘Sunday Observer’.

Poetry— Jean Lowrie Chin JP

Poetry—Janneth Mornan Green

I live with my son’s Autism and have done so since his birth. It has caused me to feel inadequate as a mom to my two older boys, inad-equate as a mom to him because I don’t understand it, and it makes me feel like I‘m always having to over-compensate with our Autis-tic child and feeling I’m not doing right by the others.

Memoirs—Maia Chung

It’s hard being the mother

of a child with Autism—a

disorder that really is a hid-

den challenge. It leaves

your child looking normal

yet acting abnormal. In a

world not so eager to stop

and understand that…yes, it

is a real problem and it

does hurt families in many

critical ways.

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Area of Speciality Writer and makeup artist Last Name Edwards First Name Anna-Kaye Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Wedding and special event plan-ner Last Name Barnett First Name Genevieve Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Video production Last Name Robinson First Name Tony Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Tracey Hamilton & Assoc - motor racing event mgt, public education Last Name Hamilton First Name Tracey Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Total Affair PR consultancy - Audio Visual Production Last Name Salmon Russell First Name Yasmin Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Tertiary Education - Marketing, Higher Education Last Name Allen First Name Monique Email Address [email protected]

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JACAP | GET A JACAP LICENCE NOW! Promoters, Corporate Sponsors, Venue Operators,

Event Planners and Business Places in Jamaica W.I.. If you use Music for any Commercial

or Promotional purpose, You Need A JACAP Licence. A JACAP License is a legal requirement

that allows legitimate use of Local and International Music in Jamaica W.I.

The JACAP Licence is required by Broadcasters (TV, Radio), Cable Operators, Cinemas, Bars,

Restaurants and ALL Music Events and ALL Premises where Music is played for the public.

JACAP | Jamaica Association of Composers, Authors & Publishers Limited

12 Connolley Avenue, Kingston 4, Jamaica, West Indies

t: 1876.948.6439 or 1876.948.5937 f: 1876.922.1638

c: JACAP Commercial <> w:


JACAP Valuing Your MusicalCreativity. Failure to comply with the Law can further lead to a fine or


Copyright 2013 JACAP [Jamaica W.I.] ~ All Rights Reserved.

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Area of Speciality Tertiary Education - Marketing Last Name Bravo First Name Olivia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Tertiary Education - Marketing Last Name Young First Name Melody Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Social media practitioner Last Name Baugh First Name Sean Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Scott Williams & Assoc - PR Counselling, writing, marketing Last Name Scott Williams First Name Tamara Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality RO Comms - PR Counselling, sem-inars, Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Grinam Nicholson First Name Yvonne Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Publicist - Entertainment industry Last Name Beckford First Name khorie Ann Email Address: [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Publication writing, design, printing Last Name Lewis First Name Judith Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Relations Last Name Whylie First Name Gillian Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education, Youth educa-tion, high school education Last Name Meikle First Name Patricia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education, writing Last Name Braham First Name Andrea Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education, writing Last Name Harold First Name Gwyneth Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education, events Last Name McCook First Name Beverly Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Public Education Programmes, Re-search Last Name Campbell Grizzle First Name Ellen Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Programmes - Youth Last Name Mc Cormack First Name Karelle Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Programmes Last Name Cadien First Name Karen Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Programmes Last Name Hartman Reckord First Name Elaine Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Programmes Last Name Tyrell First Name Patricia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Corp Comms - Public Sector, broadcasting Last Name Bryce First Name Michael Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Public Education - youth Last Name Rainford First Name Coreine Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education - Public Sector Last Name Shaw Smith First Name Stephanie Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education - Public Sector Last Name Thompson First Name Afrika Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education - Public Sector Last Name Walker First Name Sheleka Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education - Public Sector Last Name Watt First Name Oliver Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education - Multinational Last Name Coombs First Name Shanoy Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Public Education Last Name Campbell First Name Nordia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Last Name Davis First Name Opal Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Last Name Laylor First Name Latoya Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Last Name Manning First Name La Donna Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Last Name Webb First Name Selbourne Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Last Name Chung First Name Maia Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Public Education Last Name Goode First Name Collette Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Public Education Last Name Thompson First Name Julian Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PROComm consultancy PR, Marketing, Advertising Last Name Lowrie Chin First Name Jean Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PR Counselling, writing, publi-cations Last Name Tipling First Name Carmen Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PR Counselling, media, writing Last Name Angell First Name Karl Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PR counselling, marketing, event planning Last Name Benjamin First Name Christopher Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality PR counselling, marketing Last Name Romans First Name Mario Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PR counselling, marketing Last Name Wilmoth First Name Kalando Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PR counselling, marketing Last Name Wright First Name Peter Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PR Counselling Last Name Brooks First Name Kerry-Ann Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PR Consultant Last Name Francis First Name Marie Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality PR Consultant Last Name Hodges First Name Peta Gay Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Music and broadcasting Last Name Hendriks First Name Howard Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Media Central - PR Counsel-ling, writing, publications Last Name Mornan-Green First Name Janneth Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Marketing Coordinator - Tech Last Name Allman First Name Cindy Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Marketing Communications Last Name Mills First Name Renae Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Marketing - Public Sector Last Name Henry First Name Shawnette Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Marketing Last Name Yee Keow First Name Krystalle Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Marc Astuta - PR counselling, marketing, CSR Last Name Azzellino PhD First Name Dayner Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Lambert & Chisholm - PR con-sulting, events Last Name Lambert First Name Alethia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Ketih Brown & Associates - Marketing, writing, sports, broadcasting Last Name Brown First Name Keith

Area of Speciality Journalist Last Name Blair First Name Kimberley Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Journalism, event design and management Last Name Silvera First Name Janet Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Illuminarte - PR Counselling, sem-inars, Last Name Christie-Binger First Name Alison Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Higher Education, creative writ-er Last Name Ellis First Name Garfield Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Higher Education - marketing, events Last Name Oxamendi Vicet First Name Elaine Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Higher education - marketing Last Name Morison Allen First Name Monique Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Higher education - marketing Last Name Henry First Name Charmaine Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Higher Education - audio visual Last Name Hardy First Name Kenton Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Higher Education - audio visual Last Name Wheeler First Name Hector Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Higher Education Last Name Hamilton First Name Philip Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Higher education Last Name Laidlaw First Name Blossom Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Graphic designer Last Name McDowell First Name Delroy Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality General Management - Finance Last Name Lobban First Name Misha Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Event décor , sculptor Last Name Cole First Name Scheed Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Event branding, booth manage-ment, event décor Last Name Deer First Name June Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Drama and television produc-tion Last Name Whilby First Name Kimberly Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality CSL - Marketing, campaigns, publications Last Name Williams First Name Cynthia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality CSL - Marketing, campaigns, publications Last Name Williams First Name Cynthia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Tertiary Institution, Higher Education Last Name Edwards PhD First Name Carroll Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Tertiary institution Last Name Degia First Name June Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Tertiary institution Last Name James Laing First Name Ellis Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - retired Last Name Johnson First Name Kathleen Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Pvt Sector Corp Last Name Rhoden First Name Dionne Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor, higher education, broad-casting Last Name White First Name Delmares Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor, higher education Last Name Hickling PhD First Name Deborah Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sector, Head central gment comms Last Name Rowe First Name Donna-Marie

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sector Last Name Campbell First Name Heather Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Douglas First Name Havenol Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Downes First Name Analisa Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Ellis-Francis First Name Dawn Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Graham First Name Neville Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Blake Hall First Name Marcia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Haughton First Name Gillian Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name McEwan First Name Leo Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Rowe Mittoo First Name Ann-Marie Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Morgan First Name Tyrell Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sector Last Name Rose First Name Hortense

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Smith First Name Cheryl Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Taylor First Name Camille Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Thomas First Name Mark Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Walker First Name Sheleka Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Sec-tor Last Name Wilks First Name Florene Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Public Edu-cation - Multinational Last Name Buchanan First Name Althea Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Multina-tional agency Last Name Brown Lindo First Name Jodi Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Higher Ed-ucation Last Name Mc Daniel First Name Gerrard Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Higher Ed-ucation Last Name Martin First Name Kaydian Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Finance Last Name Bell-Lewis First Name Klao Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Finance Last Name Christie First Name Claudette Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Finance Last Name Davidson First Name Sonia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Finance Last Name Edwards First Name Carlene Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Finance Last Name Griffiths Irving First Name Joylene Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Finance Last Name Reid First Name Angela Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Finance Last Name Rochester First Name Suzette Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Energy Last Name Callum First Name Winsome Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Editing, Writing Last Name McDonnough First Name Maxine Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Bauxite Last Name Lambert First Name Leo Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Admin Last Name Reid First Name Vanessa Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corporate Comms - Admin Last Name Weller First Name Kimberley Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms Last Name Mayne First Name Clea Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms Public Sector Last Name Donaldson Francis First Name Stephanie Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Tourism Last Name Johnston First Name Clover Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Telecoms Last Name Harris First Name Shelly Ann Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Telecoms Last Name Williams First Name Denise Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, writing Last Name Hutchinson First Name Joan Andrea Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality

Public Sector event design and management Last Name Campbell First Name Dollis Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, Public Education, Social Mar-keting Last Name Tomlinson First Name Patrice Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, Public Education, broadcasting Last Name Bryce First Name Michael Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, Public Education Last Name Morrison First Name Colin Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, Public Educatin Last Name Campbell First Name Dorothy Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, Public Educaiton Last Name Pinnock First Name Agostino Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, journalism Last Name Brown First Name David Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, journalism Last Name Pate First Name Durrant Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Barnett First Name Vuraldo Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Cameron Anglin First Name Tricia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Menzies First Name Tracey Ann Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Morrison First Name Nicole R Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Mowatt First Name Gizelle Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Anderson First Name Audrey Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Barnes First Name Prudence Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Beckford First Name Dania Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Bembridge First Name Hugh Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Bromfield First Name Sheryl Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Browning First Name Anicia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Bryan First Name Novlette Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Buchanan First Name Charles Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Burchell First Name Nikesha Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Callam First Name Taniquea Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Campbell First Name Enthrose Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Clarke First Name Jodianna Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Clarke First Name Lorna Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Coulton First Name Hilary Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Coulton First Name Hilary Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Cunningham First Name Hazel Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Journalism Last Name Boyne CD First Name Ian Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Dobson First Name Ann Marie Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Dunkley First Name Daniel Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Fearon First Name Natalie Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Geddes First Name David Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Gordon First Name Shauna Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Green First Name Lucretia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Hamilton First Name Angela Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector, change management specialist Last Name Graham First Name Sandra

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Haughton First Name Meris Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Hector First Name Marcia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name James First Name Carole Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Johnson First Name Mikhaial Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Johnson First Name Tiffany Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name King-Campbell First Name Kellee Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Lee First Name Rosemarie Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Lewis First Name Sasha-Gay Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name McKenzie First Name Roslyn Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Miller First Name Heatha Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Morgan First Name Jacqueline Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Morrison First Name Grace Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality

Corp Comms Last Name Campbell First Name Colin Email Address

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Mullings First Name Adrienne Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Myers First Name Claudette Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name O'Connor First Name Doreen Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Nicholas Palmer First Name Donna Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Roberts First Name Kingsley Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Robinson First Name Nicole Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality

Corp Comms

Last Name Gillings First Name Patricia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Sewell First Name Tashana Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Sharp First Name Lystra Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Shaw First Name Stephen Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Smith First Name Basil Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Stewart First Name Rosemarie Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Sutherland First Name Heather May Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Sutherland First Name Paulette Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Tenneisha First Name Hibbert-Nelson Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Thaxter First Name Dorrett Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Thomas First Name Diane Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Vanhorne Christie First Name Winsome Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Williams First Name Kimberlin Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Public Sector Last Name Williams First Name Petrakene Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Politics and Governance Last Name Morgan First Name Nesta Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - NGO Last Name Bernard Collins First Name Christene Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Hospitality Last Name daSilva First Name Trevesa Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Hospitality Last Name Nethersole First Name Belinda Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Finance Last Name Hull First Name Simone Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Finance Last Name Moseley First Name Dahlia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Finance Last Name Sommerville Abrahams First Name Gail Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Finance Last Name Stewart First Name Marie Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Energy Last Name Johnson First Name Ruthlyn Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Corp Comms - Energy Last Name Williams First Name Audrey Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms Last Name Amirtirigala First Name Arlene Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms Last Name Grant First Name Lois Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corp Comms Last Name Lee First Name Lorna Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Consultant, writer, photogra-pher Last Name Whyte-Hall First Name Delroy A. Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Community Relations Last Name Getfield First Name Jacqueline Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Community Comms - Writing Last Name Sudu First Name Karen Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Communications and Business Solutions PR and Image consul-tancy Last Name Cammock First Name Mel Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Communication Consultant Last Name Greene First Name Cloreth Sophia Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality CARA Ltd - PR Counselling, marketing, seminars, events Last Name Commissiong First Name Elaine Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Business communication, marketing Last Name St Juste First Name Rashida Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Communications Higher Education Last Name Beverley First Name Josephs Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Broadcasting, journalism Last Name Powell First Name Rohan Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Broadcast production and ad-vertising Last Name Morrison First Name Lorna Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Berl Francis & Assoc Corporate Comms Last Name Francis First Name Berl Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Attorney-at-Law Last Name Scott First Name Philmore Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Art - public sector Last Name Rowe First Name Natalee Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality AMK - Marketing Last Name Perue First Name Casey Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Administration Last Name Lindsay First Name Sandra Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Administration - Public Sector Last Name Maxwell First Name Akilah Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Last Name Boothe First Name Nikeisha Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Last Name Brooks First Name Michael Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Last Name Bruce First Name Judith Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Corporate Comms Last Name Beverley First Name Newell Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Last Name Flemming First Name Delona Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Last Name Lindo First Name Tanya Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Last Name Mason First Name Avrie Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Last Name Moyston First Name Margaret Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Last Name Ormsby First Name Tissona Email Address [email protected]

Area of Speciality Last Name Samuels First Name Peter Email Address [email protected]

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Area of Speciality Last Name Smith First Name Kruchev Email Address [email protected]

Corporate Canapé Mr Dwayne Berbick, formerly of CVM television is now with the National Housing Trust; Mr Dave Brown, formerly of CVM television is now the Communication Specialist at the Ministry of Transport Works and Housing; Ms Dahlia Moseley formerly of the JIS and the National Housing Corporation is now the Integrated Marketing Communications Specialist at Guardian Life; Ms Doreen O’Connor, formerly of the UDC is now Director of Communications and Public Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries; Ms Peta-Gay Hodges, formerly of JUTC and Power 106 is now available for Consulting. PRSJ compliments these professionals well on their new assignments. We note that practitioners Hortense Rose has retired from the National Housing Trust and that Jacqueline Morgan has retired from the Bank of Jamaica. Both ladies have done exceptional work at these public institutions and we wish them the very best for their next activities.

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in any practice, which tends to corrupt the integrity or channels of public communi-cation. A member shall not inten-tionally disseminate false or misleading information and is obligated to use ordinary care to avoid dissemination of false or misleading infor-mation. A member shall not create, use or act for any organisa-tion apparently serving an announced cause but in fact promoting an undisclosed interest of the member, his/her clients or employer. It is his/her duty to ensure that the actual interest of any such organisation with which he/she may be concerned is adequately declared. A member shall not know-ingly injure the professional reputation or practice of another member, but if such a member has reason to believe that another mem-ber has been engaged in practices, which may be in breach of this Code, it shall be his/her duty to inform the Society.

A member, in the conduct of his/her professional activi-ties, shall respect the public interest and the dignity of the individual. It is his/her personal responsibility at all times to deal fairly and honestly with his client or employer, past or present, with his/her fellow members and with the public. A member has the affirma-tive duty to adhere to gen-erally accepted standards of accuracy, truth and good taste. A member shall not repre-sent conflicting or competing interests without the express consent of the parties con-cerned after full disclosure of the facts. A member shall disclose (except upon the order of the court of competent juris-diction) or make use of in-formation given or obtained in confidence from his/her employer or client, past or present, for personal gain or otherwise, without ex-press consent. A member shall not engage

A member, in the course of his/her professional services to his/her employer or cli-ent, shall not accept a pay-ment either in cash or kind for those services from any other source without the express consent of his em-ployer or client. A member should not nego-tiate or agree terms, with a prospective employer or client on the basis of pay-ment contingent upon specif-ic future result. A member shall not negoti-ate or agree terms with a prospective employer or client on the basis of pay-ment contingent upon specif-ic future result. A member shall not en-croach upon the professional employment of another member. Where there are two engagements, either or both must ensure that there is no conflict between them. A member shall, as soon as possible, sever his/her rela-tions with any organisation when he/she knows that his/

Code of Ethics—PRSJ

P.O. Box 8240

Central Sorting Office

Kingston, Jamaica

Email: [email protected]


Public Relations Society of Jamaica

Founded 1981

Objectives of the Public Relations Society of


a) To encourage the understanding and current theories and proce-

dures in the practice of Public Relations and its role in Marketing Com-


b) To promote the development of Public Relations practice as a pro-

fession in Jamaica.

c) To seek national acceptance and recognition of Public Relations

practice as a profession

d) To establish and protect the code of professional standards which

shall apply and be adhered to in the practice of Public Relations in


e) To act as a forum for the exchange of ideas and dissemination of

information among members.

f) To publish and circulate from time to time, books, booklets, pam-

phlets, leaflets, monographs and other publications and periodicals of

professional interest.

her continued employment would require him/her to con-duct him/herself contrary to the principles of this Code. A member called as a witness in a proceeding for the en-forcement of the Code shall be bound to appear unless for sufficient reason, he/she shall be excused by the panel hearing the same. A member shall cooperate with fellow members in up-holding and enforcing this Code. END