PR-AC-No.1 Rinonos , Freddy Renz B.and Cornell, Christia Marie E.

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Transcript of PR-AC-No.1 Rinonos , Freddy Renz B.and Cornell, Christia Marie E.

  • 7/23/2019 PR-AC-No.1 Rinonos , Freddy Renz B.and Cornell, Christia Marie E.


    My First Day in School

    In my First day in Saint Louis College I felt exited and at the same time I saw very

    nervous I was very inhibited, close-minded and lacking diligence because it was my first day in

    College. It was very intimidating starting high school because I had to find a way to adust to the

    diversity all around me. !y first day in school is good because I saw my old friends in high

    school and they told me the right direction. I walked to the building, and when I arrived I saw

    some "eo"le and I felt strange.

    I a""roached to Christo"her and I asked for the classroom and we discovered that we were in thesame grou" and I felt less nervous. #e came in the classroom and the time to start classes began.

    #hen we began our classes, all our classmates were $uiet, nobody talked. %he teacher arrived

    early and he introduced herself and her name was &ngineer 'ey Lucero. (e started the class and

    after that we introduced ourselves. %hen I saw my other old classmate and I a""roached to'osella and we s"ent the rest of the day together until we had to go home.

    I am always going to remember that day because I had the o""ortunity to meet more "eo"le and

    the most im"ortant I met the best friends that I had. Finally, I think that it is natural that on the

    first day we feel nervous, but the things always have a ha""y ending, that)s why I say that my

    first day in the Saint Louis College was very good.


    Rinonos , Freddy Renz B.

    Cornell, Christia Marie E.