Ppt 4 nupur full

M.K. Bhavnagar University Department of English Name: VYAS NUPUR HITESHBHAI. Roll no:43 Paper no:4 Indian Writing In English Topic: Shri Aurobindo’s free vision of India. Year:2015-2016 Email id : [email protected]

Transcript of Ppt 4 nupur full

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M.K. Bhavnagar University Department of English


Paper no:4 Indian Writing In EnglishTopic: Shri Aurobindo’s free vision

of India.Year:2015-2016

Email id : [email protected]

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Introduction Shri Aurobindo was an indian

nationalist ,philosopher, yogi , guru and poet. He joined the indian movement for

independence from british rule ,for a while became one of its influencial leaders and then became a spiritual reformer ,introducing his visions on human progress and spiritual evolution.

The central theme of his vision was the evolution of human life into a life divine.

His main literary works are The Life Divine ,Syenthesis, Savitri:A Legend and a Symbol etc.

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Shri Aurobindo Free vision Of India Shri Aurobindo looked at the concept

freedom first through the eyes of a revolusionary political leader who was also a poet , later through the eyes of the mystic and spiritual master that he became What does freedom mean? How can it be for the individual and in collective life of nation?

He gradually developed an integral vision of human freedom that has become his legacy to india , to the world.

For him,freedom was an eternal aspect of human spirit ,as essencial to life as breath itself.

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Continu..His hope is that he will be able to convey

something of that vision and to show how it developed and was enriched in the course of an extraordinary and often turbulent life.

On eve of India’s National Day ,he can think of no more appropriate place to start than by the first part of Sri Aurobindo’s message to the new nation,broadcast on All-India Radio 60 years ago:August 15th 1947 is the birthday of free india .It marks for her the end of an old era, the beginning of a new age.But we can also make it by our life and acts as a free nation an important date in a new age

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Continu…. Opening for the whole world,for the

politicall, social , cultural and spiritual future of humanity.

A vision of free india incorporates the following course of events:Sri Aurobindo on mother india,new nationalism,advice to the young ,his plan to free india.

Sri Aurobindo ‘s vision that India will come to play an enhanced spiritual in the world is largely proving light.A number of the so-called New age or New Thought churches have been founded in the United States and West.

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Continu… These churches incorporates into

their teachings many of precepts of hindu religion.

Sri Aurobindo foresaw that india will play a great in waking humanity to a New spirituality.