Ppp kaiser copy

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  1. 1. Franz Beckenbauer
  2. 2. Born on September 11, 1945 in Munich Started playing football at the age of nine Career began in 1964 with FC Bayern Mnchen
  3. 3. 1965: German national team Turned into a star during world championship in 1966 in England
  4. 4. 1966: German Player of the Year 1969: German champion and cup winner (FC Bayern)
  5. 5. 1972: European champion and European Player of the Year
  6. 6. During his time at FC Bayern Mnchen the club won threeleague championships in a row from 1972 to 1974 and also a hat-trick of European Cup wins (1974-76)
  7. 7. 1977: decition to switch to Cosmos in New York
  8. 8. 1980: returned to Germany, club Hamburg SV 1982: finished his career
  9. 9. After the end of his career coach for German national team and FC Bayern Mnchen 1990: World Cup 1996: UEFA Cup Since 2009: honorary president for FC Bayern Mnchen
  10. 10. Has his own charity Franz Beckenbauer Stiftung Main aim: support of beggars