PP-PGN-02 part of

Cumbria Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust PP-PGN-02 – Allied Health Professional (PCF) – V01-Iss8-Feb 2021 Part of CNTW(C)22 – Multi-Professional Preceptorship Policy Multi-Professional Preceptorship Policy, practice guidance note Allied Health Professionals (AHP) Preceptorship Competency Framework (PCF) – V01 Date Issued Issue 5 – Mar 2020 Issue 6 – May 2020 Issue 7 – Aug 2020 Issue 8 – Feb 2021 Planned Review Aug - 2021 PP-PGN-02 – part of CNTW(C)22-Preceptorship Policy Author/Designation Esther Cohen-Tovee, Director of AHPs and Psychological Services Responsible Officer / Designation Executive Director of Nursing and Operations Contents Section Description Page No Cover Allied Health Professionals Preceptorship Framework Cover Name/Department/Title 1 Introduction 1 2 Preceptorship 1 3 Roles within the Preceptorship Process Preceptor Preceptee Authorising manager 1 4 Meetings 3 5 Disagreement between the Preceptee and the Preceptor 6 FORM Preceptorship Assessment Form 7 FORM Development Needs Analysis Questionnaire and Competencies 10

Transcript of PP-PGN-02 part of

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Cumbria Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust PP-PGN-02 – Allied Health Professional (PCF) – V01-Iss8-Feb 2021 Part of CNTW(C)22 – Multi-Professional Preceptorship Policy

Multi-Professional Preceptorship Policy, practice guidance note

Allied Health Professionals (AHP) Preceptorship Competency Framework (PCF) – V01

Date Issued

Issue 5 – Mar 2020 Issue 6 – May 2020 Issue 7 – Aug 2020 Issue 8 – Feb 2021

Planned Review

Aug - 2021 PP-PGN-02 – part of

CNTW(C)22-Preceptorship Policy

Author/Designation Esther Cohen-Tovee, Director of AHPs and Psychological Services

Responsible Officer / Designation

Executive Director of Nursing and Operations


Section Description Page No

Cover Allied Health Professionals Preceptorship Framework

Cover Name/Department/Title

1 Introduction 1

2 Preceptorship 1

3 Roles within the Preceptorship Process



Authorising manager


4 Meetings 3

5 Disagreement between the Preceptee and the Preceptor 6

FORM Preceptorship Assessment Form 7

FORM Development Needs Analysis Questionnaire and Competencies 10

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Cumbria Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust PP-PGN-02 – Allied Health Professionals (PCF) – V01-Iss8-Feb 2021 Part of CNTW(C)22 – Multi-Professional Preceptorship Policy

Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) Preceptorship Framework

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Team/Ward Manager

Clinical Nurse Manager

Date To Up Post

Date commenced Preceptorship

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1. Introduction

1.1 Cumbria Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust/CNTW) is committed to the development of all staff in order to ensure individuals have the necessary skills required to deliver a high quality service to patients/service users in its care. In order to support and guide newly qualified AHP’s during their first year in practice and to begin the process of professional development the Trust has prepared this preceptorship framework.

1.2 The preceptorship process enables newly qualified professionals to access knowledge of the organisation and services, supporting them to demonstrate the skills required for their role. A rotation scheme may operate across/within Localities which would enable the new graduate to gain experience in different clinical areas where practices will differ. Where this in not practical, a shorter, specifically tailored variation may be helpful for any graduate who is expecting to work in one clinical area for the duration of their preceptorship.

1.3 This practice guidance note should be read in conjunction with the Trust’s CNTW(HR)09 Staff Appraisal Policy.

2. Preceptorship

2.1 Preceptorship provides a structured process for the induction and development of newly qualified therapists. It can assist in addressing some of the challenges faced by new graduates.

2.2 The overall aims of preceptorship are to:

Provide support during the early phase of taking up a Band 5 post

Facilitate the development of skills

Ensure practice is in accordance with CNTW Trust policy, Codes of Professional Conduct, Professional and Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standards

Assist new Band 5 therapists with support from their clinical supervisor to identify evidence to support the achievement of their foundation outline and to work with their clinical supervisor to identify an appropriate personal development plan

3. Roles within the Preceptorship Process. 3.1 Preceptor 3.1.1 The Professional line manager of the new entrant at Band 5 will identify the

appropriate person to act as the Preceptor. For clinical staff this will normally be the identified clinical supervisor. The role of the preceptor is to provide structured support during the therapist’s first 12 months of practice. The preceptor will help the preceptee to meet the standards set out below and support reflection and review process at 6 months and 12 months.

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3.2 The preceptor should:

Facilitate the newly qualified therapist to be:

o Confident in his/her practice

o Sensitive to the needs of patients/service users

o An effective clinician

o An effective team member

o Up to date with evidence base and ensure it is embedded within current practice

Provide thorough clinical induction with clear expectations outlined

Agree clear objectives aligned to the preceptorship programme and review these regularly

Provide positive feedback to the preceptee on those aspects of performance that are being undertaken well

Provide honest and objective feedback on those aspects of practice that require further development

Identify Continuing Professional Development (CPD) time for the preceptee to complete reflective accounts and prepare for development reviews

Provide opportunities to work alongside the preceptee enabling them to observe practice, encourage feedback, and demonstrate procedures where appropriate

Facilitate opportunities for the preceptee to meet goals identified through their Professional Development Portfolio (PDP). Provide further support and assistance in ongoing reflection

3.3 Preceptee 3.3.1 The Preceptee has a professional responsibility to ensure that they:

Practice in accordance with CNTW Trust policy

Practice in accordance with Health Care Professions Council Regulatory Standards. In particular Standards of Proficiency, CPD and Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics (SCPE) revised in

January 2016, emphasising the responsibility for the reporting of incidents.

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Identify specific learning needs and work with the preceptor to develop an action plan to address these needs

Ensure that they understand the competency framework that they are expected to meet

Participate in planned induction activities

Clarify expectations of their role and the role of the supervisor/preceptor

Use CPD time to complete reflective accounts and prepare for clinical supervision

Ask for help if they are not clear about anything

Develop opportunities to improve practical skills and professional growth including joint working with their preceptor and other colleagues

Prepare for and actively engage in supervision, seeking out constructive feedback on their practice and clinical reasoning

Agree clear objectives aligned with the preceptorship programme and review regularly

Incorporate new learning into practise as part of ongoing process of lifelong learning

3.4 Authorising Manager 3.4.1 The line manager will normally be responsible for signing off the reviews and

authorising the incremental pay uplift. Reviews should take place in time for staff to progress on the normal incremental date. If this is not possible, for example because the manager is ill, then the next level manager must make the appropriate arrangements to ensure the review is carried out within the appropriate timescale. If the review is not carried out within the necessary timescale then pay progression will continue.

4. Meetings

4.1 Clinical Induction Meeting

4.1.1 The preceptor will highlight their expectations of the standards of performance

for each of their task areas with reference to Professional Standards. These will provide a benchmark for the preceptees 6 monthly review. Ideally the clinical induction meeting should occur within 1 month of the preceptee joining the Trust.

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4.1.2 The preceptee will be given the following documentation:

Professional Development Portfolio, (PDP)

Reflective practice documentation

Clinical supervision documentation

4.1.3 The Preceptor will explain that the preceptee must start to collect evidence in

their PDP as this will be utilised throughout their preceptorship period.

4.1.4 Evidence is required for the reviews which provide objective information on the level of knowledge and skills that individuals have clearly demonstrated whilst performing different tasks and activities of their role. This will identify learning and development.

4.1.5 Discussions should take place between the preceptor and the preceptee on

the type of evidence that will be required and gathered, presently and for the future. Types of evidence might include: research articles, reflective diary, statement by others, record of training, example of reports, assessment and treatment plans developed by the practitioner, relevant Policies, departmental guidelines, risk assessments, record of attendance at meetings.

Evidence should be:

o Valid/Relevant – does it meet the needs of the standards identified? Relevant to any training and development needs that have been jointly identified

o Sufficient – there must be enough evidence to match work

against the required standard identified. One piece of evidence can be used for more than one indicator across different standards

o Current –Evidence must be provided that knowledge and

skills are being currently and consistently demonstrated and used

o Reliable – is it appropriate and reflect the standards

identified. o Authentic - can the evidence be attributed to the individual?

4.1.6 It is important that as the preceptee works through the Preceptorship

Assessment form they collect evidence that demonstrates practice and professional development related to the identified standards for the role. This also ensures that the preceptorship programme becomes a portfolio of evidence on completion. The PDP of evidence will be used during reviews and will assist the preceptee and preceptor/line manager to identify learning and development needs. The portfolio will also provide assurance to the

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preceptor that not only can the preceptee deliver and be competent on a practical level but can also provide the theoretical rationale for delivering care at this level. It will also enable the practitioner to evidence competencies in line with professional requirements e.g. For HCPC and professional registration etc.

4.2 Review Meetings 4.2.1 Review meetings should involve the Preceptee, Preceptor and the

Professional Lead. These meetings can be incorporated into regular supervision sessions. At a minimum these meetings should be held quarterly. Additional meetings may be convened when required where there are issues re Professional practice.

4.2.2 Expectations of the review meeting should be clear to all and will include:

Ensuring Professional and HCPC Regulatory standards are being adhered to

Review of progress against identified standards and competencies

Progress in relation to professional practice

Areas for further development

Any work performance issues.

Training requirements

Agreeing support needed

The process should operate on a “no surprises” basis

4.2.3 These meetings will be documented and signed by all present. 4.3 Six Month Review 4.3.1 In accordance with the Trust’s CNTW(HR)09 – Staff Appraisal Policy, all new

staff will receive a Development Review meeting with their manager within 3 months of their arrival. In the preceptorship year staff joining Band 5 as new entrants will have a preceptorship development review at no later than six months.

4.3.2 The purpose of the 6 month review is to ensure that the individual is

successfully working toward their agreed standards and competency level, in order that they will satisfy achievement at the 12 month point. The preceptee should receive regular feedback on their performance. Towards the end of the first 6 months the preceptor and preceptee will meet to discuss progress. At this stage the preceptee should have achieved the competencies identified at the clinical induction meeting plus be on track to achieving the competencies required for the foundation gateway within the 12 month preceptorship period. If this is the case the preceptor will request that the Workforce Department authorise payment of the first increment with effect from the following month.

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4.3.3 If the preceptee has not provided sufficient evidence that they have achieved

the six month review standards, the preceptor will record which of the standards or competencies have not yet been achieved. These will be highlighted as areas for development.

4.3.4 Feedback, guidance and additional support from the preceptor is paramount

at this stage and the preceptor should assist the individual to meet the required dimensions. Payment of the incremental pay increase will not be paid until the professional standards and competencies identified for this stage have been achieved. It is the responsibility of the preceptor to formally identify to the Line Manager any issues of concern relating to the preceptee’s core competencies, which if not rectified, would need to be addressed through the Trust’s CNTW(HR)13 - Performance Management Policy.

4.4 Nine Month Review 4.4.1 It is at this stage in the process that a review of progress is undertaken to

ensure the preceptee is on target to achieve all required competencies. However, should the preceptee be failing to achieve the agreed standards and competencies despite additional support then the Trust’s CNTW(HR)13 - Performance Management Policy will be implemented.

4.5 Twelve Month Gateway Review 4.5.1 After the 9 month review the preceptorship process continues and the

preceptor assists the individual in order that they can achieve the agreed standards and competencies. Evidence must be provided to demonstrate that the preceptee has met these requirements.

4.5.2 Achievement of the agreed standards and competencies will result in the

payment of the second incremental uplift to the preceptee in accordance with the staff Appraisal Policy Conditions of Service. In the event that the individual has not provided sufficient evidence and cannot demonstrate that they have met the foundation level, then the process outlined in the CNTW(HR)09 - Staff Appraisal Policy will be followed.

4.5.3 The period of preceptorship will cease after the individual has successfully

met all the requirements of the agreed standards and competencies. 5 Disagreement between the Preceptee and the Preceptor

5.1 If the preceptee considers that any aspect of the Preceptorship process has

not been carried out effectively or fairly, they should discuss their concerns informally with the preceptor in the first instance.

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5.2 If the preceptee considers that their concerns are not resolved satisfactorily at an informal level, they may raise the matter formally with the preceptee’s line manager.

5.3 If the matter remains unresolved following this, the principles of the Trust’s

CNTW(HR)05 - Grievance Policy should be observed in order to reach a satisfactory resolution.

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Agreed standard and competencies

Level achieved

Areas for Development

Evidence of Decision/Discussion

Page Number in portfolio

Action in Progress

Review Date and


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Preceptorship Assessment Form

This document should be completed by the line manager with the department/discipline specific levels and given to the ‘preceptee’ to complete

Agreed standard and competencies

Level Achieved

Areas for Development

Evidence of Decision


Page number in portfolio

Action on Progress

Review Date and


Signature of Individual Print Name Date

Signature of Preceptor Print Name Date

Date of Next Review To be completed when all standards and competencies achieved

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As well as discussing and recording evidence to support the work you have achieved you may find it useful to use the information below as a way to provide evidence and simply document the number corresponding with the example of evidence. One piece of evidence can be used to cross reference a number of core/specific dimensions throughout your portfolio - it may help to catalogue the evidence you collect in preparation for this and record the page number in the corresponding column. Evidence No Example of evidence 1 Research article 2 Reflective diary 3 Statement by others 4 Record of training 5 Example of reports, care 6 Plans developed by the nurse 7 Policy 8 Ward guidelines 9 Risk assessments 10 Record of attendance at meetings 11 Other

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Development Needs Analysis Questionnaire

Preceptors Name and Job Title:

Date of Analysis:

This questionnaire is to serve as assistance when reflecting on your job role and to help identify any areas where you may benefit from further training, development or supervision. Furthermore you will be greatly advantaged if you are honest and accurate in your replies as this will provide a more effective production of your training and development plan. To complete the brief questionnaire you will assess yourself against the PCAF. You will be required to refer to the relevant competencies to confirm the standards of performance and knowledge and skills required for your preceptorship post. Please place a tick in the appropriate box and make relevant notes in the right-hand column. This will provide you with comments to discuss at your review.

N/A = This competence is not applicable to my role

3 = I require training and development in most or all of this area

2 = I require further training and development in some aspects of this area

1 = I am fully confident that I already perform this competently

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Level of Competence

Standard /Competency N/A 3 2 1 Notes

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Priority Competency Dimensions for Development

Core/Specific Dimension Suggested Development action to be taken

Timescale and by when

Preceptee Signature

Print Name


Preceptor Signature

Preceptor Name
