Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Powies, Zoe Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jones, David <[email protected]> 03 March 2009 11:45 Sasha Cruz FW: Type Approval Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Kooltherm K15 Type Approval Declaration.doc; Kooltherm K15 Type Approval Summary.doe; Kooltherm K15 Literature,pdf; Kooltherm K15 BBA 08-4582.pdf DearSasha Further to your e mail below and the type approval application from Kingspan, please find attached an electronic copy of the type approval compliance declaration along with the three documents which should accompany the type approval certificate. Because of the limited room on the form itself, the relevant issues have been summarised on the separate summary document. The draft copy of this has been forwarded previously to Phil Harrison at LABC and Andrew Pack at Kingspan and, following their comments, should now be ready for formal issue Please let me know if you should have any queries. Many thanks for your assistance Kind Regards David Jones From= Sasha Cruz [mailto:[email protected],com] Sent; 26 February 2009 10’.42 To= ]enneb Chris Subject: Dear Mr Jenner, Please be aware that I have now received the Application form & Registration fee for the System Type Approval from Kingspan Insulation Ltd for Kingspan Kooltherm KIS Rainscreen Board. Please find attached a copy of the Type Approval Compliance Declaration form, which should be completed in full and returned via emai[ as soon as the full checks have been carried out Please keep me updated with the progress of this application and inform me when the certificate is ready for issue. Many thanks and kind regards Sasha Cruz Technical Administrator LABC 137 Lupus Street London, SWlV 3HE Direct Dial: tel fax HBC00000048_0001 HBC00000048/1

Transcript of Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Page 1: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Powies, Zoe





Jones, David <[email protected]>

03 March 2009 11:45 Sasha Cruz

FW: Type Approval Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Kooltherm K15 Type Approval Declaration.doc; Kooltherm K15 Type Approval

Summary.doe; Kooltherm K15 Literature,pdf; Kooltherm K15 BBA 08-4582.pdf


Further to your e mail below and the type approval application from Kingspan, please find attached an electronic copy of the type approval compliance declaration along with the three documents which should accompany the type approval certificate. Because of the limited room on the form itself, the relevant issues have been summarised on the separate summary document. The draft copy of this has been forwarded previously to Phil Harrison at LABC and Andrew Pack at Kingspan and, following their comments, should now be ready for formal issue

Please let me know if you should have any queries.

Many thanks for your assistance

Kind Regards

David Jones

From= Sasha Cruz [mailto:[email protected],com] Sent; 26 February 2009 10’.42 To= ]enneb Chris Subject:

Dear Mr Jenner,

Please be aware that I have now received the Application form & Registration fee for the System Type Approval from Kingspan Insulation Ltd for Kingspan Kooltherm KIS Rainscreen Board.

Please find attached a copy of the Type Approval Compliance Declaration form, which should be completed in full and returned via emai[ as soon as the full checks have been carried out

Please keep me updated with the progress of this application and inform me when the certificate is ready for issue.

Many thanks and kind regards

Sasha Cruz Technical Administrator LABC 137 Lupus Street London, SWlV 3HE Direct Dial: tel fax

HBC00000048_0001 HBC00000048/1

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email: tech nical~,labc, u k corn www.labc,u k.com

This email and its content are intended sole/y for the addressee and sharing it with any other party is prohibited without ttie express permission of LABC.

HBC00000048_0002 HBC00000048/2

Page 3: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire


LABC 137 Lupus Street London SWlV 3HE

Tel: Fax: Emaih Web:

[email protected] www.labc.uk.com

Applicant/Certificate Holder (*Company name, *Address inc[ post code, *Telephone number and *Email address) * required information

Kingspan Insulation Ltd

Pembridge, Leominster, Herefordshire. HR6 9LA

E-rnail techline, [email protected] corn

Please state if System or System Approval House Type Approval

stem or House : Type(s) - (As you wish it to i Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board appear on the cer[ificate(s)) Checking Authority Herefordshire Council Building Control

Extent of Recommended Regulatory Approval - Delete as applicable; if Yes selected, please provide full details,

Par[ A - Yes~ Details see attached summary of findings

Par[ B = Yes Details - see attached summarY of findings Par[ C - Yes/~ Details - see attached summary of findings

Limitations of Use (if applicable) As attached supporting documentation

DrawingslDocumentation Please list all approved documentation/drawings that should be noted on the certificate(s). Please remember to include details of the climatic conditions for all House Types.

Herefordshire Council Type Approval Summary - Revision 1; 03 March 2008

Kingspan Publication ’Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board’ Eighth Issue November 2008

British Board of Agrement Certificate 08/4582; 27 October 2008

The assessment has been satisfactorily concluded under the terms of the LABC Type Approval Service Manual and the certificate(s) can be issued in accordance with the above conditions.

Signed: Date:


HBC00000048_0003 HBC00000048/3

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LABC Type Approval Service

System Approval - External Walls of Rainscreen Cladding Incorporatinq Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Insulation Board

Summary of the System and the Main Issues Considered


Kooltherm K15 is a rigid phenolic insulation board incorporating foil composite facings. It is intended for use as a thermal insulation layer to be applied to the external face of new and existing masonry or metal framed walls as part of a rainscreen cladding system.

Under this system approval certificate, Kingspan K15 is the only specifically defined element within the system, the inner substrate and the outer rainscreen cladding layer being variables which can be selected on the basis of the criteria set out below to meet the specific requirements of the project.

The System

The overall wall construction must reflect standard design details as shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3 of Kingspan technical literature ’Kooltberm K15 Rah~screen Board’, Eighth Issue November 2008 The standard forms of construction contained therein and as considered under this system approval would consist of:

An inner substrate of reinforced concrete, masonry, or hollow metal-framed walling forming part of the building superstructure.

A continuous layer of Kingspan Kooltherm K15 rainscreen insulation board restrained to the outer face of the inner substrate with a minimum of nine proprietary insulation fasteners per board and with rainscreen cladding tape applied to joints.

A ventilated residual airspace of at least 50mm between the outer face of the insulation and the inner face of the cladding.

A rainscreen cladding weathering layer structurally fixed back to the inner substrate using proprietary fixing brackets reflecting the manufacturers recommendations and the requirements of the structural design.

When used as part of an overall wall construction in line with the above and reflecting the standards set out below, Kooltherm K15 can be deemed acceptable as the insulation element of the system subject to any limits set out or referred to within this certificate:

BS 5628: Parts 1-3 2005, Code of practice for use of masonry, or Reinforced Concrete: BS 61 I 0~1:1997 Structural use of concrete, Code of practice for design and construction1, or Loadbearing Metal Framed Walling:

BS 5950-5:f998; Structural use of steelwork in building, Code of practice for design of cold formed thin gauge sechons

Ke~31Ulerm K15 Type Approval Page 1 el3


Revision 1 3 Match 2008

HBC00000048_0004 HBC00000048/4

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External Weathering Leaf:

Rainscreen Cladding: !3S 8200 1985, Code of practice for design of non-loadbeanng external vertical enclosures of buildings. BS 8399-2:1997 Loading for buildings Code of practice for wind loads. BS EN 1991 I-4: 2005, Actions on Structures - General Actions - Wind Actions. BS 5080 Structural fixb~gs in concrete and masonry; Parl 1:1993 Metbod of test for tensile Ioadings; Part 2 1986; Method for determlnation of resistance to loading In shem. In all cases, structural stability of the whole system must be assessed on a project-specific basis by a structural engineer.

Key Parts of the Building Regulations Considered:

Requirement A1 - Structural Stability

K15 is capable of carrying its own self-weight when fixed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, but otherwise cannot be considered to contribute towards the structural stability of the building in any way. Detailing should ensure that any wind or other Ioadings are transferred to the structural frame/wall as appropriate.

Requirement B - Fire Safety Considerations

K15 has been tested in accordance with:

BS8414-1; 2002 (Fire performance of external cladding systems. Test methods for non- Ioadbeadng external cladding systems applied to the face of a building), BS EN 1364-1 ; 1999 (Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements - walls), BS476-6; 1989 (Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method of test for fire propogafion for products) BS476-7; 1997 (Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of products)

From the results, it can be considered as a material of limited combustibility and meets the criteria for Class 0 classification for surface spread of flame.

¯ Requirement B3; Internal Fire Spread

A series of cavity barriers must be detailed on a project-specific basis to prevent fire spread around compartment floors or walls and to observe undivided cavity limits as set out in Table 13 of Approved Document B Volume 2; 2006. The performance of the barriers and the method of fixing must ensure that they will remain in place and maintain fire resistance for at least 30 minutes, or match the period set for the compartment wall/floor which they abut (whichever is greater).

¯ Requirement B4; External Fire Spread

Since K15 can be considered a material of limited combustibility, it is suitable for use in all situations shown on Diagram 40 of Approved Document B Volume 2, including those parts of a building more than 18m above the ground. In the latter circumstances, the cladding system and the substrate to which the insulation is applied must also meet the requirement for limited combustibility. Where the substrate is a metal-framed wall system rather than masonry or concrete, a non-combustible lining board must be specified to the external face of the metal frame wall (eg, calcium silicate board or similar performing).

3 Mamh 2008

HBC00000048_0005 HBC00000048/5

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Where an elevation falls within 1000mm of a relevant boundary as defined in the Approved Documents to Part B, K15 as a class 0 material will not have a detrimental effect of the performance of the wall and can be disregarded when assessing the extent of unprotected areas, subject to the other elements of the wall meeting the appropriate standard.

Requirement C1:

Resistance to Moisture Penetration Surface and Interstitial Condensation

With a clear cavity of at least 50mm maintained between the outer face of the insulation and the inner face of the rainscreen cladding system, K15 wiJl not convey moisture to the inner substrate irrespective of the height of the building or the level of exposure of the site.

Surface and interstitial Condensation

Provided that the thermal transmittance (u-value) of the wall does not exceed 0.7 Wm2K at any point (in line with guidance from Approved Documents relating to Requirement L1), and that all junctions and interfaces are detailed to avoid thermal bridging* then Kooltherm K15 would be expected to adequately limit both interstitial and surface condensation in walls.

Requirement L1 - Thermal Performance

For the purposes of calculating u-values in order to demonstrate performance under Requirement L1, Kooltherm K15 can be taken to have thermal conductivity values as set out below. The stated performance is supported by a current agrement certificate.

~Board Thickness (mm) Thermal Conductivity (W/m.K) 4 [24 or under 0.024 | 125 - 44 0.023

! 145 or over 0.021

Regulation 7 - Materials and Workmanship

Independent test data has shown Kooltherm K15 to be suitable for the purpose for which it is proposed. When installed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations, no short or long term maintenance is required and the board can be expected to have a lifespan equal to that of the structure in which it is incorporated.

Other Documents Referred to:

BBA Agrement Certificate 08/4582 Kingspan Technical Literature; ’Koo[therm K15 Rainscreen Board’ - Eighth issue Nov 2008.

Note: LABC Type Approval is limited in scope to those issues which are relevant to the requirements of the Building Regulations as defined in this document and any other supporting documents referred to on the certificate. Any matters falling outside the scope of the regulations will not have been considered as part of the type approval process

HBC00000048_0006 HBC00000048/6

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I !nsulation [



Kin- no Low Energy -

Low Carbon Buildings

HBC00000048_0007 HBC00000048/7

Page 8: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Kooltherm° K15 Rainscreen Board

Typical Design Details Specification Clause

Details also available in NBS Plus.

Figure 3 insulated Rainscreen Cladding Systems on Steel Frame


HBCO0000048_O008 HBC00000048/8

Page 9: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Design Considerations Sust ainability

sustainabilily of insulation materials has been compared on

the basis d embodied energy and ozone deplelion potential.

It is now recognised lhat a much wider basket of embodied

embodied energy), rather than embodied energy alone, is the

only credible tool of comparison, Time has also annulled ozone

depletion potential as an issue as el! insulation materials are

now banned from using CFC and HCFC blowing agel]ts by

la~v. For buildings designed to today’s [guilding Regulations

enelgy use standalds g is now also known that the embodied

environmental impacts of all d the materials and labour used

to create a building are insignificant in comparison with the

lifefime operational envfionmenlal impacts of that building, and

so are of very limited impedance Sinoe it is operational energy

use that creates the vast majority of operational env roamenlal

environmentally sustainable buildings is that the longevity of

their standards of operational energy use, and therefore the

longevity of their operational environmental impacts, is critical

The per’ormance el some insulants, such as mineral libre, can

movement or compression, This may Increase operational

sustainability of the finished huildi% to an alarming degree.

matter of social ~esponsibility to be open and honest abou[ the

env ronme~tal impact ol the manulact u[e el a product, and a

lull Uro Cycle Analysis (LCA) based on a much wider basket of

environmental impacts, rather than embodied energy alone, is

recognised as fhe preferred tool to achieve this Klngspan

Insulation was the first insulafion manufacturer to openly

(a type of LCA} on its product ~anges. The Ecop~dile for the K b~ Tl~er rnaTM range of rigid urethane insulation products

was performed by Building Research Establishment (BRE),

The ploduct ~ange comfortably achieves & BRE

But tgere is far more to sus~ainabiidy than whether or not a

demonstrate its financial wability and social responsibility, as

well as ensure that its materials and methods do not add

unduly to the burden placed on the planet Kingspan Insulation

has now put the manufacture of its products at its Pembridge

appraisal of its economio, social, environmental and natural

The re~ulte show a well balanced pedormance in terms of

sustainabilily, and that Kingspan insulation is already meeting

legislation or best practice in most areas, even moving beyond

best practice in some, K[ngspan Insulation is the first and only

construction material manufacturer to have taken this bold


HBC00000048_0009 HBC00000048/9

Page 10: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board

Sitework Installation

Because rainscreen claddJr~g syctems are p~oprietary and

ublise diIlerent mechanisms for attaching cladding panels to

the wall stluctule, sitework guidance should be sought from

system manufacturers,

Cold Bridging

’helping hand’ brackct and the structure will help to mitigate

Surface condensation can be controlled by the selection of

the correct thickness of insulation, the healing and ventilation

subsequently the combination of heating and ventilation being

Interstitial Condensation

Tbe Kiagspan Insulation Technical Service Department (see

proposed design Altemativel~ the designer can undertake an

independent assessment by following the procedures set out


Cutting should be carried out either by using a fine toothed

saw, or by scodng with a shah3 knifer snapping the board ovel

a straight edge and then culling the facing on the other side,

Ensule accurate trimming to achieve close butting joints and

continuity of insulation.


Manulacturers’ approved fainscreen cladding tape should be

applied to the external joints of insulation board to provide a

weathedight finish

increased by the use of a vapeur check plasterboard or by the

application of two coats of Gyproc Drywall SeaJeq il required,

Fire Stops

Current Building Regulations / Standards should be considered

w~h regard to the requirements for and prov;sion of file stops

Lightning Protection

Building designers should give consideration to the requirements

Typical U-values Because ra~nscreen systems are proprietary and utilise different

mechanisms lor altaching cladding panels to the wall structure,

il is advisable to contact the Kingspan Insulation Technical

calculations, All calculations ate pedurmed in accordance wi~b

BR 443 (Conventions Ior LJwalue calculations, 2006 Edition),


HBCO0000048_O010 HBC00000048/10

Page 11: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Product Description


The boards are supplied in labelled packs, shrinkwrapped

in polythene.


outdoor plotection Ideally boards shouJd be sto~ed inside a

building If, however, outdoor sto~age cannot be avoided then

the boalds should be stacked clear of the ground and covered

with a polythene sheet or weatherploof tarpaulin Boards that

Health and Safety

Kingspan Insulation produc~s are chemically iner~ and safe to

use. A leaflet on this topic which sat]sties the lequirements set

out in the Control of Substances HaTardous to Health

Regulations 1988 (COSHH) is avairabla 9ore the Kingspan

Product Data Standards and Approvals

approved to BS EN IBO 9001 : 2000 (Quality management

LCnqth Im) 2.4

Compressive Strength

Typically exceeds 10g kPa at 10% compression when tested

to BS EN 826:1996 ~hermal insulating products for building

accordance with BS 437~2; lg93 (Methods of test for rigid

cellular mateYals, Methods 7 ~o 9)


HBC00000048_0011 HBC00000048/11

Page 12: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

K ltherm K15 Rainscreen Board

However, it is recommended that any spills be cleaned off fully

before the boards are installed. Ensure that safe methods of

cleaning are used, as recommended by he supp e s of the

scJvent based adhesive systems, particularly those containing

should net be used in association with this product

Damaged boards or boards that have been in contact wilh

harsh solvents or acids should not be used.


B8 476q~: 1989

(Fire lasts on building materials aRd structures. Method of test for ~re

Thermal Properties

The X-values and R-values quoted are in accordance

with the principles in lhe Harmonised European

Standard BS EN 13166; 2008 0"bermal insulation

products for buildings - Factory made products of

phenolic foam (PF) - Specification) using so celled

90 / 90 pdnciples. Comparison wilh allemative products

may not be appropriate unless the same procedures

have been followed.

Thermal Resistance

I~emqal resistance (P~value} va~;es with thick~ess and is

calculated by dividing the thickness of the board (expressed in

metres) by its therf~qal conduct~vr~.

Fur(her details of the lira pedormance of Kingspen Insulation

HBC00000048_0012 HBC00000048/12

Page 13: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Kingspan Insulation

insulation plob]ems. I~e Kingspan Insulation range of i~lsulation

products meet the exacting requirements of the construction

induslry and are produced to the highest standards, including

BS EN ISO 900i : 2000 / I,S EN ISO %01 : 2000 Each

produ¢l has been designed to fulfil a specific need and has

been manulactured to precise standads and tolerance&

¯ Pitched Roofs

¯ Flat Roofs

¯ Cavity Walls

¯ Timber and Steel Framing

¯ E×ternally insulated Cladding Systems

The Kingspan Insulation Product Range

¯ Utilises the thinnegt possible insulation board to achieve

required U~alues

¯ Fire per’ormance can be equivalent to mineral tibia

¯ Achieves a Class 0 fire rating to the Building Regulations

and Low Risk ~ating for the Technic~ Standards in Scotland

¯ Achieves the best possible rating or < 5% smoke

obscuration when tested to BS 5111 : Part 1 : 1974,

¯ OFC/HCFC-Ree with zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP),

result in Ieduced thermal peFormance

¯ Unaffected by air movement problems that can be

¯ Sale and easy to install non-fibrous.

¯ Provide reliable long term thermal pefformance over the

lifetime of the building,


HBC00000048_0013 HBC00000048/13

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Contact Details

Customer Service For quotalions, order placement and details of despatches please

contact ~he }<ingspaa Insulation Cus~ornor Se~ice Depariment on ~he nu~nbers below:

Literature & Samples

Tapered Roofing

Technical Advice / Design

Please contact the Kingspan Insulation Technical Service Department on the numbers below;

General Enquiries For all other enquides contact Kingspan Insulation on the

KiKg pan Kingspan Insulation Ltd

HBC00000048_0014 HBC00000048/14

Page 15: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

Kingspan Insulation Ltd

Heretardshire HR6

1el: I!~ Fox: ~

Agr~ment Certificate 08/4582

Product Sheet 1

AGR~MENT CERTIFICATION INCLUDES: ¯ Factors rdating to compliance with Building

Regulations where applicable ¯ factors rdatin~ ~o additional non regulatory

information wt~ere applicable ¯ independentlyverified technical specificafion ¯ assessmenl criteria and fechnicd investigations ¯ design considerations ¯ installafion guidance ¯ regular surveillance a~ production ¯ Formal three-yearly review


Condensation risk the boards have a watel vapour resls~arlce of 100 MNsg i and can contribute to/educing the ~isk ot surface and interstitial condensation (see section 6)

Durabilily the boards will have a life equivalent to that of the wall structule in which they are incorporated (see section 13).

The BBA has awarded this Agr~ment Certificate to the company named above For the product described herein. This product has been assessed by the BBA as being fit For its intended use provided it is installed, used and maintained as set out in this CertiFicate.

On behalf oF the British Board of Agr~ment

Date oF Firs~ issue: 27 October 200B Chris Hunt Greg Cooper

Head oF Approvals Physics Chief Executive

Page I OF 8


HBC00000048_0015 HBC00000048/15

Page 16: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

In the opinion of the BBA, Kingspan K15 Rainscreen Insulation Board if used in accoldance wilh {he provisions o this Certificate, wilJ meet or contribute to meeting the relevant requirements of lhe following BulJdlng Regulations:

d,~ The Building Regulatians 2000 (as amended) (England and Wales}

~The Building (Scotland} Regulations 2004 (as amended)

~The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland} 2000 (as amended)

Construction )Design and Management} Regulations 2007 Construction )Design and Management) Regu]atlans (Northern Ireland) 2007

Informalion in this Certificate may assist the cfienf, CDM co ordinator, designer and contractors ~o address their obligaflans under these Regulations.

NHBC Standards 2008 NHBC accepts the use of Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Insulation Board, when installed and used in accordance with this Certificate, in relation to NHBC Standards, Chapter 6.1 External masonn/walls and Chapter 6.9 Curtain wallh~g and dadding Current NHBC guidance precludes the use af faqade systems which do not util~se a drained cavity.

Zurich Building Guarantee Technical Manual 2007 In the opinion of lhe BBA, Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Insulation Board, when installed and used in accordance with this Certificate, satisfies the requirements of the Zurich Building Guarantee Ted~nical Manual, Section 4 Superstructure, Sub-section External walls - Render/cladding/curtain wallhlg.

Page 2


HBC00000048_0016 HBC00000048/16

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This Certificate relales to Kaaltherm K 15 Rainscreen Insulation Boa~d for use ~o create a warm frame wall consiruction or for use againsl masonry substrates, wilh a venlilaled cavih/and a weatherproof cladding system/protective ~alnscreen

1 Description

12 The product has the characleristics o~:lu

length {ram) 2400


20 to 140

40 ta 42 (1) Other L.,aard size and ~hicknesses may be available on request

2 Delivery and site handling

2,3 Where large valumes are stared, particula@ if indoors, tlammable materials and ignition sources/naked flame

Fhe Following is a summary of the assessment and technical investigations carried oul on Kooltherm K15 Ralnscreen Insulation Board.

3 General 3.1 Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Insulation Board will be effective in reducing the U value (thermal transmi~ance) of walls.

3 2 Care must also be taken in he eve all design and cons uct on of elements incorporating the product to ensure

sheathing or bracing tor frame dements. The produc~ must not be relied on to provide any structural contribution,

¯ fire resistance, For bo~h elements and junclions ¯ cavily barriers and fire dampers ¯ resislance to the ingress of precipitation and moisture from the ground.

relevant recommendations of: ¯ BS 5628~3 : 2005. In particular, Clause 5 5 o~ the Code of Practice Exclusion of water should be followed in that

~he designer should sdecl a construclion appiopriale to lhe local wind d~iven lahl index, paying due regard Io design detailing, we kmansh’p and mate iaB to be used,~

Page 3 of 8


HBC00000048_0017 HBC00000048/17

Page 18: Powies, Zoe - Grenfell Tower fire

¯ BS 80003 : 2001

3.10 The boards are for use in any exposure zone, subiect ~o condiiions being me~ and the construction being deemed suitable

311 The wall or su~rame to which the insulalion is fixed should be structurally sound and constructed in accordance with Ihe requiremenls of the relevanl national Building Regulations and Standards

3 12 Masonry or concrete to which the support work and cladding are fixed should be structurally sound and have been constructed in accordance with one or more of Ihe following ~echnical specificalions:

¯ BS 5628 1 : 2005 and BS 5628 3 : 2005 ¯ BS81}01 :/997’andBS81102:1985 ¯ the national Building Regulations:

England and Wales Approved Document A1/2, Sedion 2C

Scotland Mandato~! Standard 1.1, clauses 111III2), I1 21:12)and 1.1 3Iql2}

Northern Ireland - Technical Booklet D

3 13 Galvanized sleel flamework should be stluctulall sound and designed and constructed in accordance with BS 59505 : 1998.

4 Practicabilily of installation afproducL

5 Thermalpe~ormance

Table I Declared thermal condvctivi~y values


~24 0024

25-44 0 023

~45 0021

5.2 Fhe boards are placed on the outside of the steel frame o/masonrv subs~rale, additional insulation may be required, eg bek,veen the studs, la meal the/real requirements.

~:,~5,3 The boards can contribute Io achieving Ihe ~dlowin9 design U values:

England and Wales and Northern Ireland

035 Wr~2K I required ~ar ’notional’ dwellings in SAP 2005 and buildings other lhan dwellings Jn SBEM (see also seciion 5.2}

¯ 0.35 Wm 2K ~ limil avelage specified in Approved Documenls DA (Table 2) and L2A )Table 4), and Technical Bookle~s F ! (Table 2.2) and F2 (Table 2.4) (see also section 52)

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HBC00000048_0018 HBC00000048/18

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0.70 Wm 2K I limit tar an individual eler.ent specitied in Approved Documents L1A (Table 2) and L2A (Table 4), Technical Booklets F1 [Table 221 and F2 (Table 2.4).

Scotland ¯ 020 Wm 2K I required for Ihe ’simplified approach - solid fuel package 6’ ’notional’ dwelling in Mandato~y

Slandard 6.1, clause 6. I 6m ¯ 0.25 Wm ~K ~ required for ’notional’ dwd[ings in SAP 2005 (tar Scotland[ and the simplled app oath

packages 1 to 5’ in Mandatory Standard 6.1, clause 6.1.6111 ¯ 0.30 Wr.4K i Iimi~ average specified in Mandatury Standard 6.2, clause 62. ¯ 0.70 Wm ~K I lirnil f~r an individual dement specitied in Mandatory Standard 6.2, clause 62.1111~1. (I) Technical Handbook{Dameslic)

(21 Technical Handbook (Non Domeslic)

5.4 Whe e a proposed wall U value is not belter than the rdevanl ’notional’ value specified in section 5.3, additional ener say na measures will be required in Ihe building envelope and/or selvices 1o achieve lhe required overall gY . v carbon d~oxlde emission rate reduction of abau120% in dwellings (18% to 25% m Scolland) and 23Yo to 28% In buildings other [han dwellings.

5 5 The boards can mainlain or canlribule to ma n a ning continuiV af Iherr.al insulation at [unctions between the exlernd wall and the other building e[er.ents. Guidance in this respect, and on limiting heat loss by air infiltration, can

England and Wales Limiling thermal bridging and air leakage: Robus~ conslruclion details for dwellings and similar buildings TSO 2002

Scalland Acclediled Construction Details (Scolland)

Northern ireland - Accredited Construction Details (version 1 O}

5.6 Cor.pliance wiih lhe guidance referred to in seclion 5.5 will allow lhe use of the de’a@ psi values fror. Table 3 of BRE Information Paper IP 1/06 Assessing ~he effecls of thermal bridging at junctions and around openings and

TabeK o The Gavemmenl’s Standard Assessmenl Procedure for Energy Rating af Dwell ngs (SAP 2005), in,Targel Emission Rate ca cu afions Io SAP 2005 or the S rnpl f ed Bu Iding Energy Model (SBEM} ( simplified approach for

6 Condensation risk Surface condensation

~6.1 Walls will limit i~e risk of surface condensation adequa~dy when the thermal lransmittance (U value) does not exceed 07 Wm K ~ at any poinh and the unctions with o~her eler.ents a~e d~esigned ~,n accordanc~ with he relevanl requirements of TSO publication Limiting thermal bridging ana air ieaKage Roaust construchan

delails for dwellings and similar buildings TSO 2002 ar BRE In~ormalion Paper [P 1/06


6.2 Walls will adequa e y r.it he risk of surface condensalion when the thermal transmi#ance (U value) does not exceed 1 2 Wm ~K I at any poinl Guidance may be obtained from Seclion 8 o~ BS 5250 : 2002 and

BRE report (BR 262 : 2002) Thermal insulation: avoiding risks

Inlerstitid condensation

,~ 63 Walls incorporating the boards will adequately limit the risk of inlerstitial condensation when they are

~designed and conslruc~ed in accordance with BS 5250 : 2002 (Section 8 and Annex D}.

I Behaviour in relation to fire 7 1 "lhe tallowing fire tests have been undertaken:

to BS 8414 1 : 2002: a 60 mr1 thick board at 1200 mm by 900 mr. dimensions was mechanically tixed to a non-combustibb substrate;

IoBSEN13641 1999:

a 60 mm h ck beard at 1200 r,~l,~l, by 900 mm dirnensions was mechanically fixed to a 10 r-m thick cement particle boardaltachedtosleel C section studs115 r.mthickGyprocwa boardand 25 mr- Fermacdlboard was fixed to the exposed test face The producl achieved a fire resistance wilh this construction of 53 minutes

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England and Wales Approved Document B, paragraph 84, Volume ] and paraglaphs 12.5 and 126, VduilTe 2

Scotland Mandalay/Standards 26 and 2 7, clauses 26.1ull~;, 26.7mill, 2.7 1~u!21 and 2 7 2121 respedively and Annexes 2C(U and 2 E~2~

73 In buildings with a floor more lhan 18 m above ground levd, advice should be sough~ from Ihe Ce~dicale holder.

purpose group.

75 The design and insiallation of cavily barliers mus~ take in o account any aniicipa~ed ditferenfid movemen, for example within tramed structures.

8 Strength and stability

racking, no contlibution ~iom lhe insulation should be assumed.

8.3 Wind loads should be calculated in accordance wilh BS EN 1991 14 : 2005 and BS 63992 : 1997. Fhe

85 The cladding must be fixed 1o the frame or masonry substrate and designed in accoldance wilh rdevarg

9 Liquid water penetration 9.1 External rnasonry walls must resis~ the ingress of rain when the conslruction is in accordance w% BS 5628 2005

10 Damp proofing T 0. I To resist the passage d moisture From the ground, adequate damp~p~oof courses and rnemb anes mus be provided in accordance wilh conventional practice and BS 8215 : 1991

England and Wales Approved Document C21a}

Scotland Mandatory Standard 3.4, clause 345lul21 [IJ Technical Handbook IDome~liq

12) Technical Handbook(Non-DomeslicJ

Non’hem Ireland - Technical Booklet C, Sedion 1.6

11 Prox’m’ty of flues and apphances

England and Wales Approved Document J

Northern heland Technical Booklet L

12 Maintenance

,r~ As lhe boards are confined within lhe wall constructron and have suitable durab$1y see seclion d~’~ maintenance is not required.

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13 Durability

~ When installed in accerdance wllh the Certificate holder s instructions, the board will have a life equivalen~ to that of ~he structure in which it is incorporated.

14 General 14. I Installation of KooJlherm K 5 Rainscreen nsula on Board w~ h he Cer ~fica e hdde s nst ud orls has to be

14.2 The product can be cut using a fineloothed saw or sharp knife but care must be taken to prevent damage particularly to edges

14.3 Cavily bardels at the iundion of the external wall and roof space should be provided, see section 75

14 4 It is impodant to ensure a tight fi~ be~een boards. Ensure accurate klimming to achieve close bulting joints and continui~/at insulation

oirlls in the insulation envelope may be covered with manufactuler’s approved rainscreen cladding

15 Procedure Fitting boards

fasteners per board located betv,!een 50 mm to 150 toni from the edges or corners of the baard


16 Repair

17 Investigations An exarnination was made of test dale for Kooltherrn K15 Rainscreen ¯ dimensional stabihly under specified temperature and hurnidiN

dimensional accuracy and flatness

thermal conducliviV


reaction to fire

BS 5250 : 2002 Code of practice br control of condensation in buildings

BS 59505 : 1998 Sll~f’tural use of steelwork in building Code of practice for design of cold furmed thin gauge

BS 6399 2 : 1997 loading for buildings Code of prac#ce for wind loads

BS 8000-3 : 2001 Workmanship on building sites Code at practice br masonry

BS 81101 : 1997 Struclural use o~r concrete Cod~ of practice for design and construction BS 81 I 0 2 : 1985 Structural use of concrete Cod~ of praclice for special c~rcumstances

BS 8215 : 1991 Code of practice for design and installation af dampgloo~r r oulses in masonry construction

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BS EN ! 991 1 4 : 2005 Eu~ocode 1 : Actions on struclu~es General actions Wind ~clions

BS EN 1364 1 : ) 999 Fire les~slance tesls br non laadl~earing elemenls - Walls

BS EN ISO 6946 : ] 997 Building camponents and building ~lemen~s Thermal resistance and thermal trar~srnittance

18 Conditions

18 1 This CerliFicate: ¯ relales only Io lhe product/system that is named and described on lhe ~ront page ¯ is g~anted only to lhe company firm or person named on e rant page - no olher company, firm or person may

hod or cairn any entitlement to this Certificale

¯ has ~o be read, considered and used as a whole documenl it may Be misleading and will be incon.plete to be

¯ is subject to English law

18 3 This CertiFicate will remain valid for an unlimited period provided tha~ lhe product/system and the manufadure

¯ ale n-aintained al o~ above the levels which have been assessed and ~ound lo be sati#acton/by ~he BBA ¯ continue ~o be checked as and wheq deemed appropriate by the BBA under arrangemenls that it will determine ¯ ale reviewed by Ihe BBA as and when it considers appropriate.

184 In granling this CertiFicate, Ihe BBA is hal responsible fo~: ¯ the plesence or absence of any patent, inlellectud propeW at simila~ rigkls subsisting in the praducl/syslem or any

ethel producl/system ¯ the right oFthe Cedificate holder 1o manufadule, supply, insta!l, maintain al rnarkel the product/system ¯ individual inslallations of the product/system, including the nature, design, methods and workmanship oF or related

lhe aclual works in which lhe produd/systen, is installed used and n-ain~ained includ ng he na ure, design, me,hods and workmanship of such wor!~s ’

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