Powerpoint with balsamiq

(Isabella Cooke, Asisa Johal, Molly Ives, Faith Slatter and Kate Millar) TEAM :


Presentation with the link to the pdf balsamiq included.

Transcript of Powerpoint with balsamiq

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(Isabella Cooke, Asisa Johal, Molly Ives, Faith Slatter and Kate Millar)


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And here is our app logo:

Here is our App Mascot:

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Our app is aimed for girls and boys aged 8-16.


This could be used for pupils who are working towards their next music grade or for those who just want to practise their instrument


After school, weekends, holidays and even in music lessons depending on how committed the person is


In their bedroom or music classroom


Help those who find practising their instrument challenging and working towards their next music grade

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The problem:

Students don’t practice because they find it hard to concentrate and don’t know what parts of the music they

have to improve on, so therefore could fail their music grade/exam

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How can you practice your music pieces effectively?

The Question

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For children and teenagers who practise for music exam’s using repetition to learn their pieces ineffective as they can get bored and/or

do not notice when they have made a mistake.

Our key insight is that people need an app to help them learn as it tells you when you have made a mistake. It also motivates you to practise

as you earn coins when you play well and you can use these to change the layout and design of the app; you also have all your pieces in one

place so they don’t get lost.


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Hi, we are Team Appocolypse and we are developing an app called Moosic. Moosic is a music exam app is to help girls and boys aged 8-16 that play a

musical instrument. The problem our app would be solving is for those who find practicing their instrument hard and get distracted easily. Our app will

contain simple pieces for the children to experiment with and a scanning option where, using their camera, they scan in a piece of music that they want

to learn how to play or to practice. Our software would show the stave on the screen with a vertical bar which

travels along the piece as you play. You would record yourself playing along to the piece and once you are finished would get feedback on how you did. This would include not only a percentage but feedback with the notes that have been played wrong and comments on the speed, volume and rhythm of the


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We have found that people who want to use our app find it helpful when you get feedback on how you

did, so you know what to improve on next time. They also find it easier to work if there is a reward at the end – like getting coins and competing with your


User Profiles

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There are some similar apps/software in the market; none of these apps use a scanning feature and are specifically

designed for people who are practicing for a music exam. We then looked at reviews for these apps and the users say they don’t get feedback and find it frustrating because they don’t know how well they played the piece of music. Our app will help those people as they will know what they did wrong, so

can improve next time.


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1. Can scan in pieces of music (Music stave recognition). 2. Provides feedback for user

3. Can recognise when a note is played wrong

The main feature for our app is when you can scan in a piece of music and the app will convert it on to your phone. We think this is the most important feature because it is what separates us and makes our app unique from the rest of

the app market.

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We have integrated some user feedback by simplifying how many buttons are on each page of our app because users said that they found it too confusing and crowded. By doing this we are also making our app look more aesthetically pleasing therefore more people will find it easier to use and will want

to use it more.

Flow of app and user feedback integrated

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We have learnt that although something may be a good idea to start with, if it isn’t feasible, it’s

pointless. We learnt that we should always think about how the app will

be developed during the scoping process to avoid problems later on.

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We are thinking that we will make some users pay because once the person has downloaded the app they will get a two week trial and then after the trial has expired then if they like the

app they can purchase it.

Another option could be that they pay for the app at the start whilst they are downloading it

but this could limit customers because they may not be willing to buy it.

Our last option could be that the app is free but you can pay for “extras” such as the music that comes pre-downloaded on the app; this meaning that you wouldn’t have to scan in your sheet of music if the song you want to play is already on

the app.

Business Case

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Target audience

Communication channel

Persuasive event

Call for action

Overall objective

Activity 1

People who play a musical instrument aged 8-16

Website and/or YouTube video to be uploaded

A promotional video with group (advert)

Share it with friends

Inform people of app and make them want to use it

Activity 2

People who play a musical instrument aged 8-16

Twitter Advert and “tweets”

Share with friends

Informed people about the app and gain twitter followers to share our app

Activity 3

People who play a musical instrument aged 8-16

Pinterest Page

Video or Poster

Share with friends

Informing more people of app and getting people to share information about it

Marketing Strategy

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Our YouTube video/advert