Powering africa reseach paper competition brief

POWERING AFRICA RESEARCH PAPER COMPETITION in collabora*on with Department of State USA Embassy Dar es Slaam, Tanzania Tanzania commission for Science and Technology

Transcript of Powering africa reseach paper competition brief

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in  collabora*on  with  

Department  of  State  USA-­‐  Embassy  Dar  es  Slaam,  Tanzania  

Tanzania  commission  for  Science  and  Technology  

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Powering   Tanzania   for   Development   is   a   research  paper   compe**on,   which   is   sponsored   by   the   U.S.  Department  of  State,  U.S.  Embassy  Dar  es  Salaam  and  Tanzania   Commission   for   science   and   Technology  (COSTECH)  

The  general  objecKve  of  the  proposed  programme  is  to  engage  university  students  to  address  the  impact  of  power  availability,  demand  and  supply  as  well  as  consumpKon  in  select  regions  of  Tanzania  in  terms  of  economic  and  social  development  by  2025  in  contribuKon  to  the  Power  Africa  iniKaKve.    

The   three   selected   regions   and   their   universiKes   are  Dar   es   salaam   (University   of  Dar   es   salaam),   Mwanza   (st   Augus4ne   university)   and   Mtwara   (Stella   Maris  university  college)  

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The  CompeKKon  u There  will  be  special  forms,  which  will  have  key  requirements  such  as  the  names  of  

the  contestants,  their  course  at  University,  their  departments,  and  year  of  study  as  well  as  the  passport  size  photos.    

u The   Paper   guideline   will   have   a   template   for   the   research   paper,   which   will   be  followed  for  every  paper  submiSed.  

u The  forms  and  papers  will  both  be  available  online  of  the  websites  of  the  respecKve  insKtuKons  as  well  as  the  templates/  formats  for  the  research  papers  

u The  submission  will  be  considered  complete  once  both   the   forms  and  paper  are  submi:ed  together.  

Content  Requirements  The  proposed  research  ques*on  is  as  follows:  v  If   X   Region   doubled   its   available   power   demand   and  

supply   scenario   by   2025,   by   what   addi4onal   percentage  would  social  and  economical  ac4vi4es  as  well  as  the  gross  domes4c  product  of  X  Region  grow  by  2025?  

v What   would   happen   if   the   level   of   available   electricity  remains  sta4c?      

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ü  Contestants  must  be  a  pair  of  two  UNDERGRADUATE  students  of  the  respecKve  university  which  is  parKcipaKng  on  the  compeKKon.  

ü   On  this  case  the  parKcipant  MUST  BE    a  student  and  SHOULD  BE  from  either  of  the  following  selected  UniversiKes:  

 q   University  of  Dar  es  Salaam,  q   St  Augus*ne  University  of  Mwanza  and    q  Stella  Maris  University  College  of  Mtwara.    

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u Create   awareness   to   university   students   and   other   relevant   educaKon  stakeholders   on   the   importance   of   research   and   analysis   on   solving   and  forecasKng  challenges  and  soluKons  for  the  development.  

u Facilitate  development  and   implementaKon  of  an  alternate  modality  of   reward  based  on  analyzing  social  and  economic  as  well  energy  issues  in  the  surrounding  the  community.    

u Cash  Prize  awards  to  3  winners  from  each  University  

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7) For!the!papers!not!selected!in!the!award!categories!but!are!of!good!quality!these!will!be!used!to!generate!a!document!of!potential!options/!responses!to!the!same!issue.!

8) Winners:! ! Each!winner! and/or! finalist! will! be! required! to! sign! and! return! to!Contest! Sponsors! a! statement! ! of! eligibility! and! liability/publicity! release,!provide!a!short!bio!(where!applicable)!

9) !Winner(s)!will!be!contacted!via!eOmail!at! the!eOmail!address!they!provided!for!registration.!!The!inability!of!Contest!Sponsors!to!contact!a!potential!winner!may!result!in!disqualification!and/or!selection!of!an!alternate!winner!from!among!all!remaining!eligible!submissions.!


a) There!will!be!three!winners!for!each!Region!(University)!as!outlined!on!the!table!below#)! Region!PLACE! Dar)es)Salaam)





First! $2,500! $2,500! $2,500!Second! $1,500! $1,500! $1,500!Third! $1,000! $1,000! $1,000!SubYtotals! $5,000! $5,000! $5,000!

Total! $15,000!!


a. Contest! Sponsors! do! not! necessarily! endorse! any! submission! or! messages! expressed!therein,!and!Contest!Sponsors!expressly!disclaim!any!and!all!liability!in!connection!with!the!submitted!papers!including!disputes!between!collaborators!related!to!a!submission.#

b. The! contest! and! its! sponsors! do! not! permit! copyright! infringing! activities! or!infringement!of!any!other!intellectual!property!rights,!and!Contest!Sponsors!reserve!the!right!to!remove!and!disqualify!any!submission!they!deem!to!be!in!violation!of!another!party's!copyright!or!other!intellectual!property!rights.#

c. Contestants! retain! sole! ownership! of! their! original!work.! The! submission! remains! the!intellectual!property!of!the!contestant,!and!the!Contest!Sponsors!and!U.S.!Government!make! no! claim! of! copyright! as! to! the!work! of! any! individual!who! enters! the! contest.!!!Contestant!specifically!agrees!to!give!the!Contest!Sponsors!permission!to!use!all!content!submitted!for!purposes!of!judging!the!contest.!!Finalists!and/or!winners!will!be!required!

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IMPLEMENTING  PARTNERS          COSTECH    is  a  prime  driver  of  science,  technology  and  innovaKon  for  sustainable  development.    Their  mission  is  to  foster  a  knowledge  based  economy  through  promoKon,  coordinaKon  of  research,  technology  development  and  innovaKon  for  sustainable  development  in  Tanzania.  

The  University  of  Dar  es  Salaam  is  a  public  university  in  Dar  es  Salaam,  Tanzania.  

St.  AugusKne  University  of  Tanzania  is  a  private  university  in  Mwanza,  Tanzania.    

Stella  Marris  Univeristy  college  of  Mtwara  

Department  of  State  USA-­‐  Embassy  Dar  es  Slaam,  Tanzania  

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•  Andrew  Mnzava            [email protected]