Power Point Rocia Fani Kaban

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  • 7/28/2019 Power Point Rocia Fani Kaban


    By : Rocia Fani KabanNPM : 0902050371

  • 7/28/2019 Power Point Rocia Fani Kaban


    Based on experience through Teaching

    Training Program (PPL) Students havemuch memory about grammar and

    vocabulary but have less confidence inspeaking because they are lack ofpracticing speaking

    Students are ashamed to speak becausethey are afraid that sentences are usedincorrectly and their friends laughed ontheir speaking

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    The effect of applying communicativeactivities on the students speaking ability

    The students speaking ability tought byapplying communicative activities

    C . The Scope and LimititationIn this research, the writer just focuses on

    pair work activity because there are manybenefits that students will get by doing pair

    work activities, such as: more communicationwill take place; motivation can be high, buildstudents confidence, and develop other skills.

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    Based on the background of the study, theproblem is formulated as follows: DoesCommunicative Activities significantly

    affect on students speaking ability?E. The Objective of The Study

    The objective of the study is toinvestigate the significant effect of applyingcommunicative activities on studentsspeaking ability.

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    Increasing the students confidence in

    using English, especially in speaking abilityEnriching the teach creativity in applying

    the various techniques in the order to

    make the class room atmosphere lively

    and interesting.

  • 7/28/2019 Power Point Rocia Fani Kaban


    This research will be conducted at SMPSwasta Galih Agung Pesantren Darul

    Arafah Raya.The location of research is atJl. Lau Bakeri Deli Serdang, Medan Tj.Sari. This research will carry out theseventh year sudents 2013/2014. This

    students are choosen because otherresearcher has never been conducted yetin this school and also the location in termfund and time is accessible one.

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    The population of this research will be

    taken from the 2012/ 2013 seventh year

    students of SMP which is consisted of 34

    students in 2 parallel classes. The number

    of population is shown in tableTable I

    Class Population Sample

    V II - 1 34 34

    V II - II 34 34

    Total 68 68

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    Based on the total population, the populationwill be regarded as the sample. It is based on

    the statements of Arikunto ( 2006 : 134 )states just for the assumption, so if thesubjects are less than 100, it is better to takeall the subject so the researcher is called

    population research . Then, if the number ofsubjects are greater, it can take the rangefrom 10 % - 15% or 20 % - 25% or more.Based on the quotation, the researcher will

    take all the students or it will be equal 100 %from the whole population.

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    Table II

    Population and Sample

    Class Population Sample

    Experimental 34 34

    Control 34 34

    Total 68 68

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    This study will be conducted by using anexperimental design with two groups. Theywill be experimental and control groups.

    Experimental group will be the group thatreceives treatment by usingcommunicative activities, while the controlgroup will be the group that receivestreatment by without using communicativeactivities. The design of research can bedrawn as follow:

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    Group Test Teaching Test

    Experimental Pre - Test Using


    Post - Test

    Control Pre - Test Without using



    Post - Test

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    This study will use test as the instrument to collect datain which the teacher makes interview test. Theresearcher will ask the students to pick a paper from abox that consisted of ten diffrent names and then the

    students are interviewed individually. This test is givenin order to know students vocabulary, structure,fluency, and pronunciation. For this study, pre-test anpost-test are given to both experimental and controlgroup.

    In scoring the students answer, the researcherwilluse a clarks FSI (Foreign Services Institute) Weightingin Lubis (1988: 89) that gives the heaviest emphasis tostructure, secondary emphasis to vocabulary, and leastemphasis to pronunciation. Each criteria score isdescribed below:

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    1 2 3 4

    Structure 9 18 27 36

    Vocabulary 7 14 21 28

    Fluency 6 12 18 24

    Pronunciation 3 6 9 12

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    In teaching presentation,the sample isdivided into two groups. First group isexperimental group which is taught byusing communicative activities (pair work).Second group is control group which istaught without using communicative

    activities.Pre testPost test

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    Best and Khan (2002: 208) define that thequality of the data gathering instrument orprocedure that enables it measure what itis intended to measure.

    This research will construct validity whichis concerned with the extent to which a testwill be measured specific trait or construct.

    The term construct is used to refer tosomething that is not itself directlymeasurable but which explainedobservable effects.

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    Reliability refers to the consistency of the

    measurement. Arikunto (1988: 170) states

    that a test can be measured more than one

    and its result is stabile, it is reliability. This

    study will use inter-rater reliability to gain theresult by calculating the real score from the

    first rater and the second rater. The interview

    is recorded, transcribed and assesed by the

    two different raters.

    To get the reliability of the test, the writer will

    use Spearman Brown formula as follows:

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    Where: N : The number of students

    X : The total score of rater I Y : The total score of rater II According to Aruan (2007) asserts that

    reliability of the test can be categorized as follows: 0,0- 0,20 The reliability is very low

    0,21- 0,40 The reliability is low 0,41- 0,006 The reliability is fair 0,61- 0,80 The reliability is high 0,81- above The reliability is very high.

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    Where :Mx :The mean score of experimental groupMy : The mean score of control group dx2 : The standard deviation of experimental group dy2 :The standard deviation of control group Nx :The total number samples of experimental

    group Ny :The total number samples of control group