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  1. 1. ~Gothic Art
  2. 2. What is Gothic Art? Gothic art is a style which was originated in France at the end of the 12 thcentury,later it spread throughout Europe. Some of their characteristics are: Pointed arches, windows made of stained glass, walls were thiner than Romenesque art and they were very high. There were many light inside the cathedrals.
  3. 3. Santa Maria Cathedral This is a cathedral situated in Segovia, it was built between the 16 thand the 18 thcenturies, it has Gothic style with Renaissance features. It has very big windows, it has vauls of 33 m and its tower is 90 m tall.
  4. 4. By: Esther Gil Galindo, Julia Martn Olalla & Georgina Romero Marn ~The end