Power Mind Hypnosis - Module Five How to Induce Trance The ...

1 The British Academy of Hypnosis Power Mind Hypnosis - Module Five How to Induce Trance The Signs of Trance Red, Yellow, Blue or Green? David Knight - The Mind Persuader The British Academy of Hypnosis Part of the Knight Management Group www.BritishHypnosis.com

Transcript of Power Mind Hypnosis - Module Five How to Induce Trance The ...

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The British Academy of Hypnosis

Power Mind Hypnosis - Module Five

How to Induce Trance The Signs of Trance

Red, Yellow, Blue or Green?

David Knight - The Mind Persuader The British Academy of Hypnosis

Part of the Knight Management Group www.BritishHypnosis.com

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The Levels of Trance There are many different scales commonly used to determine the depth of hypnosis a client may enter. What follows is a personal amalgam of several of these, simplifying and reducing the overall number of levels to five. In practice, the different stages are not always so rigidly or clearly defined, there is much overlap, not everyone achieves all the signs, and, indeed, some of the phenomena can be encountered in the so-called waking state. You, the Hypnotist will use both experience and various 'tests' to take the client down into and ensure that he/she is at the appropriate depth. Perhaps only 1 in 20 people are believed capable of entering the deeper states easily but all can achieve the lighter states where most clinical therapy is done. Note that for successful therapy, it is not necessarily the depth that matters, but the repetition or number of sessions either in the consulting room or through personal hypnosis audio programs that count and of course, the quality of suggestion. Suggestions during trance and also your suggestions in the pre-talk before trance. You see the Master of hypnosis realises that the process begins when you first communicate with your subject. I recall a story when I telephoned a competitor Hypnotherapist to see how much she was charging. She told me the session would cost £200 but I would get half my money back if it didn’t work!! Wow! I couldn’t believe how negative she was! Oh well, no competition there then.

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There are a number of factors that might determine the depth that can be achieved by an individual: 1. The skill of the Hypnotist, or the induction methods used. 2. The natural ability of the client, which may be improved with practice. 3. The emotional content being dealt with. 4. The motivation of the client. 5. The degree of co-operation, rapport or trust between client and Hypnotist. Level, Stage or Depth of Hypnosis - Symptoms and Phenomena:

(5%) Unsusceptible (95%) Hypnoidal (For Accelerated Learning) (90+%) Light - Alpha State - (For Suggestion Therapy) (70+%) Medium/Deep – Theta State - (More Advanced Therapy) (5-20%) Deep and Somnambulistic (Stage or Waking Hypnosis)

(5% or less) Various Deep States of Somnambulism

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The Somnambulistic State Subjects can attain a coma state known as the Esdaile State, named after Doctor Esdaile. In 1845, he did hundreds of amputations and deep abdominal surgical procedures using this deep state of hypnosis. His patients recovered much more quickly and easily than the average for surgical cases of his day. Mortality was only 8% compared to the usual 50% and more at this time. This state is one of complete relaxation and euphoria in which the subject simply does not wish to be disturbed. They accept no suggestion of any kind no matter how pleasing or reasonable it may be. For many years Hypnotists feared this state, in case they were unable to arouse the client. However, for a trained Hypnotist, it is now known that the technique for arousal is actually very straightforward.

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Inducing the Hypnotic State So far in the course you should be able to see that by using relaxation techniques a direct suggestion placed simply and firmly in the subconscious mind with emotion will be acted upon and will grow stronger with time reinforcement of the same suggestion. All we need to show you now is how the trance state can be induced. Now we start to look at induction techniques. The trance state can be introduced to a subject very quickly but a slow and steady approach is mainly used, as quick techniques tend to be used by Stage Hypnotists and can appear to be a bit flash and not appropriate for therapy. Fast into the hypnosis state and fast out! In Hypnotherapy we need a slightly more progressive and controlled induction. Some of your clients may think you are going to hypnotise them by watching a rotating disc or by swinging a pocket watch before their eyes. These are only a gimmick used for show or possibly by the Stage Hypnotist and are not a part of your technique and play little part in modern day hypnosis. The important part of any induction is finding a technique that you are comfortable with. The human body has five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Using these senses in your induction will help the process. During any induction technique you should keep your subjects mind busy. The more they have to concentrate on the deeper and quicker trance will occur and the more you use the five senses the easier it will be. So induction suggestions tend to contain phrases like, “As you walk through the gardens you clearly see the colours of the beautiful flowers as they shine in the sunlight. Touch the velvet petals and feel the texture. The perfume from the flowers fills the air and the singing of the birds relax you more and more.” When you use these words never state exact colours or fragrances as it could conflict with what your client is imagining and can cause confusion to the mind. You must keep the mind busy but not confused.

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The Full 9 Step Hypnotic Coaching Process Plan The Goal with The Client Questionnaire The first step with your subject is to find out what goals they wish to achieve. Downloaded as part of this course you will find a simple Client Questionnaire. This is a simple form to give you more information about the subject and what they want to achieve from their hypnosis session. There are 2 keys to completing this form correctly. 1. Ask the best questions you can. 2. Build rapport with your subject. The download is just a sample. Now might be a good time to take a look at the Client Questionnaire and even type your own questionnaire up ready for business! Optional Suggestibility We have already looked at the options of doing suggestibility tests with your subjects. I personally always do these tests as it gives me a great indication of the subjects hypnotisability. Willing Induction Once you have made an assessment with your subject its time to begin with the hypnosis induction. A sample script for a full hypnotic induction is coming up next. A typical hypnotic induction may be around 10 minutes in length. Enter The Deepener Once you have done an induction with a client you would deepen the induction. A deepen simply involves more relaxation with deepening words and count downs. A typical deepen may take around 10 minutes. Re-Install Confidence Once the induction and deepen has been completed you will then make changes by taking the client to a comfortable place where they feel they are safe, in control and have the confidence to achieve their goals.

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Mend The Past Regression is a power tool that is at the command of the Hypnotist. Once you have re-installed confidence from a safe place you can then safely use regression to remove any deep rooted problems. Every gardener knows you need to remove weeds by the roots otherwise they will grow back. Install The Mind Programs Once you have mended the past by removing the roots you should then install the required new mind programs directly into the subconscious re-wiring the neural network. In this training course you will discover the following tools for enhancing this process. Direct Suggestion – Reframing – Anchoring - Progression Negotiate A Subconscious Deal It’s sad to say but Hypnotists don’t know everything! Maybe even your subject doesn’t know everything! People have problems and they don’t always know where the problems stem from. But, their subconscious mind does! In this course I will teach you an amazing tool to allow the subconscious mind to repair itself. This is truly wonderful! Deep Root Suggestions and Awaken Once the new mind programs have been installed they should be rooted deeper into the mind so they continue to grow once the subject is woken. You are then ready to wake the client with a simple 1 to 10 count up script.

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Power Mind Hypnosis

Plan The Goal Optional Suggestibility Willing Induction Enter A Deepener Reinstall Confidence Mend The Past Install The Mind Program Negotiate a Subconscious Deal Deep Root Suggestions and Awaken

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Let’s look at inducing a willing induction on your client. A Complete Willing Induction Script (Induction time start to finish would be around 15 - 20 minutes) OK Please lie back comfortably and gaze towards to ceiling. I am about to count down from 5 down to one and as I count down, allow yourself to relax. Take a nice deep breath and relax and let go! 5, Your eyes so heavy and tired. 4, So heavy tired and sleepy. 3, Your eyelids feel like lead weights pulling down now, as you relax. 2, So heavy so tired so sleepy now. 1, Take a nice deep breath as your eyes pull tightly closed and you relaxxxxx. Now I want you to relax, allow yourself to drift. You relax deeply and you feel wonderful. For now nobody wants you and nobody needs you. This is your own special time. A time to relax…. Once again I am going to count down from 5 down to one and as I count down you will find yourself relaxing more and more. 5 Relaxing and drifting deeper now. 4 Relaxing as all the sounds around just drift deeper and deeper away. 3 Sinking in to a deep and relaxing sleep, now. 2 Comfortable relaxing sleep now. 1 Paying attention only to the sound of my voice now as you relax and sleep deeply. As you focus on my voice you relax more and more. Relaxing with every breath that you take.

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As you relax thoughts drift into your mind and just as quickly they drift away again. Relaxing, unwinding and just letting go. Every second, every breath, drifting deeper. You focus on my voice and any other sounds you hear just relax you more and more. Feeling you body relaxing allows you to drift deeper and deeper into hypnosis. The muscles around the tip of your head and all around your scalp relaxing you as you feel heavier and heavier. Drifting down deeper…. The muscles around your head and face relaxing as this wave of relaxation moves down your face and body. Relaxing you deeply, you feel relaxed and calm. Still drifting down. Around your neck your muscles relax. Your head is heavy tired and sleepy. Across your shoulders your muscles relax. Down your spine your muscles relax and across your back. Muscles, loose, limp, lazy, heavy, tired and sleepy. Relaxing and unwinding. Unwinding and Relaxing. Down your arms your muscles relax. Across your hands and fingers. Loose, limp, lazy, heavy, tired and sleepy. As you breathe the muscles across your chest relax, around your tummy your muscles relax and you just keep drifting down deeper and deeper. Your feel this wave of relaxation spreading down your legs now. All the way down and across your feet. Now you drift on down deeeppppeeerrrr into a comfortable sleeepppp.

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All the sounds around just fade into the distance. You only pay attention to the sound of my voice and as you relax more and more you feel yourself sinking downnn..... deeppeerr and deeepppeeerrr into a warm and comfortable sleeppppp. All of your muscles completely relax and let go. Your mind drifts free... nothing bothers you... as you sink down deeper and deeper in this wonderful state of relaxation. As I count down again form 10 down to 1 you will feel yourself falling deeper and deeper with every second. Each second sends you deep into a state of relaxation fifty times deeper than the first. 10 Relaxing now and drifting down, fifty times deeper. 9 Relaxing more and more. 8 Allow that sinking feeling to drift across your body now. 7 Relaxing fifty times more. your body heavy and tired. 6 Imagine yourself floating down. 5 Floating deeppeerr and deeppeerr down. 4 Floating deeppeerrr into relaxation. 3 Relaxing fifty times more, fifty times deeepppeeerrrr..... 2 Deeepppeeeerrrr......... 1 Relaxing............. Down deeper than ever before. Down into the deepest part of your trance that you can find. Deeper than last time. As you relax here your mind is open and ready for you to achieve anything that your heart desires. Feeling wonderful and allowing all your thoughts to be positive. Relaxing, unwinding and enjoying a wonderful deep, sleep.

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That’s it! Simple! Now lets take a look at that script in more detail. There are 2 main types of Induction. A Willing Progressive Induction and A Stage Hypnosis Mesmer Induction. For the purpose of this course all inductions will be willing inductions. A Stage Hypnosis induction is far too theatrical and inappropriate for a therapy session. Stage Hypnosis uses forced suggestion, which would not achieve a suitable level of trance for long lasting changes. The Willing Induction means that the subject is giving you their conscious consent to enter the state of hypnosis in order to achieve their goals. Having their conscious on your side is an important step. The Willing Induction script relaxes the subject. As it is a willing induction the conscious mind is happy to relax. As the conscious mind relaxes the subconscious mind will open and become ready for powerful suggestion. The process is so simple. Entering The Deepener Once the induction has taken place you will need to deepen the state of the hypnotic trance. The deepener was included in the above script in the form of a count down and simply telling the now hypnotised subject to allow themselves to go into a deeper state. The deepening words can be dragged out and should be spoken in a calm, relaxing, slow but powerful voice. Over the next page you will find a couple of techniques to help you get in tune with your client as you go through this hypnotic induction process.

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Techniques To Help The Induction and Deepen Process Rapport Learning to build rapport is certainly an art itself and something worth mastering. Rapport is simply feeling good around a person and them feeling good around you. You know when you are in rapport because you feel it. Conversation just flows and you like them. When you are in rapport with person the hypnotic process is simple. Without rapport you are both in for a difficult time. The key to rapport is to be like the person you wish to be in rapport with. Don’t try to copy them, just like them and be like them. Find things you have in common and things that you both like to talk about. People like people who are like themselves. People like people who listen. Subconscious communication Don’t just hear people listen to what they are saying. The subconscious communicates to the outside world continually, usually non-verbally, each expression reflects an authentic belief, either an agreement or disagreement, and the level of contact with the emotion. For instance a client may say “I love my wife" while all the time shaking his head, no. We can look for shifts in body weight, the positioning of the body, eye accessing cues, verbal tones and the type of language used. All these can be used to understand, identify and communicate with our clients.

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Mirroring, Pacing and Leading Mirroring, pacing and leading is a great way to help build rapport. When speaking with your clients you can mirror them (copy them) to introduce rapport. By mirroring i.e. copying their movements and breathing patterns. Adopt a similar position to the person you want to build rapport with and as they move you move too. Never make it obvious. When you do it right it feels right to you too. When you can successfully mirror someone the next step is to pace them. When you pace them you are working at the same speed and in harmony with that person. You are at the same level and feel in harmony with each other. Once the pace has been set you can then start leading them. As you begin to lead, you begin to move and you will see they follow your movements. Then you can begin to lead their breathing, allowing you to slow down their breathing and even inducing a relaxed state. This is a great skill to have and one that takes time to develop. Do it naturally and because you want to help your subject. Beware! Don’t try to get to clever, if you use techniques like mirroring, pacing and leading and you get caught out the rapport will be broken!

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Pacing and Leading Under Hypnosis Once you are talking in pace with your client drag out your words and slow them down in order to slow down your clients breathing and so inducing relaxation. Take time to coincide your breathing with theirs, speak on the exhalations and when you are using words such as deeper into hypnosis time the word deeper to their breath out. Talk slowly and carefully. As your client relaxes Drag your words out. Deeeepper into hypnosis. As the body breaths out it relaxes and so combined with your words it reinforces your suggestion. All these points are important and should be used every time you induce the hypnotic trance. This is why hypnosis is an art and it takes a little time to master. Like any skill, the more flying hours you have, the better the pilot.

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The Count Down Deepen Counting down can be a good way of inducing relaxation but always remember to count down to induce a deeper trance state and count up to awaken from a trance state. A typical induction may be:- “As I count down from 5 to 1 you just drift deeper and deeper into trance. Deeper and deeppeeer.” 5. Drifting down deeper. 4. Deeper than ever before. 3. Just relaxing and letting go. 2. So heavy so tired so sleepy now. 1. Take a nice deep breath allow yourself to down, down to the deepest part of your trance. As you count down, count down with the breaths that your client is taking and as you start copying their breaths as you count then start leading them as your counting begins to slow. You do not have to count down in 1’s, you could count down from 100 in 10’s or even 5’s the numbers are not important it is the counting down process that is important. If you are using counting techniques always remember it is better to count down, to introduce a state of trance. Entering a deepener is a vital part of the process and you can use deepeners to take people from Alpha State down into Theta State. Theta state simply takes longer to get there. Every client is different but with experience you will be able to recognise when a subject hits that deeper level. In the early days when you are learning, if you get stuck and don’t know what to say; do a count down! It will buy you some thinking time!

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Hypnotic Music With this hypnotherapy course you will find some hypnotherapy background music which you downloaded, you can use to help you with your induction! You do not have to use this music as the process will work without, but it does seem to make it a nicer experience for your client and also helps you with your timings and helps the whole process flow easier. You can use any type of music you wish as long as it is calm and relaxing. You can often buy such music from the local shops as it is very popular with people today. Maybe your client has there own music that they would like to listen too, but it may have more effect if your client believes in your special hypnotic music!! Playing music in the background also gives you a nice pace to your voice and again gives you some thinking time if you suddenly get distracted and lose where you are. In the early days I remember carrying a big tape player to clients houses when I used to visit them for a session. Today all my audio is conveniently stored and my I Pad. I no longer need to rewind my tape after a coaching session.

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Rules For A Perfect Induction Any induction technique you come across is fine as long as it fits into the following rules! 1. You must keep the mind busy but not confused. 2. Using the senses will make trance, easier quicker and deeper. 3. Use Mirroring techniques. (Follow their breaths in and out.) 4. Count down when inducing trance. 5. Take the induction steadily and be confident and positive with your words. 6. Speak gently and slowly keeping your words easy to understand. 7. Ensure you speak clearly and ensure your client can hear you. 8. Make sure you are comfortable with the script you are using! 9. Play gentle music to your client whilst you relax them.

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The Signs Of Trance. When you first practise the induction script you can even leave the page of your manual open to help you by reading the words as you go along. When you become more comfortable just jot down a few key words as a reminder. After all, the client will have their eyes closed and won’t see you reading! Better still, put all your scripts onto an I Pad or similar tablet. That way there are no sounds as you turn pages. To help you remember the scripts you may like to try recording yourself and play the tape back to your subconscious. Most smart phones allow you toy record audio. You will soon pick up the main points. All suggestions must be precise clear and positively worded and said so as to use all the senses, with emotion and feeling. With practise you will soon know when your subject has entered trance. The outward signs are that their breathing slows, their body tend to slump and their bottom lip or jaw muscle relaxes and sometimes opens. Skin colour can become paler and they may experience rapid eye movement. Once you have mastered the scripts and techniques you will find many hundreds of people wanting you to help them in their quest to stop smoking, lose weight and pass their car test. A good Hypnotherapist is always in great demand and there is no shortage of work. You will soon be in a position to go out and start building your hypnotherapy practice. When you first start hypnotising your first subjects start with basic techniques and keep your therapies simple such as relaxation and stress. Find an area you want to work in such as breaking stress and build and learn a perfect Stress Busting script!! Once you have a great script you are ready to go at any time. Once this state of relaxation has been induced it is time to reinstall confidence and belief into your subject.

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Red, Yellow, Green or Blue Understanding your subjects is vital if you want them to achieve their dreams and goals. The Red Personality There are people who are very motivated to achieve success. Lets call these people Reds. Reds are people who just want to get the job done. Reds can normally found by their profession. Reds are Leaders, Politicians and Entrepreneurs. Reds are self-motivated and the first ones to get started. Whilst others are chatting about doing something the Reds have already gone and half done the job. Reds are motivated by money and material stuff. Reds can be very strong minded to a degree of being stubborn. If others don’t agree with the reds they wont be bothered because they think the others are losers anyway. If someone is alone at the party the Red wont be bothered because they are so focused on what they have to achieve. The Yellow Personality The yellows are caring people, they care for others more than themselves and are ready to drop everything in order to help. You can usually tell a yellow from their profession, they will be mothers, nurses, carers or midwives. Yellows are also great organisers and will plan with precision so make great personal assistants. They will make the plan and prepare all the ground work but they are not the person to make things happen. Behind every great Red you will find a great Yellow. All organisations need great yellows to put the plan together. If some one is alone at a party the Yellow will be the person to come over and talk.

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The Blue Personality The blue personality tends to be the Joker in the pack. They are the ones that like to be the centre of attention. With a Blue, it’s all about them. Blues are divas, entertainers and like to show off. Blues would be would be in the entertaining business and like to be on stage showing you how good they are. Blues like to party and are motivated by having a good time and thrill seeking. If someone is alone at a party the blue wouldn’t notice them because they are too busy having a good time. The Green Personality The Greens are the thinkers. They are analytical and need to understand everything they do and the logic behind it. Ask a green to close a door and they will ask why? When you explain it is cold outside they will be all too happy to help. Greens don’t like to mix too much. They like their own space and certainly don’t like to be hugged. Greens can be seen by their professions, they tend to be teachers, doctors, surgeons, mathematicians and engineers. The Greens tend to be the person alone at the party. Greens are very loyal people and when you get to know and understand them and when they understand you they are a very important part of any organisation. Greens are intelligent and love to understand the world around them. Which are you?

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Stuff To Do 1. Re-write Your Client Questionnaire You may want to add more bits to the Client Questionnaire to make it personal to your brand and style. 2. Listen to The Perfect Health Audio This will give you an idea of the words to use and the timings etc. 3. Think about people you know Are they Red, Yellow, Blue or Green?

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Hopefully now you can see how important your role will be as a Hypnotherapist. You have learnt in this course the power of hypnotherapy and how to induce and deepen the hypnotic state through relaxation, mirroring and breathing. You are in a position where you can awaken a client leaving them refreshed and in a positive frame of mind, feeling good about them selves and their hypnotic experience, ready to take on the world. You have started out on your journey through the world of hypnosis and I hope it holds the same treasures and delights for you as I have found. You have much more to learn so take advantage of every situation, to read, explore and practice this magnificent art form. You are now in a position where you can make positive changes in your life. Using the techniques shown, you can change the lives of people around you, maybe even changing the lives of hundreds and even thousands. If you think that one person cannot make a difference, think again.

See you on the Module Three, Four and Five Conference Call soon.

David Knight and The British Academy of Hypnosis www.BritishHypnosis.com

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