Power in Power Leadership

PLG Presentation Tutor : John Batros Group : Christopher Armstrong, Jason Dinh, Ruwandi Perera, Samra Nazir Class : Leadership & Organisation Dynamic Presentation 2011 POWER LEADERSHIP



Transcript of Power in Power Leadership

Page 1: Power in Power Leadership

PLG Presentation

Tutor : John BatrosGroup : Christopher Armstrong, Jason Dinh, Ruwandi Perera, Samra Nazir

Class : Leadership & Organisation Dynamic Presentation 2011



Page 2: Power in Power Leadership
Page 3: Power in Power Leadership

Outline1. Introduction

2. Power Leadership Theoryo Define Leadership

o Leadership Styles

o Definition of Power

o Types of Power

3. Power used by Hitler and Gandhi to lead

and influence people

4. The relationship between Power

Leadership and LOD Theories

5. Conclusion

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1. Adolf Hitler – Who was he?

20/04/1889 – 30/04/1945 (56)

Austrian born German politician

Leader of NSDAP - National Socialist

German Workers Party (Nazi Party)

German Chancellor 1933 – 1945

Führer und Reichskanzler 1934 – 1945

Fought in WWI in German Empire Army

Joined DAP 1919

Discharged from Army 1920

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1. Hitler – Political Background

Joined NSDAP Sept. 1919 – 55th member

Führer of NSDAP 21/07/1921

Beer Hall Putsch – 09/10/1923. Attempted coup d’état of

Bavarian Government by NSDAP. Hitler jailed for 5 years,

released after 1

NSDAP election results grew from 2.6% (1928) to 43.9%

(1933). 1933 election made Hitler Chancellor

Hitler took advantage of Germany’s weak position during

Great Depression

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1. Hitler – Political Background cont.

Influenced courts to ban all opposition parties

(particularly Communist and Democratic parties)

Paramilitary force (SA) disbanded Unions

NSDAP violated constitution in effort to have office of

Chancellor and President merged

Hitler announced as Germanys Führer und

Reichskanzler on 2nd August 1934

Supreme Commander and Commander in Chief of

Armed Forces

Beginning of Third Reich

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1. Hitler – Demonstration of leadership and power

Source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_CbwnjooteyI/SNHmMPmYU8I/AAAAAAAASi8/FluOsGsVgBs/s400/93.jpg

Source: http://www.orange-papers.org/orange-Hitler11cx.jpg

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1. Video Hitler – Demonstration of leadership and power

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1. Gandhi – Who was he?Born: October 2, 1869

Early Years - 1869 to 1892

Birth of Satyagraha - 1893 to 1914

Emerging of Gandhi - 1915 to 1921

The Great Trial - 1921 to 1928

The Epic March - 1928 to 1931

The Nation's Representative - 1931 to 1932

A Cry For Justice - 1932 to 1934

Call Of The Villages - 1934 to 1938

Quit India - 1939 to 1944

Hour Of Destiny - 1944 to 1946

Pilgrim Of Peace - 1946 to 1947

India Liberated - 1947 to 1948

Martyrdom - 30 January 1948

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1. Gandhi – The world knows about Gandhi

Achievements : known as Father of Nation;

Mahatma Gandhi popularly known as Father of Nation :o Played a stellar role in India's freedom struggle.

o Gandhi sailed for England on September 4, 1888

o Gandhi completed his Law degree in 1891

o Gandhi jumped at the idea of being a counsel in a lawsuit and sailed for South Africa in April 1893.

o In 1906, Gandhi took a vow of absolute continence.

o In 1914 in an agreement between Gandhi and South African Government, the main Indian demands were conceded.

o Gandhi returned to India in 1915.

o In 1921, Gandhi gave the call for Non-cooperation movement against the ills of British rule.

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1. Gandhi – The world knows about Gandhi cont.

o On March 12, 1930 Gandhi started the historic Dandi March to

break the law

o On April 6, 1930 Gandhi broke the Salt law at the sea beach at


o On March 5, 1931 Gandhi Irwin Pact was signed.

o August 8, 1942 Gandhi gave the call for Quit India Movement

o British Government arrested Gandhi and other top leaders of

Congress. In view of his deteriorating health he was released

from the jail in May 1944.

o Second World War ended in 1945 and Britain emerged victorious.

In the general elections held in Britain in 1945, Labour Party

came to power.

o January 30, 1948 Gandhi was shot dead by one fundamentalist

named Nathu Ram Godse.

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2. Power Leadership Theory – Define Leadership

“Leadership is an influence relationship

among leaders and followers who intend real

changes that reflect their mutual purposes”- (Rost J. C. 1993, p.102)

“No man is good enough to

govern another man without that

other's consent.”

Abraham Lincoln16th President of USA

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2. Power Leadership Theory – Define Leadership

Leaders need to:o Create their own followers

o Motivate and inspire them

o Set direction and develop a vision of where they

should go

o Ability to align people to the direction desired

(Pardey 2007)

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2. Power Leadership Theory Relationship between Leader and Follower

Transactional Leaders

oTreat the relationship as an exchange, similar to a

business deal.

oE.g. Leaders offer power and economic prosperity in

exchange for leadership

Transformational Leaders

oFollowers tend to engage in an exchange of mutual trust

and confidence, rather than seeking material benefits.

( Pardey 2007)

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2. Power Leadership Theory Leadership Styles

Autocratic:o Makes all decisions, independent with member’s input

o Very personal in the praise and criticisms of each member

o E.g : I want to do, or I want you to do

Democratic:o Welcomes team input, group discussion and decision making.

o Very object in praise and criticisms, and joins group activities

without over-participating.

Laissez – Faire:o Allows group complete decision making without himself

(Encyclopedia of Business 2011)

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2. Power Leadership Theory What is Power Leadership ?

“The ability of one person or department in an

organisation to influence other people to bring

out desired outcomes” (Daft & Lane 2007, p.362)

“The influence of a leader over his followers is

often referred to as power” (French & Raven 1959)

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2. Power Leadership Theory Types of Power

Coercive Powero Is based on the leader having control over of what happens if followers

do not act as required.

Legitimate Powero It happens when the followers believe that the leader has “a right” to

instruct them; and

Reward Powero Based one the ability to provide extrinsic or intrinsic reward

Referent Powero Derives from follower’s respect for leader; and

Expert Powero Followers believe that leader has “expert” knowledge and skills

(French & Raven 1959)

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2. Power Leadership Theory Power Leadership Apply

Power is not an evil wordoInfluence over control

Why do leaders pursue power?oCareer ProgressoJob PerformanceoOrganisational Effectiveness

The Leadership ChallengeoGetting others to do what is required in order to

accomplish organisational goals.

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2. Power Leadership Theory Fostering Power

How do leaders

obtain power ?

Power Acquisition Transforming Power

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2. Power Leadership Theory Position Power – Key Factors

1 & 2. Centrality/Criticalityo Securing a more central role in work flow. Eg. Moving from a

senior engineer position to principle engineer on a project.

2. Flexibilityo Your work, as well as your superiors and subordinates are

enriched by your innovative approach to decision making, reducing routine work.

3. Visibilityo Increasing your interaction with senior management,

publicising your accomplishments and taking advantage of opportunities to enhance your reputation.

4. Relevanceo Developing internal or external boundary-spanning roles

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2. Power Leadership Theory Personal Power

Knowledge and Information

Personal Attraction


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3. Power used by Hitler to lead and influence

Coercive Power

Impersonal coercion

Personal coercion



Genocide as a means of control


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3. Power used by Gandhi to lead and influence

Legitimate, Referent, expert Power

Interpersonal emotion

Personal value, belief



Without discrimination

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4. The relationship between Power Leadership and LOD Theories

Provides choices

of alternativesPowerAwareness



The Batros Awareness


Types of Power French & Raven 1959







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4. The relationship between Power Leadership and LOD Theories

Types of Power French & Raven 1959







Contact boundary

Contact-full Communication


Projective Identification


Play helping role

Use ORJI Model

Emotional Intelligence Model

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Power Leadership is power in power, a

concept in which leaders use to lead and

influence people.

There are five types of Power: coercive,

reward, referent, expert and legitimate


There are three leadership styles :

authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-


There is an closely relation between Power

Leadership and LOD theories.

Examples of Hitler and Gandhi are

analysed; and

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ReferencesPardey, D 2007, Introducing Leadership, Butterworth-


French, J.P.R., Jr., and B. Raven. "The Bases of Social Power." In

Studies in Social Power. Dorwin Cartwright, ed. Ann Arbor, MI:

University of Michigan Press, 1959.

Batros, J G (1994) ‘Engineers as Authentic Managers’ in

Proceedings of the Pacific Conference on Manufacturing 1994,

Jakarta, Indonesia, p942 (BB, LM, JB’s articles)

Daft, L D & Lane P G 2007, ‘The Leadership experience’, 4th

end, Thomson, USA

Rost, J C 1993, ‘Leadership for the twenty-first century’,

Greenwood, USA

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