Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using...

Poten&al technology adop&on Index for improved targe&ng : IRRI CPWF Team : Parvesh Kumar Chandna, Andy Nelson, Sohel Rana, MarieCharlo:e, Sam Mohanty Nazneen Sultana, Deepak Sethi, T.P. Tuong A village level proxy assessment using the past adop&on rates of agricultural technologies


By Parvesh Kumar Chandna, Andy Nelson, Sohel Rana, Marie-Charlotte Buisson, Sam Mohanty, Nazneed Sultana, Deepak Sethi, T.P. Tuong Revitalizing the Ganges Coastal Zone Conference 21-23 October 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh http://waterandfood.org/ganges-conference/

Transcript of Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using...

Page 1: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies

Poten&al  technology  adop&on  Index  for  improved  targe&ng  :  


CPWF  Team  :    Parvesh  Kumar  Chandna,  Andy  Nelson,  Sohel  Rana,  Marie-­‐Charlo:e,  Sam  Mohanty  Nazneen  Sultana,  Deepak  Sethi,  T.P.  Tuong  

A  village  level  proxy  assessment  using  the  past  adop&on  rates  of  agricultural  technologies  

Page 2: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies

?  ?  

?  ?  ?  ?  

Village    level  census  data  is  there      

Some  farmers  have  adopted  improved  technologies  in  the  past  

But  some  did  not  ?    

Can  I  use  past  trends?  

Perhaps  yes  –  Lets  Discuss  with  CPWF/WLE  team  

Adop(on  Targets  100000????    

Why  not  to  con

duct  a  

quick  and  d

irty  exercise


Page 3: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies



Objec(ve  :    

 To  develop    a  proxy    index  to  iden(fy  areas  having  high  poten(al  for  adop(on  of  new  technologies  using  the  past  adop(on  rates  and  farmer  response  to  different  technologies        




Page 4: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies



v               Study  Area  v               Datasets  used    

v               Methods    

v               Results  

v               Conclusion  





Page 5: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies

Bangladesh  Barisal  


Page 6: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies

Datasets  &  Parameters  used    

•   Agricultural  (2008)  and  Popula(on  census  data    (2011)  

•   Developed  a  mouza  level  database  of  more  than  61,000  mouzas  of  Bangladesh  

•   We  have  entered  more  than  60  parameters  to  develop  this  socio-­‐economic  database  

•  Irriga(on  Pumps,  Tractor,  Power  (ller,  Paddy  thrasher,  Seeder,  Other  Agri.  Instrument,  percent  area  under  HYVs  in  AUS,  Aman,  Boro  –  12  parameters  



Page 7: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies

Datasets:    few  examples  

Pumping  sets  

Power  (llers    


Page 8: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies


 PTAI  uses  composites    of  Standard  Z  score  to  logically  combine  the  selected  parameters    


Composite  Standard  Score    Classes    

Low      =  <  0.5    

Medium        =  -­‐0.5-­‐0.5  

High    =    0.5-­‐  1.5  

Very  High    =  >  1.5  

Page 9: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies

Poten&al  Technology  Adop&on  Index      

Z  score  values  

GIS  Lab,  SSD,  IRRI-­‐  Parvesh  Kr  Chandna@2014  –  Unpublished    


Farmers  from  623  villages  (out  of  3523  villages),  are  fast  adaptor  to  new  technologies,  covering  an  area  of    2,00,000  ha  


Page 10: Potential technology adoption: Index for improved targeting: A village level proxy assessment using the past adoption rates of agricultural technologies

Conclusion  PTAI,  a  proxy  index  can  be  a  very  handy  tool  in  absence  of  detailed  bio-­‐physical  datasets    PTAI  can  be  used  for  quick  dissemina(on  In  favourable  area  where  score  is  high  or  very  high.    Composite  Index  of  Ex.  Domains+PTAI  will  further    improve  the  chances  of  improved  targe(ng    Further  study  is  needed  to  validate  and  improve    the  Index        

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Thank you