Potential Issues and Backup Plan

Potential Issues & Backup Plan Molly Simmons Ball isticide Mockumentary

Transcript of Potential Issues and Backup Plan

Page 1: Potential Issues and Backup Plan

Potential Issues & Backup PlanMolly Simmons



Page 2: Potential Issues and Backup Plan

Potential Issues0 The potential issues for filming our documentary may be that we cannot get all of our actors

together at the same time. Due to people having jobs and other activities, it will be difficult to find a solid time that everyone is free. In order to avoid this issue, we need to plan where and when we are going to film certain scenes so that everyone involved is able to be there.

0 Another issue that we might stumble upon is finding a stage that we can use to film. We would like to have a scene that shows the band playing at a gig but, order for this to happen we will need to find a location with a stage. We will have research and find places that will allows us to use their facilities for our filming.

0 The weather is also going to be another issue while we are filming our final production. If the weather is miserable, we will not be able to film our scenes when we would have liked to. As well as this, if we are filming on scene over two days and the weather is not the same each day, we will not be able to film. If the weather is poor, we will have to postpone our filming and reschedule it for another date, putting us back on our progress. If the weather is not the same as the previous filming day, we will also have to postpone the filming and maybe even reshoot the first scene. Putting us far back on the schedule and meaning that we will have to redo scenes that have already been film.

Page 3: Potential Issues and Backup Plan

0 The final issue that we may come across is the equipment that we will need to film our documentary. We may find that we do not have enough equipment to film our documentary. If this is the issue, we may have to ask around and see if anyone that we know may have equipment that they are willing to lend us. Even worse than this, if we break any of our equipment we will not be able to film. When making our last short film, ‘Terror Plane’, the camera broke due to being blown over by the wind while on the tripod. It caused many issues and put us back on our filming schedule as we had to get another camera. When filming our documentary, we will be extra careful so that we do not have this issue happen again.

0 Another issue that we come across is having any equipment malfunctions. Just like not having enough or the correct equipment, this will put us back on our filming schedule and mean that we will have to reorganise times with the actors to film. It is a potential hazard that we do not want to come across as we may not be able to find another time that we can get all the actors together. Before we go off to film, we need to check all of the equipment that we will be using so that we do not get to the filming location and find that we have an issue with the cameras. We will have to check the equipment at least five days in advance so that we can let all of the actors and group members know that we will have to postpone the filming that is schedule to be done.

Page 4: Potential Issues and Backup Plan

0 An issue that we did not think about happening in our last production is an accident of any of the members. We need to take it seriously if any of the group members or actors are to hurt themselves while on out set and behind set. We need to create a risk assessment form so that we can manage an injury if one is to occur. As well as this, we need to carry around a first aid kit to avoid any serious injuries and make sure that we are able to sort them out. We will make all members of the production aware that we have a first aid kit and risk assessment in case anyone is to get hurt during the filming process.

Page 5: Potential Issues and Backup Plan

Backup Plan0 Molly: For my backup plan, I have decided to keep the band idea as I did not want to completely verge of

the idea of having a band involved. The idea is to have a group of seventeen year olds who are currently in their A2 studies at Sixth Form. The school that they attend will not allow them to focus on their dreams of being in a successful and famous band, they are forced into studying academic subjects instead of doing a creative arts course such as A-Level Music. The group of seventeen year olds do as they are made to by studying academic subjects and play out of school time. They manage to arrange a gig at school with the Performing Arts Department that allows the band to show off their skills and everything they have learnt themselves. The band members secure their A*-C grades after completing their A-Level summer exams and go on to being successful musicians after being recognised while studying at University. The band visit the schools Performing Arts Department and thank them for backing up their dream and not letting them give up. The school realise how successful they have become and invite them into the school to take an assembly to speak to the school pupils. The successful musicians are thrilled that the school have invited them into the school but explain to the pupils how they never gave up on their dreams, although the school was stopping them pursue their dreams they still managed to get where they wanted.

0 Francis: The Prime Minister, Russell Brand is on a visit to a zoo with Downing Street Press Officer, Jane Eyre. While the PM is being shown around the zoo by zookeeper Steven Drip, two of the giraffes escape their enclosure, rampaging around the zoo frantically. Little does the PM and zookeeper know about the disaster that will put them both at risk serious risk. It is down to Jane to save the day and avoid the disaster of hurting or possibly killing the Prime Minister.

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0 Jamie: Gordon Ramsay is on an undercover mission to visit a local restaurant in East London. He wants to find out why the locals are crazy about the restaurant and why people travel for miles to eat the restaurants delicious food. Little does he know that that the restaurant is a dining death trap… The secret to making the food taste so good is the staff themselves, Cannibal Café is open for business and waiting for its new and mouth drawling visitors.

0 Guy: The documentary/mockumentary follows a real band, Fourth in the Trilogy, instead of the fictional band, Ballisticide. We follow the band around on a daily basis to understand the struggle that’s they go through being a young band trying to get recognised and having run while still in education. It will be based solely on real events which follows each of the characters, making the writing process easier. The documentary would also be fairly easy as there is already footage from previous performances and recordings. All the music in the documentary is available as it has been made by the band members of Fourth in the Trilogy.