Potential Diet Killer! Food High In Carbohydrates

When it comes to maximizing your energ carbohydrates are the best "go" food arou carbohydrates as gas in your fuel tank. I provide yourself with carbohydrates throug you simply won't have the energy to functi would be a shame for new moms who definite much of an energy reserve and who have o little kids relying on them for just about

Transcript of Potential Diet Killer! Food High In Carbohydrates

Page 1: Potential Diet Killer! Food High In Carbohydrates

When it comes to maximizing your energy levels, carbohydrates are the best "go" food around. Think of carbohydrates as gas in your fuel tank. If you don't

provide yourself with carbohydrates throughout the day, you simply won't have the energy to function. Now this would be a shame for new moms who

definitely don't have much of an energy reserve and who have one or more little kids relying on them for just about everything.

Page 2: Potential Diet Killer! Food High In Carbohydrates

Everything we eat is made up of some combination of protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Simple sugars, like table sugar, starches, like pasta, and fibre, like

oat bran, are types of dietary carbohydrates. All carbohydrates deliver four calories per gram. Something to digest: All carbohydrates are not bad!

Carbohydrates are vital because they provide the body with the energy it needs to support daily activities-from breathing and digestion to thinking and exercise. Consuming whole grain and high fibre carbohydrates, including fruits, veggies, dried beans, and whole grain cereals, breads and crackers will make you feel

satisfied for longer periods of time than foods high in refined sugar and low in fibre (i.e. cakes, cookies, sugary candy, etc.). Foods high in fibre expand in your

digestive tract making you feel full. To visualize how fibre can expand, put a piece of whole grain or bran cereal in a bowl with a little water then watch it swell to two to three times its original size. This makes it very clear how fibre

can help make us feel fuller.

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Why do people count carbs? In general, carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly while fat and protein cause blood sugar to rise more slowly. In

response to a rise in blood sugar, the body releases insulin, the hormone required to bring blood sugar into cells or fat tissue. If one eats excessive

amounts of carbohydrates, the insulin cycle can become imbalanced, resulting in continually raised insulin levels. High insulin levels have been associated with obesity as well as increased risk for heart disease and blood sugar imbalances.

Controlled carb diets may promote a gradual rise and fall of insulin and are therefore more satiating. In high protein/controlled carb diets, it is thought that

weight loss occurs through consumption of fewer calories resulting from increased satiety. Weight loss also occurs because very low carb intake triggers a

condition called ketosis, which forces the body to burn fat stores, but ketosis can be unhealthy if continued for a long period of time.

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Exercise recommendations during pregnancy .Exercise during pregnancy will promote strength, muscle tone, and endurance. Regular activity during your pregnancy will help alleviate swelling, fatigue, and backache. If you expect to remain fit during your pregnancy you will need to work your heart and major

muscle groups. The type of exercise you do during your pregnancy will depend on your fitness level prior to pregnancy. Walking, pregnancy yoga videos, and

swimming are excellent pregnancy exercises combined with stretching and other low-impact activities.

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Exercises that involve a risk of falling or injury should be avoided such as bicycling, racket sports, horseback riding, and skiing. You will need to alter your

exercise routine from trimester to trimester to accommodate your growing body. Avoiding over-exertion is necessary to avoid complications such as

faintness, dizziness, vaginal bleeding, and premature contractions. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising to reduce the risk of dehydration, which can raise your body temperature and cause harm to

yourself and/or your baby. A regular exercise program is beneficial to both mother and child, but check with your health care provider to make sure you

have no conditions or risks that will prevent you from participating in a regular exercise routine or could cause potential harm to yourself or your child.

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