Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director,...

Postgraduate Medical Journal Editor A. A. G. LEWIS B.Sc. M.D. F.R.C.P. Advisory Editorial Board A. G. Apley F.R.C.S. D. Barltrop B.SC. M.D. M.R.C.P. D.C.H. E. M. M. Besterman M.A. M.D. F.R.C.P. E. H. Brown D.M. M.R.C.P. D.C.H. A. E. R. Buckle F.R.C.S. F.R.C.O.G. H. L. Cochrane F.R.C.S. J. 0. Craig F.R.C.S.I. D.M.R.D. F.F.R. P. D. B. Davies M.A. M.D. M.R.C.P. H. Ellis M.A. D.M. F.R.C.S. J. D. Griffiths M.S. F.R.C.S. J. P. Hopewell F.R.C.S. D. G. James M.A. M.D. F.R.C.P. S. B. Karani D.P.H. F.R.C.P. C. E. Newman C.B.E. M.D. F.R.C.P. K. I. Nissen F.R.C.S. J. W. Paulley M.D. F.R.C.P. T. A. J. Prankerd M.D. F.R.C.P. N. E. Stidolph F.R.C.S. P. K. Thomas B.SC. M.D. F.R.C.P. Editorial Representative for U.S.A. D. Rabinowitz M.D. M.R.C.P. M.R.C.P.E. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md Editorial Representative for Australia Sir Clive Fitts M.D.(MELB.) F.R.C.P. F.R.A.C.P. Editorial Assistant Mrs M. E. Coops B.SC. Postgraduate Medical Journal is published monthly for the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine by Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd. The annual subscription is 120s ($20.00) post free, and the price of single issues 15s ($2.50) postage extra. Orders for back issues published up to December 1966 and correspondence from Fellows and Associates should be sent to The Secretary, The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 9 Great James Street, London, W.C.1 (tel: CHAncery 6900); other orders and business correspondence should be addressed to Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, 5 Alfred Street, Oxford (tel: Oxford 40201). All editorial correspondence should be addressed to Dr A. A. G. Lewis, The Postgraduate Medical Journal, 9 Great James Street, London, W.C.1 (tel: CHAncery 6900). Advertisement enquiries and bookings should be addressed to S. & H. Fretwell Ltd, 267 Portland Road, London, S.E.25 (tel: 01-654 8921). The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine was founded by a group of London consultants after the First World War to assist postgraduates, particularly those coming to London from the Commonwealth, to pursue their studies. The Fellowship first publi- shed the Postgraduate Medical Journal to give infor- mation about lectures, conferences and courses and to provide a monthly review of all branches of medicine. Postgraduate Medical Journal publishes original papers on subjects of current clinical importance and welcomes review articles with extensive, up-to- date bibliographies as guides to further reading. Several symposia are published every year, each devoted to a single subject and written, by invitation, by specialists in different disciplines. Every issue includes authoritative Current Surveys of clinical problems, as well as well-documented Reports of cases of particular interest, Book Reviews and Postgraduate News. A 'Notice to Contributors' is published on the inside back cover of this issue. The Editor reserves the right to make changes which may clarify or condense papers where this is considered desirable. (D The contents of this Journal are copyright and, subject to the provisions of Section 7 of the Copy- right Act, 1956, they may not be copied, adapted or reproduced without permission. Requests for per- mission to reproduce material elsewhere, either in whole or in part, should be addressed to the Editor, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 9 Great James Street, London, W.C.1.

Transcript of Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director,...

Page 1: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Postgraduate Medical Journal

EditorA. A. G. LEWIS B.Sc. M.D. F.R.C.P.

Advisory Editorial BoardA. G. Apley F.R.C.S.D. Barltrop B.SC. M.D. M.R.C.P. D.C.H.E. M. M. Besterman M.A. M.D. F.R.C.P.E. H. Brown D.M. M.R.C.P. D.C.H.A. E. R. Buckle F.R.C.S. F.R.C.O.G.H. L. Cochrane F.R.C.S.J. 0. Craig F.R.C.S.I. D.M.R.D. F.F.R.P. D. B. Davies M.A. M.D. M.R.C.P.H. Ellis M.A. D.M. F.R.C.S.J. D. Griffiths M.S. F.R.C.S.

J. P. Hopewell F.R.C.S.D. G. James M.A. M.D. F.R.C.P.S. B. Karani D.P.H. F.R.C.P.C. E. Newman C.B.E. M.D. F.R.C.P.K. I. Nissen F.R.C.S.J. W. Paulley M.D. F.R.C.P.T. A. J. Prankerd M.D. F.R.C.P.N. E. Stidolph F.R.C.S.P. K. Thomas B.SC. M.D. F.R.C.P.

Editorial Representative for U.S.A.D. Rabinowitz M.D. M.R.C.P. M.R.C.P.E.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md

Editorial Representative for AustraliaSir Clive Fitts M.D.(MELB.) F.R.C.P. F.R.A.C.P.

Editorial AssistantMrs M. E. Coops B.SC.

Postgraduate Medical Journal is published monthlyfor the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine byBlackwell Scientific Publications Ltd. The annualsubscription is 120s ($20.00) post free, and the priceof single issues 15s ($2.50) postage extra. Ordersfor back issues published up to December 1966 andcorrespondence from Fellows and Associates shouldbe sent to The Secretary, The Fellowship ofPostgraduate Medicine, 9 Great James Street,London, W.C.1 (tel: CHAncery 6900); other ordersand business correspondence should be addressed toBlackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, 5 Alfred Street,Oxford (tel: Oxford 40201).

All editorial correspondence should be addressedto Dr A. A. G. Lewis, The Postgraduate MedicalJournal, 9 Great James Street, London, W.C.1(tel: CHAncery 6900).

Advertisement enquiries and bookings should beaddressed to S. & H. Fretwell Ltd, 267 PortlandRoad, London, S.E.25 (tel: 01-654 8921).

The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine wasfounded by a group of London consultants after theFirst World War to assist postgraduates, particularlythose coming to London from the Commonwealth,to pursue their studies. The Fellowship first publi-shed the Postgraduate Medical Journal to give infor-

mation about lectures, conferences and courses andto provide a monthly review of all branches ofmedicine.

Postgraduate Medical Journal publishes originalpapers on subjects of current clinical importanceand welcomes review articles with extensive, up-to-date bibliographies as guides to further reading.Several symposia are published every year, eachdevoted to a single subject and written, by invitation,by specialists in different disciplines. Every issueincludes authoritative Current Surveys of clinicalproblems, as well as well-documented Reports ofcases of particular interest, Book Reviews andPostgraduate News.A 'Notice to Contributors' is published on the

inside back cover of this issue. The Editor reservesthe right to make changes which may clarify orcondense papers where this is considered desirable.

(D The contents of this Journal are copyright and,subject to the provisions of Section 7 of the Copy-right Act, 1956, they may not be copied, adapted orreproduced without permission. Requests for per-mission to reproduce material elsewhere, either inwhole or in part, should be addressed to the Editor,Postgraduate Medical Journal, 9 Great James Street,London, W.C.1.

Page 2: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Postgrad. med. J. (December 1968) 44, 931-933.

Books receivedDiagnostic Methods. Edited by J. W. MILLS. Pp. 176. London:

Butterworths, 1968. 25s.Some Diseases of Animals Communicable to Man in Britain.

Edited by O. GRAHAM-JONES. Proceedings of a symposiumorganized by the British Veterinary Association and theBritish Small Animal Veterinary Association. Pp. xvi + 338,illustrated. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. 126s.

Exfoliative Cytology of the Stomach. By D. D. GIBBS.Pp. x + 147, illustrated. London: Butterworths, 1968. 56s.

Common Medical Emergencies. A Guide for Junior Physicians.By R. H. SALTER. Pp. 148. Bristol: John Wright, 1968. 18s.

Carcinoma of the Breast. By F. D. MOORE, S. I. WOODROW,M. A. ALIAPOULIOS and R. E. WILSON. New EnglandJournal of Medicine. Medical Progress Series. London:J. & A. Churchill, 1968. $7.50. 62s. 6d.

Disorders of Sexual Potency in the Male. By J. JOHNSON.Pp. xi + 116. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. 55s.

Mechanisms of Contraction of the Normal and Failing Heart'By E. BRAUNWALD, J. ROSS and E. H. SONNENBLICK'Pp. xi + 205, illustrated. New EnglandJournal of Medicine'Medical Progress Series. London: J. & A. Churchill,1968. $9.50. 80s.

Out-of-the-Body Experiences. By CELIA GREEN. Proceedingsof the Institute of Psychophysical Research, Volume II.Pp. 142. Oxford: Institute of Psychophysical Research,1968. 27s. 6d.

Biopsy Procedures in Clinical Medicine. Edited by A. E.READ. Pp. 193. Bristol: John Wright, 1968. 40s.

The Virology and Immunology of Cancer. By L. A. ZILBERand G. I. ABELEV. Translated from the Russian andedited by RUTH SCHACHTER. Pp. xii + 474, illustrated.Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1968. 165s.

Speaking and Writing in Medicine. The Art of Communication.By C. F. HAWKINS. Pp. xviii + 159. Springfield, Illinois:Charles C. Thomas, 1968. Price not given.

Intrathoracic Crises. By A. L. D'ABREU, A. B. TAYLOR andD. B. CLARKE. Pp. 335, illustrated. London: Butterworths,1968. 85s.

Non-Dispersive Infra-Red Gas Analysis in Science, Medicineand Industry. By D. W. HILL and T. POWELL. Pp. 222,illustrated. London: Adam Hilger, 1968. 104s.

Asylums. Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patientsand Other Inmates. By ERVING GOFFMAN. Pp. 336. PenguinBooks, 1968. 8s.

Stigma. Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. ByERVING GOFFMAN. Pp. 174. Penguin Books, 1968. 5s.

Social Psychiatry in Practice. By MAXWELL JONES. PelicanOriginal. Pp. 190. Penguin Books, 1968. 5s.

New Editions

Charlesworth's Chiropodial Orthopaedics. By L. C. GIBBARD.Second Edition. Pp. 287, illustrated. London: Bailliere,Tindall and Cassell, 1968. 70s.

High Blood Pressure. By G. PICKERING. Second Edition.Pp. viii + 717, illustrated. London: J. & A. Churchill,1968. 120s.

Bacteriology and Immunology for Students of Medicine(formerly Bigger's Handbook of Bacteriology). By F. S.STEWART. Ninth Edition. Pp. viii + 603, illustrated.London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cassell, 1968. 55s.

Starling and Lovatt Evans Principles of Human Physiology.Edited by HUGH DAVSON and GRACE EGGLETON. Four-teenth Edition. Pp. xv + 1668, illustrated. London:J. & A. Churchill, 1968. 120s.

Histochemistry. Theoretical and Applied, Volume I. By A. G.EVERSON PEARSE. Third Edition. Pp. vii + 759, illustrated.London: J. & A. Churchill, 1968. 130s.

Drugs in Anaesthetic Practice. By F. G. WOOD-SMITH, H. C.STEWART and M. D. VICKERS. Third Edition. Pp. xi + 547.London: Butterworths, 1968. 84s.

Anaesthetics, Resuscitation and Intensive Care. A Textbookfor Students and Residents. By W. NORRIS and D. CAMPBELL.Second Edition. Pp. xi + 271, illustrated. Edinburgh andLondon: E. & S. Livingstone, 1968. 30s.

Book reviewsBlood Flow through Organs and Tissues

Edited by W. H. BAIN and A. M. HARPER. Proceedingsof an international conference, Glasgow, March 1967.Pp. xx + 515, illustrated. Edinburgh and London:E. & S. Livingstone, 1968. 84s.

This volume records the edited proceedings of an inter-national conference on blood flow through organs andtissues held in Glasgow in March 1967. There are a totalof fifty-eight papers representing eighty-nine participants andof particular interest are the full discussions which arereported, thanks to the generous use of the tape recorderduring the conference. The papers are grouped into sectionsdealing with techniques of measuring blood flow throughvessels and then with flow through specific organs-heart,lung, brain, muscle, skin, kidney and other viscera. Thepapers include contributions from the U.S.A., Canada,Denmark, Italy, Belgium and Germany as well as from theseislands and represent many disciplines among which arephysiology, engineering, surgery, cardiology and anaesthesia.The wide range of specialists drawn together in this conference

indicates the increasing interest in the subject of blood flowthroughout the various fields of medicine.The communications are highly technical and reflect the

considerable advances which moder techniques of radio-active clearance, dye dilution, strain gauges and electro-magnetic flow meters have made to the study of blood flowin various tissues in health and disease. Full bibliographies aregiven.

This volume will obviously prove to be a valuable referencework to the many workers in this important and rapidlyevolving field of applied physiology.Nutrition in Renal Disease

Edited by G. M. BERLYNE. Proceedings of a Conferenceheld at the University of Manchester on 29 and 30 June1967. Pp. 251 illustrated. Edinburgh and London:E. & S. Livingstone, 1968. 50s.

In his introduction to this report, Dr Berlyne makes thepoint that the papers and discussions, given by experts fromEurope and America, should be of interest not only to

Page 3: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Postgrad. med. J. (December 1968) 44, 934-936.

Postgraduate news

FELLOWSHIP OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICINEThe Fellowship usually holds the following courses

each year (approximate dates and times in parentheses):Medicine (M.R.C.P.)General Medicine. Connaught, London Chest, Whipps CrossHospitals (four weeks, twice yearly, April/May, October/November), St Stephen's Hospital (evenings, four weeks,twice yearly). Whittington Hospital (evenings, five weeks,twice yearly, May/June, October/November). Queen Mary'sHospital for the East End (weekend, twice yearly, June,December). Ashford Hospital, Middlesex (two Saturdays,twice yearly, May, November).Infectious Diseases. Hither Green Hospital (weekend, twiceyearly, March/November).Paediatrics (D.C.H.). Princess Louise Kensington Hospital(weekend, twice yearly, March, September/October).Surgery (F.R.C.S.)General Surgery. Connaught Hospital (weekend, twiceyearly, April, September/October). Queen Mary's Hospitalfor the East End (weekend, once yearly, February). RoyalMarsden Hospital (twice yearly, March, September).General Surgery and Orthopaedics. Fulham Hospital (threeweeks, evenings, twice yearly, March / April, September/October).Orthopaedics. Rowley Bristow Hospital, Pyrford (threealternate weekends, twice yearly, March/April, September/October).Please note that instruction arranged by the Fellowship ofPostgraduate Medicine is open only to Associates (annualsubscription, 21s.). Detailed syllabuses are published approxi-mately 6-8 weeks before courses begin and are circulated toall Associates. No entries to courses can be accepted inadvance of the syllabus being published.Information regarding courses can be obtainedfrom the officebetween 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Mondavs to Fridays (Telephone242-6900), or by writing to the Secretary, Fellowship ofPostgraduate Medicine, 9 Great James Street, London, W. C. 1.

THE COMMONWEALTH AND INTERNATIONALMEDICAL ADVISORY BUREAUXThe Bureaux are maintained by the British Medical Associa-tion to provide a personal advisory service to doctorsvisiting the United Kingdom from all parts of the World.General information, as well as that on postgraduateeducation and accommodation is given.All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director,Commonwealth and International Medical Advisory Bureaux,British Medical Association, Tavistock Square, London, W. C. 1.

CAMBRIDGECambridge University Postgraduate Medical SchoolArrangements can be made for practitioners to attend thepractice of the United Cambridge Hospitals for short orlong periods. Advanced courses on special aspects of medicineand research are held from time to time.A revision course in Basic Medical Sciences will be held

on alternate Saturdays from October 1968 to March 1969and will consist of fifty lectures and demonstrations inpharmacology, physiology and physics, clinical measurement,and biochemistry; this course is intended primarily foranaesthetists preparing for the March 1969 primary

F.F.A.R.C.S., but others are welcome to attend. A courseon the Clinical Pathology of Organ Transplantation will beheld on 10 and 11 December 1968 at Addenbrooke'sHospital. Accommodation will be available in PembrokeCollege.

Refresher Courses for general practitioners will be heldat Norwich (5 days) 14-18 April 1969 and at Cambridge,30 June to 5 July 1969. A calendar of lectures, seminars andtutorials for the academical year 1968-69 and furtherinformation may be obtained from the Secretary, TheMedical School, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge.

Details of the teaching facilities available at the RegionalPostgraduate Medical Centres at the West Suffolk GeneralHospital, Bury St Edmunds, Fulbourn Hospital, the Norfolk& Norwich Hospital, The Ipswich and East Suffolk Hospital,the West Norfolk and King's Lynn Hospital, PapworthHospital and Peterborough District Hospital may beobtained from the Clinical Tutor at each of these Centres.

LIVERPOOLUniversity of Liverpool. Courses are held in Anaesthesia,Child Health, Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Orthopaedic Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, PsychologicalMedicine, Public Health, Radiodiagnosis and Radiotherapy,Surgery, Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and Venereology.After fulfilling the regulations, candidates may becomeeligible to take the Degrees of Ch.M., M.Ch.Orth. andM.Ch.Otol., and the Liverpool Diplomas, D.P.H., D.P.M.,D.T.M.&H., D.M.R.(D) or D.M.R.(T).The other courses are designed for students working for theLondon Diplomas.There is also a day-release course in the Basic MedicalSciences for junior hospital staff.Further information may be obtained from the Heads of theappropriate departments of the University, Liverpool 3.

OXFORDUniversity of Oxford

Enquiries about research training and advanced studiesmay be addressed to the head of the relevant clinical orlaboratory departments in the teaching hospitals or to theDirector of Postgraduate Medical Studies (address below).Neuroanatomy and physiology. A one week course suitablefor D.P.M. and M.R.C.P. candidates, with lectures, discus-sions, demonstrations, and dissection, is held in the Univer-sity Department of Human Anatomy annually in September,Fee: £10.Psychiatry. Three-day courses covering selected topics,suitable for D.P.M. Part II candidates are held three to fourtimes a year.Surgery. Subject to there being sufficient demand, a two-weekcourse suitable for final F.R.C.S. candidates will be heldtwice a year in September and April. Fee: £15.General Practice. Clinical attachments (including residentobstetric attachments) and individual programmes of atten-dance in the hospital departments, recognised under Section48 N.H.S. Act. Occasional short courses at Oxford andDistrict Medical Centres in the region.

Enquiries about any of the above, and about study daysand courses in special subjects arranged for those in theOxford region working for higher qualifications, to theDirector, Postgraduate Medical Studies, Medical School, 43Woodstock Road, Oxford.

Page 4: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Postgraduate news

GLASGOWSurgery. An intensive course of instruction in the basicsciences suitable for candidates preparing for the PrimaryFellowship Examination in Surgery is held from October toDecember. A modified form of the course is available forcandidates preparing for the D.A. or F.F.A. examinations,Fee £30.Anaesthetics. A course for specialist anaesthetists and forthose preparing for the final part of the F.F.A.R.C.S. willbe held in May. Fee £10 10s.Medicine. An intensive course on Recent Advances inClinical Medicine suitable for candidates preparing for theMembership Examination is held twice annually for afortnight in March and September. Fee £15 15s.Geriatrics. A course for trainee specialists in GeriatricMedicine or General Practitioners in charge of geriatric bedsin hospitals is held in May. Fee £7 10s.Child Health. A formal course held in May and Novemberfor those preparing for the D.C.H. and M.R.C.P. with ChildHealth as a special subject. Fee £15 15s.Obstetrics. An intensive week's course of instruction inobstetrics for those preparing for the D.Obst.R.C.O.G. heldin September. Fee £7 10s.Mental Deficiency. An intensive course in Mental Deficiencyis held for 3 weeks in October. The course includes lecturesand demonstrations in mental handicap and deficiency,instruction in mental testing and visits to institutions.Fee £18.Introduction to Psychiatry. An intensive course providing ageneral introduction to psychiatry is held for 3 weeks inNovember. The course includes theoretical and clinicalinstruction in child psychiatry and psychology and adultpsychiatry. It is particularly suitable for medical officersconcerned with public health. Fee £18.Steroid Endocrinology. A course for clinicians and hospitallaboratory workers with special interest in Endocrinologyand for those in general medicine who wish to have a betterunderstanding of treatment with steroid hormones is held inApril. Fee £15.Diagnostic Virology. A course for experienced laboratoryworkers who wish to develop diagnostic virology for epidemi-ological purposes in this country and abroad is held in April.Fee £25.Histopathology of the Skin. A course for pathologists andthose with some training in pathology is held for 1 week inMarch. Fee £7 10s.Forensic Medicine. A postgraduate course in the UniversityDepartment of Forensic Medicine is held for 10 weeks fromApril to June. Fee £15.Clinical Attachments. A scheme for clinical attachments ingeneral medicine, general surgery and various specialties hasbeen arranged to assist those working for higher qualifica-tions. An attachment may be started at any time. No formalinstruction is given, but participants can gain intensive clinicalexperience by following the day-to-day work of a unit in aGlasgow teaching hospital. Fee £5 per month. Registrationfee£1lIs.Teaching Ward Rounds. Each academic term a course of tenteaching ward rounds in Medicine is arranged. These occupyone afternoon a week. Fee £8 8s.Radiology. A course in radiological interpretation forclinicians. Lecture demonstrations on alternate Tuesdays inconjunction with Teaching Ward Rounds. Fee £5 5s.Dermatology. An intensive week's course in dermatology.Suitable for M.R.C.P. candidates. March. Fee £7 1Os.A week-end course in dermatology. May. Fee £3 3s.

Research Techniques in Experimental Surgery and Anaesthesia.A 2-day course giving an introduction to research techniquesin Experimental Surgery and Anaesthesia. March. Fee £3 3s.Steroid Endocrinology. A course for clinicians and hospitallaboratory workers with a special interest in Endocrinologyor for those in General Medicine who wish to have a betterunderstanding of treatment with steroid hormones. April.Fee £15.Medical Ophthalmology. An intensive weekend course onthe ophthalmological aspects of general medicine. Suitablefor M.R.C.P. candidates. May and October. Fee £5 5s.


Two Refresher Courses for general practitioners are heldannually - for a fortnight in May and September. Two-weekpostgraduate residencies are available continuously inmaternity hospitals in the Western Region.Clinical Attachments - continuous. Full-time or part-timeattachments to hospital teaching units to enable GeneralPractitioners to increase their experience and keep up to datewith recent trends and advances. Fee £1 5s. per week forfull-time attachment.

Extended Courses and 1-day course covering selected topicsin general subjects or the specialties held in teaching hospitalsin Glasgow and principal hospitals in other parts of theWestern Region. Meetings are generally held on Sundaysfrom October to May and are arranged by the West ofScotland Faculty of the College of General Practitionersfrom whom full details are available.

Full-time Course. The Board offers full-time postgraduatecourses in Radiology (2 years) and Radiotherapy (2 years).The University offers full-time postgraduate courses leadingto the following diplomas:Diploma in Public Health (1 year)Diploma in Clinical Psychology (2 years).

Conference. Specialist conferences on various topics areheld twice a year in the Hall ofthe Royal College of Physiciansand Surgeons. In these, invited guests and local speakersdiscuss current topics and time is provided for audienceparticipation. These conferences are designed particularlyfor consultants and registrars.

Further information and application forms can be obtainedfrom the Director of Postgraduate Medical Education, TheUniversity, Glasgow, W.2.


Courses of three to four sessions in various Medical andSurgical subjects on a weekly sessional basis during term-time.Suitable for those preparing for a higher qualification.Clinical attachments, full-time or part-time, throughout theyear.Attachments of 1 or 2 weeks for general practitioners inGeneral Medicine, Dermatology, Obstetrics, Paediatrics,Psychiatry, Geriatrics and other subjects by arrangement.Recognized under Section 48 of the N.H.S. Act.Further detailsfrom the Postgraduate Sub-Dean, Organizationfor Postgraduate Medical Education, The Medical School,The University, Newcastle upon Tyne.University courses for postgraduate diplomas. D.P.M. andD.P.H. Further details from the Assistant Registrar, MedicalSchool, The University, Newcastle upon Tyne.


Page 5: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Postgraduate news

THE ROYAL COLLEGEOF GENERAL PRACTITIONERSMedical Recording ServiceKitts Croft, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex. (Tel. Writtle 316).Selection of titles available on tape (5 in reels running at31 ips). These talks may be borrowed by any doctor any-where in the world.

Tape course in geriatricsThis series of seven tapes on aspects of the medical care of theelderly is given by Dr M. K. Thompson, a General Practi-tioner, who has made a special study of geriatrics.The tapes are primarily intended for the trainee General

Practitioner, but should also be listened to by all GeneralPractitioners, Health Visitors, District Nurses and those whohave to deal with the elderly. Each tape is complete in itselfandthe series can be listened to in any order as desired. The costof borrowing the series will be £2 15s. including postage atthe Second Class Mail rate.

68-43 Cerebral Syndromes in the Elderly. 39 min, 21 slides.68-40 The Mind in Old Age. 33 min.68-59 Sight and Hearing in Old Age. 24 min.

68-10 Examining the Elderly. 25 min, 21 slides.68-41 Incontinence of Urine in Old Age. 34 min.68-58 Hazards of Old Age. 30 min, 21 slides.68-60 Heart Disease and the End of Life. 22 min.

WEST MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL. POSTGRADUATEMEDICAL LECTURES.5 December Radioiodine in the Diagnosis and Treatment

of Thyrotoxicosis and Thyroid Cancer-Dr. E. E. Pochin

Thursday at 5 p.m. in Lecture Theatre, West MiddlesexHospital, Isleworth, Middlesex. Tea and biscuits at 4.45 p.m.

ST CHARLES'S HOSPITAL. SURGICAL EVENINGSInformal Surgical Evenings will be held in the MedicalCentre, St Charles's Hospital, Ladbroke Grove, London W.10on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, 7.30 9 p.m.

12 December Clinical Evening. Discussion of SurgicalPatients.


Page 6: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,




VOLUME 44January to December 1968






Page 7: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Published byBlackwell Scientific Publications

5 Alfred Street, Oxfordfor The Fellowship ofPostgraduate Medicine9 Great James StreetLondon, W.C.1.

Printed in Great Britain byBurgess & Son (Abingdon) Limited


Page 8: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Subject IndexPage

Abdomen and thorax-stab-wounds and otherpenetrating injuries of the. . . J. B. Garland 127

Abdominal aortic aneurysm . . . renal arterystenosis due to . . . M. N. Lowenthal, S. A.Doctor and J. Fine 928

Abnormalities-vascular-, blood sugars-and sur-vival-the Oxford study after 17 years. J. B.O'Sullivan, J. Cosgrove and D. McCaughan 955

Absorption and metabolism of vitamin D aftergastric surgery . .. Studies in the . . . Gilbert R.Thompson 626

The Achilles tendon reflex as an index to thyroidfunction. George Nuke and R. I. S. Bayliss 97

A case of acute hyperparathyroidism, with thyro-toxicosis and pancreatitis, presenting ashyperemesis gravidarum. M. A. 0. Soyannwo,M. G. McGeown, T. G. Milliken 861

A case of oat-cell carcinoma of the lung with thecarcinoid syndrome. M. Govindaraj 815

Acidosis ... plasma 'ketone' level in the diagnosisand treatment of diabetic .. . M. S. Knapp andMargaret F. Horn 799

Addison's disease and pernicious anaemia-diabetes mellitus . . . R. C. Turner and ArnoldBloom 555

A death from tetracycline. Gillian C. Hanson 870Adenoma-oliguric glomerulonephritis and para-

throid ... Jacqueline A. Woolcock and Allen B.Shaw 246

Adenomata with special reference to the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome ... peptide-secreting . .. W.Sircus 742

Adrenal diagnosis-some recent advances inC. L. Cope and D. Mattingly 23

Adrenal relations-thyroid and . . . Victor Parsonsand Ian Ramsay 377

Adult coeliac disease. J. S. Stewart 632Adult nephrotic syndrome in Ibadan, Nigeria: a

prospective study of 135 cases. 0. 0. Akinkugbeand Mollie Hunton 903

Age, glucose tolerance and atherosclerosis. K. J.Kingsbury 944

A medical emergency treated by anti-mitotic drugs.W. S. B. Lowry 926

Amputation for peripheral vascular disease . . . gasgangrene after . I. G. Schraibman. 551

Anaemia, by iron-dextran infusion, with specialreference to the effect on blood-grouping, coagu-lation, sedimentation and haemolysis. The treat-ment of iron-deficiency ... Bernard M. Groden,James Whitelaw and George Will 433

Anaemia complicating methyldopa therapy-auto-immune haemolytic . . . Ivor Surveyor, ByronEvans, K. C. Saunders and T. E. Parry 438

Anaemia-diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease andpernicious ... R. C. Turner and Arnold Bloom 555

Anaemia-with reticulo-endothelial siderosis in acase of hypernephroma. Sideropenic . . . D.Chatterjee and G. E. Maclellan 259

Analgesic nephropathy and papillary necrosis ...

Priscilla Kincaid-Smith 807

PageAn association between Wernicke's encephalopathyand thyrotoxicosis. B. A. Enoch and D. M.Williams 923

Anastomosis-recovery of villous architecture ingluten enteropathy exacerbated by gastro-jejunal ... D. G. Weir 234

Aneurysm-renal artery stenosis due to abdominalaortic ... M. N. Lowenthal, S. A. Doctor andJ. Fine 928

Angiotensin-studies on the metabolism of . . .

Austin E. Doyle 31Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia presenting as a py-

rexia of undetermined origin in the neonatalperiod ... J. Mills 193

Ankle fractures-a plea for simplicity in the classi-fication of ... R. S. Phillips, C. J. E. Monk andG. A. Balmer 199

Anorexia nervosa-serum cholesterol levels in ...L. M. Blendis and A. H. Crisp 327

Antagonism-synalbumin insulin ... J. Vallance-Owen 117

Aneurysm after myocardial infarction . . . car-diac ... Bernard M. Groden, W. B. James andIan McDicken 775

Anti-mitotic drugs . . . A medical emergencytreated by ... W. S. B. Lowry 926

Aortic aneurysm . . . renal artery stenosis due toabdominal. . . M. N. Lowenthal, S. A. Doctorand J. Fine 928

A plea for simplicity in the classification of anklefractures. R. S. Phillips, C. J. E. Monk andG. A. Balmer 199

Arterial disease-the effect oftreatment ofmoderatehyperglycaemia on the incidence of ... H. Keen,T. J. Jarrett, C. Chlouverakis and D. R. Boyns 960

Arteriography of the coeliac axis and superiormesenteric artery in five cases of haemochroma-tosis with particular regard to the pancreaticcirculation. L. A. Scuro, G. Curri, G. Monti, R.Zuin and S. Romani 460

Arteriography ... pancreatic and mesenteric ...E. Herlinger 755

Arteriopathy . .. intrahepatic granulomatous ...H. Fox, M. G. Gleeson and W. F. W. E. Logan 256

Arterio-venous fistula with associated carcinomaof the kidney . . . Intra-renal . . . W. J. Mac-Lennan and R. Scott 867

Artery stenosis due to abdominal aortic aneurysm... renal ... M. N. Lowenthal, S. A. Doctor andJ. Fine 928

Arthritis and ulcerative colitis-purpura hyper-globulinaemia in association with rheumatoid ...E. N. Wardle 433

Arthritis ... hard and soft osteo- . . . C. P. Broad 848A simplification of the knee-joint menisectomy

operation. S. Schwartz 212Aspergillosis complicating healed tuberculosis-pneumonic ... E. Freeman 181

Aspergillosis-in two families ... pulmonary ...R. H. Ellis 178

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Postgraduate Medical Journal

A study ofpre-operative sedatives. James Parkhouseand Joan Mahoney 229

Atherosclerosis, diabetes and hypertension. W. B.Robertson 939

Atherosclerosis, glucose tolerance and age. K. J.Kingsbury 944

Atrial flutter with complete heart block in a case ofstaphylococcal septicaemia ... Effect of direct-current countershock on . . . James Buchananand Ronald J. Weir 811

Attitude: applications to clinical research-measurements of personality and ... Isaac Marks 277

Autoimmune disease of the gastro-intestinal tract.Ralph Wright 765

Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia complicatingmethyldopa therapy. Ivor Surveyor, ByronEvans, K. C. Saunders and T. E. Parry 438

Behcet's syndrome... major vascular complicationsin ... B. Anthony Enoch, J. L. Castillo-Olivares,T.C.L. Khoo, R.G. Grainger and L. Henry 453

Benign duodenocolic fistula ... Unusual method ofdiagnosis in a new case of ... J. H. P. Cuddiganand M. A. Edgar 481

Biguanides in diabetes mellitus ... the uses of ...H. Keen, and R. J. Jarrett 466

Bilateral retrobulbar neuritis due to insecticides.H. R. Jindal 341

Biochemistry of hyperthyroidism and hypo-thyroidism. Frederic L. Hoch 347

Biopsy needle ... repeated samples of fat obtainedwith a . . . C. G. Hunter and R. R. Kendrick 851

Blindness after cardiac arrest. A. H. Sabah ... 513Blood flow-forearm-and heart rate after haemor-

rhage. 0. G. Edholm and J. D. Hatcher 35Blood-grouping, coagulation, sedimentation and

haemolysis ... the treatment of iron deficiencyanaemia by iron-dextran infusion, with specialreference to the effect on . . . Bernard M. Groden,James Whitelaw and George Will 433

Blood sugars, vascular abnormalities and survival-the Oxford study after 17 years. J. B. O'Sullivan,J. Cosgrove and D. McCaughan 955

Bone disease ... gastric resection and metabolic ...C. N. Pulvertaft 618

Bone sclerosis in infancy. Joan M. R. MacCarthy 908Breast cancer ... Present treatment of ... J. L.Grogono 501

Bronchial muscle ... studies on the action of ...John Crofton 26

Bronchitis and emphysema . . . research into ...

C. M. Fletcher, N. L. Jones and E. J. M.Campbell 48

Bronchogenic carcinoma . . . Effects of differentregimes of metyrapone on steroid production byapatient with a corticotrophin-secreting ... JudithM. Steel and A. A. H. Lawson 485

A 'burnt-out' case of sarcoidosis. J. G. Scadding 105

Cancer ... present treatment of breast . . . J. L.Grogono 501

Carbenicillin in the treatment of septicaemia andmeningitis . . . experiences with . . . A. E.Richardson, C. R. Spittle, K. W. James and0. P. W. Robinson 844

Carbon monoxide poisoning-muscle necrosis andacute renal failure in ... A. L. Linton, J. HumeAdams, and D. H. Lawson 338

Carbon tetrachloride poisoning-infectious mono-nucleosis like syndrome following haemodialysisfor ... A. T. Proudfoot and R. H. MacDonald 249

Carcinoid syndrome ... a case of oat-cell carcinomaof the lung with the ... M. Govindaraj 815

Carcinoma and its treatment-thyroid . . . SelwynTaylor 404

Carcinoma ... effects of different regimes ofmetyra-pone on steroid production by a patient with acorticotrophin-secreting bronchogenic ... JudithM. Steel and A. A. H. Lawson 485

Carcinoma of pancreas . . . Cushing's syndromeassociated with . .. Alaf Khan 925

Carcinoma of the kidney . . . intra-renal arterio-venous fistula with associated . . . W. J. Mac-Lennan and R. Scott 867

Carcinoma of the lung with the carcinoid syndrome... a case of oat-cell . . . M. Govindaraj 815

Carcinoma with multiple ectopic hormone secretionand associated myopathy. Derek R. Cullen andBernard E. Tomlinson 472

Cardiac aneurysm after myocardial infarction.Bernard M. Groden, W. B. James and IanMcDicken 775

Cardiac arrest ... blindness after ... A. H. Sabah 513Calcitonin ... a review of experimental and clinical

investigations. G. V. Foster 411Cardiomyopathy ... mitral regurgitation in con-

gestive ... J. F. Goodwin 62Cardiomyopathy. The systolic murmur in hyper-

trophic obstructive . . . and the nature of theobstruction ... N. Nellen and M. S. Gotsman 89

Cardiovascular action of suprarenal extract . . .

Oliver and Schafer's discovery of ... H. Barcroftand J. F. Talbot 6

Carotid endarterectomy in cerebral vascular disease.W. Rex Morris 242

Central nervous system ... chemical mediators inthe ... P. K. Lahiri and P. Sen 167

Cell culture . . . some studies on inherited diseaseusing the techniques of ... A. G. Beam 9

Cerebral vascular disease ... carotid endarterec-tomy in ... W. Rex Morris 242

Chemical mediators in the central nervous system.P. K. Lahiri and P. Sen 167

Cheshire cat syndrome ... E. G. L. Bywaters 19Childhood ... constipation in ... W. Henderson 724Cholesterol levels in anorexia nervosa ... serum ...

L. M. Blendis and A. H. Crisp. 327Cholesterol metabolism . . . the regulation of ...N. B. Myant 86

Chronic pancreatitis: medical aspects ... Henry T.Howat 733

Circulation-arteriography of the coeliac axis andmesenteric artery in five cases of haemochroma-tosis with particular regard to the pancreatic. . .L. A. Scuro, G. Curri, G. Monti, R. Zuin andS. Romani 460

Cirrhosis-hepato-lienal fibrosis without ... non-cirrhotic intrahepatic portal hypertension . . .

Sheila Sherlock 109


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Index to Volume 44

Clinical investigations. Calcitonin. A review ofexperimental and ... G. V. Foster 411

Clinico-pathological aspects of the neurosyphiliticpsychoses. Kenneth Dewhurst 903

Clubbing associated with myxoedema . . . LATSactivity, exophthalmos and digital . . . PeterBeighton 246

Coagulation, sedimentation and haemolysis. Thetreatment of iron-deficiency anaemia by iron-dextran infusion, with special reference to theeffect on blood grouping ... Berhard Groden,James Whitelaw and George Will 433

Coeliac axis and superior mesenteric artery in fivecases of haemochromatosis with particular regardto the pancreatic circulation. L. A. Scuro,G. Curri, G. Monti, R. Zuin and S. Romani 460

Collaterals, the formation of ... C. T. Dollery 28Congenital shortening of one femur in one identical

twin. C. E. A. Holden 813Contrast radiography of the nasopharynx. GordonEvison 825

Corticotrophin-secreting bronchogenic carci-noma ... effects of different regimes ofmetyraponeon steroid production by a patient with a ...

Judith M. Steel and A. A. H. Lawson 485Classification of ankle fractures-a plea for sim-

plicity in the ... R. S. Phillips, C. J. E. Monk andG. A. Balmer 199

Clinical assessment of lymph-nodes after endolym-phatic radio-iodine . . Difficulty in ... J. Blake 336

Clinical patterns and complications of diabetesmellitus in India. H. B. Lal, A. L. Bahl, R. N.Chugh, K. P. Mathur and A. S. Bhalla 223

Clinical research .. measurements of personalityand attitude ... Isaac Marks 277

Coeliac disease . . . adult ... J. S. Stewart 632Colitis ... Ischaemic . . . B. C. Morson 665Colitis ... The medical treatment of ulcerative ...

Geoffrey Watkinson 696Colitis ... the surgical treatment of ulcerative ...

J. C. Goligher 708Colitis . . . the systemic complications of ulcera-

tive ... G. Watkinson 693Colon ... diverticular disease of the ... T. G. Parks 680Colon syndrome . . . the irritable ... A. M. Connell 668Coma . . . hyperosmolar non-keto-acidotic dia-

betic ... Anthony Martin 218Comments on the incidence and natural history of

gastric and duodenal ulcer. C. N. Pulvertaft 597Complications of diabetes mellitus in India . . .

clinical patterns and . . H. B. Lal, A. L. Bahl,R. N. Chugh, K. P. Mathur and A. S. Bhalla 223

Congenital malformations. A clinico-pathologicalconference held at the Royal Alexandra Hospitalfor Sick Children. Trevor P. Mann 148

Congestive cardiomyopathy ... mitral regurgitationin . . . J. F. Goodwin 62

Constipation: definition and classification. J. M.Hinton and J. E. Lennard-Jones 720

Constipation in childhood. W. Henderson 724Constipation in the elderly. E. Gordon Wilkins 728Coronary crisis . . the management of the ...

J. P. Shillingford 111Coronary disease and diabetes. D. A. Pyke 966

Crohn's Disease: natural history and treatment.J. E. Lennard-Jones

Cushing's syndrome associated with carcinoma ofpancreas. Alaf Khan

Cystic disease of the kidney. Its occurrence in twosiblings ... Medullary ... Satya Paul Handa andRobert Tennant




Deficiency in man ... disaccharidase ... A. M.Dawson 646

Diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis. W. B.Robertson 939

Diabetes-coronary disease and ... D. A. Pyke 966Diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease and pernicious

anaemia. R. C. Turner and Arnold Bloom 555Diabetes mellitus ... the uses of biguanides in ...H. Keen and R. J. Jarrett 466

Diabetes-serum-insulin response to glucose inpancreatic ... S. Bank, W. P. U. Jackson, P.Keller and I. N. Marks 212

Diabetic acidosis . .. plasma ketone level in thediagnosis and treatment of ... M. S. Knapp andMargaret E. Horn 799

Diabetic coma ... hyperosmolar non-keto-acido-tic ... Anthony Martin 218

Diagnosis in a new case of benign duodenocolicfistula ... unusual method of... J. H. P. Cuddi-gan and M. A. Edgar 481

Diagnosis . . . spatial vectorcardiogram inD. Emslie-Smith and K. G. Lowe 39

Diffusing capacity in obstructive lung disease ...distribution of ... William A. Briscoe 16

Difficulty in clinical assessment oflymph-nodes afterendolymphatic radio-iodine. J. Blake 336

Digital clubbing associated with myxoedema-LATS activity, exophthalmos and . . PeterBeighton 246

Digital osteosclerosis ... primary Raynaud's diseaseassociated with sclerodactyly and . D. N.Golding and H. Baker 553

Direct-current countershock on atrial flutter withcomplete heart block in a case of staphylococcalsepticaemia ... effect of... James Buchanan andJ. Weir 811

Disaccharidase deficiency in man. A. M. Dawson 646Disc ... a pre- and post-operative study of forty-

six cases of slipped intervertebral ... G. Harto-Garofalidis, Ch. Rigopoulos, N. Papavassiliousand B. T. Papathanassiou 144

Diverticular disease of the colon. T. G. Parks 680Drugs ... a medical emergency treated by anti-

mitotic ... W. S. B. Lowry 926Drug ... Phenformin as a fibrinolytic ... G. R.Feamley 468

Drugs ... psychotropic. John Hinton 286Duodenal obstruction due to an anomalous portal

vein. V. V. Kakkar and A. M. B. Tompkin 189Duodenal ulcer ... comments on the incidence and

natural history of the gastric and . . C. N.Pulvertaft 597

Duodenal ulcer ... the medical treatment of gastricand ... M. J. S. Langman 603

Duodenocolic fistula . . unusual method ofdiagnosis in a new case of benign ... J. H. P.


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vi Postgraduate Medical Journal

Cuddigan and M. A. Edgar 481Dysplasia presenting as a pyrexia of undetermined

origin in the neonatal period . . . Anhidroticectodermal... J. Mills 193

Ectodermal dysplasia presenting as a pyrexia of un-determined origin in the neonatal period . . .

Anhidrotic... J. Mills 193Ectopic gestation in a tubal stump. S. Krzaniak 191Effect of direct-current countershock on atrial

flutter with complete heart block in a case ofstaphylococcal septicaemia. James Buchananand Ronald J. Weir 811

Effect of different regimes of metyrapone on steroidproduction by a patient with a corticotrophinbronchogenic carcinoma. Judith M. Steel andA. A. H. Lawson 854

Embolism . . . the surgical treatment of acutemassive pulmonary ... H. P. Gautam 971

Emphysema... research into bronchitis and ... C.M. Fletcher, N. L. Jones and E. J. M. Campbell 48

Encephalopathy and thyrotoxicosis ... an associa-tion between Wernicke's. B. A. Enoch andD. M. Williams 923

Encephalopathy . . . penicillin .. . N. Conway,E. Beck and Jane Somerville 891

Encephalopathy ... the pathogenesis and medicaltreatment of hepatic ... A. E. Read 652

Endarterectomy in cerebral vascular disease . . .

carotid... W. Rex Morris 242Endocarditis parietalis fibroplastica (Loffler's

disease). R. C. Jennings and C. D. R. Pengelly 251Endolymphatic radio-iodine ... difficulty in clinical

assessment of lymph-nodes after ... J. Blake 336Enterocyte . . . Enteropoiesis: structural and func-

tional relationships of the ... C. C. Booth 12Enteropoiesis: structural and functional relation-

ships of the enterocyte. C. C. Booth 12Enzyme defects . . . hypothyroidism due to ...

E. M. McGirr and John A. Thomson 398Epidemiological psychiatry . . . recent progress

in ... Brian Cooper 331Epilepsy ... psychiatric aspects of... Donald F.

Scott 319Epping jaundice after two years. Harry Kopelman 78Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in acute gastro-

duodenal haemorrhage. Pyrexia and elevated ...R. S. Chapman and S. D. Mohamed 238

Excretion ... a modified index of phosphate ...B. E. C. Nordin and L. Bulusu 93

Exophthalmos and digital clubbing associated withmyxoedema... LATS activity... Peter Beighton 246

Experiences with carbenicillin in the treatment ofsepticaemia and meningitis. A. E. Richardson,C. R. Spittle, K. W. James and 0. P. W.Robinron 844

Experimental and clinical investigations ... Calci-tonin ... a review of... G. V. Foster 411

Fasting, total, in the treatment of obesity. I. C.Gilliland 58

Fat obtained with a biopsy needle . . . repeatedsamples of... C. G. Hunter and R. R. Kendrick 851

Femur in one identical twin, congenital shorteningof one ... C. E. A. Holden 813

Fibrinolytic drug ... phenformin as a ... G. R.Fearley 468

Fibrosis . . . hepato-lineal . . . without cirrhosis:non-cirrhotic intrahepatic portal hypertension.Sheila Sherlock 109

Fistula ... unusual method of diagnosis in a newcase ofbenign duodenocolic... J. H. P. Cuddiganand M. A. Edgar 481

Fistula with associated carcinoma of the kidney ...

intra-renal arteriovenous... W. J. MacLennanand R. Scott 867

Folic acid ... failure of... to influence mortality ofrats with acute tubular necrosis caused by mer-cury ... I. Taraba and G. M. Bull 116

Forearm blood flow and heart rate after haemor-rhage ... 0. G. Edholm and J. D. Hatcher 35

Foreign bodies and their complications . . . themanagement of oesophageal. R. J. Donnelly andP. B. Deverall 830

Fractured fifth metacarpal ... non-union of a ...

C. P. Broad 819Fractures-a plea for simplicity in the classification

of ankle ... R. S. Phillips, C. J. E. Monk andG. A. Balmer 199

Gallstone pancreatitis ... the pathogenesis of...J. E. Trapnell 497

Gangrene after amputation for peripheral vasculardisease... gas... I. G. Schraibman 551

Gas gangrene after amputation for peripheral vascu-lar disease ... I. G. Schraibman 551

Gastric and duodenal ulcer ... comments on theincidence and natural history of . . . C. N.Pulvertaft 597

Gastric and duodenal ulcer... the medical treat-ment of... M. J. S. Langman 603

Gastric resection and metabolic bone diseaseC. N. Pulvertaft 618

Gastric surgery . . . studies in the absorption andmetabolism of vitamin D after . . . Gilbert R.Thompson 626

Gastric surgery . . . the late results of . . . C. N.Pulvertaft 613

Gastric teratoma. S. R. Meadow 183The gastrocamera. G. D. Hadley 763Gastro-duodenal haemorrhage-pyrexia and eleva-

ted erythrocyte sedimentation rate in acute . . .

R. S. Chapman and S. D. Mohamed 238Gastroenterological problems . . . the application

of motility problems to ... J. J. Misiewicz 749Gastro-intestinal disease. Protein malnutrition in...G. Neale 642

Gastro-intestinal haemorrhage... medical aspectsof... G. N. Chandler 586

Gastro-intestinal haemorrhage... surgical aspectsof... C. G. Clark 590

Gastro-intestinal tract ... autoimmune disease ofthe ... Ralph Wright 765

Gastro-jejunal anastomosis ... recovery of villousarchitecture in gluten enteropathy exacerbatedby... D. G. Weir 234

Geriatrics ... Psychological aspects of... Felix Post 307Gestation in a tubal stump . . . ectopic ... S.

Krzaniak 191

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Index to Volume 44

Glomerulonephritis and parathyroid adenoma ...oliguric ... Jacqueline A. Woolcock and AllenB. Shaw 246

Glucose in 'pancreatic diabetes'-serum-insulinresponse to . . . S. Bank, W. P. U. Jackson,P. Keller and I. N. Marks 212

Glucose tolerance, age and atherosclerosis. K. J.Kingsbury 944

Gluten enteropathy exacerbated by gastro-jejunalanastomosis ... recovery of villous architecturein ... D. G. Weir 234

Granulomatous arteriopathy ... intrahepatic ...H. Fox, M. H. Gleeson and W. F. W. E. Logan 256

Granulosa-cell tumour of the ovary causing sexualprecocity in a girl aged 31 years. Richard H.Parrott 488

Haematoma: presentation and diagnosis on medicalwards . . . subdural . . . M. E. Walker, MichaelEspir and R. H. Shephard 785

Haemochromatosis with particular regard to thepancreatic circulation-arteriography of thecoeliac axis and superior mesenteric artery infive cases of . . . L. A. Scuro, G. Curri, G. Monti,R. Zuin and S. Romani 460

Haemodialysis for carbon tetrachloride poisoning... infectious-mononucleosis-like syndrome fol-lowing... A. T. Proudfoot and R. H. MacDonald 249

Haemolysis . . . the treatment of iron-deficiencyanaemia by iron-dextran infusion, with specialreference to the effect on blood-grouping, coagu-lation, sedimentation and . . . Bernard M.Groden, James Whitelaw and George Will 433

Haemolytic anaemia complicating methyldopatherapy . . . autoimmune . . . Ivor Surveyor,Byron Evans, K. C. Saunders and T. E. Parry 438

Haemorrhage-forearm blood flow and heart rateafter ... 0. G. Edholm and J. D. Hatcher 35

Haemorrhage . . . medical aspects of gastro-intestinal . . . G. N. Chandler 586

Haemorrhage . . . surgical aspects of gastro-intestinal ... C. G. Clark 590

Haemorrhage-pyrexia and elevated erythrocytesedimentation rate in acute gastro-duodenal . . .R. S. Chapman and S. D. Mohamed 238

Hard and soft osteo-arthritis. C. P. Broad 848Heart block in a case of staphylococcal septi-caemia . . . effect of direct-current countershockon atrial flutter with complete . . . JamesBuchanan and Ronald J. Weir 811

Heart disease . . . the value of praecordial pulsa-tions in the diagnosis of ... Patrick Mounsey 81

Heart rate . . . forearm blood flow and-afterhaemorrhage. 0. G. Edholm and J. D. Hatcher 35

Heart size in thyrotoxicosis. J. S. Staffurth andN. D. W. Morrison 885

Hepatic encephalopathy ... the pathogenesis andmedical treatment of . .. A. E. Read 625

Hepatitis ... recent trends in acute viral ... StuartJ. Saunders 102

Hepato-lineal fibrosis without cirrhosis: non-cirrhotic intrahepatic portal hypertension. SheilaSherlock 109

Hernia ... hiatal ... James S. Davidson 579Hernia . . . preoperative diagnosis of strangulated

obdurator hernia . . . Emmanuel QuayeArchampong 140

Herniation into the pericardial sac ... traumatic ...Patrick W. Davis 875

Hiatal hernia. James S. Davidson 579Hormone secretion and associated myopathy ...

carcinoma with multiple ectopic . . . Derek R.Cullen and Bernard E. Tomlinson 472

Hospital . . . the role of the psychiatrist in thegeneral ... A. H. Crisp 267

Human growth hormone . . . standard proceduresfor assessing hypersecretion or secretory capacityfor . . . using the radioimmunoassay. RussellFraser and A. D. Wright 53

Hyperemesis gravidarum . . . a case of acutehyperparathyroidism, with thyrotoxicosis andpancreatitis, presenting as . . . M. A. 0.Soyannwo, M. G. McGeown, M. Bell and T. G.Milliken 861

Hyperglobulinaemia in association with rheuma-toid arthritis and ulcerative colitis ... purpura ...E. N. Wardle 443

Hyperglycaemia-the effect of treatment ofmoderate ... on the incidence of arterial disease.H. Keen, R. J. Jarrett, C. Chlouverakis andD. R. Boyns 960

Hypernephroma . . . sideropenic anaemia withreticulo-endothelial siderosis in a case of . . .

K. Chatterjee and G. E. MacLellan 259Hyperosmolar non-keto-acidotic diabetic coma. A

report of three cases and review of the literature.Anthony Martin 218

Hyperparathyroidism, with thyrotoxicosis andpancreatitis, presenting as hyperemesis gravi-darum. A case of acute ... M. A. 0. Soyannwo,Mary G. McGeown, M. Bell and T. G. Milliken 861

Hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis. W. B.Robertson 939

Hypertension ... propranolol in ... S. N. Tewariand R. H. E. Grant 509

Hypersecretion or secretory capacity for humangrowth hormone, standard procedures for assess-ing . . . using the radioimmunoassay. RussellFraser and A. D. Wright 53

Hypertension . . . hepato-lineal fibrosis withoutcirrhosis: non-cirrhotic intrahepatic portal . . .

Sheila Sherlock 109Hypertension, severe, some aspects of the long-term treatment of . . . with methyldopa. M.Hamilton 66

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism . . . bio-chemistry of . .. Frederic L. Hoch 347

Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy .systolic murmur in . . . and the nature of theobstruction. M. Nellen and M. S. Gotsman 89

Hyperthyroidism . . . the aetiology and patho-genesis of ... Basil S. Hetzel 363

Hypothyroidism . . . biochemistry of hyperthyroid-ism and ... Frederic L. Hoch 347

Hypothyroidism due to enzyme defects. E. M.McGirr and John A. Thomson 398


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viii Postgraduate Medical Journal

Hypothyroidism in one ofmonozygotic twins. M. C.Moncrieff and R. G. McArthur 423

Incidence and natural history of gastric andduodenal ulcer . . comments on the ... C. N.Pulvertaft 597

Incompetence due to right ventricular papillarymuscle dysfunction ... tricuspid . . . Anne E.Tattersfield 254

Inco-ordination of oesophageal motor activity.M. Atkinson 575

Infancy . . . bone sclerosis in . . . Joan M. R.MacCarthy 908

Infarction ... cardiac aneurysm after myocardial... Bernard M. Groden, Wilson B. James andIan McDicken 775

Infectious diseases: annual review of significantpublications. Hobart A. Reimann 517

Infectious-mononucleosis-like syndrome followinghaemodialysis for carbon tetrachloride poisoning.A. T. Proudfoot and R. H. MacDonald 249

Inherited disease . . . some studies on using thetechniques of cell culture. A. G. Beam 9

Insecticides . . . bilateral retrobulbar neuritis due to... H. E. Jindal 341

Insulin response to glucose in 'pancreatic diabetes'. . serum . . . S. Bank, W. P. U. Jackson, P.Keller and I. N. Marks 212

Insulin antagonism. Synalbumin ... J. Vallance-Owen 117

Intestinal disease . . . protein malnutrition ingastro-... G. Neale 642

Intestinal haemorrhage . . . medical aspects ofgastro-. G. N. Chandler 586

Intestinal haemorrhage . . . surgical aspects ofgastro-... C. G. Clark 590

Intestinal tract . . . autoimmune disease of thegastro-... Ralph Wright 765

Intrahepatic granulomatous arteriopathy. H. Fox,M. H. Gleeson and W. F. W. E. Logan 256

Intrahepatic . . . hepato-lineal fibrosis withoutcirrhosis: non-cirrhotic intrahepatic portal hy-pertension ... Sheila Sherlock 109

Intralobar pulmonary sequestration . . . unusualpresentation of. . . H. B. Lal, A. L. Bahl, S.Mukherjee, P. N. Dhawad and A. K. Sharma 479

Intra-renal arterio-venous fistula with associatedcarcinoma of the kidney. W. J. MacLennan andR. Scott 867

Intravertebral disc . . . a pre- and post-operativestudy of forty-six cases of slipped intervertebraldisc. G. Harto-Garofalidis, Ch. Rigopoulos, N.Papavassiliou and B. T. Papathanassiou 144

Investigation of portal hypertension. M. S.Losowsky 657

Iodine balance in man. Michael T. Harrison 69Iron-deficiency anaemia by iron-dextran, with

special reference to the effect on blood-grouping,coagulation, sedimentation and haemolysis, thetreatment of . . . Bernard M. Groden, JamesWhitelaw and George Will 433

Ischaemic colitis. B. C. Morson 665Jaundice after two years . . . Epping . . . HarryKopelman 78

Joint meniscectomy operation ... a simplication ofthe knee- ... S. S:hwartz 212

'Ketone' level in the diagnosis and treatment ofdiabetic acidosis. M. S. Knapp and Margaret E.Horn 799

Kidney . . . intra-renal arterio-venous fistula withassociated carcinoma of the . .. W. J. Mac-Lennan and R. Scott 867

Kidney: its occurrence in two siblings... medullarycystic disease of the . . . Satya Paul Handa andRobert Tennant 792

Knee-joint meniscectomy operation-a simplifica-tion of the ... S. Schwartz 212

LATS activity, exophthalmos and digital clubbingassociated with myxoedema. Peter Beighton 426

Lead poisoning in childhood. D. Barltrop 537Leukaemia ... Lymphosarcoma during the course

of myeloid ... J. J. Taylor and D. W. Evans 563'Little strokes' ... the differential diagnosis of...John Marshall 543

Liver disease ... the widening spectrum of neuro-logical damage in ... Roger Williams and P. J.Toghill 173

(Loffler's disease)-Endocarditis parietalis fibro-plastica . . . R. C. Jennings and C. D. E.Pengelly 251

Lung ... Regional differences in the... John B.West 120

Lung disease . . . distribution of diffusing capacityin obstructive .. . William A. Briscoe 16

Lung with the carcinoid syndrome . . . a case ofoat-cell carcinoma of the... M. Govindaraj 815

Lymph-nodes after endolymphatic radio-iodine ...

difficulty in clinical assessment of... J. Blake 336Lymphosarcoma during the course of myeloidleukaemia... J. J. Taylor and D. W. Evans 563

Major vascular complications in Behcet's syn-drome. H. Anthony Enoch, J. L. Castillo-Olivares, T. C. L. Khoo, R. G. Grainger andL. Henry 453

Malnutrition in gastro-intestinal disease . . .

protein . . . G. Neale 642Measurement of personality and attitude: applica-

tions to clinical research. Isaac Marks 277Mediators . . . chemical in the central nervoussystem ... P. K. Lahiri and P. Sen 167

Medical aspects of gastro-intestinal haemorrhage.G. N. Chandler 586

Medical treatment of hepatic encephalopathy ...the pathogenesis and ... A. E. Read 652

Medullary cystic disease of the kidney: its occur-rence in two siblings. Satya Paul Handa andRobert Tennant 792

Melkersson's syndrome-observations on . . .

George A. Scott 447Meningitis ... experiences with carbenicillin in the

treatment of septicaemia and ... A. E. Richard-son, C. R. Spittle, K. W. James and 0. P. W.Robinson 844

Meningitis due to Streptococcus agalactiae . . .

neonatal . . . H. Everley Jones and C. H. L.Howells 549

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Index to Volume 44ix

Meniscectomy operation ... a simplification of theknee-joint. S. Schwartz 212

Mercury . . . failure of folic acid to influencemortality of rats with acute tubular necrosiscaused by ... I. Taraba and G. M. Bull 116

Mesenteric arteriography ... pancreatic and ...E. Herlinger 755

Mesenteric artery in five cases ofhaemochromatosiswith particular regard to the pancreatic circula-tion. Arteriography of the coeliac and superior...L. A. Scuro, G. Curri, G. Monti, R. Zuin andS. Romani 460

Metabolic bone disease . . . gastric resection and. . C. N. Pulvertaft 618

Metabolism of angiotensin-studies on the . . .

Austin E. Doyle 31Metabolism of vitamin D after gastric surgery ...

studies in the absorption and . . . Gilbert R.Thompson 626

Metabolism . . . the regulation of cholesterol ...

N. B. Myant 86Metacarpal ... non-union of a fractured fifth ...

C. P. Broad 819Metyrapone on steroid production by a patient

with a corticotrophin secreting bronchogeniccarcinoma ... effects of different regimes of...Judith M. Steel and A. A. H. Lawson 485

McMichael . . . Festschrift for Sir John. C. E.Newman 5

Methyldopa . . . some aspects of the long-termtreatment of severe hypertension with . . .

M. Hamilton 66Methyldopa therapy. Autoimmune haemolyticanaemia complicating ... Ivor Surveyor, ByronEvans, K. C. Saunders and T. E. Parry 438

Mitotic drugs ... a medical emergency treated byanti-... W. S. B. Lowry 926

Mitral regurgitation in congestive cardiomyopathy.J. F. Goodwin 62

Mononucleosis-like syndrome following haemo-dialysis for carbon tetrachloride po:soning . . .

infectious . . . A. R. Proudfoot and R. H.MacDonald 249

Monozygotic twins ... hypothyroidism in one of... M. W. Moncrieffand R. G. McArthur 423

Motility studies to gastroenterological problems ...

the application of ... J. J. Misiewicz 749Motor activity ... inco-ordination of oesophageal

... M. Atkinson 575Multisystem interests . . . John McMichael's ...D. Geraint James and 0. P. Sharma 71

Murmur... systolic... in hypertrophic obstructivecardiomyopathy and the nature of the obstruc-tion. M. Nellen and M. S. Gotsman 89

Muscle disease ... thyrotoxic ... Ian Ramsay 385Muscle dysfunction ... tricuspid incompetence due

to right ventricular papillary . . . Anne E.Tattersfield 254

Muscle necrosis and acute renal failure in carbonmonoxide poisoning ... A. L. Linton, J. HumeAdams and D. H. Lawson 338

Muscle . .. studies on the action of bronchi l ...John Crofton 26

Myeloid leukaemia ... lymphosarcoma during thecourse of... J. J. Taylor and D. W. Evans 563

Myelomatosis ... the management of... A. F.Broad, E. W. Emery, J. N. Godlee and T. A. J.Prankerd 803

Myocardial infarction ... cardiac aneurysm after. . Bernard M. Groden, Wilson B. James andIan McDicken 775

Myopathy... Carcinoma with multiple ectopic hor-mone secretion and associated . . . Derek R.Cullen and Bernard E. Tomlinson 472

Myxoedema. LATS activity, exophthalmos anddigital clubbing associated with . . . PeterBeighton 246

Nasopharynx . . . contrast radiography of the ...

Gordon Evison 825Natural history and treatment ... Crohn's disease

... J. E. Lennard-Jones 674Natural history of gastric and duodenal ulcers ...comments on the incidence and . . . C. N.Pulvertaft 597

Necrosis... analgesic nephropathy and papillary ...

Priscilla Kincaid-Smith 807Necrosis and acute renal failure in carbon mon-

oxide poisoning . . . muscle . . . A. L. Linton,J. Hume Adams and D. H. Lawson 338

Necrosis . . . failure of folic acid to influencemortality of rats with acute tubular ... causedby mercury. I. Taraba and G. M. Bull 116

Neonatal meningitis due to Streptococcus agalactiae.H. Everley Jones and G. H. L. Howells 549

Neonatal period . . . anhidrotic ectodermal dys-plasia presenting as a pyrexia of undeterminedorigin in the... J. Mills 193

Nephropathy and papillary necrosis ... analgesic... Priscilla Kincaid-Smith 807

Nephropathy and viroses. Hobart A. Reimann 844Nephrotic syndrome in Idaban, Nigeria: a pros-

pective study of 135 cases . . . adult ... 0. 0.Akinkugbe and Mollie Hunton 903

Neuritis due to insecticides . . . bilateral retro-bulbar... H. R. Jindal 341

Neurological damage in liver disease . . . thewidening spectrum of... Roger Williams andP. J. Toghill 173

Neurosyphilitic psychoses ... clinico-pathologicalaspects of the ... Kenneth Dewhurst 898

Non-union of a fractured fifth metacarpal... C. P.Broad 819

Oat-cell carcinoma of the lung with the carcinoidsyndrome ... a case of... M. Govindaraj 815

Obesity . . . total fasting in the treatment of...I. C. Gilliland 58

Observations on Melkersson's syndrome. GeorgeA. Scott 447

Obstruction due to an anomalous portal vein ...duodenal... V. V. Kakkar and A. M. B. Tomp-kin 189

Obstructive cardiomyopathy . . . the systolicmurmur in ... and the nature of the obstruction.M. Nellen and M. S. Gotsman 89

Obturator hernia . . . preoperative diagnosis ofstrangulated ... Emmanuel Quaye Archampong 140

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x Postgraduate Medical Journal

Oesophageal foreign bodies and their complications... the management of ... R. J. Donnelly andP. B. Deverall 830

Oesophagus-'Spontaneous' rupture of the healthy... P. J. Toghill, C. F. MacGuire and P. S. Raut 504

Oliguric glomerulonephritis and parathyroid ade-noma. Jacqueline A. Woolcock and Allen B.Shaw 246

Oliver and Schafer's discovery of the cardiovascularaction of suprarenal extract. H. Barcroft andJ. F. Talbot 6

Oesophageal motor activity ... inco-ordination of... M. Atkinson 575

Oesophageal pain. John R. Bennett 571Osteo-arthritis ... hard and soft. C. P. Broad 848Osteomalacia and osteoporosis. D. B. Morgan 621Osteoplastica... tracheopathia. H. P. Gautam 186Osteoporosis . . . osteomalacia and . . . D. B.Morgan 621

Osteosclerosis . . . primary Raynaud's diseaseassociated with sclerodactyly and digital . . .

D. W. Golding and H. Baker 553Ovary causing sexual precocity in a girl aged 34

years . . . granulosa-cell tumour of the . . .

Richard H. Parrott 488Oxford study-blood sugars, vascular abnormali-

ties and survival-the Oxford Study after 17years. J. B. O'Sullivan, J. Cosgrove and D.McCaughan 955

Pain ... oesophageal... John R. Bennett 571Pain ... psychological aspects of... H. Merskey 297Pancreatic circulation. Arteriopathy of the coeliac

axis and superior mesenteric artery in five casesof haemochromatosis with particular regard tothe... L. A. Scuro, G. Curri, R. Zuin, S. Romaniand G. Monti 460

Pancreatic and mesenteric arteriography. E.Herlinger 755

Pancreatic disease: surgical aspects. A. V. Pollock 737Pancreatitis: medical aspects . . . chronic . . .

Henry T. Howat 733Pancreatitis, presenting as hyperemesis gravi-darum ... a case of acute hyperparathyroidism,with thyrotoxicosis and ... M. A. O. Soyannwo,M. G. McGeown, M. Bell and T. G. Milliken 861

Pancreatitis ... the pathogenesis of gallstone ...J. E. Trapnell 497

Parathyroid adenoma . . . oliguric glomerulone-phritis and . . . Jacqueline A. Woolcock andAllen B. Shaw 246

'Pancreatic diabetes' . . . serum-insulin response toglucose in . . . S. Hank, W. P. U. Jackson, P.Keller and I. N. Marks 212

Pancreas .. . Cushing's syndrome associated withcarcinoma of . . . B. A. Enoch and D. M.Williams 925

Papillary necrosis . . . analgesic nephropathy . ..Priscilla Kincaid-Smith 807

Pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism ... the aetiologyand... Basil S. Hetzel 363

Pathological aspects of the neurosyphilitic psy-choses ... clinico-... Kenneth Dewhurst 898

Penetrating injuries of the abdomen and thorax ...

stab-wounds and other. J. B. Garland 127Penicillin encephalopathy. N. Conway, E. Beckand Jane Somerville 891

Peptic ulcer ... the surgical treatment of... Iain E.Gillespie 608

Peptide-secreting adenomata with special referenceto the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. W. Sircus 742

Pericardial sac . . . traumatic herniation intothe... Patrick W. Davis 875

Peripheral vascular disease . . . gas gangrene afteramputation for ... I. G. Schraibman 551

Pernicious anaemia ... diabetes mellitus, Addison'sdisease ... R. C. Turner and Arnold Bloom 555

Personality and attitude: applications to clinicalresearch ... measurements of... Isaac Marks. 277

Phenformin as a fibrinolytic drug. G. R. Fearley 468Phosphate excretion ... a modified index of...

B. E. C. Nordin and L. Bulusu 93Plasma 'ketone' level in the diagnosis and treatmentof diabetic acidosis. M. S. Knapp and MargaretE. Horn 799

Pneumonic aspergillosis complicating healed tuber-culosis. E. Freeman 181

Poisoning-infectious-mononucleosis-like syn-drome following haemodialysis for carbon tetra-chloride. A. T. Proudfoot and R. H. MacDonald 249

Poisoning in childhood-lead-. D. Barltrop 537Poisoning-muscle necrosis and acute renal failure

in carbon monoxide ... A. L. Linton, J. HumeAdams and D. H. Lawson 338

Portal hypertension-hepato-lineal fibrosis withoutcirrhosis: non-cirrhotic intrahepatic. SheilaSherlock 109

Portal hypertension ... investigation of... M. S.Losowsky 657

Portal vein... duodenal obstruction due to an ano-malous ... V. V. Kakkar and A. M. B. Tompkin 189

Praecordial pulsations in health and disease.Patrick Mounsey 134

Praecordial pulsations in the diagnosis of heartdisease ... the value of... Patrick Mounsey 81

Precocity in a girl aged 34 years . . granulosa-celltumour of the ovary causing sexual ... RichardParrott 488

Pregnancy-renal disease in. K. F. Fairley andPriscilla Kincaid-Smith 45

Pregnant immigrants . . . sickle-cell disease in ...A. E. R. Buckle 836

Preoperative diagnosis of strangulated obturatorhernia. Emmanuel Quaye Archampong 140

Pre-operative sedatives-a study of . . . JamesParkhouse and Jean Mahoney 229

Present treatment of breast cancer. J. L. Grogono 501Primary Raynaud's disease associated with schlero-

dactyly and digital osteosclerosis. D. B. Goldingand H. Baker 553

Propranolol in hypertension. S. N. Tewari andR. H. E Grant 509

Protein malnutrition in gastro-intestinal disease.G. Neale 642

Psychiatric aspects of epilepsy. Donald F. Scott 319Psychiatrist in the general hospital-the role ofthe... A. H. Crisp 267

Page 16: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Index to Volume 44 xi

Psychiatry-recent progress in epidemiological.Brian Cooper 331

Psychological aspects of geriatrics. Felix Post 307Psychological aspects of pain. H. Merskey 297Psychoses . . . clinico-pathological aspects of the

neuro-syphilitic. Kenneth Dewhurst 898Psychotropic drugs. John Hinton 286Pulmonary aspergillosis in two families. R. H.

Ellis 178Pulmonary embolism. The surgical treatment of

acute massive ... H. P. Gautam 917Pulmonary sequestration ... unusual presentation

of intralobar . . . H. B. Lal, A. L. Vahl, S.Mukherjee, P. N. Dhawad, A. K. Sharma andG. S. Sarin 479

Pulsations in health and disease-praecordial ...Patrick Mounsey 134

Pulsations in the diagnosis of heart disease ... thevalue of praecordial. Patrick Mounsey 81

Purpura hyperglobulinaemia in association withrheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis. E. N.Wardle 443

Pyrexia and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation ratein acute gastro-duodenal haemorrhage. R. S.Chapman and S. D. Mohamed 238

Pyrexia of undetermined origin in the neonatalperiod. Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia pre-senting as a ... J. Mills 193

Radiography of the nasopharynx . . . contrast.Gordon Evison 825

Radioimmunoassay. Standard procedures forassessing. Russell Fraser and A. D. Wright 53

Radio-iodine-difficulty in clinical assessment oflymph-nodes after endolymphatic. J. Blake 336

Rats-failure of folic acid to influence mortalityof . . . with acute tubular necrosis caused bymercury. I. Taraba and G. M. Bull 116

Raynaud's disease associated with schlerodactylyand digital osteosclerosis ... Primary ... D. N.Golding and H. Baker 553

Recent progress in epidemiological psychiatry.Brian Cooper 331

Recovery of villous architecture in gluten entero-pathy exacerbated by gastro-jejunal anastomosis.D. G. Weir 234

Regional differences in the lung. John B. West 120Regurgitation, mitral-in congestive cardiomyo-

pathy. J. F. Goodwin 62Renal arterio-venous fistula with associated carci-noma of the kidney. Intra- ... W. J. MacLennanand R. Scott 867

Renal artery stenosis due to abdominal aorticaneurysm. M. N. Lowenthal, S. A. Doctor andJ. Fine 928

Renal disease in pregnancy. K. F. Fairley andPriscilla Kincaid-Smith 45

Renal failure in carbon monoxide poisoning-muscle necrosis and acute . . . A. L. Linton,J. Hume Adams and D. H. Lawson 338

Repeated samples of fat obtained with a biopsyneedle. C. G. Hunter and R. R. Kendrick 852

Research-measurements of personality and atti-tude: applications to clinical. . . Isaac Marks 277

Resection and metabolic bone disease . . . gastricC. N. Pulvertaft 618

Reticulo-endothelial siderosis in a case of hyper-nephroma sideropenic anaemia with ... K. Chat-terjee and G. F. MacLellan 259

Retrobulbar neuritis due to insecticides . . . bi-lateral... H. R. Jindal 341

Rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis. Purpurahyperglobulinaemia in association with ... E. N.Wardle 443

Rhinolith. A brief review of the literature and acase report. P. T. Marfatia 478

Right ventricular papillary muscle dysfunction-tricuspid incompetence due to . . . Ann E.Tattersfield 254

Rupture of the healthy oesophagus-'spontaneous'... P. J. Toghill, C. F. Maguire and P. S. Raut 504

Sarcoidosis-A 'burnt-out' case of . . . J. G.S:adding 105

Schafer's (and Oliver) discovery of the cardio-vascular action of suprarenal extract. H. Barcroftand J. E. Talbot 6

Sclerodactyly and digital osteosclerosis ... primaryRaynaud's disease associated with . . . D. N.Golding and H. Baker 553

Sclerosis in infancy . . . bone . . . Joan M. R.MacCarthy 908

Secretory capacity for human growth hormone-standard procedures for assessing hypersecretionor . . . using the radioimmunoassay. RussellFraser and A. D. Wright 53

Sedimentation, haemolysis, the treatment of irondeficiency anaemia by iron-dextran infusion,with special reference to the effect on blood-grouping, coagulation ... Bernard M. Groden,James Whitelaw and George Will 433

Sedatives-a study of pre-operative . . . JamesParkhouse and Joan Mahoney 229

Septicaemia and meningitis . . . experience withcarbenicillin in the treatment of . . . A. E.Richardson, C. R. Spittle, K. W. James andO. P. W. Robinson 844

Sequestration . . . unusual presentation of intra-lobar pulmonary ... H. B. Lal, A. L. Bahl, S.Mukherjee, P. N. Dhawad, A. K. Sharma andG. S. S rin 479

Serum cholesterol levels in anorexia nervosa. L. M.Blendis and A. H. Crisp 327

Serum-insulin response to glucose in 'pancreaticdiabetes'. S. Bank, W. P. U. Jackson, P. Kellerand I. N. Marks 214

Sexual precocity in a girl aged 31 years . . . granu-losa-cell tumour of the ovary causing . ..

Richard H. Parrott 488Sickle-cell disease in pregnant immigrants. A. E. R.Buckle 836

Sideropenic anaemia with reticulo-endothelialsiderosis in a case of hypernephroma. K.Chatterjee and G. E. MacLellan 259

Slipped intervertebral disc. A pre- and post-opera-tive study of 46 cases of... G. Harto-Garofalidis,Ch. Rigopoulos, N. Papavassiliou and B. T.Papathanassiou 144

Page 17: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

xii Postgraduate Medical Journal

Spatial vectorcardiogram in diagnosis. D. Emslie-Smith and K. G. Lowe 39

'Spontaneous' rupture of the healthy oesophagus.P. J. Toghill, C. F. Macguire and P. S. Raut 504

Stab-wounds and other penetrating injuries of theabdomen and thorax. J. B. Garland 127

Stenosis due to abdominal aortic aneurysm. Renalartery ... M. N. Lowenthal, S. A. Doctor andJ. Fine 928

Steroid production by a patient with a corticotrophinsecreting bronchogenic carcinoma . . . effectsof different regimes of metyrapone on ... JudithM. Steel and A. A. H. Lawson 485

Strangulated obturator hernia-preoperative diag-nosis of... Emmanuel Quaye Archampong 140

Streptococcus agalactiae . . . neonatal meningitisdue to ... H. Everley Jones and C. H. L. Howells 549

Studies in the absorption and metabolism ofvitaminD after gastric surgery. Gilbert R. Thompson 626

Subdural haematoma: presentation and diagnosison medical wards. M. E. Walder, Michael Espirand R. H. Shephard 785

Sugars-blood-, vascular abnormalities andsurvival-the Oxford study after 17 years. J. B.O'Sullivan, J. Cosgrove and D. McCaughan 955

Superior mesenteric artery in five cases of haemo-chromatosis with particular regard to thepancreatic circulation-arteriography of thecoeliac axis and ... L. A. Scuro, G. Curri, G.Monti, R. Zuin and S. Romani 460

Suprarenal extract-Oliver and Schafer's discoveryof the cardiovascular action of. H. Barcroft andJ. E. Talbot 6

Surgeon's viewpoint. R. C. F. Catterall 969Surgery . . . studies in the absorption and metabo-

lism of vitamin D after gastric . . . Gilbert R.Thompson 626

Surgery . . . the late results of gastric . . . C. N.Pulvertaft 613

Surgical aspects of gastro-intestinal haemorrhage.C. G. Clark 590

Survival-blood sugars, vascular abnormalities and. . . the Oxford study after 17 years. J. B.O'Sullivan, J. Cosgrove and D. McCaughan 955

Synalbumin insulin antagonism. J. Vallance-Owen 117Systolic murmur in hypertrophic obstructive cardio-myopathy and the nature of the obstruction.M. Nellen and M. S. Gotsman 89

Teratoma-gastric. S. R. Meadow 183Tetracycline ... a death from. Gillian C. Hanson 870The aetiology and pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism.

Basil S. Hetzel 363The application of motility studies to gastroentero-

logical problems. J. J. Misiewicz 749The different diagnosis of 'little strokes'. John

Marshall 543The irritable colon syndrome. A. M. Connell 668The late results of gastric surgery. C. N. Pulvertaft 613The management of myelomatosis. A. F. Broad,

E. W. Emery, J. N. Godlee and T. A. J.Prankerd 803

The management of oesophageal fo reign bodies andtheir complications. R. J. Donnelly, andP. B. Deverall 830

The medical treatment of gastric and duodenalulcer. M. J. S. Langman 603

The medical treatment of ulcerative colitis.Geoffrey Watkinson 696

The pathogenesis and medical treatment of hepaticencephalopathy. A. E. Read 652

The pathogenesis of gallstone pancreatitis. J. E.Trapnell 497

The role of the psychiatrist in the general hospital.A. H. Crisp 267

The surgical treatment of peptic ulcer. Iain E.Gillespie 608

The surgical treatment of acute massive pulmonaryembolism. H. P. Gautam 917

The surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis. J. C.Goligher 708

The systemic complications of ulcerative colitis.Geoffrey Watkinson 693

The treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia by iron-dextran infusion, with special reference to theeffect on blood grouping, coagulation, sedimenta-tion and haemolysis. Bernard M. Groden, JamesWhitelaw and George Will 433

The uses of biguanides in diabetes mellitus. H. Keenand R. J. Jarrett 466

The widening spectrum of neurological damage inliver disease. Roger Williams and P. J. Toghill 173

Thorax-stab wounds and other penetrating in-juries of the abdomen and . . . J. B. Garland 127

Thyroid and adrenal relationships. Victor Parsonsand Ian Ramsay 377

Thyroid carcinoma and its treatment. SelwynTaylor 404

Thyroid function-the Achilles tendon reflex as anindex of... George Nuki and R. I. S. Bayliss 97

Thyrotoxic muscle disease. Ian Ramsay 385Thyrotoxicosis . . . an association betweenWericke's encephalopathy and ... B. A. Enochand D. M. Williams 923

Thyrotoxicosis and pancreatitis, presenting ashyperemesis gravidarum . . . a case of acutehyperparathyroidism with . . . M. A. O.Soyannwo, M. G. McGeown, M. Bell and T. G.Milliken 861

Thyrotoxicosis ... heart size in ... J. S. Staffurthand N. D. W. Morrison 885

Tracheopathia osteoplastica. H. P. Gautam 186Traumatic herniation into the pericardial sac.

Patrick W. Davis 875Tricuspid incompetence due to right ventricular

papillary muscle dysfunction. Anne E. Tattersfield 254Tubal stump-ectopic gestation in ... S. Krzaniak 191Tuberculosis-pneumonic aspergillosis complicat-

ing healed ... E. Freeman 181Tubular, acute-insufficiency. A. M. Joekes 75Tubular-failure of folic acid to influence mortality

of rats with acute... necrosis caused by mercury.I. Taraba and G. M. Bull 116

Tumour of the ovary causing sexual precocity in agirl aged 3J years ... granulosa cell ... RichardH. Parrott 488

Page 18: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Index to Volume 44 xiii

Twins-Hypothyroidism in one of monozygotictwins... M. W. Moncrieff and R. G. Arthur 423

Ulcerative colitis: definition, historical background,aetiology, diagnosis, natural history and localcomplications. F. T. de Dombal 684

Ulcerative colitis-purpura hyperglobulinaemiain association with rheumatoid arthritis and ...E. N. Wardle 433

Ulcerative colitis-The medical treatment of ...Geoffrey Watkinson 696

Ulcerative colitis ... the surgical treatment of...J. C. Goligher 708

Ulcerative colitis ... the systemic complications of. . Geoffrey Watkinson 693

Ulcer ... comments on the incidence and naturalhistory of gastric and duodenal . . . C. N.Pulvertaft 597

Ulcer . . . the medical treatment of gastric andduodenal... M. J. S. Langman 603

Ulcer... the surgical treatment of peptic... Iain E.Gillespie 608

Unusual method of diagnosis in a new case ofbenign duodenocolic fistula . . . J. H. P.Cuddigan and M. A. Edgar 481

Unusual presentation of intralobar pulmonarysequestration. H. B. Lal, A. B. Bahl, S.Mukherjee, P. N. Dhawad, A. K. Sharma andG. S. Sarin 479

Vascular abnormalities-blood sugars-and sur-vival-the Oxford study after 17 years. J. B.O'Sullivan, J. Cosgrove and D. McCaughan 955

Vascular complications in Behget's syndrome ...

major . . . B. Anthony Enoch, J. L. Castillo-Olivares, T. C. Khoo, R. G. Grainger and L.Henry 453

Vascular disease-gas gangrene after amputation forperipheral. I. G. Schraibman 551

Vectorcardiogram-spatial-in diagnosis. D.Emslie-Smith and K. G. Lowe 39

Venous fistula with associated carcinoma of thekidney-intra-renal arterio- . . . W. J. Mac-Lennan and R. Scott 867

Villous architecture in gluten enteropathy exacer-bated by gastro-jejunal anastomosis. D. G. Weir 1234

Viral hepatitis-recent trends in acute ... Stuart J.Saunders 102

Viroses . . . nephropathy and . . . Hobart A.Reimann 844

Vitamin D after gastric surgery-studies in theabsorption and metabolism of . . . G. R.Thompson 626

Wemicke's encephalopathy and thyrotoxicosis association between . . . B. A. Enoch andD. M. Williams 923

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome ... peptide-secretingadenomata with special reference to the . . .

W. Sircus 742

Author IndexPage

Akinkugbe, 0.0. (and Hunton, Mollie): Adultnephrotic syndrome in Ibadan, Nigeria: a pros-pective study of 135 cases 903

Archampong, E.Q.: Preoperative diagnosis ofstrangulated obturator hernia 104

Atkinson, M.: Inco-ordination of oesophagealmotor activity 575

Bahl, A.L., (Lal, H.B., Chugh, R.N., Mathur, K.P.and Bhalla, A.S.): Clinical patterns and complica-tions of diabetes mellitus in India 223

Bahl, A.L., (Lal, H.B., Mukherjee, S., Dhawad,P.N., Sharma, A.K. and Sarin G.S.): Unusualpresentation of intralobar pulmonary sequestra-tion 479

Baker, H. (and Golding, D.N.): Primary Raynaud'sdisease associated with sclerodactyly and digitalosteosclerosis 553

Balmer, G.A., (Phillips, R.S. and Monk, C.J.E.):A plea for simplicity in the classification ofankle fractures 199

Bank, S., (Jackson, W.P.U., Keller, P. and Marks,I.N.): Serum-insulin response to glucose in'Pancreatic diabetes' 214

Barcroft, H. (and Talbot, J.F.): Oliver andSchafer's discovery of the cardiovascular actionof suprarenal extract 6

Barltrop, D.: Lead poisoning in childhood 537Bayliss, R.I.S. (and Nuki, G.): The Achilles tendon

reflex as an index of thyroid function 97

PageBeam, A.G.: Some studies on inherited disease

using the techniques of cell culture 9Beck, E., (Conway, N. and S :merville, J.): Penicillin

encephalopathy 891Beighton, P.: LATS activity, exophthalmos and

digital clubbing associated with myxoedema 426Bell, M., (Soyannwo, M.A.O., McGeown, M.G.and Milliken, T.G.): A case of acute hyperpara-thyroidism, with thyrotoxicosis and pancreatitis,presenting as hyperemesis gravidarum 861

Bennett, J.R.: Oesophageal pain 571Bhalla, A.S., (Lal, H.B., Bahl, A.L., Chugh, R.N.and Mathur, K.P.): Clinical patterns and com-plications of diabetes mellitus in India 223

Blake, J.: Difficulty in clinical assessment oflymph-nodes after endolymphatic radio-iodine 336

Blendis, L. M. (and Crisp, A.H.): Serum cholesterollevels in anorexia nervosa 237

Bloom, A. (and Turner, R.C.): Diabetesmellitus, Addison's disease and perniciousanaemia 555

Booth, C.C.: Enteropoiesis: structural and func-tional relationships of the enterocyte 12

Boyns, D.R., (Keen, H., Jarrett, R.J. andChlouverakis, C.): The effect of treatment ofmoderate hyperglycaemia on the incidence ofarterial disease 960

Briscoe, W.A.: Distribution of diffusing capacityin obstructive lung disease 16

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xiv Postgraduate Medical Journal

Broad, A.F., (Emery, E.W., Godlee, J.N. andPrankerd, T.A.J.): The management of myelo-matosis 803

Broad, C.P.: Non-union of a fractured fifth meta-carpal 817

Broad, C.P.: Hard and soft osteo-arthritis 848Buchanan, J. (and Weir, R.J.): Effect of direct-

current countershock on atrial flutter withcomplete heart block in a case of staphylococcalsepticaemia 811

Buckle, A.E.R.: Sickle-cell disease in pregnantimmigrants 836

Bull, G.M. (and Taraba, I.): Failure of folic acidto influence mortality of rats with acute tubularnecrosis caused by mercury 116

Bulusu, L. (and Nordin, B.E.C.): A modified indexof phosphate excretion 93

Bywaters, E.G.L.: The Cheshire Cat Syndrome 19

Campbell, E.J.M., (Fletcher, C.M. and Jones,N.L.): Research into bronchitis and emphysema 48

Castillo-Olivares, J.L., (Enoch, B.A., Khoo,T.C.L., Grainger, R.G. and Henry, L.): Majorvascular complications in Behcet's syndrome 453

Catterall, R.C.F.: The surgeon's viewpoint 969Chandler, G.N.: Medical aspects of gastro-intestinalhaemorrhage 586

Chapman, R.S. (and Mohamed, S.D.): Pyrexiaand elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate inacute gastro-duodenal haemorrhage 238

Chatterjee, K. (and MacLellan, G.E.): Sideropenicanaemia with reticulo-endothelial siderosis in acase of hypernephroma 259

Chlouverakis, C., (Keen, H., Jarret, R.J. andBoyns, D.R.): The effect oftreatment ofmoderatehyperglycaemia on the incidence of arterialdisease 960

Chugh, R.N., (Lal, H.B., Bahl, A.L., Mathur,K.P. and Bhalla, A.S.): Clinical patterns andcomplications of diabetes mellitus in India 223

Clark, C.G.: Surgical aspects of gastro-intestinalhaemorrhage 590

Connell, A.M.: The irritable colon syndrome 668Conway, N., (Beck, E. and Somerville, J.):

Penicillin encephalopathy 891Cooper, B.: Recent progress in epidemiological

psychiatry 331Cope, C.L. (and Mattingly D.): Some recent

advances in adrenal diagnosis 23Cosgrove, J., (O'Sullivan, J.B. and McCaughan,

D.): Blood sugars, vascular abnormalities andsurvival-the Oxford study after 17 years 955

Crisp, A.H.: The role of the psychiatrist in thegeneral hospital 267

Crisp, A.H. (and Blendis, L.M.): Serum cholesterollevels in anorexia nervosa 327

Crofton, J.: Studies on the action of bronchialmuscle 26

Cuddigan, J.H.P. (and Edgar, M.A.): Unusualmethod of diagnosis in a new case of benignduodenocolic fistula 481

Cullen, D.R. (and Tomlinson, B.E.): Carcinomawith multiple ectopic hormone secretion andassociated myopathy 472

Curri, G., (Scuro, L.A., Monti, G., Zuin, R.and Romani, S.): Arteriography of the coeliacaxis and superior mesenteric artery in five casesof haemochromatosis with particular regard tothe pancreatic circulation 460

Davidson, J.S.: Hiatal hernia 579Davis, P.W.: Traumatic herniation into the

pericardial sac 875Dawson, A.M.: Disaccharidase deficiency in man 646De Dombal, F.T.: Ulcerative colitis: definition,

historical background, aetiology, diagnosis,natural history and local complications 684

Deverall, P.B. (and Donnelly, R.J.): The manage-ment of oesophageal foreign bodies and theircomplications 830

Dewhurst, K.: Clinico-pathological aspects of theneurosyphilitic psychoses 898

Dhawad, P.N., (Lal, H.B., Bahl, A.L., Mukherjee,S., Sharma, A.K. and Sarin, G.S.): Unusualpresentation of intralobar pulmonary sequestra-tion 479

Doctor, S.A., (Lowenthal, M.N. and Fine, J.):Renal artery stenosis due to abdominal aorticaneurysm 928

Dollery, C.T.: The formation of collaterals 28Donaldson, I.A. (and Bismillah, A.H.): Life from

a couvelaire uterus 356Donnelly, R.J. (and Deverall, P.B.): The manage-ment of oesophageal foreign bodies and theircomplications 830

Doyle, A.E.: Studies on the metabolism of angio-tensin 31

Edholm, O.G. (and Hatcher, J.D.): Forearm bloodflow and heart rate after haemorrhage 35

Edgar, M.A. (and Cuddigan, J.H.P.): Unusualmethod of diagnosis in a new case of benignduodenocolic fistula 481

Ellis, R.H.: Pulmonary aspergillosis in two families 179Emery, E.W., (Broad, A.F., Godlee, J.N. and

Prankerd, T.A.J.): The management ofmyeloma-tosis 803

Enoch, B.A., (Castillo-Olivares, J.L., Khoo,T.C.L., Grainger, R.G. and Henry, L.): Majorvascular complications in Behcet's syndrome 453

Enoch, B.A. (and Williams, D.M.): An associationbetween Wericke's encephalopathy and thyro-toxicosis 923

Espir, M., (Walker, M.E. and Shephard, R.H.):Subdural haematoma: presentation and diagnosison medical wards 785

Evans, B., (Surveyor, I., Saunders, K.C. andParry, T.E.): Autoimmune haemolytic anaemiacomplicating methyldopa therapy 438

Evans, D.W. (and Taylor, J.J.): Lymphosarcomaduring the course of myeloid leukaemia 558

Everley Jones, H. (and Howells, C.H.L.): Neonatalmeningitis due to Streptococcus agalactiae 549

Evison, G.: Contrast radiography of the naso-pharynx 825

Fairley, K.F. (and Kincaid-Smith, P.): Renaldisease in pregnancy 45

Feamley, G.R.: Phenformin as a fibrinolytic drug 468

Page 20: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Index to Volume 44 xv

Fine, J. (Lowenthal, M.N. and Doctor, S.A.):Renal artery stenosis due to abdominal aorticaneurysm 928

Fletcher, C.M., (Jones, N.L. and Campbell,E.J.M.): Research into bronchitis and em-physema 48

Foster, G.V.: Calcitonin: A review of experimentaland clinical investigations 411

Fox, H., (Gleeson, M.H. and Logan, W.F.W.E.):Intrahepatic granulomatous arteriopathy 256

Fraser, R. (and Wright, A.D.): Standard pro-cedures for assessing hypersecretion or secretorycapacity for human growth hormone, using theradioimmunoassay 53

Freeman, E.: Pneumonic aspergillosis complicatinghealed tuberculosis 181

Garland, J.B.: Stab-wounds and other penetratinginjuries of the abdomen and thorax 127

Gautam, H.P.: Tracheopathia osteoplastica 186Gillespie, I.E.: The surgical treatment of peptic

ulcer 608Gilliland, I.C.: Total fasting in the treatment of

obesity 58Gleeson, M.H., (Fox, H. and Logan, W.F.W.E.):

Intrahepatic granulomatous arteriopathy 256Golding, D.N. (and Baker, H.): Primary Raynaud's

disease associated with sclerodactyly and digitalosteosclerosis 553

Godlee, J.N., (Broad, A.F., Emery, E.W. andPrankerd T.A.J.): The management of myelo-matosis 803

Goligher, J.C.: The surgical treatment of ulcera-tive colitis 708

Goodwin, J.F.: Mitral regurgitation in congestivecardiomyopathy 62

Gotsman, M.S. (and Nellen, M.): The systolicmurmur in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyo-pathy and the nature of the obstruction 89

Govindaraj, M.: A case of oat-cell carcinoma ofthe lung with the carcinoid syndrome 815

Grainger, R.G., (Enoch, B.A., Castillo-Olivares,J.L., Khoo, T.C.L. and Henry, L.): Majorvascular complications in Behcet's syndrome 453

Grant, R.H.E. (and Tewari, S.N.): Propranolol inhypertension 509

Groden, B.M., (James, W.B. and McDicken, I.):Cardiac aneurysm after myocardial infarction 775

Groden, B.M., (Whitelaw, J. and Will, G.): Thetreatment of iron-deficiency anaemia by iron-dextran infusion, with special reference to theeffect on blood grouping, coagulation, sedimen-tation and haemolysis 433

Grogono, J.L.: Present treatment of breast cancer 501Gautam, H.P.: The surgical treatment of acute

massive pulmonary embolism 917

Hadley, G.D.: The gastrocamera 763Hamilton, M.: Some aspects of the long-term

treatment ofsevere hypertension with methyldopa 66Handa, S.P. (and Tennant, R.): Medullary cystic

disease of the kidney: its occurrence in twosiblings 792

Hanson, G. C.: A death from tetracycline 870

Harrison, M.T.: Iodine balance in man 69Harto-Garofalidis, G., (Rigopoulos, C., Papavas-

siliou, N. and Papathanassiou, B.T.): A pre- andpost-operative study of forty-six cases of slippedintervertebral disc 144

Hatcher, J.D. (and Edholm, O.G.): Forearm bloodflow and heart rate after haemorrhage 35

Henderson, W.: Constipation in childhood 724Henry, L., (Enoch, B.A., Castillo-Olivares, J.L.,Khoo, T.C.L. and Grainger, R.G.): Majorvascular complications in Behcet's syndrome 453

Herlinger, E.: Pancreatic and mesenteric arterio-graphy 755

Hetzel, B.S.: The aetiology and pathogenesis ofhyperthyroidism 363

Hinton, J.: Psychotropic drugs 286Hinton, J.M. (and J.E. Lennard-Jones): Con-

stipation: definition and classification 720Hoch, F.L.: Biochemistry of hyperthyroidism and

hypothyroidism 347Holden, C.E.A.: Congenital shortening of onefemur in one identical twin 813

Horn, M.E. (and Knapp, M.S.): Plasma 'ketone'level in the diagnosis of diabetic acidosis 799

Howat, H.T.: Chronic pancreatitis: medicalaspects 733

Howells, C.H.L. (and Everley Jones, H.): Neonatalmeningitis due to Streptococcus agalactiae 549

Hume Adams, J., (Linton, A.L. and Lawson, D.H.):Muscle necrosis and acute renal failure incarbon monoxide poisoning 338

Hunter, C.G. (and Kendrick, R.R.): Repeatedsamples of fat obtained with a biopsy needle 851

Hunton, M. (and Akinkugbe, 0.0.): Adultnephrotic syndrome in Ibadan, Nigeria: aprospective study of 135 cases 903

Jackson, W.P.U., (Bank, S., Keller, P. andMarks, I.N.): Serum-insulin response to glucosein 'pancreatic diabetes' 214

James, D.G. (and Sharma, O.P.): John McMichael'smultisystem interests 71

James, K.W., (Richardson, A.E., Spittle, C.R.and Robinson, O.P.W.): Experiences with car-benicillin in the treatment of septicaemia andmeningitis 844

James, W.B., (Groden, B.M. and McDicken, I.):Cardiac aneurysm after myocardial infarction 775

Jarrett, R.J. (and Keen, H.): The uses of biguanidesin diabetes mellitus 466

Jarrett, R.J., (Keen, H., Chlouverakis, C. andBoyns, D.R.): The effect of treatment of moder-ate hyperglycaemia on the incidence of arterialdisease 960

Jennings, R.C. (and Pengelly, C.D.R.): Endo-carditis parietalis fibroplastica (Loffler's disease) 251

Jindal, H.R.: Bilateral retrobulbar neuritis due toinsecticides 341

Joekes, A.M.: Acute tubular insufficiency 75Jones, N.L., (Fletcher, C.M. and Campbell,

E.J.M.): Research into bronchitis and em-physema 48

Kakkar, V.V. (and Tompkin, A.M.B.): Duodenalobstruction due to an anomalous portal vein 189

Page 21: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

Postgraduate Medical Journal

Keen, H. (and Jarrett, R.J.): The uses of biguanidesin diabetes mellitus 466

Keen, H. (Jarrett, R. J., Chlouverakis, C. andBoyns, D. R.): The effect of treatment ofmoderate hyperglycaemia on the incidence ofarterial disease 960

Keller, P., (Bank, S., Jackson, W.P.U. and Marks,I.N.): Serum-insulin response to glucose in'pancreatic diabetes' 214

Kendrick, R.R. (and Hunter, C.G.): Repeatedsamples of fat obtained with a biopsy needle 851

Khan, A.: Cushing's syndrome associated withcarcinoma of pancreas 925

Khoo, T.C.L., (Enoch, B.A., Castillo-Olivares,J.L., Grainger, R.G. and Henry, L.): Majorvascular complications in Behqet's syndrome. 453

Kincaid-Smith, P.: Analgesic nephropathy andpapillary necrosis 807

Kingsbury, K.J.: Glucose tolerance, age andatherosclerosis 944

Knapp, M.S. (and Horn, M.E.): Plasma 'ketone'level in the diagnosis and treatment of diabeticacidosis 799

Kopelman, H.: The Epping Jaundice after twoyears 78

Krzaniak, S.: Ectopic gestation in a tubal stump 191

Lahiri, P.K. (and Sen, P.): Chemical mediators inthe central nervous system 167

Lal, H.B., (Bahl, A.L., Chugh, R.N., Mathur, K.P.and Bhalla, A.S.): Clinical patterns and com-plications of diabetes mellitus in India 223

Lal, H.B., (Bahl, A.L., Mukherjee, S., Dhawad,P.N., Sharma, A.K. and Sarin, G.S.): Un-usual presentation of intralobar pulmonarysequestration 479

Langman, M.J.S.: The medical treatment ofgastric and duodenal ulcer 603

Lawson, A.A.H. (and Steel, J.M.): Effects ofdifferent regimes of metyrapone on steroid pro-duction by a patient with a corticotrophinsecreting bronchogenic carcinoma 485

Lawson, D.H., (Linton, A.L. and Hume Adams,J.): Muscle necrosis and acute renal failure incarbon monoxide poisoning 338

Lennard-Jones, J.E.: Crohn's disease: naturalhistory and treatment 674

Lennard-Jones, J.E. (and Hinton, J.M.): Constipa-tion: definition and classification 720

Linton, A.L., (Hume Adams, J. and Lawson, D.H.):Muscle necrosis and acute renal failure in carbonmonoxide poisoning 338

Logan, W.F.W.E., (Fox, H. and Gleeson, M.H.):Intrahepatic granulomatous arteriopathy 256

Losowsky, M.S.: Investigation of portal hyper-tension 657

Lowe, K.G. (and Emslie-Smith, D.): The spatialvectorcardiogram in diagnosis 39

Lowenthal, M.N., (Doctor, S.A. and Fine, J.):Renal artery stenosis due to abdominal aorticaneurysm 928

Lowry, W.S.B.: A medical emergency treated byanti-mitotic drugs 926

McArthur, R.G. (and Moncrieff, M.W.): Hypo-thyroidism in one of monozygotic twins 423

McDicken, I., (Groden, B.M. and James, W.B.):Cardiac aneurysm after myocardial infarction 775

McGeown, M.G., (Soyannwo, M.O.A., Bell, M.and Milliken, T.G.): A case of acute hyperpara-thyroidism, with thyrotoxicosis and pancreatitis.presenting as hyperemesis gravidarum 861

McGirr, E.M. (and Thomson, H.A.): Hypothy-roidism due to enzyme defects 398

MacCarthy, J.M.T.: Bone sclerosis in infancy 908MacDonald, R.H. (and Proudfoot, A.T.): Infec-

tious-mononucleosis-like syndrome followinghaemodialysis for carbon tetrachloride poisoning 249

MacGuire, C.F., (Toghill, P.J. and Raut, P.S.):'Spontaneous' rupture of the healthy oesophagus 504

MacLellan, G.E. (and Chatterjee, K.): Sideropenicanaemia with reticulo-endothelial siderosis in acase of hypemephroma 259

MacLennan, W.J. (and Scott, R.): Intra-renalarterio-venous fistula with associated carcinomaof the kidney 867

Mahoney, J. (and Parkhouse, J.): A study of pre-operative sedatives 229

Mann, T.P.: Congenital malformations, A clinico-pathological conference held at the RoyalAlexandra Hospital for Sick Children. January1966 148

Marfatia, P.T.: Rhinolith. A brief review of theliterature and a case report 478

Marks, I.: Measurement of personality and atti-tude: applications to clinical research 277

Marks, I.N., (Bank, S., Jackson, W.P.U. andKeller, P.): Serum-insulin response to glucose inpancreatic diabetes 214

Marshall, J.: The differential diagnosis of LittleStrokes 543

Martin, A.: Hyperosmolar non-keto-acidotic dia-betic coma. A report of three cases and reviewof the literature 218

Mathur, K.P., (Lal, H.B., Bahl, A.L., Chugh,R.N. and Bhalla, A.S.): Clinical patterns andcomplications of diabetes mellitus in India 223

Mattingly, D. (and Cope, C.L.): Some recentadvances in adrenal diagnosis 23

Meadow, S.R.: Gastric teratoma 183Merskey, H.: Psychological aspects of pain 297Milliken, T.G., (Soyannwo, M.A.O., McGeown,M.G. and Bell, M.): A case of acute hyperpara-thyroidism with thyrotoxicosis and pancreatitis,presenting as hyperemesis gravidarum 861

Mills, J.: Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia pre-senting as a pyrexia of undetermined origin in theneonatal period 193

Misiewicz, J.J.: The application of motility studiesto gastroenterological problems 749

Mohammed, S.D. (and Chapman, R.S.): Pyrexiaand elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate inacute gastro-duodenal haemorrhage 238

Moncrieff, M.W. (and McArthur, R.G.): Hypo-thyroidism in one of monozygotic twins 423

Monk, C.J.E., (Phillips, R.S. and Balmer, G.A.): Aplea for simplicity in the classification of anklefractures 199


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Incdex to Voliume 44 xvii

Monti, G., (Scuro, L.A., Curri, G., Zuin, R. andRomani, S.): Arteriography o, the coeliac axisand superior mesenteric artery in five cases ofhaemochromatosis with particular regard to thepancreatic circulation 460

Morgan, D.B.: Osteomalacia and osteoporosis 621Mor-is, W.R.: Carotid endarterectomy in cerebral

vascular disease 242Morrison, N.D.W. (and Staffurth, J.S.): Heart size

in thyrotoxicosis 885Morson, B.C.: Ischaemic colitis 665Mounsey, P.: Praecordial pulsations in health and

disease 134Mounsey, P.: The value of praecordial pulsations

in the diagnosis of heart disease 8Mukherjee, S., (Lal, H.B., Bahl, A.L., Dhawad,

P.N., Sharma, A.K. and Sarin, G.S.): Unusualpresentation of intralobar pulmonary sequestra-tion 479

Myant, N.B.: The regulation of cholesterol meta-bolism 86

Neale, G.: Protein malnutrition in gastro-intestinaldisease 642

Nellen, M. (and Gotsman, M.S.): The systolicmurmur in hypertrophic obstructive cardio-myopathy and the nature of the obstruction 89

Newman, C.E.: John McMichael 35Nordin, B.E.C. (and Bulusu. L.): A modified index

of phosphate excretion 93Nuki, G. (and Bayliss, R.I.S.): The Achilles tendon

reflex as an index of thyroid function 97

Owen, J.V.: Synalbumin insulin antagonism 117

Papathanassiou, B.T., (Harto-Garofalidis, G.,Rigopoulos, C. and Papavassiliou, N.): A pre-and post-operative study of forty-six cases ofslipped intervertebral disc 144

Papavassiliou, N., (Harto-Garofalidis, G., Rigo-poulos, C. and Papathanassiou, B.): A pre- andpost-operative study of forty-six cases of slippedintervertebral disc 144

Parkhouse, J. (and Mahoney, J.): A study ofpre-operative sedatives 229

Parks, T.G.: Diverticular disease of the colon 680Parrott, R.H.: Granulosa-cell tumour of the ovary

causing sexual precocity in a girl aged 3! years 488Parry, T.E., (Surveyor, I., Evans, B. and Saunders,

K.C.): Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia com-plicating methyldopa therapy 438

Parsons, V. (and Ramsay, I.): Thyroid and adrenalrelationships 377

Pengelly, C.D.R. (and Jennings, R.C.): Endo-carditis parietalis fibroplastica (Loffler's disease) 251

Phillips, R.S., (Monk, C.J.E. and Balmer, G.A.):A plea for simplicity in the classification of anklefractures 199

Pollock, A.V.: Pancreatic disease: surgical aspects 737Post, F.: Psychological aspects of geriatrics 307Prankerd, T.A.J., (Broad, A.F., Emery, E.W. and

Godlee, J.N.): The management of myelomatosis 803Proudfoot, A.T. (and MacDonald, R.H.): Infec-

tious-mononucleosis-like syndrome followinghaemodialysis for carbon tetrachloride poisoning 248

Pulvertaft, C.N.: Comments on the incidence andnatural history of gastric and duodenal ulcer 597

Pulvertaft, C.N.: The late results of gastric surgery 613Pulvertaft, C.N.: Gastric resection and metabolic

bone disease 618Pyke, D.A. Coronary disease and diabetes 966

Ramsay, I. (and Parsons, V.): Thyroid and adrenalrelationships 377

Ramsay, I. Thyrotoxic muscle disease 385Raut, P.S., (Toghill, P.J. and MacGuire, C.F.):

'Spontaneous' rupture of the healthy oesophagus 504Read, A.E.: The pathogenesis and medical treat-

ment of hepatic encephalopathy 652Reimann, H.A.: Infectious diseases: annual

review of significant publications 517Reimann, H.A.: Nephropathy and viruses 853Richardson, A.E., (Spittle, C.R., James, K.W.and Robinson, O.P.W.): Experiences with car-benicillin in the treatment of septicaemia andmeningitis 844

Rigopoulos, C., (Harto-Garofalidis, G., Papavas-siliou, N. and Papathanassiou, B.T.): A pre- andpost-operative study of forty-six cases of slippedintervertebral disc 144

Robertson, W.B.: Diabetes, hypertension andatherosclerosis 939

Robinson, O.P.W., (Richardson, A.E., Spittle, C.R.and James, K.W.): Experiences with carbenicillinin the treatment of septicaemia and meningitis 844

Romani, S., (Scuro, L.A., Curri, G., Monti, G.and Zuin, R.): Arteriography of the coeliac axisand superior mesenteric artery in five cases ofhaemochromatosis with particular regard to thepancreatic circulation 460

Sabah, A.H.: Blindness after cardiac arrest 513Sarin, G.S., (Lal, H.B., Bahl, A.L., Mukherjee, S.,Dhawad, P.N. and Sharma, A.K.): Unusualpresentation of intralobar pulmonary sequestra-tion 479

Saunders, K.C., (Surveyor, I., Evans, B. andParry, T.E.): Autoimmune haemolytic anaemiacomplicating methyldopa therapy 438

Saunders, S.J.: Recent trends in acute viral hepatitis 97Scadding, J.G.: A 'burnt-out' case of sarcoidosis 105Schraibman, 1.G.: Gas gangrene after amputation

for peripheral vascular disease 551Schwartz, S.: A simplification of the knee-jointmeniscectomy operation 212

Scott, D.F.: Psychiatric aspects of epilepsy 319Scott, G.A.: Observations on Melkersson's syn-drome 447

Scott, R. (and MacLennan, W.J.): Intra-renalarterio-venous fistula with arsociated carcinomaof the kidney 867

Scuro, L.A., (Curri, G., Monti, G., Zuin, R. andRomani, S.): Arteriography of the coeliac axisand superior mesenteric artery in five cases ofhaemochromatosis with particular regard to thepancreatic circulation 460

Sen, P. (and Lahiri P.K.): Chemical mediators inthe central nervous system 167

Page 23: Postgraduate Medical Journal · All enquiries should be addressed to the Medical Director, Commonwealth andInternational MedicalAdvisory Bureaux, British MedicalAssociation, TavistockSquare,London,

xviii Postgraduate Medical Jolurnal

Shaw, A.B. (and Woolcock, J.A.): Oliguricglomerulonephritis and parathyroid adenoma 246

Sharma, A.K., (Lal, H.B., Bahl, A.L., Mukherjee,S., Dhawad, P.N. and Sarin, G.S.): Unusualpresentation of intralobar pulmonary sequestra-tion 479

Shephard, R.H., (Walker, M.E. and Espir, M.):Subdural haematoma: presentation and diagnosison medical wards 785

Sherlock, S.: Hepato-lineal fibrosis without cir-rhosis: non-cirrhotic intrahepatic portal hyper-tension 109

Sircus. W.: Peptide-secreting adenomata withspecial reference to the Zollinger-Ellison syn-drome 742

Smith, D. Emslie (and Lowe, K.G.): The spatialvectorcardiogram in diagnosis 39

Smith, P. Kincaid- (and Fairley, K.F.): Renaldisease in pregnancy 45

Somerville, J., (Conway. N. and Beck, E.):Penicillin encephalopathy 891

Soyannwo, M.A.O., (McGeown, M.G., Bell, NI.and Milliken, T.G.): A case of acute hyper-parathyroidism, with thyrotoxicosis and pan-creatitis, presenting as hyperemesis gravidarum 861

Spittle, C.R., (Richardson, A.E., James, K.W.and Robinson, O.P.W.): Experiences withcarbenicillin in the treatment of septicaemia andmeningitis 844

Staffurth, J.S. (and Morrison, N.D.W.): Heart sizein thyrotoxicosis 885

Steel, J.M. (and Lawson, A.A.H.): Effect ofdifferent regimes of metyrapone on steroid pro-duction by a patient with a corticotrophinsecreting bronchogenic carcinoma 495

Stewart, J.S.: Adult coeliac disease 632Surveyor, I., (Evans, B., Saunders, K.C. and

Parry, T.E.): Autoimmune haemolytic anaemiacomplicating methyldopa therapy 438

Talbot, J.F. (and Barcroft, H.): Oliver andSchaffer's discovery of the cardiovascular actionof suprarenal extract 6

Taraba, I. (and Bull, G.M.): Failure of folic acid toinfluence mortality of rats with acute tubularnecrosis caused by mercury 116

Tattersfield, A.E.: Tricuspid incompetence due toright ventricular papillary muscle dysfunction 254

Taylor, J.J. (and Evans, D.W.): Lymphosarcomaduring the course of myeloid leukaemia 558

Taylor, S.: Thyroid carcinoma and its treatment 404Tennant, R. (and Handa, S.P.): Medullary cystic

disease of the kidney: its occurrence in twosiblings 792

Tewari, S.N. (and Grant, R.H.E.): Propranolol inhypertension 509

Thompson, G.R.: Studies in the absorption andmetabolism of vitamin D after gastric surgery 626

Thomson, J.A. (and McGirr, E.M.): Hypothyroid-ism due to enzyme defects 398

Toghill, P.J., (MacGuire, C.F. and Raut, P.S.):'Spontaneous' rupture of the healthy oesophagus 504

Toghill, P.J. (and Williams, R.): The wideningspectrum of neurological damage in liver disease 173

Tomlinson, B.E. (and Cullen, D.R.): Carcinomawith multiple ectopic hormone secretion andassociated myopathy 472

Tompkin, A.M.B. (and Kakkar, V.V.): Duodenalobstruction due to an anomalous portal vein 189

Trapnell, J.E.: The pathogenesis of gallstonepancreatitis 497

Turner, R.C. (and Bloom, A.): Diabetes mellitus,Addison's disease and pernicious anaemia 555

Walker, M.E., (Espir, M. and Shephard, R.H.):Subdural haematoma: presentation and diag-nosis on medical wards 785

Wardle, E.N.: Purpura hyperglobulinaemia inassociation with rheumatoid and ulcerativecolitis 443

Watkinson, G.: The systemic complications ofulcerative colitis 693

Watkinson, G.: The medical treatment of ulcera-tive colitis 696

Weir, D.G.: Recovery of villous architecture ingluten enteropathy exacerbated by gastro-jejunalanastomosis 234

Weir, R.J. (and Buchanan, J.): Effect of direct-current countershock on atrial flutter withcomplete heart block in a case of staphylococcalsepticaemia 811

West, J.B.: Regional differences in the lung 120Whitelaw, J., (Groden, B.M. and Will, G.): The

treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia by iron-dextran infusion, with special reference to theeffect on blood-grouping, coagulation, sedimen-tation and haemolysis 433

Wilkins, E.G.: Constipation in the elderly 728Will, G., (Groden, B.M. and Whitelaw, J.): The

treatment of iron-deficiency anaemia by iron-dextran infusion, with special reference to theeffect on blood-grouping, coagulation, sedimen-tation and haemolysis 433

Williams, D.M. (and Enoch, B.A.): An associationbetween Wernicke's encephalopathy and thyro-toxicosis 923

Williams, R. (and Toghill, P.J.): The wideningspectrum of neurological damage in liver disease 173

Woolcock, J.S. (and Shaw, A.B.): Oliguric glo-merulonephritis and parathyroid adenoma 246

Wright, A.D. (and Fraser, R.): Standard proceduresfor assessing hypersecretion or secretor capacityfor human growth hormone using the radio-immunoassay 53

Wright, R.: Autoimmune d;sease of the gastro-intestinal tract 765

Zuin, R. (Scuro, L.A., Curri, G., Monti, G. andRomani, S.): Arteriography of the coeliac axisand superior mesenteric artery in five cases ofhaemochromatosis with particular regard to thepancreatic circullation 460

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gram(s) g second(s) seckilogram(s) kg cubic millimetre(s) mm3milligram(s) millimetre(s) mm

(10-3 g) mg centimetre(s) cmmicrogram(s) millicurie(s) mCi

(10-6 g) u.g millilitre(s) mlnanogram(s) pound(s) lb

(10-9 g) ng milliequivalent mEqpicogram(s)

(10- 12 g)hour(s)minute(s)micron(s)


RF values RF

gravitational acceleration gper cent %

Example: mg/100 ml, for biochemical values; mEq/l

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