Posterior Pituitary gland_2

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Transcript of Posterior Pituitary gland_2

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    Endocrine PhysiologyEndocrine PhysiologyPosterior pituitary hormonesPosterior pituitary hormones

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    The posterior pituitary glandThe posterior pituitary gland

    y Composed mainly of cellscalled Pituicytes, which

    act as packing & supportingcells.

    y Stores & releases hormonesinto the close capillaries.

    y These hormones areproduced in hypothalamus.

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    The posterior pituitary gland hormonesThe posterior pituitary gland hormones

    Posterior pituitary gland releases 2 hormones:

    1. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or arginine vasopressin(AVP).

    2. Oxytocin

    Both hormones are produced in hypothalamic nuclei:

    - Supraoptic nucleus p (ADH + 1/6 oxytocin)- Paraventricular nucleus p (Oxytocin + 1/6 ADH)

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    The posterior pituitary gland hormones cont.The posterior pituitary gland hormones cont.

    y Both hormones are polypeptides, each contains 9amino acids.

    Both are transported slowly along thehypothalamo-hypophyseal tract in combinationwith carrier protein called neurophysin, to the

    nerve endings in the posterior pituitary gland wherethey are stored.

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    The posterior pituitary hormonesThe posterior pituitary hormones

    11. ADH (vasopressin):. ADH (vasopressin):

    Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), or arginine vasopressin(AVP), is produced mainly in SON of hypothalamus.

    ADH activates (2) second messenger systems:1. cAMP2. IP3/Ca


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    Action of ADHAction of ADH

    ADH has 2 main effects:

    1. o water re-absorption (retention) by distal tubules& collecting ducts of the kidneys p decreaseosmotic pressure of the blood.

    * This effect is regulated by V2 receptors, through theaction of cAMP.

    2. Contraction of vascular smooth muscles pgeneralized vasoconstriction.

    * This effect is regulated by V1 receptors, through the actionof IP3/Ca


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    Control of ADH releaseControl of ADH release

    1. o in osmotic pressure of the ECF (o in plasmaosmolality), as in dehydration which will stimulateosmoreceptors in the hypothalamus p oADH.

    Hyperosmolarity of ECF

    Receptors inhypothalamus

    More ADH release Thirst

    Collecting ducts of kidneys

    Reabsorption of water

    o Water intake

    Dilution of ECF

    -ve feedback

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    Control of ADH release cont.Control of ADH release cont.

    Loss of ECF volume

    Less pressure in Rt.atrium & great vessels

    Less nerve impulse to

    the hypothalamus


    More ADH release

    More water reabsorption by kidneys

    o Water intake

    Maintains ECF volume

    2. q blood volume (u 10%) p stimulate mechanoreceptors inthe great arteries (aorta & carotids) & right atrium p oADH.

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    Control of ADH release cont.Control of ADH release cont.

    3. q arterial blood pressure, due to q blood volume p oADH.

    4. Age: p oADH secretion p water retention & hyponatremia.

    5. Pain, emotional stress & physical trauma p oADH secretion.

    6. Drugs, e.g. morphine, barbiturates, & nicotine p oADH


    7. Alcohol p qADH secretion.

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    Abnormalities of ADH releaseAbnormalities of ADH release


    Lack of ADH p Diabetes insipidus.

    2 types of DI: a. Neurogenic (central, or cranial)Problem in Hypothalamus or Post pituitarygland; could be 1ry or 2ry.R/: ADH.

    b. Nephrogenicresistance of V2 receptorsin collecting ducts of the kidneys.

    - No ADH is needed as treatment.

    Symptoms: Polyurea } 20L/day (N } 1.5 L/d), Polydepsia,q specific gravity of urine (diluted urine),o plasma osmolality.

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    Abnormalities of ADH releaseAbnormalities of ADH release


    oADH, Schwartz-Bartter Syndrome:

    p - occurs after surgery.- adenoma, ectopic kidney.- Bronchial carcinoma.

    Signs & Symptoms:

    - Hyponatremia, i.e. [Na+] q extracellularly to 110 mM.(N = 140 mM); resulting in:- Mental confusion.- Coma.- Death, due to ventricular fibrillation.

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    Action of oxytocinAction of oxytocin

    1. Contraction of smooth muscles of the uterus penhance labor.

    2. Contraction of mammary gland myoepithelial cells ofthe alveoli & the ducts p Ejection of milk as a reflex inlactating women.

    3. In men p o ejaculation.

    Remember: Oxytocin is concerned with releasing orejection of milk, while prolactin is concerned with

    synthesis & production of milk.

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    Potency of the test and the std. sample iscompared with reference to their respective

    oxytocic, pressor and anti-diuretic activity

    by a biological method.

    Standard preparation and unit: 1 unit = 0.5


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    It is the quantity of dried acetone-extractedsubstance obtained from the posterior lobes offresh pituitary glands of oxen. This unit is

    specified by the Ministry of Govt. of India and isthe same as the International Unit.

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    Pituitary glands of oxen are obtained from theslaughter house. They are made free from othertissues and extracted repeatedly with acetone toremove the attached tissues. The gland is cut intosmall pieces and again extracted with acetone.

    Then, it is dried over cacl2 in an evacuateddesiccators (for five hours). It is powdered andagain dried over phosphorous pentoxide. Then it

    Exactly 20 units of the powder is weighed and

    extracted with dilute solution of glacial acetic acid.It is diluted to represent finally 2 units/ml. and isstored at0oC.

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    As soon as the female guinea pigswean, they should be separted fromthe males and used for the test whenthey weigh between 170-350 g. theanimal is isolated and one horn issuspended in a bath containing asfollowing

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    Sodium Chloride 9.0 g.

    Potassium chloride 0.42 g.

    Calcium Chloride 0.24 g.

    Glucose 0.50 g.

    Magnesium Chloride 0.25 g.Distilled Water add upto 1000 ml.

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    The bath is maintained at a temperature of37o

    C and is oxygenated. The contractions of the

    uterine horn are recorded by a frontal lever on thesurface of a smoked paper fixed on a slowlyrevolving drum.

    Standard pituitary extract in a dose of0.55-0 .1unit is added into the inner bath. This causes theuterus to contract, and when contraction iscomplete; the solution of the bath is drained outand fresh solution is run in and the muscle isallowed to relax. Repeated additions of pituitary

    extract may be made at regular intervals. Thepotency of the test sample is calculated comparingthe height of contraction with that produced by thestd. sample.

    (Refer graphical method of bioassay)

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    The carotid artery is cannulated by means of anarterial cannula and then joined to the manometerfor recording B.P on the kymograph. Initially,

    normal B.P is recorded .Repeated injections ofpituitary extract are made at regular intervals oftime. A dose of0.05-1 unit at intervals of thirtymen. Will give suitable rise in B.P. a fixed volume ofnormal saline I passed to push the extract towardsthe heart & to maintain blood volume. The doses ofthe standard extract & the test sample are adjusteduntil they produce an equal rise in B.P alternatelywith varying doses of the test sample; till both

    produce the same rise in B.P. the activity isexpressed in units/mL.

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    The experiment is conducted on sixteen male albinorats. They should not weigh less than 120gm & notmore than 240gm. The animal must be fasted overnight. Warm sterile distilled water is given to themin the doses of 5mL/100gm of body weight,intraperitoneally. Then they are divided in to twogroups & posterior pituitary extract is injected sc.

    As follows:

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    The rats are put in metabolic cages so that the urine is collected ina graduated measuring cylinder. Following timings are noted:

    When each group receives water & an injection of posteriorpituitary.

    When urine is first collected in a cylinder for each group and thereafter volume is

    After this period, the urine flow stops & observations arediscontinued. Time in minutes for excretion of half the volume ofurine is calculated for each group. Crossover test is carried out after24hours. Those rats which received the std.sample previously arenow given the test sample and vice versa. The experiment is run onsimilar lines, is carried out to minimize errors due to animalvariation. From the results of two parts of the test, mean values areobtained. These mean values should be between 95 and 135 min. If

    they are the same for the std. and the test sample, then bothshould contain the same units. If the times are different then therelative potency can be calculated by comparing with the standard.

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