Poster Analysis

The background of the poster is of a wall with a dull gey colour witch is starting to crack of the wall. This dull gey colour constast with the red blody image, by having the red blody image on the gey wall it makes it stand out even more to the audience. By having the crackes in the wall it could suggest the losing of onse delfe by the demond or the slow decaying and destroction that a demond has on the mind. Most horror movies with a paranorma/supernatual sub-gener films are produced by the same producers who made As the first thing anyone would look at when seeing a poster is the image, they decided to create a disturbing and horrific image, which shows a demonic like face created with blood, by combining the tagline ‘Once he sees you, you can’t be saved’ makes the atmospher change to a sinister and scary atmospher. The demonic image created with blood eyes seems as if it is looking straight at the audience as they made it face directly at the camara, which makes the audience feel uncomferable as they know that the blood came from The boy has a mid-shot camara sshot whic tipacally represnets evil, so by having the picture of the boy using that shot it is portraying him as evil. What this does is challenge the codes and conventions of a horror as a child is usually represented as innocent and vulnerable, but in this it seems as ifhe is possed by evil forces. In the poster the rule of thirds are used. In the poster the boy challanges the codes and conventions of a horror poster. He is positioned in the center of the frame, which shows him as being a victim and that he is being possesd, the possetion is also show through his eyes as we see a bright sparkling light coming out which also looks as if the boys eyes have been scratched off a picture. By having the neck down of his body have dark shadow implies that the innocence that the boy has is being consumed by the possetion of the dark force to evil. shadow take of most of the image and him from the neck and bellow symbolises the boy lossing himself and his innocence as the demond posseses him starts to consume every thing and slowly starts to decay everything good about him and his childhood inno cence. On the bottom part of the poster In clear bold text we can see ‘Coming Soon’ as they are trying to promote there movie through the poster to make the audience to wate for the movies relase date as the more anticipation they get while people wait for the movie the more views they would get when the movie is released. same producers , meaning that the film could contain the best aspects of the films on this movie. Which could get the audiences of them movies want to watch this too.

Transcript of Poster Analysis

Page 1: Poster Analysis

seems as ifhe is possed by evil forces. In the poster the rule of thirds are used. In the poster the boy challanges the codes and conventions of a horror poster. He is positioned in the center of the frame, which shows him as being a victim and that he is being possesd, the possetion is also show through his eyes as we see a bright sparkling light coming out which also looks as if the boys eyes have been scratched off a picture. By having the neck down of his body have dark shadow implies that the innocence that the boy has is being consumed by the possetion of the dark force to evil.

By having the dark dull grey colours in the back-ground shows challanges to the conventions of a su-pernatraul horror sub-genre, as by having the dark colours it is warning and establishes evill, but at the same time by having the dark colours establishing a warning could drag more atention of the audience as they would want to know why they are being warned ways from this movie.

By having the boy wear pyja-mas it symbolises theyboys childhood and innocents.But by having the dark shadow take of most of the image and him from the neck and bel-low symbolises the boy loss-ing himself and his innocence as the demond posseses him starts to consume every thing and slowly starts to decay ev-erything good about him and his childhood inno cence.

The background of the poster also challanges the codes and conventions of supernatural sub-genre as they let the ausdience know that something dangerous is going to happen, therefore warning them.

Also by having te house and the clouds be the lightest parts of the poster it maked the boys face standout against it which starts to drag the audiences attention towards the eyes of the young boy where the audience will start to feel a sense of danger from as we can see that he is being pos-sessed by an evil spirit.

for the movies relase date as the more anticipation they get while people wait for the movie the more views they would get when the movie is released.

Typical to a supernatural sub-genre on top of the poster in bold are writen horror movies made by the same producers , meaning that the film could contain the best as-pects of the films on this movie. Which could get the audiences of them movies want to watch this too.

Typical to a supernatural sub-genre on top of the poster in bold are writen horror movies made by the same producers , meaning that the film could contain the best as-pects of the films on this movie. Which could get the audiences of them movies want to watch this too.

In the poster the rule of thirds are used. In the poster the boy challanges the codes and conventions of a horror poster. He is positioned in the center of the frame, which shows him as being a victim and that he is being possesd, the possetion is also show through his eyes as we see a bright sparkling light coming out which also looks as if the boys eyes have been scratched off a picture. By having the neck down of his body have dark shadow implies that the innocence that the boy has is being consumed by the possetion of the dark force to evil.

seems as ifhe is possed by evil forces. for the movies relase date as the more anticipation they get while people wait for the movie the more views they would get when the movie is released.

By having the boy wear pyja-mas it symbolises theyboys childhood and innocents.But by having the dark shadow take of most of the image and him from the neck and bel-low symbolises the boy loss-ing himself and his innocence as the demond posseses him starts to consume every thing and slowly starts to decay ev-erything good about him and his childhood inno cence.

The background of the poster also challanges the codes and conventions of supernatural sub-genre as they let the ausdience know that something dangerous is going to happen, therefore warning them.

Also by having te house and the clouds be the lightest parts of the poster it maked the boys face standout against it which starts to drag the audiences attention towards the eyes of the young boy where the audience will start to feel a sense of danger from as we can see that he is being pos-sessed by an evil spirit.

By having the dark dull grey colours in the back-ground shows challanges to the conventions of a su-pernatraul horror sub-genre, as by having the dark colours it is warning and establishes evill, but at the same time by having the dark colours establishing a warning could drag more atention of the audience as they would want to know why they are being warned ways from this movie.

Page 2: Poster Analysis

The background of the poster is of a wall with a dull gey colour witch is starting to crack of the wall. This dull gey colour constast with the red blody image, by

having the red blody image on the gey wall it makes it stand out even more to the audience.

By having the crackes in the wall it could suggest the losing of onse delfe by the demond or the slow decaying and destroction that a demond has on the mind.

In the poster the young girl is repre-sented as weak and vulneable, which is a comon stereotype associated with young girls. In the poster we can not see what the little girl looks like make the audience wonder what she looks like, the mystery is also in-harnced by her body language whichh seems as if she has a lack of emotion making the audience won-der even more about who she is and whatshe looks like.

Most horror movies with a para-norma/supernatual sub-gener films are produced by the same producers who made other films which are of that sub-genre which is shown on the the top had of the poster. Because of the movies that they have mention that was also produced by the same producers you could expect some connctions depicted in their movie and trailer.

As the main text is critical for the poster as it is the first this that the audience would read, so therefore the reason my they have have picked a plain bold looking text, to make their text have more of a creapy effect on it they created small shadows under the leter as if it is dripping. By using a black tone for there text it makes it standout on the back-ground of the poster as the background doesnt grab any attention as it is to light and dull, but by placing darck colurs on it, it would lead the audience attention to go on that instead.

By having the title have a shadow making it seem as if it is dripping could be seen as blood lecking down the title of the film ‘Sinister’by having this it is already showing the sub-genre of the film. Under the title their is a tagline that is also imparcial as it cre-ats the context for narative, which also connects the the image that has been used.

As the first thing anyone would look at when seeing a poster is the image, they decided to create a dis-turbing and horrific image, which shows a demonic like face created with blood, by combining the tagline ‘Once he sees you, you can’t be saved’ makes the atmospher change to a sinister and scary at-mospher. The demonic image cre-ated with blood eyes seems as if it is looking straight at the audience as they made it face directly at the camara, which makes the audience feel uncomferable as they know that the blood came from the little girls hands making us wonder what does the demond want.

Under the image they are using sa-tanic imagery by having snakes as people associate snakes with the devil, so this also starts to make the audience feel and associat this movie with fear and terror.

Under al the production comapny names there has been ‘coming soon’ written in boold so that the audience can know to look out for the movie, as the point of a poster is to adverities the product (film) so that the audience could be anxious and antici-pating the release date of the movie.

In the poster the youngers face can not be seen as typical for the codes and conventions of a horror poster is to not show the actors face so that the audience could relate to the unknown character

In the poster the young girl is repre-sented as weak and vulneable, which is a comon stereotype associated with young girls. In the poster we can not see what the little girl looks like make the audience wonder what she looks like, the mystery is also in-harnced by her body language whichh seems as if she has a lack of emotion making the audience won-der even more about who she is and whatshe looks like.

Under al the production comapny names there has been ‘coming soon’ written in boold so that the audience can know to look out for the movie, as the point of a poster is to adverities the product (film) so that the audience could be anxious and antici-pating the release date of the movie.

As the first thing anyone would look at when seeing a poster is the image, they decided to create a dis-turbing and horrific image, which shows a demonic like face created with blood, by combining the tagline ‘Once he sees you, you can’t be saved’ makes the atmospher change to a sinister and scary at-mospher. The demonic image cre-ated with blood eyes seems as if it is looking straight at the audience as they made it face directly at the camara, which makes the audience feel uncomferable as they know that the blood came from the little girls hands making us wonder what does the demond want.

Under the image they are using sa-tanic imagery by having snakes as people associate snakes with the devil, so this also starts to make the audience feel and associat this movie with fear and terror.

Most horror movies with a para-norma/supernatual sub-gener films are produced by the same producers who made other films which are of that sub-genre which is shown on the the top had of the poster. Because of the movies that they have mention that was also produced by the same producers you could expect some connctions depicted in their movie and trailer.

In the poster the youngers face can not be seen as typical for the codes and conventions of a horror poster is to not show the actors face so that the audience could relate to the unknown character

The background of the poster is of a wall with a dull gey colour witch is starting to crack of the wall. This dull gey colour constast with the red blody image, by

having the red blody image on the gey wall it makes it stand out even more to the audience.

By having the crackes in the wall it could suggest the losing of onse delfe by the demond or the slow decaying and destroction that a demond has on the mind.

As the main text is critical for the poster as it is the first this that the audience would read, so therefore the reason my they have have picked a plain bold looking text, to make their text have more of a creapy effect on it they created small shadows under the leter as if it is dripping. By using a black tone for there text it makes it standout on the back-ground of the poster as the background doesnt grab any attention as it is to light and dull, but by placing darck colurs on it, it would lead the audience attention to go on that instead.

By having the title have a shadow making it seem as if it is dripping could be seen as blood lecking down the title of the film ‘Sinister’by having this it is already showing the sub-genre of the film. Under the title their is a tagline that is also imparcial as it cre-ats the context for narative, which also connects the the image that has been used.