Poster analysis

The name of the artist is clearly shown at the top of the advertisement to clearly show to the audience who the artist is. This helps to get the information across to the reader as it is the first thing they see therefore what will make them decide to read on or not. The important information for the release of the CD is included on the advertisement i.e. the name, date and website. By having the date in bold this makes it stand out more therefore will help catch the attention of prospective buyers and help them remember it. By providing a website on the advertisement this allows the Bright red lines contrast with the simple which background of the advertisement to make it stand out. The 3 red lines represent the 3 at the end of ‘The Blueprint 3’. By making these stand out it helps to get the name of the artist across to the reader. Simple yet complicated image gives the poster a clean and fresh feel. As well as this the complicated image could represent the type of music that may be on the CD Modern fresh image of the artist ‘Jessie J’ showing that the type of music she produces is probably going to be pop. By including this image it helps to draw a younger audience to the poster as that is what they find appealing.

Transcript of Poster analysis

Page 1: Poster analysis

The name of the artist is clearly shown at the top of the advertisement to clearly show to the audience who the artist is. This helps to get the information across to the reader as it is the first thing they see therefore what will make them decide to read on or not. The use of a serif font gives the title a sophisticated feel but at the same time attractive to the audience.

The important information for the release of the CD is included on the advertisement i.e. the name, date and website. By having the date in bold this makes it stand out more therefore will help catch the attention of prospective buyers and help them remember it. By providing a website on the advertisement this allows the reader to go on the internet and gather more information about the artist and CD.

Bright red lines contrast with the simple which background of the advertisement to make it stand out. The 3 red lines represent the 3 at the end of ‘The Blueprint 3’. By making these stand out it helps to get the name of the artist across to the reader.

Simple yet complicated image gives the poster a clean and fresh feel. As well as this the complicated image could represent the type of music that may be on the CD

Modern fresh image of the artist ‘Jessie J’ showing that the type of music she produces is probably going to be pop. By including this image it helps to draw a younger audience to the poster as that is what they find appealing.

Page 2: Poster analysis

Black and bright gold colour contrast stands out clearly making the advert appealing to the reader as it catches there eye

The artists name has been placed in the centre of the page to represent that she is centre stage and everything is focusing around her. The use of a sans serif font gives the poster a young and modern feel showing that the artist is very modern which could symbolise the type of music that she creates.

Relevant information included on the advertisement for the release of the Cd i.e. album name. However this poster does not include the release date for the CD therefore the reader will not know that date that the Cd is being released.

The artists name is clearly printed across the top of the advertisement making it clear who the artist is. The use of sans serif font gives it a modern youthful feal.

Page 3: Poster analysis

Throughout the poster the use of bright colours such as pink, blue and purple portrays the feel of pop music. Also it gives the poster a youthful and modern feel which is attractive to the audience.

The relevant details for the release of the CD are included on the advertisement. The date for the release is clearly shown to make sure that the audience read it. As well as information about the release there is also statements about the music such as ‘songs that changed the world’. This will make the Cd look more appealing to perspective buyers as it gives a positive feel about the CD.

A portrait image has been used on this advertisement to show to the reader who the artist is. This helps them recognise the artist and therefore buy the Cd if they like the artist that CD is.