Post-modernism and contemporary culture

Post-modernism and contemporary culture What do you mean by Morality ?


Post-modernism and contemporary culture. What do you mean by Morality ?. Worldview. Do you realize that people in Africa, Europe and the middle east all have a different idea concerning clothing ? Take for instance, Africans (usually Tribal people), have their women walking around topless - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Post-modernism and contemporary culture

Post-modernism and contemporary culture

Post-modernism and contemporary cultureWhat do you mean by Morality ?WorldviewDo you realize that people in Africa, Europe and the middle east all have a different idea concerning clothing ?Take for instance, Africans (usually Tribal people), have their women walking around toplessEuropeans dont go topless, but they do cover up, though skimpily Women in the middle east are totally covered, so as to appear wholesome and Chaste.World-viewThe differences in these cultures are a result of worldview- How they see the world .

In each culture, it is generally different.

Definition of worldviewThe overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.

A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.

Another ExampleSome cultures see older people as wise and cherished-they live with families all their life

Some put them in nursing homes, because they have no time to care for them

In times past, within other nomad cultures e.g. (among the Eskimos), the old would walk out in the snow to die, so as to not slow down the othersDo you see the point yet ?

Worldview So whats so significant about worldviews, with regard to Christianity.

worldviewThe world has changed in many ways since first century Palestine

If we are honest, we will observe that though the message of Christianity Is the same, we have made changes in how we present it.

Why ?---Because the world has changed, Meaning, people have changed and so, our approach should consider them. worldviewWell just how has this world changed ?

A brief trip throughout HistoryHow has worldviews shifted throughout time? What are some of the different time periods we can remember?How different were the people, to each other and to us ?The times are changing After the ancient times of Palestine, marked by Roman rule and dominance of the known world, we have a time period developing, which Historians refer to as the medieval ageThis was the age of Kings, queens, Jesters and peasantsThe Medieval ageThe chain of command was as follows :GodChurchKingPeopleAnimal and things

Medieval age contd-fall of Rome early 1500sGod was over all thingsThe church was an integral part of Life-teaching Gods willThe great chain of being saw God at the top, his church, followed by the King, then people and finally ,animals and things (trees, rocks et)The Renaissance/reformationThe word Renaissance is a French word meaning new birth, a name given to the movement in Europe that inspired men to abandon the restraints of the Middle Ages and to develop modern interests, enthusiasm and ideals. Its most noted feature was the Revival of Learning, an awakening of mind and a thirst after the new knowledge. This resulted in numerous investigations of natural events, in a widespread study of art and literature and in a broadening of outlook to a degree never before known. The Renaissance/ReformationIt was the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world; a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries2.the revival of learning and cultureChanges occurred in all major areas of life: art, culture and even religionThe Renaissance/Reformation

The Renaissance/reformationCHAIN OF --COMMANDGodKingPeopleAnimals are not so important still. but hold on!!

Age of RevolutionThe Age of Revolution is a term used to denote the period from approximately 1760 to 1830, a time in which a number of significant revolutionary movements occurred on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

The period is noted for the change in government from absolutist monarchies to constitutionalist states and republics. The Age of Revolution includes the American Revolution the French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, the revolt of the slaves in Latin America, and the independence movements of nations in Latin America. Age of revolutionChain of commandGodPeople( Gvnt by the people, for the people)The church is no longer on top of the world per say

Age of sciencehe first Golden Age of Science Fiction, often recognized as a period from the late 1930s or early 1940s through the 1950s, was an era during which the science fiction genre gained wide public attention and many classic science fiction stories were published. Age of scienceMan began to believe more in his ability to create and effect changeScience was seen as a more concrete way of knowing and doing. The church, with its supernatural claims, solved no problems for humans. Science was the answer now.Age of scienceChain of command ?People (own authority)

Modernism/urbanizationurbanization means the removal of the rural characteristics of a town or area ; a process associated with the development of civilization and technology. Demographically, the term denotes redistribution of populations from rural to urban settlements Factories/assembly lines/mass productionModernization/urbanizationChain of command

Theres really noneNo community or familyWhere and who is God ?Pets and animals replace family and human interactionNo time !!.time Is money!!

What we noticedPeople over the ages have changed their view of God. As societies, they live in change

The need for community has changed to individualismlooking out for number oneME!!

Yes I found out all the tricks of the tradeand that there's only one way you're gonna get things doneI found out the only way to the topis looking out for number oneand that's me I'm looking out for number one (overdrive Bachman-turner)