Post Design - Rennssick

POST DESIGN -rennssick*


Transcript of Post Design - Rennssick



0. post design

this is the in process creation of a collabora-tive manifesto. the four of us, under randomly created pseudonyms, are using this page to catalogue and update our thoughts until a more cohesive and ordered site/manifesto can be made.

1. always sign in

rennssick signing in

mark your paper

2. play nice with friends

3. always make lists

it is important to make lists. they don’t need to make sense. you don’t actually have to do them. but by writing down your ideas, no matter how farfetched, they become tangible and able to be executed, revisited, and revised. if you do not write down your ideas, you will lose them.

-lamp-neon-something big-something with a lot of people



-people-tape/circle dots-stickers-large poster



there is no such thing as a bad idea, only a forgotten one

4. always design for real people

52 weeks of ux - a discourse on the process of designing for real people

5. always experiment

experimentation allows your mind to free itself from any monsters that might be binding you brain forcing it to be boring and stereotypi-cal. these monsters have fat ankles and ashy elbows and go by snorlax and borophyll. To defeat these foes you must forge swords from the flames of experience and imagination.


6. always appropriate

ap·pro·pri·ate/verb/ to make one’s own

never be afraid to make. if you take someone something did and change it, it becomes your own.

make everything your own

7. always give work away

whether it be to someone who asks for it or you think that they might like it, keeping it locked away in your desk doesn’t do any good. you make for people let them see it.

8. always share

if you have a good idea and someone wants to use it, let them. copying someone’s idea is the highest form of flattery. who knows they might push you to take your idea further.

9. always revisit

if you’re unhappy with something you’ve made, go back to it. nothing is set in stone. redesign-ing is just one more step in the design process. just make sure you’re taking a step forward, not back.


item-listone.2.3-10.multiple-lamp-neon-something big (outside)-something with a lot of people (inside)

- dots-stickers -large poster (24x36)


item-listthree.2.3-21.geometry-skateboards (wood)-forts-air (space)-moss



10. always take up space

get up. leave your desk. leave your room. be apart of the world. take up space. be noticed.

taken space

11. always take risks

sometimes you need to man (or woman) up and just do it. in any scenario the worst thing that can happen is your ego is bruised and nobody likes an overinflated ego anyways.

always interact

13. always follow through

push ideas until you can’t stand them anymore. then push them more.

temporal typography in public places

14. always keep your eyes open

our world is a large beautiful place covered with interesting and gorgeous things spanning from enormous to microscopic. it would be a shame to be blessed with sight only to never notice anything.

sometimes looking down is the most interesting angle



15. always say always, never say never


our world is a large beautiful place covered with interesting and gorgeous things spanning from enormous to microscopic. it would be a shame to be blessed with sight only to never notice anything.

*1/4 (