Possible Events Related to Jade Helm 15 and Marshal Law

Are UN Helicopters Operating in the Skies Over Washington State as Part of Jade Helm? 20 Comments Share 71 Tweet70 Share318 33 Email23 Over the past year, almost daily there are a fleet of Army helicopters that fly over our house in the same direction, usually just after lunch, but it seems they are clearly American military helicopters. However, two new videos that were posted last week indicate that there are a formation of helicopters operation over Washington State that could be other than military. The following videos are provided by two eyewitnesses to these helicopters. First there is this account that was uploaded by MyKidsFuture on June 10, 2015. You can hear a man and woman both talking and they are clearly describing the helicopters as "Apache like" and "white," assuming they are United Nations helicopters. The second video was uploaded by Liberty's Champion on June 11, 2015 showing what appears to be the same formation of helicopters from a different angle. "I have never seen so many attack helicopters at once in the skies around here before," wrote Liberty's Champion. "Special training or some unique circumstance perhaps?" Both videos included Jade Helm in the titles, but only the first video indicates that the helicopters are white and possibly United Nations helicopter. Frankly, when viewing the video, it's hard to tell what color the helicopters are due to where the sun is in the video. However, according to All News Pipeline , "…the word we have gotten from a retired US Navy SEAL source, they ARE likely United Nations choppers. With both China and Russia high ranking UN Security Council members , we echo the words


Possible Events Related to Jade Helm 15 and Marshal Law

Transcript of Possible Events Related to Jade Helm 15 and Marshal Law

  • Are UN Helicopters Operating in the Skies Over Washington State as Part of Jade Helm? 20 Comments

    Share71 Tweet70 Share318 33 Email23

    Over the past year, almost daily there are a fleet of Army helicopters that fly over our

    house in the same direction, usually just after lunch, but it seems they are clearly

    American military helicopters. However, two new videos that were posted last week

    indicate that there are a formation of helicopters operation over Washington State that

    could be other than military.

    The following videos are provided by two eyewitnesses to these helicopters. First

    there is this account that was uploaded by MyKidsFuture on June 10, 2015. You can

    hear a man and woman both talking and they are clearly describing the helicopters as

    "Apache like" and "white," assuming they are United Nations helicopters.

    The second video was uploaded by Liberty's Champion on June 11, 2015 showing

    what appears to be the same formation of helicopters from a different angle.

    "I have never seen so many attack helicopters at once in the skies around here before,"

    wrote Liberty's Champion. "Special training or some unique circumstance perhaps?"

    Both videos included Jade Helm in the titles, but only the first video indicates that the

    helicopters are white and possibly United Nations helicopter. Frankly, when viewing

    the video, it's hard to tell what color the helicopters are due to where the sun is in the


    However, according to All News Pipeline, "the word we have gotten from a retired

    US Navy SEAL source, they ARE likely United Nations choppers. With both China

    and Russia high ranking UN Security Council members, we echo the words

  • of Libertys Champion in the 2nd video: This 'is not normal and seems very out of

    place to me.'"

    There is a Seattle, Washington chapter of the United Nations Association of the

    United States of America. On June 10th, the same day these videos were taken, the

    chapter was holding a board meeting, according to its website.

    Calls to the Seattle, Washington United Nations Association went unreturned as we

    sought clarification of whether these were indeed UN helicopters and what their

    purpose was.

    The closer we are to the Jade Helm exercises being conducted the more likely things

    like this are going to be seen. While many claim that this is just "normal," I can't

    remember anything of the magnitude of Jade Helm in my lifetime. I realize there are

    people who want to point out the need for military training. However, doing so in

    cities, among the population, is a really bad idea. It not only conditions citizens to

    accept such things on their streets, but it also conditions the soldiers to do the same

    thing. In fact, it is questionable as to whether military should be training at all on

    American streets.

    One commenter wrote something that I think is poignant when it comes to the

    ramping up of our military training like this. Curt Cope wrote:

    Look, let me tell you younger folks something here. All these military drills going on in our cities,

    counties, and states are NOT normal. For you younger folks, you ONLY KNOW what YOU

    KNOW in the environment that YOU GROW UP IN. During my time in the military many moons

    ago, we WERE NOT doing these drills in the cities, counties, and states. This is completely out of

    the ordinary in these united States of America.

    Now, you may turn on the booboisie tube and they may tell you that this is all normal. Well, it IS

    NOT. They are LYING to you. They know, that you only know, the environment you are growing

    up in.

    Hitler said it best: "When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side.' I calmly say,

    'Your child belongs to us already What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however,

    now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.'"

    - Adolf Hitler

    You are being acclimatized. You know... Nothing to see here folks!

  • And you better get this through your heads. WE TRAIN LIKE WE FIGHT... WE FIGHT LIKE

    WE TRAIN. Let-that-sink-in. They are training in the environment that they will be fighting in.

    Let me put it this way, if you are going to fight in the jungle, you don't train in the desert.

    I don't know if this is a part of Jade Helm in a similar manner that explosions rocked

    the Midwest two weeks ago or similar training exercises will continue to be

    conducted, but answers do need to be provided.

    Don't forget to Like Freedom Outpost on Facebook, Google Plus, & Twitter.

    You can also get Freedom Outpost delivered to your Amazon Kindle device here.

    Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/06/are-un-helicopters-



  • Explosions Rock Urban US Neighborhood Ahead of Jade Helm Residents Angry Because of 3 Hour Warning 104 Comments

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    With all the talk about the upcoming Jade Helm exercises that were targeted in the

    Midwest, but are obviously spread across the country, even into South Carolina, a ten

    day US Army urban military training exercise has residents in Flint, Michigan up in


    WNEM reported on Tuesday:

    It was a peaceful afternoon, and then residents said it seemingly turned hostile.

    "I was standing there, and all of a sudden, boom!" Jean Glenn said.

    "I mean it was loud, it blew up the whole sky or whatever, it was like four or five big bangs,"

    Annette Humphrey said.

    Explosions you'd expect in a war zone echoed through Flint. People's homes shook and those

    inside were caught off-guard. It all went down Tuesday at the shuttered Lowell Junior High on

    the city's east side.

    The blasts are just an Army exercise.

    Just an exercise, eh? Then why would the city not have warned its citizens that such

    an exercise was taking place? Jason Lorenz, spokesman for the city of Flint, said that

    the Army and city had been having talks for six months about the exercise and is part

    of a joint exercise being carried out across the US. But the city failed to give residents

    warning. The least the city did was issue a release on Tuesday at 11:30am concerning

    the exercises.

    To top it off, many were concerned because of the local high school. MLive reports:

    The city said in a news release that residents should expect to hear the loud noises associated

    with the training until June 12.

  • No specific locations were identified by the city and a spokeswoman for the Army was not

    immediately available for comment.

    Three Flint police cars and several men dressed in combat fatigues were in the area of the

    former Lowell Junior High School on North Vernon Avenue Tuesday immediately before two

    loud explosions just after 2 p.m., jarring unsuspecting neighbors.

    "They should warn the residents around here at least when there's something that loud and

    scary," said Nicole Robinson, 28. "That's pretty crazy."

    Witnesses said they began hearing explosions about 2pm. So, why the short notice?

    Did no one in the city think it appropriate to let the citizens know that they were going

    to be allowing this kind of exercise weeks or months prior? Apparently not.

    "Obviously, I can't speak for the Army on that, but we try to give people a heads up

    when we can, we can't go into too much detail, we don't want people just coming to

    these things and sightseeing," said Lorenz.

    When you can? The man just said that the city knew for six months! That was the

    time to let people know because I'm sure there would have been protests concerning

    the use of their cities to begin these exercises. Troops should not be trained in US

    cities. It is psychologically bad for the troops and the citizens.

    However, the city did apologize on Wednesday. Lorenz claimed the city being tight-

    lipped was for the safety of the troops and the citizens, but that is nonsense. If you

    heard something like that, what would be your response? I can tell you that in my

    neighborhood, some people might start poking around and someone would end up

    getting shot.

    Police Chief James Tolbert tried to explain why they didn't provide notification.

    "Yesterday was a unique situation," said Tolbert. "For whatever reason the timetable

    was moved up. And we put it out as soon as we could. We did put it out before there

    was any type of explosives."

    That is inexcusable. No, the city should have been letting the citizens know months

    before while they were talking about it. The citizens elect their local representatives to

    handle these things and make them aware. A three hour warning while people are at

    work is not really a notice.

  • "Officials do say they will release more information following the exercises, but

    specifics will be kept secret so tactics aren't passed to our enemies,' writes Andrew


    The ten day exercise will use both aircraft and simulated ammunition. It will last until

    June 12.

    Alex Thomas, writing at Intellihub, points out the following:

    Millions of people read the independent (some say conspiracy theory orientated) alternative

    media and while not all of those readers believe everything they read, the sheer amount of

    evidence brought forth so far indicates that there are tens of thousands of people who are, in

    varying degrees, worried about the military being used against the civilian population.

    If this is true, then one would imagine that there are at least a small minority of people who work

    within different government agencies that are also worried about this now public plan.

    There have been various whistleblowers throughout the years who have shared their worry and

    now, after a stunning report by a mainstream news outlet, we have confirmation that at least

    some of the people who work in the Pentagon are worried about what they see as Obama's plan

    to use the military against the people.

    In the viral Washington Times report, an anonymous Department of Defense official revealed

    their belief that a DoD Directive outlining military support to civilian authorities was literally

    the latest step towards the President using military force against the American people.

    Read Directive No. 3025.18 "Defense Support of Civil Authorities" here

    "This appears to be the latest step in the administration's decision to use force within the United

    States against its citizens," said the defense official.

    According to the report, another anonymous US Official also claimed that President Obama

    considered using the military during the Bundy Ranch standoff but eventually decided against it.

    Jade Helm is real and does involve simulating, despite those who are attempting to

    play it down. However, I'll leave it up to the reader to decide whether or not they

    should be concerned about this. I think all of the training on American streets is

    psychological to both soldiers and the American public and should be stopped

    immediately. There are plenty of areas for troops to train away from the public. There

    is no doubt in my mind that Obama wants a communist style revolution and he is

    willing to pit the military against the populace to get it.

    Don't forget to Like Freedom Outpost on Facebook, Google Plus, & Twitter.

    You can also get Freedom Outpost delivered to your Amazon Kindle device here.

  • Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/06/explosions-rock-urban-



  • Defense Official warns that DoD

    Directive allowing the use of

    military force against American

    citizens is latest step towards

    martial law June 1, 2015 5:28 am EDT22 Comments


    Military trains for domestic riot control Photo Credit: marines.mil



    By Alex Thomas

    (INTELLIHUB) In a stunning revelation published by a mainstream news outlet, an

    anonymous Department of Defense official has revealed their belief that a DoD

    Directive outlining military support to civilian authorities is the latest step towards

    President Obama eventually using military force against the American people.

    The quote from the defense official was published in a now viral report that detailed the

    2010 DoD Directive and how it could be used, under authority from the President, to

    unleash the might of the US military onto the civilian population.

    This appears to be the latest step in the administrations decision to use force within

    the United States against its citizens, a defense official told the Washington Times.

    According to the report, another anonymous US Official also claimed that President

    Obama considered using the military during the Bundy Ranch standoff but eventually

    decided against it.

    Directive No. 3025.18 Defense Support of Civil Authorities

  • The directive was signed on December 29, 2010 and includes normal provisions on

    support for civilian emergency services before revealing that the President has the

    power to deploy the military on American citizens as he sees fit.

    This fact was already known due to numerous executive orders but the directive shows

    that President Obama himself has signed new orders during his presidency that confirm

    this power.

    A section on using the military during civil disturbances includes:

    Federal military commanders are provided EMERGENCY AUTHORITY under this

    Directive. Federal military forces shall not be used to quell civil disturbances unless

    specifically authorized by the President in accordance with applicable law (e.g.,

    chapter 15 ofReference (d)) or permitted under emergency authority, as described

    below (see DoDD 3025.12 (Reference (j)) and DoDD 5525.5 (Reference (c))).

    In these circumstances, those Federal military commanders have the authority, in

    extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is

    impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to

    engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil

    disturbances because:

  • (1) Such activities are necessary to prevent significant loss of life or wanton destruction

    of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and public order; or,

    (2) When duly constituted Federal, State, or local authorities are unable or decline to

    provide adequate protection for Federal property or Federal governmental functions.

    Another troubling section of the directive details how the military will go about providing

    lethal assets to local authorities including arms and drone technology.

    The section also openly acknowledges that the military is planning for situations where

    a confrontation between law enforcement and American citizens is expected.

    Except for immediate response and emergency authority as described in paragraphs

    4.g. and 4.i. of this section, only the Secretary of Defense may approve requests from

    civil authorities or qualifying entities for Federal military support for:

    (1) Defense assistance in responding to civil disturbances (requires Presidential

    authorization) in accordance with Reference (j).

    (2) Defense response to CBRNE events (see DoDI 2000.18 (Reference (aa))).

    (3)Defense assistance to civilian law enforcement organizations, except as authorized

    in Reference (c).

    (4) Assistance in responding with assets with potential for lethality. This support

    includes loans of arms; vessels or aircraft; or ammunition. It also includes assistance

    under section 382 of Reference (d) and section 831 of title 18, U.S.C. (Reference (ab));

    all support to counterterrorism operations; and all support to civilian law enforcement

    authorities in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and

    civilian individuals or group is reasonably anticipated.

    This directive is literally part of the blueprint for martial law in America yet the

    mainstream media continues to pretend that fears of martial law are simply the

    ramblings of crazed conspiracy theorists.

    In other words, the corporate media is expecting and hoping that the American people

    are so blind that they refuse to see reality and instead go along with transparent media


    There have been at least 200 mainstream news reports that attacked Alex Jones and

    the entire alternative media for being worried about Jade Helm 2015, one of the largest

  • realistic military training exercises ever seen on American soil, yet defense officials

    within the Pentagon are themselves worried about Obamas plan to use military force

    against citizens.

    You can count on the fact that, if one defense official is willing to risk it all and give a

    quote like the one above, many others within their agency are also worried.

    Military drills and movements within the last 2 months

    In a major report published late last week, I wrote about the upcoming dirty bomb drill

    known as Operation Northern Exposure and how it was yet another military drill that

    has either taken place or been announced within the last two months.

    The list includes:

    On March 13th, Intellihub founder Shepard Ambellas detailed photos and

    documentationof nearly 40 U.S. Army soldiers, wielding training rifles and dressed in

    full combat gear, participating in an urban warfare style training drill just outside the

    Texarkana Regional Airport perimeter.

    In the middle of April, a report out of Big Springs, Texas revealed that a train full of

    military equipment and over a dozen helicopters had arrived in the town ahead

    of Jade Helm 2015.

    Photographs taken in Corona, California a few days later added to the Jade Helm

    speculation after they showed a MRAP full of what looked to be U.S. Marines driving

    down the 1-15 freeway. In broad daylight with not a care in the world

    On April 24th a shocking report on Intellihub News detailed armed troops seen

    confronting angry protesters in a professional news packageof riot control training

    released by the military

    A massive buildup, a lot of movement and its undeniable at this point, read the

    headlineon April 25th after a convoy was seen in Oroville, California that stretched

    as far as the eye could see.

    Moving into May, photographs taken in Indiana showed a massive military convoy

    heading down the freeway. The photos, taken by a concerned citizen, show the

    convoy heading west on I-70 for reasons unknown.

    Two days later, video footage, this time out of Texarkana, Arkansas, highlighted a

    convoy of Humvees driving down the highway as well as a trainload of military

    vehicles that was seen shortly after.

  • In mid May, Intellihub reporter Alex Thomas published a detailed report that

    confirmed that the military was indeed training to take on the American people, this

    time in the form of domestic house to house raids.

    The next day a new report, also by Alex Thomas, proved that Marines were actually

    practicing for the internment of American citizens.

    On May 18th, a train full of hundreds of military Humvees was spotted, further

    revealing the increased military buildup across the country leading into Jade Helm

    2015. The train was heading towards Cleveland for unknown reasons although a

    possible connection to planned upcoming protests had been mentioned.

    This past week a massive military war game simulation called Raider Focus was

    announced. The war game will include the largest military convoy seen on the roads

    of Colorado since World War II.

    On may 23th, Intellihub News reported on pictures sent to ANP that show a 1/4 mile

    long military train convoy near the Colorado Wyoming border.

    Finally, a report published this week detailed a stunning propaganda move by the

    military involving a New Jersey school and the worship of the military on the streets

    of America. As parents, teachers, and students looked on with joy, Marines from the

    Special-Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force landed helicopters on the baseball

    diamond of a New Jersey school.

    Perhaps the most important aspect of this report, besides the fact that we now have

    confirmation that at least some within the government are against declaring martial law

    in America, is the fact that this is direct evidence that President Obama himself has

    thought about and made sure he has the power to use the military against the public at


    Instead of assuming he had the power under past executive orders and laws, President

    Obamas Department of Defense put it in writing during the height of the Tea Party


    At this point is it up to the American people to continue to counter the propaganda being

    pushed by the mainstream media and the military PR machine by educating friends and

    family about the very real and documented dangers of martial law being declared in


    About the Author

  • Alex Thomas is a reporter who has worked in the alternative media for over three years.

    His work has been featured on numerous news outlets including Infowars and RT. Alex

    is an exclusive weapon of Intellihub.

    Read more articles by this author here.

    Feel free to post this article in part or in full, leaving the byline and all original

    links intact.

  • I noticed something strange. Tracking Point makes very expensive ($7,500 and up) rifles that

    have lasar target tracking software. These rifles are able to put a bullet within at half a mile

    on a target moving up to 10 miles an hour. This weekend, I noticed that their web site says the

    following: Due to financial difficulty TrackingPoint will no longer be accepting orders. Their

    phone number for orders does not answer and they do not return phone call requests. I suspect

    the government does not want these rifles in the hands of civilians. See http://tracking-


  • Jade Helm: Marines train for

    internment of citizens under

    martial law May 15, 2015 4:21 am EDT22 Comments




    By Alex Thomas

    (INTELLIHUB) Over the last two months, dozens of videos and articles throughout

    the alternative media have detailed a widespread military buildup throughout the country

    coupled with an increasing amount of urban military training drills that have a strong

    domestic hint.

    Now, this never-ending saga of new evidence continues with professional video footage

    taken in Arizona that highlights a U.S. Marines training drill that included armed troops

    chasing angry citizens who attempted to escape a mock internment camp.

    Role players playing the part of citizens (American?!) angrily shouted for food and water

    throughout the video. Multiple role players also simulated an attempted escape from

    confinement only to be chased down and arrested by armed troops.

  • Military training and planning for some sort of internment of American citizens during

    civil unrest is hardly new. Multiple military documents and leaks have long exposed this

    startling truth.

    In 2012, Infowars reported on a leaked U.S. Army document that outlined plans for re-

    education camps on both foreign and domestic soil. The report went so viral that a

    large-scale disinformation campaign was launched to convince the public that the

    document was only for use outside the country.

    A shocking U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will

    be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers contains

    numerous clear references to the fact that the policies do apply domestically to U.S.


    Despite the fact that the manual is well over 300 pages long and would take hours to

    read properly, within minutes of posting our story yesterday a minority of commenters

    were claiming that the policies outlined in the document only pertained to foreign

    combat operations and did not apply domestically to U.S. citizens.


    The most alarming portion of the document appears on page 56 and makes it clear that

    detention camps will have PSYOP teams whose responsibility will be to use

    indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes, as well as

    targeting political activists with such indoctrination programs to provide understanding

    and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.

    Lets make one thing clear the manual primarily deals with enemy combatants

    captured and detained in foreign prison camps run by the U.S. Military. However,

    another thing that is just as clear from reading the manual in full is the fact that it also

    applies to citizens detained within the United States, whether they be DCs (displaced

    citizens) or civilian internees, in other words citizens who are detained for, security

    reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the

    detaining power.

    Firstly, throughout the manual there are scores of references to how the U.S. Army

    would work together with the DHS, ICE and FEMA (page 24) to implement the

    policies within U.S. territory as part of civil support operations in the aftermath

    of man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its

    territories. (page 38).


  • The handling of DCs (displaced citizens) is also a mission that may be performed in

    support of disaster relief or other emergencies within the United States or U.S.

    territories during civil support operations, states page 33. Page 56 also states that

    it is the responsibility of the PSYOP officer to control detainee and DC populations

    during emergencies.

    Resettlement conducted as a part of civil support operations will always be

    conducted in support of another lead agency (Federal Emergency Management

    Agency, Department of Homeland Security) states page 37.


    The document also contains numerous references to U.S. citizens (notably pages 13,

    41). Page 13 notes how U.S. citizens will be confined separately from detainees,

    meaning they will be separated from foreign prisoners in the camps

    On page 146 of the manual, we learn how prisoners in the camps are to be identified.

    The prisoners last name, first name, and middle initial are placed on the first line of a

    name board, and the prisoners social security number is placed on the second line.

    Last time I checked, the United States Social Security Administration was not

    responsible for handing out social security numbers to people in Afghanistan or Iraq.

    On page 193 of the document, we learn that the policies outlined in the manual can be

    applied domestically. The language makes it clear that so long as the President passes

    an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the military from

    engaging in domestic law enforcement, the policies may be performed as domestic

    civil support operations.

    As always the military PR machine and the corporate media are sure to claim that the

    training was to prepare soldiers for overseas action. Now that the military is brazenly

    releasing footage, when in the past they would deny this type of training even exists, it

    allows them to use Orwellian doublespeak to confuse and placate the American people

    with claims that if the training were for them then they wouldnt publicly release the


    Intellihub News and many other alternative news outlets have painstakingly detailed

    dozens of military training exercises that include role players openly playing the part of

    American citizens.

    In early April, National Guard troops conducted a dirty bomb drill in California with role

    players playing the part of sovereign citizens.

    Im a sovereign citizen, I refuse to recognize you guys, I refuse to recognize you.

  • Just yesterday I reported on Richland County, South Carolina police officers training

    with US Special Forces in conducting domestic house to house raids.

    In yet another startling revelation in the lead up to Jade Helm 2015, Special Forces out

    of Fort Bragg are currently training with Richland County, South Carolina police officers

    to provide realistic military scenarios.

    Footage from previous training in the area included midnight house to house raids

    conducted by a combined military and police force.

    Not knowing that the next day would provide even more evidence, the report also

    detailed footage taken in Fort Lauderdale, Florida that showed troops training for what

    looked to be a martial law style interment of American citizens.

    The clip shows armed troops arresting role players on the street before a column of

    prisoners are marched towards a mock internment facility. Black Hawk choppers are

    also seen whizzing between buildings.

    The exercise was accompanied by very little media coverage. A Sun-Sentinel report

    said that Broward County police would be assisting members of the U.S. Special

    Operations Forces who are undergoing urban warfare training.

    The drill, which was held in locations the military refused to disclose beforehand, began

    on March 17 and ended on Friday. 200 military personnel from all four branches, Air

    Force, Army, Marines and Navy, took part in the exercise.

    The goal is to prepare participants in realistic, unfamiliar training conditions before they

    deploy for combat overseas, states the report. Residents were advised not to be

    alarmed by the Black Hawk helicopters in the sky.

    Broward County also saw similar drills back in March 2014, when Navy SEALS

    practicing storming a university building from a helicopter.

    The sheer amount of documented training to take on the American people by portions

    of the military and local law enforcement would take multiple pages to fill. Simply put,

    there is so much evidence that a martial law scenario is being trained for that anyone

    attempting to deny it at this point either has an agenda or is extremely naive.

    One can only hope that the patriots within the military feel just as much anger over the

    plans as many of the American people do. For it will take a concerted effort by those in

  • power within the military and police establishment to put an end to this notion once and

    for all.

    All photos from U.S. Military

    Additional Sources

    Internment and Resettlement Operations U.S. Army PDF

    Army Manual Outlines Plan To Kill Rioters, Demonstrators In America PDF

    About the Author

    Alex Thomas is a reporter who has worked in the alternative media for over three years.

    His work has been featured on numerous news outlets including Infowars and RT. Alex

    is an exclusive weapon of Intellihub.

    Read more articles by this author here.

    Feel free to post this article in part or in full, leaving the byline and all original

    links intact.




    3307 381 0

    The time for denial is over

    Paul Joseph Watson


    Friday, May 4, 2012

    RELATED: Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In


    A shocking U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated

    by specially assigned psychological operations officers contains numerous clear references to the fact that

    the policies do apply domestically to U.S. citizens.

    Despite the fact that the manual is well over 300 pages long and would take hours to read properly, within

    minutes of posting our story yesterday a minority of commenters were claiming that the policies outlined

    in the document only pertained to foreign combat operations and did not apply domestically to U.S.


    This is similar to the denial witnessed prior to the passage of the NDAA when some argued that the

    indefinite detention provisions did not apply to American citizens despite numerous legal analysts

    asserting they did and President Barack Obama himself acknowledging they did when he signed the bill.

    Click here to read the full document entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations.

  • The most alarming portion of the document appears on page 56 and makes it clear that detention camps

    will have PSYOP teams whose responsibility will be to use indoctrination programs to reduce or remove

    antagonistic attitudes, as well as targeting political activists with such indoctrination programs to

    provide understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.

    Lets make one thing clear the manual primarily deals with enemy combatants captured and detained in

    foreign prison camps run by the U.S. Military. However, another thing that is just as clear from reading

    the manual in full is the fact that it also applies to citizens detained within the United States, whether they

    be DCs (displaced citizens) or civilian internees, in other words citizens who are detained for, security

    reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an offense against the detaining power.

    Firstly, throughout the manual there are scores of references to how the U.S. Army would work together

    with the DHS, ICE and FEMA (page 24) to implement the policies within U.S. territory as part

    of civil support operations in the aftermath of man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks

    and incidents in the U.S. and its territories. (page 38).

  • The handling of DCs (displaced citizens) is also a mission that may be performed in support of disaster

    relief or other emergencies within the United States or U.S. territories during civil support

    operations, states page 33. Page 56 also states that it is the responsibility of the PSYOP officer to

    control detainee and DC populations during emergencies.

    Resettlement conducted as a part of civil support operations will always be conducted in

    support of another lead agency (Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland

    Security) states page 37.

    All these passages make it clear that the policies outlined on page 56 are also applicable within U.S.

    territory as part of civil support operations conducted in partnership with domestic federal agencies like

    the DHS and ICE. The U.S. Immigration authorities have no role in detaining prisoners in Afghanistan

  • and Iraq and neither do other U.S. agencies also listed in the document such as the Public Health Service

    (page 224).

    The document also contains numerous references to U.S. citizens (notably pages 13, 41). Page 13 notes

    how U.S. citizens will be confined separately from detainees, meaning they will be separated from

    foreign prisoners in the camps

    On page 146 of the manual, we learn how prisoners in the camps are to be identified.

    The prisoners last name, first name, and middle initial are placed on the first line of a name board, and

    the prisoners social security number is placed on the second line.

    Last time I checked, the United States Social Security Administration was not responsible for handing out

    social security numbers to people in Afghanistan or Iraq.

    On page 193 of the document, we learn that the policies outlined in the manual can be applied

    domestically. The language makes it clear that so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify

    Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the military from engaging in domestic law enforcement, the

    policies may be performed as domestic civil support operations.

    The manual states, These operations may be performed as domestic civil support operations, and adds

    that The authority to approve resettlement such operations within U.S. territories, would require a

  • special exception to The Posse Comitatus Act, which can be obtained via the President invoking his

    executive authority.

    These examples are just a handful of a plethora contained in the 326 page Internment and Resettlement

    document which prove that the policies in the manual apply not only to foreign prisoners abroad, but also

    toAmerican citizens within the United States.

    On top of this, we have the 2009 story about how the National Guard posted a number of job listings

    looking for Internment/Resettlement Specialists to work in civilian internee camps within the

    United States.

    The time for denial is over. People spent weeks arguing over the indefinite detention provisions of the

    National Defense Authorization Act, ignoring assertions by top scholars and legal experts that the

    kidnapping provisions did apply to U.S. citizens.

    It appears as though cognitive dissonance is causing some people to desperately search for any way of

    denying the shocking truth contained in these Army documents. This is particularly prevalent amongst

    Democrats and liberals, whose support for the cult of Barack Obama has blinded them to the fact that his

    administration is passing legislation which in many cases is far more draconian than anything Bush

    signed into law.

    Take this comment for example from the Democratic Underground forum. Linking to our article from

    yesterday, a user writes, A friend of mine just posted (as he usually does) a ridiculous article from

    InfoWars and its pissing me off to no end. Im trying to find stuff to continuously disprove this drivel, and

    Im probably wasting my time. Anyone able to help on this particular story?

    The individual does not even have the inclination to look at the source document to find out if the story is

    true, they would rather just throw out ad hominem insults like ridiculous and drivel. Rather than

    being pissed off at the frightening language contained in the U.S. Army manual, the individual is pissed

    off at Infowars for reporting on it.

    Yes, the U.S. Army has really written a manual which details re-education camps. Yes, the manual does

    apply to U.S. citizens domestically. Denying these manifestly provable facts will not make the threat go

    away. This is not an imaginary monster under the bed.

    The time for denial is over.


    Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of

    Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.