Positive thinking original hen

Positive Thinking? Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills


This presentation is useful for those who looking for positive mindset and attitude change.

Transcript of Positive thinking original hen

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Positive Thinking?

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Introduction to Positive thinking

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Learning Objective

This text will introduce you to positive thinking. You will see how it works. You will lean how to use it in your life.

You will start by learning why it is important to think about thinking. You will learn how your brain works to make thoughts into memories.

You will learn how attitudes are formed.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Learning Objective

You will learn why a thought is more than just a thought. You will learn how your beliefs shape your actions and change your life.

You will learn how the things that you say to yourself affect your attitude. You will learn how to take charge of this “self-talk” to create positive attitudes.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Learning Objective

You will learn how to use this knowledge to change the attitudes that are causing you problems.

You will learn how to create new attitudes that help and make you feel better.

You will discover how you can “picture” yourself successful.

You will learn how your imagination works to create positive or negative attitudes.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Learning Objective

You will learn how to use your imagination to create attitudes of success and good feelings about yourself.

You will see that positive thinking can offer you a richer life. It can make you happier, more sure of yourself, and more satisfied. It all begins when you take charge and begin to think positively.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be happy all the time? Do you wonder why others seen to be unhappy? Why do some people seem to have one problem after another? Is life easier for some people than for others? No, life is not different for different people. It seems different only because we see it differently. A problem is a problem only if we see it as one. Presented by Mr.

HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

Introduction to Positive thinking

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+ We can go through life looking for and finding all the bad that comes our way. We can give it all our attention. + We can think about it and worry about it. Or we can do the opposite. + We can look for and find all the good that comes our way. + We can think about what is good in our lives. + We can keep our attention on that. Which way of looking at the world do you think will make us happiest?

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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+We have a choice of what we think. We have a choice of how we think. We can use that choice to improve our lives. We can learn to think positively. +Positive thinking does not mean that you ignore a problem. It does not mean saying that nothing is wrong when something is wrong. +It means finding the good that is always present along with the bad. It means choosing to keep your thoughts on that.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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+Positive thinking is a way of looking at the world that helps us feel better. It helps us move away from hurt faster. +It helps us solve problems faster. Any event in our lives can be seen in either a positive or negative way. +Choosing to see things positively is a good choice to make. Positive thinking is a good habit.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Begin Now by Discovering Positive Thinking

• You are about to learn the most important secret ever told. Every person who is successful knows this secret.

• The secret is simple. It is not hard to learn. It is not hard to

do. All you need to do to change your life is to change the way you think. That is the secret. You can change your life anytime you want-just by changing your mind.

• Are you happy with your life? Would you like to change the

way others see you? Would you like to change the way you see yourself?

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Thinking Creates Your Self-image

Your self-image is your picture of yourself. It is the way you see yourself. In your mind you have a picture of who you are.

That picture is made up of all the thoughts and feelings you have ever had about yourself. Presented by Mr.

HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Thinking Creates Your Self-image

Some time you saw yourself as smart, good, kind, or helpful. But at other times you may have seen yourself in other ways. Have you ever thought of yourself as dumb? Have you ever felt unwanted? Have you ever felt unlovable?

That happens to everyone. Your self-image is made up of all

these thoughts. If you think good things about yourself most of the time, you will feel good about yourself. If you think bad thing about yourself most of time, you will feel bad.

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Thinking Creates Your Self-image

the way you see yourself affects how others see you. If you see yourself as dumb, ugly, unlovable, other people will too.

And If you see yourself as smart, kind, and lovable, you will act smart, kind, and lovable. And other people will see you that way too.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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You choose your thoughts

How you think affects how you feel. It affects how you see yourself and how others see you. Choosing how you will think is the most important choice you can make. And you do choose how you think.

Some people believe that others ”make” them think or feel a certain way. They may say, “Susie hurt my feelings. She made me feel bad. “Or,” “John made me angry.” But that is not really true. Other people do thing s and you react to what they do in certain ways.

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You choose your thoughts

If you are feeling very good, what Susie says may not hurt you. But if you are not feeling good about yourself, you tend to see and hear things as “bad.” Your mood affects your thoughts just as your thoughts affect your mood. But you can choose to be in a good mood. You can decide not to think about bad things.

You can make yourself push unhappy thoughts out of your head. You start by deciding that you want to do so.

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You choose your thoughts

You see, only you have control of your thoughts. Only you! No one else can “make” you think or feel anything.

You decide which thoughts to hang on to your mind. And you alone can stop them from hurting you..

First let’s look at how those thoughts got into your memory. Then you will see why you alone control how you think and how you feel.

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Thinking About Thinking

You can develop the habit of positive thinking. Have you ever Stopped to wonder how and why you think?

Probably not.

Most people don’t think about thinking. They just do it. But you should think about how your

thoughts get into your mind.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Thinking About Thinking

Thinking about the process of thinking can help you understand it.

Then you can better use your thinking process.

You can better control your mind.

You can use more of your mind.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Thinking About Thinking

Most of us don’t make full use of our mind. Some scientists say that we use only about one fifth of our brain.

Much of our mind’s work takes place without our knowledge. Until recently science did not know much about how the mind works.

But more and more makes it possible for us to use more of our mind – if we choose to.

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Thinking About Thinking

We now know that people who are creative – people who invent things, who create art, or who just have a lot of ideas – think in a special way.

We also know that people who are generally happy and upbeat think in are pessimists.

Pessimists are generally unhappy and negative.

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Thinking About Thinking

We now know that these different thinking processes can be learned.

Let us look for a moment at some of the things that scientists have learned about the mind and how it works.

Let’s explore the territory of your mind so that you can begin to understand it better.

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Making Memories

A memory is information that is stored in your mind. Memories are held in your mind to be available for later use.

Memories help you sort out new information.

Imagine what it would be like if you had no memories. Each time a new sight, sound, or piece of information came your way it would have to be figured out anew.

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Making Memories

Your mind would spend all its time and energy figuring out that “That shape is a desk,” “That sound is a dog barking.”

Your mind would have no time or energy to create new ideas. It would have no old ideas to work from.

Presented by Mr. HOR HEN, Executive Director of Brain Activation & Skills

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Making Memories

Your mind uses memories to compare the old with the new. It looks for patterns and relationships between old and new information.

How is this in formation like something you already know? How is it different? Then your mind files the new information, as a memory, into other files that have similar information. In this way your mind sets up idea networks that help you figure things out.

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References: 1. Services Marketing by Lovelock

2. The Essence of Services Marketing by Adrian Payne

3. The Marketing Management - An Asian Perspective

by Philip Kotler

4. The Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler

5. The marketing of services by Donal & Cowell
