Posititude April 14

posititude A positive attitude Change your life April 14 (Issue 3) Inside Topics on….. Positive attitude Positive Thoughts Positive Health Positive YOU…. LEAD THE TEAM For Private Circulation only

Transcript of Posititude April 14

  • posititude

    A positive attitude Change your life

    April 14 (Issue 3)

    Inside Topics on.. Positive attitude

    Positive Thoughts

    Positive Health

    Positive YOU.










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    Rajinder Singh Mann 1st April 14 Bahadurgarh

    This issue is dedicated to Leadership in you. Every person is blessed with innumerous qualities, which can make him/her a wonderful and successful person. But the biggest problem is that we dont know this treasure of qualities everyone of us have and owner of virtues. This issue describes those qualities and how to invoke them and use those to make our personality dynamic. In this issue we have presented the types of personalities. How our way of thinking and actions makes us?, what we are today?, is also prime aim of this issue. Time is the biggest factor which contributes to success in life. Management of time is very essential in everyones life. Every leader has to emphasis on the maximum and effective utilization of time. Time once lost is never retrieved again. Therefore time should be used with all precaution and perfection. It is said, In a healthy body resides a healthy mind. Vitamins are an integrated part of our food. In this issue, sources and benefits of Vitamin B is also included. Hope, you are enjoying POSITITUDE. Our main motive is to make every person a person of POSITITUDE,, i.e., Positive Attitude. With Best Wishes.

    Website www.posititude.com

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  • Contents


    April 14

    You are the Power House 4 to 8 All about the virtue everyone have by gods grace

    That is yours 9 to 9 A motivational Poem

    Personality Factors 10 to 15 16 PF and 5 Factors

    Time Management 16 to 22 Defines Time management Techniques

    Yoga A way of life 23 to 25 Sukhasana and Padmasana

    Find Leader in You 26 to 31 Vitamin Bs 32 to 37 Sources and Benefit of Vitamin B

    A Motivational Poem In Hindi 38 to 38 References 39 to 39 About May 14 Issue40.

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    In March 14, issue we have discussed about soul and its values/Sanskars. How values and sanskars are attached with Soul? In this issue we will discuss about the Values and sanskars which makes our soul, a Divine soul. In our daily busy life, we dont have time to self evaluate Ourselves. Also we dont know exactly which values make us a strong personality to face day today problems and to live a successful and contented life. Everyone wants success in life, wants children to get best values and education, to have peace of mind at work and home. But to achieve these, one has to build himself a strong person to overcome lifes hurdles. Shri Krishna narrates 26 values which a successful, peaceful and Happy soul, should have and is called a Devine Soul. In other words he has described how to inculcate positive attitude in life to live peacefully,meaningfully and successfully. He has described 26 values as divine qualities. Means, these are Gods values and he has adviced to adopt the same. Indirectly he is giving message that we all are his children and father is teaching us to behave like him. Therefore be proud to be a POWER HOUSE. Follow the fathers advice, and change your persona and achieve lifes goals.. Srimad Bhagwat Gita, Chapter 16

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    Lord Krishna begins by describing the 26 divine qualities: 1) abhayam is fearlessness due to the absence of anxiety which arises from the dread of harm to the physical body or the prospect of losing what is precious. 2) sattva-samsuddhih is purification of one's existence and denotes purity of heart consisting of pure goodness undefiled with the taint of passion and ignorance. 3) jnana-yoga-vyavasthitih means situated in the knowledge of devotion resulting from discriminating the atma or immortal soul from physical matter as the individual consciousness attains communion with the ultimate consciousness. 4) danam is the charity given to worthy recipients from what one legitimately owns. 5 ) damah is self restraint, controlling the mind to be uninfluenced by sense objects. 6) yagna is Vedically authorized ritualistic ceremonies in propitiation and devotion to the Supreme Lord Krishna exclusively for his satisfaction without any self interests. This also applies to his authorized incarnations and expansions. 7) svadhyayah is devoted study of Vedic scriptures, knowing that they alone teach the glories of the Supreme Lord and are the quintessence of all that is spiritual. 8) tapas is austerity and penance. Performing expiatory activities is a duty for all human beings. 9) arjavam is simplicity, straight forwardness to others in thought, word and deeds. 10) ahimsa is non-violence to all living entities by thought, word and deed. 11) satyam is truthfulness verily speaking what is true that is beneficial to all beings. 12) akrodah is freedom from anger due to absence of resentment for others. 13) tyagah is renunciation of whatever is opposed to atma-tattva or soul realisation. 14) santih is tranquility, keeping the senses peaceful and impervious to agitation.

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    15) apaisunam is aversion to fault finding and slandering others even if warranted. 16) daya is mercy, sympathy for life, empathy for the distress and misery of others. 17) aloluptvam is absence of greed for sense gratification. 18) mardavam is gentleness and humility which is appropriate for saintly association. 19) hrih is modesty, the feeling of shame at the thought of anything inappropriate. 20) acapalam is determination to remain firm against temptations presented to one. 21) tejas is radiance, luster. The illustrious proof of the efficacy of spiritual practice. 22) ksama is forgiveness. The absence of vengeful feelings against those harmed by. 23) dhritih is fortitude. The capacity for righteousness while enduring great duress. 24) saucam is cleanliness both internally and externally to be spiritually worthy. 25) adrohah is absence of envy, non-interference in the interests of others. 26) natimanita absence of false ego, lack of desire for honour and prestige. There commandments were given to Arjuna and all the worrier in the Dharamkshetra Kurukshetra. Today also these are true and applicable. Everyone is a worrier in this Kalyug and has to face the adverse situations. To overcome these difficulties and adverse situations one has to practice these values, then only one can be successful in taking right decision and achieve lifes goals. These values inculcate positivity and change the attitude and attitude change the life accordingly.

  • 26 Divine




    Purification of one's existence

    Spiritual knowledge




    Study of Good Literature

    austerity Simplicity

    Nonviolence Truthfulness,

    Freedom from anger


    Aversion to faultfinding




    Determination Vigor



    Freedom from envy

    Passion for honor

    Freedom from envy Freedom from covetousness

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    This Is Yours When life becomes too much to bear, Remember when they told you, Its not fair. Some will win and some may lose, But youre the one That gets to choose. To win, or to fall To lose, or to have it all. The effort you put in Is what you will receive. You can have everything, Your choice is whether or not to believe. One step forward, Or choose to stand still. A dream is only a dream Until you work and give it a purpose to fill. This is your life, And yours alone. You have the choice to decide What to do with the next stone. Throw it in retaliation Or hold it close, For means of motivation. Take the anger you feel and turn it around. Turn the breath taking screams Into a beautiful sound. Let your actions be the guide For others to recognize Maybe then the world will realize That when we look through each others eyes We see past the disguise We can see the hurt we all feel Because while some may act perfect? The pain is real. We all bleed red. We all live, And then were dead. Were in a race to finish But dont know the prize. Ya know..crazy how the time flies.


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    personality psnalti/ the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. Personality is basically a psychology subject. But in our day today life if we want to live a meaningful and a successful life, we need to understand the people with whom we are associated and to know the people which are associated with us. It include our self, our family members, our neighbors, our co-workers and so on. If we dont understand them, it would be very difficult for us to get our work done and work in a team. There are many theories on this topic. But I find Raymond Bernard Cattells theory of 16 PF Questionnaire and Big 5 Factor theory very simple, easy to understand and practice. We are going to discuss it in this part. Cattell and team worked on these human 16 factors and tried to evaluate the basis of these. The sixteen primary factors were a result of factor-analyzing hundreds of measures of everyday behaviors to find the fundamental traits behind them. Then, they discovered the five global (or second-order) factors by factor-analyzing the sixteen primary traits themselves, to find the basic, organizing forces among the sixteen basic traits. The Following 5 Global Factors were considered to define the 16 personality factors - Areas of Potential Concerned - Self Control - Workplace Coping Skills - Interpersonal Skill - Dependence V/S Accommodating - Problem Solving

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    Factor Low High

    1. Warmth (A) Cold, Selfish Supportive, Comforting

    2. Reasoning (B) Instinctive, Unstable Cerebral, analytical

    3. Emotional Stability Irritable, Moody Level headed, Calm

    4. Dominiance (E ) Modest, Docile Controlling, Tough

    5. Liveliness (F ) Somber, Restrained Wild, Fun Loving

    6. Right-consciousness (G) Untraditional, Rebellious Conforming, Traditional

    7. Social Boldness (H) Shy, Withdrawn Uninhibited, Bold

    8. Sensitivity (I) Coarse, tough Touchy, soft

    9. Vigilence (L) Trusting, Easy going Wary, Suspicious

    10. Abstractness (M) Practical, Regular Strange, Imaginative

    11. Privateness (N) Open, Friendly Private, quiet

    12. Apprehension (O) Confident, Self Assured Fearful, Self-doubting

    13. Openness to Change (Q1) Close-minded, set-in-ways Curious, Exploratory

    14. Self-reliance (Q2) Outgoing, social Loner, Craves Solitude

    15. Perfectionism (Q3) Disorganized, messy Orderly, thorough

    16. Tension (Q4) Relaxed, cool Stressed, Unsatisfied

    Cattells 16 Personality Factors. In the 1st Column, Factors are mentioned, in 2nd Column refer to descriptors of low range of the factor and 3rd column refers to the descriptors of high range of the factor.

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    16 PF and Primary Factors 1) Introversion / Extroversion Introversion are Reserve, Serious, Shy, Private and Self-Reliant. Extroversion are Warm, Lively, Bold, Forthright and Group-Oriented 2) Low Anxiety / High Anxiety Low Anxiety are Emotionally Stable, Trusting, Self-assured and Relaxed. High Anxiety are reactive, Vigilant, Apprehensive and Tense 3) Receptivity / tough-Mindedness Receptivity describe Warm, Sensitive, Abstracted and Open to Change person. Tough-Mindedness describes Reserved, Unsentimental, Practical and Traditional person. 4) Accommodation / Independence Accommodation describes Deferential, Shy, Trusting and Traditional person. Independence describes Dominant, Bold, Vigilant and Opn-to Change person 5) Lack of Restraint / Self Control Lack of Restraint describes Serious, Expedient, Abstracted and Tolerates Disorder person. Self Control describes Lively, Rule Conscious, Practical and Perfectionistic person. By studying these factors and traits, one can easily define himself. By studying And correlating ones nature with the 16 PF, one can easily comes to know the Person, his behavior, action and reactions in a particular situation..

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    The 16PF Questionnaire (16PF) is a widely recognized personality test and measures core personality traits that influence behavior. The test is based on a model of personality which incorporates the following five global factors:

    Relating to


    The extent to which an individuals time and energy

    are focused on interpersonal relationships, as

    opposed to seeking more time alone and working

    independently on tasks.

    Influence and


    The extent to which an individual has a forceful,

    assertive and independent influence on their

    environment, or a more cooperative, collaborative

    style of functioning.

    Thinking Style The tendency to have an intuitive, creative thinking

    style, or a more objective, realistic way of thinking.

    Structure and


    The tendency for self-discipline and self-control, or

    adopting a more unrestrained, flexible approach.

    Management of


    Indicates different styles of coping with pressure,

    disappointments, challenges, setbacks and other

    stressful circumstances.

    If you want to know your personality, read the page 11 and 12. First of all take a piece of paper and pencil. Start writing your nature. Like, if you are shy, less talking, help others, dont interfere in others area, etc., Then relate these with the factors defined on page 11 and 12. Tick them, you will come to know the person you are. If you want to change yourself, then also page no 11 and 12 will help you. Rest, keep on reading POSITITUDE regularly, definitely you will be a POSITIVE ATTITUDE PERSON, i.e., POSITITIUDE.

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    Time is the only thing in this world, which once passed, will never come again. No one can get it back. Once lost is lost for ever. Nothing can replace it. This is being realized by every one. But how to use your time effectively, meaningfully, fruitfully and efficiently. There are many rules and philosophy established by many management Gurus. Here, we are taking few of the most important rules and techniques to manage the time. 1) Goal Setting Personal and Professional First of all one should know what is GOAL? In laymans language Goal is Something you Aim for in your life. A Goal can be Short term or long term. To Begin with, the process of setting goals forces you to think through what you want from your activities in short term and long term. In other words GOAL SETTING is Establishing Short- or long-term objectives, usually incorporating deadlines and quantifiable measures. One should set two types of Goal 1) Personal Goals, which effect personal and Social life and 2) Professional Goals at work place, which effect professional successes and growth. Goal setting is done by asking four questions - 1) Present ? 2) Target? 3) When? 3) How?

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    2) Prioritization Lack of Time is actually Lack of Priorities To Concentrate on Results, not on being Busy. Everyone wants to play smart. There is a well known principle, Pareto Principle, in other words 80:20 Rule. This defines that 80% of unfocussed efforts generates only 20% of the results and the remaining 80% of the result is achieved only by 20% of efforts. Therefore one has to identify which of the processes consume 80% of the time, giving 20% of the result and to find out activities which consume only 20% of the time and gives 80% of the result. Focusing on fewer activities which generate maximum results should be focused, rather that maximum activities giving fewer results.

    3) Scheduling Scheduling is the process of managing the time available to accomplish the jobs in hand according to the set priorities. By scheduling the time properly - one will come to know how best the time can be used, - understand to plan to use the time in a best way, - will get time for most urgent and immediate tasks, - preserves contingency time to handle the unexpected, - minimize stress by avoiding over-commitment to yourself and others There are many time scheduler available in the market. In outlook, there is time scheduler which can be used to schedule activities.

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    4) Preparing to do List Daily a to do list can be prepare to utilize the time in a best way and it should be always with you. Every hour you should review it and do some changes if you requires based on priorities. Few examples of to do list are as under

    5) Managing time Wasters Many activities within and outside waste time. They should be minimizes if cant be avoided. Other-wise avoid them. Few are - Attending unwanted calls. Do DND on your mobiles, so that unwanted calls doesnt disturb you. Also be precise on phone calls, dont convert a call in gossip call. - Reading unwanted mails. Delete unwanted mails from you mail box and schedule your replies. - Surfing Surfing on net is a biggest time killer, it will eat 80% of your office and personal time if now chosen carefully - Social Media Now a day social media is also play a big role in wasting time. Like wechat, whatsup, etc., These are disturbing and killing time of everyone irrespective of age Better avoid reading unwanted messages, which are not for you.

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    - Watching TV, is one of the biggest time stealer, Choose your programmes carefully, keeping in view of your time. - Procrastinate is the act of delaying an action. It is one of the

    biggest reason of mis-management of time. Follow your to do list and complete the tasks which are urgent and immediate, other-wise you have to face consequences of not completing the task. Procrastination is all about mental attitude of a person and it become habit if not corrected on time. Following the to do list will prevent procrastination. Therefore always prepare to do list religiously and following it. The to do list should be reviewed every hour. It will save wastage of time.

    - Avoid big meetings There should be time period and schedule for any meeting. It should be completed followed and completed. Unwanted issues should be avoided in the scheduled meeting. A Fixed and proper agenda should be prepared and discussed upon. Only the concerned persons should be call in the meetings. Unwanted persons should be avoid, to avoid killing his and others time.

    - Accepting everyone request Practice to say NO. Everyone cant be satisfied. Therefore practice to say NO, if dont have time or you cant do it or not under your preview.

    - Travel Time Manage the travel time to the office. In coming issues we will keep discussing on this issue to inculcate POSITITUDE.

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    Quotes from Leaders..

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    In this edition we will discuss about two most simple and abd basic Yoga Asans. 1) Sukhasana Yoga 2) Padmasana Yoga

    1) Sukhasana yoga Postures and Techniques It is a preparatory pose for many yoga poses. It is the basic and most easy yoga pose. It can be practiced any where. Even though if you dont want to do any yoga asana, Sukhasana itself will itself give you many benefits.

    Steps a) Use one or two thick blankets to make base for sitting for yoga. b) Sit Down on the mat on floor. c) Cross your legs, placing your feet below your knees. d) Clasp your hands around your knees. e) Balance you tail bone and pubic bone in such a way that they are quidistant from ground. f) Place your hands on your knees, palm down and lengthen your tailbone towards the floor. You may rotate the cross of your legs whenever you feel like. You can be in this pose as long as you feel comfortable. Precautions 1) If you have any injury in knees, leg or hip, please avoid this asana. 2) People having spinal disc problem should not do this.


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    Benefits of Sukhasana Calm you Brain Sooth Stress, anxiety and mental exhaustion Improving Alignment Opening your hips, Promoting Inner calm Reduce fatigue Strengthening your back Stretching your ankles and knees

    2) Padamasana Lotus Position

    4. Make sure that your both legs knees should be on the ground(base) and the soles of the feets are pointing upwardly. 5. Your back bone should be held straight but not stiff. 6. The status of the legs may be flip-flopped later on after a time period whenever the pose gets Awkward.

    1. Sit down comfortably on the floor keeping your legs extended straight in front. 2. Now easily fold the right leg knee and hold the right leg foot with both the hands and slowly put it on top of the left leg thigh such that the heel of the right leg is brought close to the navel as possible. 3. Bow the left leg knee and hold the left leg foot with both hands and put it on top of the right leg thigh such that the heel of the left leg is brought close to the navel as possible just like step 2.


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    Benefit of Padamasan a Calms the Brain Keeps the spine Straight Stimulates the spine, abdomen, pelvis and bladder Helps keeps joints and ligaments flexible Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica Stretches the ankles and knees Helps develop good body posture Restore energy level

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    Dictionary meaning of leader (noun) a person who rules, guides, or inspires others; head

    Just remember your childhood. Have you lead a group of children to play in a play ground? Have you guide your younger brothers and sister at any point of time? Have you inspired your colleagues to do a difficult task? Have you ever inspired your wife, when she lost some of her near and dear? Have you inspired your kids to get much better result next time, when they got marks below expectation? Dont you are heading your family? Taking care of your father, your mother, your brothers and sisters, your wife and your children? Dont you guide you son in choosing his career? Dont you delegate you responsibility to your spouse? We all are inborn with many such qualities, which we knowingly or unknowingly practice in our life. We help our near and dears to achieve their goals, we are humble, we adjust to environment, we teaches our kids, we plan for our future and for our kids, etc.,. These all works requires a positive attitude, which give us passion to do our work with perfection. People are attracted to opposites, where he can fill his incompleteness. Followers make Leader. 1. Listen to the People - Why people follow a person and assume him

    their leader. First of all, every person wants that someone should listen to his problems, give solution and make his life easy. Listening carefully and sympathetically attract people to come to a person. Listening is an art, it require lot of patience and understanding. This is the foremost requirement of any person to accept someone.

    2. Give Solutions and Help When you listen to anyone and give him the solution, you have sown the seed of your capability of being a leader. Always help others and give solutions to other when they come to you for it. Without need help or advice is always a waste, so be cautious not to give solutions without need.

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    3. Reliable Once a people find capability in you as a solution provider, people will start coming frequently to you for solution and spread your skills and capabilities to other by word of mouth. This is Reliability. You started accepted as a reliable resource now. To build this image you needs to be reliable, honest, friendly and Straight forward. Your word should have Value and weight. Whatever you commit or promise, you should fulfil otherwise dont make false commitment. This is the stage when people start depending on you.

    4. Trust worthy Once you become reliable to help other and people start following for their personal problem and solution. This build your trust on them. They start trusting you. Building trust on others is one of the foremost quality of a leader. TRUST IS BUILD AND GAINED BUT BECOMING RELIABLE. People follow only those, whom they can trust. Trust is not buildup over night. A person watches, test, evaluate results, benefits of getting associated and then only trust the other person. Once all his emotional, professional, personal needs are fulfilled, he become the follower and the person who is being followed becomes the LEADER. So leaders are not borne, Leader are made.

    5. Approachable - A Leader should be approachable by phone or mail or personally. If the leader is not approachable then the follower have no option to wait or to change the leader. No one waits for anyone. Therefore if you want to be Leader, be approachable.

    6. Discipline / Role Model If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. - John Quincy Adams

    A leader is followed. Whatever action you do is being watched. Since you are trust worthy and reliable, therefore once you are accepted as a leader, every action of yours will be taken as it is. Only few will debate and discuss. A leader should be disciplined in his actions, reactions, talks, a person, behavior, work, interactions, etc., People will take you as a role model and will follow you. It is difficult to maintained yourself as a Leader than to become a leader.

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    7. Vision and Goal Setting The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You cant blow an uncertain trumpet. -Theodore M. Hesburgh Vision for tomorrow and days after is a good quality of a leader. Every person have the senses to visualize his future in days and years to come, but very less of us do use this innate capability. Being a leader you are assumed to have this capability, therefore team members will always be dependable on you for their future. Their future depends on your future. Therefore as a leader, you should set goals to fulfil your vision. 8. Delegation Based on Goals, a leader should further bifurcate it into part goals of the individual team members. If your team members trust you as a leader, then it is you moral duty and responsibility to trust on them. Therefore be open and delegate the works amongst your team members and guide them to achieve. Leaders are not meant for work, they are meant for teaching the guiding team members to achieve their goals. Combined goals of each team member will consolidate the goal of the group and the team leader. 9. Resilience The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. -John Maxwell Meaning of Resilience an individuals ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity . In a team and outside team you will find huge number of pessimist who will induce lot of negativity in you. But the true leader is who over come all the negativities he encounter in his way and through team members. He should be ready to adopt the change and change the course of the team accordingly to achieve to goals. 10. Passion and Enthusiasm Passion and Enthusiasm are not mutually exclusive, though. In fact, passion can incubate enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can plant a seed of passion in others.

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    Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant. Ralph Waldo Emerson Passion is innate quality of human being. When we see passion in others our passion flares out. Passion is always infectious. But it should be in a control manner. Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal, which takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice. Arnold J. Toynbee Enthusiasm is the way by which you go about doing something else. Its in your attitude, your outward appearance, your mannerisms and your speech. You exude enthusiasm. When you are enthusiastic about something, its contagious. A smile will wipe across anothers face. Someone will get excited. Conversation takes off. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed? Thats enthusiasm. A leaders Passion and Enthusiasm spread the energy and message to the team to focus and concentrate on the goal. Be passionate about your goals and be enthusiastic to achieve it. The team members always look at the leader and behave in the same manner. 11. Recognition - Showing your gratification for the team and recognition of all the achievers in the team makes you a strong and great leaders. Always thanks the team members for achieving their individual goals and contributing to the overall goal of the team. This induce belongingness and pride in the team members. Always give them credit of the success. Be a part of the team. These are few leadership traits which you have inside you, which makes you different from others in crowd. In next issues we will be discussing more on this topic. I can say with confidence that You have the POWER, PASSION AND ENTHUSIAM TO LEAD A TEAM. ..YOU HAVE THE QUALITIES OF BEING A LEADER, BUT YOU HAVE TO REVIVE THEM...

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    In the last two issues you have read about Vitamin C and Vitamin A. their Sources, benefits and health problems due deficiencies of these Vitamins. In this issue, we have taken Vitamin Bs. Vitamin B is not a single Vitamins, soluble in water. This is a group of 11 nutrients which works as a group. The major benefits of these Vitamins are as under Stress Booster, Improve Memory, Help to prevent Heart Attack, Relieve in PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) Boost Energy. Major Vitamins, source and benefits are described as under 1) Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) It plays key role in production of energy and support metabolism. The major sources of this vitamin is in the food which are rich in Carbohydrates. Major food are legumes (Pulses), Nuts and cereals. Examples are Sunflower Seeds, Oats, Beans (Navy, Black, Pinto, Lima), Peas (Dried and green), Lentils , Asparagus, Cabbage, Broccoli and other green leafy vegetables. Following disease may occur due to the deficiency of Vitamin B1 1) Diabetes 2) Beri-Beri (Effect Skeleton system mainly) 3) Liver Malfunctioning 4) Heart Disease 5) Alzheimer

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    2) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B2 mainly improve eye sight and

    eyes health.

    Source of this vitamins are Almonds, Organ Meat, Wheat Germ, Brewers Yeast, Milk, Soyabeans, eggs, broccoli, mushroom, flour and cereals Symptoms of deficiency of Vitamin B2 are Fatigues, swelling and soreness of throat, digestive problems, cracks and sore in and around corner of mouth, eyes fatigue. 3) Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) Vitamin B3 is very good cardiovascular health. It boost Good Cholesterol and lower bad Cholesterol and triglycerides. It lowers Cardiovascular risk. It also prevent hardening of arteries, which is one of the main reason of Heart Attack. Source of Vitamin B3 In is found in Green vegetables, meat, poultry, Fish, Eggs., beef liver and kidney, sunflower seeds, and peanut. Symptoms of Deficiency of Vitamin B3 1) High Cholesterol 2) Skin Lesions 3) Diarrhea 4) Mental Confusion 5) Insomnia

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    4) Vitamin B6 (Pyidoxine) Vitamin B6 is mainly required in the reactions of enzymes in metabolism. It is also helpful in the development of Head and Brain of child during pregnancy. Source of Vitamin B6 Poultry, fish, organ meats, Potatoes and other starchy vegetables, Fruit (other than citrus). Symptoms of Deficiency of Vitamin B6 1) Lack of Energy in body 2) High levels of Homocysteine 3) Trouble in Brain Function 5) Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid) Vitamin B9 is also known as Folic Acid. It plays a crucial role in the function of Brain. It is important for mental and emotion health. Sources of B9 Spinach, dark leafy greens, beets, turnip, asparagus, Beans, Grain, Orange juice, and milk. Deficiency Symptoms of B9 - Poor Growth Tongue inflammation Gingivitis Loss of appetite Breath proper Diarrhea Irritability in behavior Forgetfulness Mental Sluggishness

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    6) Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobatamin) Its main role is in the normal functioning of the brain, nervous system and also in the formation of Blood. This is mainly found in animal derived food, including fish, meat, eggs, milk and milk products. Deficiency Symptoms - Fatigue, depression, poor memory, anemia, and may cause damage to brain and nervous system. 7) Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5 ) It is useful in the treatment of acne,

    alcholism, allergies, baldness, asthma and many other. Sources It is mainly found in mean, whole grains, broccoli, avocados. Symptoms of deficiency loss of energy level, muscle cramps, fatigue and apathy. 8) Biotin (Vitamin H) It is useful to maintain blood sugar, strengthening of hair and nails. Sources Swiss Chard, raw egg yolk, lever, leafty green vegetables. Symptoms Hair loss, Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, depression, lethargy, facial rashes. 9) Choline Very less research has been done on this nutrient. It is mainly found in Beans, almond and milk products. Its deficiency may effect liver and nervous system.

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    10) Inositol It is necessary for nervous system. It effect on cell level and plays vital role in message cells and its formation and functions. It is mainly found in fruits, beans, grains and nuts. Deficiency of this nutrient may lead to Alzheimers disease, anxiety, diabetes, depression, high cholesterol and psoriasis. 11) PABA (Para-Amino Benzoic Acid) It is mainly used to treat infertility in women, arthritis, anemia, rheumatic fever, constipation) it is also used to darken grey hair, prevent hair loss and make the skin look younger. It blocks UV radiation to the skin. The contents in this articles are compiled from various sources. We dont recommend anyone for taking any of the vitamin personally. One has to take advice from medical practitioner for taking Vitamin supplement.. This is just make the reader aware of the importance of Vitamins and their usage in our physical and mental health. Our main motive is to make the readers healthy and to have a positive attitude in their life. By taking good food, every one can have a good physical and mental health. Healthy thought can only evolved in a healthy body and mind.

    Conclusion -

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    , , , , , , , , , ,

    A Motivation Song By Anonymous

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    1. Http://Wikipaidia 2. http://ods.od.nih.gov/ 3. http://www.rightdiagnosis.com 4. http://www.dictionary.com 5. Medical Encyclopedia (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) 6. Shree Gita


  • 40 **** For Private Circulation only