POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR...

POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3)

Transcript of POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR...

Page 1: POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3) The Director of Learning Pathways is a leadership position with responsibility


Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3)

Page 2: POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3) The Director of Learning Pathways is a leadership position with responsibility

Position of Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3) THOMAS MORE COLLEGE, SALISBURY DOWNS

Dear Applicant

Thank you for your enquiry about the position. This letter details the steps you need to take if you decide to proceed with an application.

Please find enclosed:

• A copy of the advertisement for this position

• The Position Information Document for the role. This document describes the role of the Director of

Learning Pathways

• Current Strategic Intent 2018-2019

• The Applicant Declaration Form

You are invited to speak with Mr Andrew Balkwill (Principal) about the position if you

wish. Please phone Margy Greenwood to make an appointment to speak with Andrew. Please note that school visits are not part of this process.

Information for Potential Applicants PREPARATION OF WRITTEN APPLICATION Your application will consist of four sections:

1. Brief covering letter

2. Two-three-page Curriculum Vitae (CV)

3. 5-6-page application addressing the advertisement, Position Information Document, and the Strategic Intent.

4. Applicant Declaration Form

1. Brief Covering Letter

This should be addressed to the Principal and consist of 2-3 paragraphs only. 2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

• Please provide in a structure of your choice.

• Please list 3 professional referees, with all available phone numbers for each person.

• The Panel will decide whether it will contact all your referees, and it may also approach you for

your consent to contact additional referees, if necessary. If you anticipate any difficulty in nominating your referees in the manner described above, please contact me as a matter of urgency.

3. Application

The advertisement, the Position Information Document for the Role together with the Strategic Summary are provided as a guide for your application. You are asked to write no more than 6 pages outlining your vision

for the role. You will need to draw on your successful experience in exploring this. This style of application is designed to give applicants an opportunity to explore their own vision for the role within the context of this college. Accompanying documentation as a guide rather than as a restriction. It is also designed to allow applicants room for creativity in demonstrating to the panel why they are suitable and competitive for the position.

Please note that applications must be restricted to six pages.

Page 3: POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3) The Director of Learning Pathways is a leadership position with responsibility

4. Applicant Declaration Form Please ensure that you complete the Applicant Declaration Form included in this package

and return it with your application. If you choose to opt for a discussion with the Principal/Director or

Delegate rather than answering one or more of the questions please note that you must submit your application one week prior to the closing date for applications. Please provide an electronic copy of your application to [email protected]

SELECTION PROCESS The selection panel will carefully consider all applications and undertake a process of shortlisting.

Selection panels may also contact referees as part of the shortlisting process, in order to ensure that they have information about each applicant’s track record, as well as the information provided in the written application.

Normally you will receive a phone call to offer you an interview, or a letter to say you have not

been shortlisted, within 3-4 weeks of the closing date for applications. Please feel free to contact me on 8182 2600 if you have any questions.

I wish you well with your application.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Balkwill

Page 4: POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3) The Director of Learning Pathways is a leadership position with responsibility

Position Information Document

Director of Learning Pathways

(POR 3)

The Director of Learning Pathways is a leadership position with responsibility for enriching learning for

students through:

• Ensuring access to the curriculum for all

• ‘Closing the gap’ in educational achievement

• Providing life enhancing possibilities

• Establishing strong post-school pathways

The primary function of this role is to support student learning, through a number of flexible learning and

pathway opportunities for all students at Thomas More College.

The Director should be able to demonstrate knowledge, capabilities and experience in educational

leadership. They are responsible for promoting an inclusive educational environment through

coordination, oversight and monitoring of the Learning Enrichment Team and ultimately supporting

students with additional needs across years 7-12.

The Director is responsible to the Principal and works closely with the Assistant Principal – Teaching and

Learning, Assistant Principal Student Wellbeing and other senior leaders to provide a seamless transition

into and coherence within the schools’ educational programs across Year 7 – 12.

In collaboration with other leaders, the Director will assist the Principal in the day to day management and

long-term development of the strategic goals, supporting the College to fulfil its mission. They will

contribute to the shaping of strategic directions of the school particularly in responsibility for the

enrichment of learning opportunities for all students within our learning environment.

The Director will promote the sense and purpose of the College’s vision through collaborative leadership,

working towards continued school improvement and ensuring that all teaching and learning takes place

within the context of our Vision Statement and Values.

Role Description

The Director demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of leadership with an understanding of building

professional relationships and networks of shared responsibility to support the College’s mission of

ensuring success for all.

• Schoolwide approach to the changing expectations in the education and school environment

• Engagement, collaboration and competence underpin the future of our school

• Learning and development is integral to our work

Page 5: POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3) The Director of Learning Pathways is a leadership position with responsibility

The Director:

• Provides leadership in managing student pathways and leads case management for students at


• Supports the Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning to provide leadership for Learning

Enrichment and flexibly delivered programming, including off campus programs for students at

risk. Works with staff to develop personal learning plans for each of the students involved in a

flexible learning program.

• Supports the Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning to provide leadership to the staff and

school community in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum, SACE curriculum, SACE

Board requirements, and Vocational Education and Training programs.

• Provides leadership in the development of flexible Senior School curriculum and programs across

the school for students undertaking SACE studies within the Cross Disciplinary learning areas

including Community Studies, Integrated Learning and Modified SACE, with a focus on improving

quality teaching and learning within these programs.

• Provides leadership in the planning, implementation and review of policies, practices and

procedures to ensure smooth operations, management of resources, and student matters as

relevant to this position.

Working Relationships

The Director:

• is ultimately responsible to the Principal, reporting through the Assistant Principal Teaching and


• works collaboratively with the Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning,

Assistant Principal Wellbeing, and other leaders in the development and implementation of

flexibilities within the Australian Curriculum, SACE, Modified SACE, and VET curriculum and to

effectively manage the requirements of the SACE for all Stage 1 and 2 students.

• has responsibility for the oversight as the line manager to the Inclusive Education Coordinator

(POR 2), VET Coordinator (POR 2), Vanier Centre Coordinator (POR 1) and the EAL/D Coordinator

(POR 1).

• provides direct performance and development support for all staff, but specifically those working

in the areas Special Education, VET, EAL/D, Careers and flexibly delivered programs.

Key Outcomes

Student learning outcomes are improved through the implementation of a cohesive school curriculum,

student access to the curriculum, quality teaching and learning teaching strategies and assessment

practices that engage all students, including students at risk, undertaking the SACE, VET, Australian

Curriculum, Cross Disciplinary and Community Studies.

• Student learning pathways across Years 7-12 are developed within the principles of:

o engaging students’ strengths and passions

o building capacity within students’ capabilities providing appropriate support, stretch and


o preparing students for success in the world now and in the near future

Page 6: POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3) The Director of Learning Pathways is a leadership position with responsibility

• A wide range of programs are developed or accessed to provide maximum opportunities for

students including early intervention and support for students with identified learning needs.

• All students are supported in achieving growth in their learning, no matter their entry point.

• The SACE, SACE Board requirements and VET are successfully implemented for all students and

SACE completion and achievement targets are met.

• Flexible Learning programming and practices are successfully implemented leading to improved

outcomes for students involved in these programs.

• Quality assurance procedures are in place to monitor student growth through collecting,

monitoring and analysing student data including; testing, EAL/D levelling and achievement data in

the middle school and SACE and VET data within the senior school.

• Policies, practices and procedures have been developed, implemented and reviewed to ensure

continuous improvement in the delivery of programs, management of general operations,

resources and student matters within the SACE, VET, Australian Curriculum and Flexible Programs.

Vision, Mission and Ethos

• Incorporate principles and values of Thomas More College’s Mission Statement into learning

programs and practices.

• Role model Christian values in all dealings with students, staff and parents.

• Fully support the Catholic ethos by taking part in staff and student prayer, retreats, social justice

activities, etc

• Have a commitment to, and a clear understanding of, the ethos of a Catholic School and the

charism of St Thomas More.


• The role is inclusive of a teaching load as per the Enterprise Agreement for Catholic Schools SA.

Additional time for the role may be provided as negotiated.

• Teaching (As teaching PID and responsibilities)

Additional Information

• This position will attract a lesson non-contact time with due consideration given to the

composition and number of classes in teaching load. The tasks associated with this position may

be reviewed during the period of appointment and the Director may be asked to assume other

duties and tasks as the Principal may from time to time as directed.

• Role will be regularly reviewed

WHS Requirements

This role is deemed to be a Worker under the South Australian Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act 2012. As a

Worker, while at work you must –

• take reasonable care for your own health and safety

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• take reasonable care that your actions or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of

other persons

• comply, in so far as you are reasonably able to, with any reasonable instruction given by the


• cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the employer that is related to health and

safety at the workplace that has been notified to workers.

Reference: Division 4, Section 27 and 28 WHS Act 2012

Page 8: POSITION INFORMATION DOCUMENT · Position Information Document Director of Learning Pathways (POR 3) The Director of Learning Pathways is a leadership position with responsibility