Portland Community College Aviation Maintenance Technology ... · Portland Community College...

1 Portland Community College Aviation Maintenance Technology 2011 Program Review Review Committee Members: Gil Bynoe, SAC Co-chair Jeff Guenther, Instructor David Kercher, SAC Co-chair Steve Phillips, Instructor Marshall Pryor, Faculty Dept. Chair

Transcript of Portland Community College Aviation Maintenance Technology ... · Portland Community College...


Portland Community College

Aviation Maintenance Technology


Program Review

Review Committee Members:

Gil Bynoe, SAC Co-chair

Jeff Guenther, Instructor

David Kercher, SAC Co-chair

Steve Phillips, Instructor

Marshall Pryor, Faculty Dept. Chair



Program Overview 3

Section 1: Program Discipline/Goals 4

Section 2: Curriculum 6

Section 3: Changes in needs of students and community 12

Section 4: Faculty: composition, qualifications and development 14

Section 5: Facilities and Support 17

Section 6: CTE program needs 21

Section 7: Recommendations for improvement 27


A. Program Strengths 30

B. Core Outcomes Mapping 32

C. Program Outcomes 33

D. Course Outcome examples 35

E. PCC Vision, Mission, Who we Are, Values, and Goals Statements 36

F. The Aircraft Mechanic‟s Creed 38

G. AMT Instructor Qualifications 39



Since 1969 PCC‟s Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) program has trained high-quality

graduates to enter the field of aviation maintenance. Our program prepares students to enter an

industry with both local and global career opportunities. Uniquely situated on the Rock Creek

campus, our program offers numerous local resources, federal approval, and a uniquely designed

curriculum that enables students to graduate in less than two years.

The AMT program total cost is very affordable at approximately $11,000. This is less than one-

third the cost of many other aviation maintenance technology schools. In addition, the program is

certified by the Federal Aviation Administration and approved by the Veterans Administration.

The program prepares students to take national exams with the Federal Aviation Administration.

We operate a modern, 26,000 square-foot, two-hangar complex with 16 aircraft used exclusively

for AMT instruction, including five helicopters. Classes are offered in intensive, 90-hour

modules. We have an advisory committee, composed of a cross-section of industry professionals

that meets semi-annually to reassess our curriculum.

Federal Aviation Regulation 14 CFR Part 65 sets forth the qualification, testing, and certification

requirements for mechanics and other aviation personnel.

The AMT program curriculum is the standard FAA curriculum used in all FAA Part 147 AMT

schools. The program operates on a four-week modular class structure, with new students starting

in fall or winter terms. Each module is four weeks long and usually contains 90 hours of

instruction. The module provides a series of experiences very similar to working in the industry.

The large majority of classes are scheduled from 7am to noon, Monday through Friday with

afternoons and evenings available for study, work and other activities. Classes average 50%

lecture and 50% lab. Students are able to finish the program in 23 months, including summer


Practicum courses help students prepare for the FAA Mechanic's certificate Oral, Written and

Practical exams. The overall FAA exam pass rate for program completers is exceptionally high.


Section 1: Program/Discipline Goals

A. What are the educational goals/objectives of this program/discipline? Have they changed

since the last review, or are they expected to change in the next five years?

• The Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) Program provides training under Part 147

of the CFRs for those desiring certification from the FAA as Aircraft Mechanics

• Provide specialized training through industry partnerships that promote and support a

growing base of aviation maintenance activity in the Northwest.

• Respond to opportunities for offering custom training in existing curriculum areas of Part

147 content or in focused subjects such as Aviation Electronics, Aircraft Systems, Aircraft

Structures, or Rotary Wing Maintenance.

The goals and objectives of the AMT discipline have been consistent with both the industry

and its regulatory body over the past 42 years, since the program‟s first association with PCC

in 1969. The Aviation Maintenance Technology program has been true to its charge as a

regional training organization for Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics.

Place the Program Discipline within the context of the institution. Describe how the

college's Mission, Values and Goals are addressed

http://www.pcc.edu/ir/edumasterplan/PCC VMG Feb2008.pdf


The Aviation Maintenance Technology Program builds the futures for our Students and

Communities by providing them with a complete FAA Certificated and VA approved Aircraft

Airframe and Powerplant Technician Certification Program that is not offered anywhere else

in the Portland area. Consequently, it serves close to 900,000 residents in a five-county, 1,500

square mile area in northwest Oregon. As a matter of fact, the nearest complete AMT

Program south of PCC is Lane Community College in Eugene (approximately 110 miles).

PCC and LCC are the only two complete AMT programs in Oregon. The nearest one north of

PCC is Clover Park Vocational Technical Institute, Tacoma, Washington, (approximately 130



The Aviation Maintenance Technology Program provides access to a very high quality

education at a fraction of the price of many private Part 147 schools, in an atmosphere that

encourages the full realization of each individual‟s potential. The Program offers

opportunities for academic, professional, and personal growth to students of all ages, races,

cultures, economic levels, and previous educational experiences which can be attested to by

the variety of students enrolled in the Program at any given time. Students from thirty

different nations have completed the Program over the years.


The AMT Program is located at the Rock Creek Campus and has students attending it from all

over the Portland area, and even some from out of state. The AMT Program provides its

graduates with possible transfer to 4-year Aviation/Industrial Management degree programs.

Completers are prepared to enter the work force in many local, regional, national, and global


areas of aviation including general, corporate, repair station, military, government, and

transport category with both local and worldwide career opportunities.


The PCC AMT Program provides:

• Quality, lifelong learning experiences that helps students to achieve their personal and

professional goals

• An environment that is committed to diversity as well as the dignity and worth of the


• Continuous professional and personal growth of our employees and students

• Effective teaching and student development programs that prepare students for their roles

as citizens in a democratic society in a rapidly changing global economy

• Academic Freedom and Responsibility - creating a safe environment where competing

beliefs and ideas can be openly discussed and debated

• Sustainable use of our resources

• Collaboration predicated upon a foundation of mutual trust and support

• The PCC AMT Program provides an agile learning environment that is responsive to the

changing educational needs of our students and the communities we serve

• Accountability based upon an outcomes-based approach in education

• The public‟s trust by effective and ethical use of public and private resources


The PCC AMT Program strives to support in spirit and intent all of the college's Goals:

• Improve access to quality lifelong learning opportunities through the effective use of

technology, affordable classes and the strategic location of facilities.

• Promote success for all students through outstanding teaching, student development

programs, and support services in all that we do;

• Professional technical education will be responsive to industry needs and prepare students

to work in a global marketplace.

• Transfer preparation will prepare students for success in obtaining baccalaureate degrees.

• College readiness will promote student preparation for college-level programs and


• Community education/continuing education will provide quality education to enrich

students personally, socially, culturally, and to upgrade occupational/job skills.

• Enrich the educational experience by committing to the development of diversity in our

student body, faculty and staff.

• Develop, safeguard and allocate our resources (human, financial, capital, and

technological) to ensure through planning and assessment the delivery of relevant, quality

programs and services.

• Effectively respond to the educational needs of our students and communities through

strategic alliances with business, government agencies and educational institutions.

• Facilitate growth and development of our district communities by accepting a leadership

role and serving as a key educational resource to the community.

Please see Appendix E for, PCC Vision, Mission, Who We Are, Statement of Values, and



Section 2: Curriculum:

A. Evaluate the curriculum using national and/or professional program/discipline guidelines

where available.

The curriculum used in the AMT program is an expanded adaptation of the basic curriculum

elements required of Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools (AMTS) and listed in 14CFR

Part 147, Appendices B, C, and D. These regulations are enforced by the FAA (Federal

Aviation Administration), and continued certification of the department by the FAA is

dependent on compliance with these regulatory provisions.

The Department is allowed to vary the details of its curriculum (with FAA approval), but not

to a level that would cause it to depart from the regulation requirements. These requirements

include, the minimum "level" at which a subject objective must be taught and the scope of

subjects to be taught. The three "level" definitions focus on the greater or lesser emphasis on

manipulative skill, and culminate in a level that requires at least simulation of a "return to

service" standard; a standard that requires the working technician to document and take

responsibility for that "return to service" in a public record required by the regulations.

While the industry continues to examine the FAA regulatory curriculum in the context of

what it expects of the certificated Aviation Maintenance Technician that is ready for entry

level employment, the FAA is willing to change regulations only with careful consideration of

several things:

• What is the effect on the airworthiness of aircraft?

• What investment will be needed to administer new regulations?

• What is the cost / benefit ratio attached to the proposal?

• What is impelling this regulatory change?

Representatives of the FAA, AMT Schools and the Aviation industry recently completed a

comprehensive study of the curriculum guidance found within Part 147. The recommended

changes, if implemented, will allow for realignment of curriculum emphases and of program

resources. There are also areas where the changes will require budget planning for short term

purchases of more modern equipment.

B. Identify and explain changes that have been made to course content and/or course

outcomes since the last review.

No major changes in course content have been made since the last program review. However,

as a result of a reduction in the AMT budget by $250,000 annually in 2004, several course

offerings were eliminated and other content was shifted. The Math component of AMT 105 –

Applied Science shifted to being a program pre-requisite. The Welding component of aircraft

structures is now being taught by the Welding program through WLD 210.

A major effort at improving the wording of Course Outcome statements to better reflect skills

and knowledge for the workplace was recently undertaken. The AMT SAC saw approval of

revisions to the Course Outcome statements for 19 of 24 courses.

In 2007, the department made three minor adjustments in the AMT Practicum series, moving

content from two practicum‟s to a total of three, providing for a more even distribution of the


capstone evaluation coursework. The General coursework components were removed from

AMT Practicum / Airframe and AMT Practicum / Powerplant. AMT Practicum / General was

developed into a standalone class, providing a review and quality assurance course earlier in

the program.

Within the year following implementation, this change proved beneficial for student success

and retention. This was demonstrated by significantly higher completion of the coursework

within the allotted time for the class and far fewer course incompletes.

C. Assessment of course outcomes:

1. Are assessments that address the course outcomes described in the Course Content and

Outcome Guides (CCOGs)?

Individual course outcomes, program wide, are assessed by three general methods,

written, oral and practical examination. An example of the course outcome being

addressed in the CCOG is found in Appendix D.

2. Describe evidence that students are meeting course outcomes.

Evidence that students meet course outcomes is shown through two methods. Within each

course, students complete a series of readings, quizzes and tests, designed to indicate

comprehension of the course material through a written medium. Students indicate

practical knowledge of and skill with course material through completion of a set of

prescribed projects. All three assessment components, written, oral and practical, have

been developed to meet a set of FAA prescribed knowledge and skill objectives, outlined

in 14 CFR Part 147.

Course outcomes are defined for each course and also for the program. The expectation

that students will become problem solvers, able to draw upon many sources and engage in

a process of synthesis and analysis in their efforts to find solutions is basic in the AMT

course of study and industry employment settings. The department continues to seek

additional methods of providing feedback regarding accomplishment of student outcomes.

Some current methods of determining that students are meeting course outcomes include:

1. Lab projects on aircraft and aviation equipment based upon the content and outcomes

for each course that are evaluated by instructors, and documented in the student's

progress records.

2. Course final testing required by the FAA curriculum, with results also recorded in the

students‟ progress records.

Program review, confirmation of competencies, and identification of weaknesses is

accomplished in the Practicum portion of the program that is scheduled at the end of the

program courses for each certification rating (Airframe, Powerplant). Deficiencies that have

either persisted or developed since specific courses were taken, are identified and addressed

through assigned work, including applicable hands-on projects, focused in the deficient areas.


Successful completion of each course, accompanied by the instructor certification of specific

student competencies, provides documentation of outcomes being met.

Graduates of the program apply to the FAA for certification tests including written, oral and

practical components. Written test results are published and show that graduates of the PCC

AMT program are achieving a near 100% first time take pass rate with an average test score

of 89%, (These data are well above the national norm) and have been doing so for a

significant period. Oral and practical test results are not reported, but anonymous and informal

data is available from the FAA Designated Mechanic Examiners (DMEs) that are

administering these tests. The two DMEs that have provided oral and practical tests to PCC

program graduates over the past few years report that 95% of the applicants are passing these

tests on the first attempt. Based on this feedback, program and course outcomes are being


3. Identify/give examples of assessment-driven changes made towards improving

attainment of course-level outcomes

The recent change, described above, is an example of an assessment-driven change to

improve outcomes. Through a change in the distribution of the program assessments

made through the AMT Practicum experiences, instructors now have additional, more

focused time to spend evaluating the oral knowledge and practical skills of the students.

This is occurring when students have a chance to show comprehensive knowledge and

skills, in a “whole-aircraft” scenario.

D. Assessment of College Core outcomes

1. Describe how courses in the program/discipline address the College Core Outcomes.


The college‟s Core Outcomes are addressed in the AMT program by the following means:


The AMT program requires the graduate to have abilities in: preparing public records and

documents of responsibility regarding maintenance performed on aircraft; communicating

orally, and in writing the current status of „work in progress' on certificated aircraft;

understanding of a variety of legal and technical information and publications upon which

depends the proper maintenance and airworthiness determination of aircraft used by the

general public. Maintenance teams are typical in the industry, including the necessary

communication for such teams to be successful. All facets of maintenance are carefully and

completely documented including handing off incomplete work to oncoming shifts.

Certificated mechanics have the privilege and responsibility of supervising non-certificated

persons engaged in aircraft maintenance; a communication-intensive activity.

Community and Environmental Responsibility

Certificated Aircraft Mechanics are well aware of their community and environmental

responsibilities through the fact that they are carrying the direct responsibility for the

airworthiness of aircraft on which they have performed maintenance. Environmental

responsibilities are well established through a variety of occupational demands to obey


applicable environmental laws, and be aware of human factors in the proper executing of

aircraft maintenance. To be successful, the mechanic must fully participate in the team social

structure of the workplace. All these elements are integral to the courses and projects

accomplished in the program.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Critical thinking and problem solving is a consistent theme throughout the program. The

AMT program outcomes are very focused on this subject. These outcomes are embraced in

each course, with a progressive degree of emphasis and the capstone courses that are in the

program focus on this summative skill development. Program outcomes are listed:

Make independent and accurate airworthiness judgments in the process of inspecting and

maintaining aircraft structures and powerplants in accordance with applicable airworthiness


Develop and implement a plan for aircraft maintenance action based on research and

understanding of appropriate maintenance and inspection data.

Troubleshoot aircraft structures, powerplants and their associated systems with a discerning

recognition of the specific malfunction within the scope of the overall aircraft and associated

systems and accomplish the correct maintenance action that will allow approval for return to

service of the affected items.

Develop and act upon a personal attitude and plan of "Safety Awareness" and compliance that

includes one‟s self, ones‟ co-workers, the work area, and the aircraft.

Satisfy the FAA required competencies for completing the required written, oral and practical

exams for the Airframe and Powerplant ratings of the FAA Mechanic certificate.

Integrate airframe and powerplant knowledge to create adaptable solutions to evolving

problems satisfying the greater aviation maintenance industry need. 1.2010

(Refer to Appendix C for a list of all AMT Program Outcomes)

Cultural Awareness

The AMT program curriculum does not specifically address the issue of Cultural Awareness;

however, throughout the courses in the AMT program, students are exposed to the aspects of

industry and FAA culture (a natural result of the industry being FAA regulated), ethnic

culture, and how these interplay with the performance of aircraft maintenance. Workplace

teamwork, the fact of aircraft maintenance being an international activity with FAA

certificated mechanics worldwide, and the need to study and understand human factors related

to aircraft maintenance - these are reasons for including these cultural components in the

program. Students are exposed to a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds and students

are encouraged to appreciate diversity.

Professional Competence

Students graduating from the AMT program apply to the FAA for mechanic certification

testing. Demonstrating their mastery to the FAA through approximately 30 hours of written,

oral, and practical testing, these graduates are then ready for the employment of their

competencies. The FAA has found them qualified to provide aircraft maintenance services to

the community and the aviation industry.



Graduates of the AMT program at PCC are taught to evaluate their skills and equipment in the

performance of specific aircraft maintenance and to seek what is necessary for the proper

execution of the work. This is not only necessary for the industry to produce proper results,

but is a regulatory requirement. Aircraft maintenance in an intensive activity, and all are

required to participate in the responsibility for proper techniques and practices - their creation,

revision, and documentation. Please see Appendix F for The Aircraft Mechanic‟s Creed.

1. Please revisit the Core Outcomes Mapping Matrix for your SAC and update as

appropriate. http://www.pcc.edu/resources/academic/core-outcomes/mapping-


Refer to the Core Mapping in Appendix B.

2. What strategies are used to determine how well students are meeting the College Core


Each course within the AMT program uses a threefold strategy of written, oral and

practical assessment to determine that program students are making successful

coursework progress.

The FAA mandates that AMTS graduates be exposed to course material through effective

classroom and laboratory experiences. Students are able to gain a significant base of

factual knowledge through modern subject material textbooks and then demonstrate that

knowledge through written tests. However, because aviation is kinesthetic practice,

successful students must also demonstrate adequate knowledge and manipulative skills

through oral and practical assessment.

The AMT program has mapped 129 unique FAA mandated skill and subject knowledge

areas across 24 courses. This prepares the program completer move through standardized

FAA testing to gain the mechanic certificate.

3. Describe evidence that students are meeting the Core outcomes

The Core Mapping matrix, completed in November of 2009, illustrates that the AMT

program students are meeting average to excellent skill levels in three of the six core

outcomes. Continued effort needs to be made in the core outcome areas not related

specifically to professional skills, but increasing important in the global and diverse work


The ultimate indicator that students are meeting Core outcomes is the evidence provided


provided by the FAA.

4. Describe changes made towards improving attainment of the Core outcomes.

Definition and recognition are two of the first steps toward improved attainment of the


Core outcomes. AMT faculty seeks assistance in further clarification of the outcome

integration into the AMT curriculum.

E. To what degree are courses offered in a Distance modality? Have any significant

revelations, concerns or questions arisen in the area of DL delivery?

Currently, one course offered within the AMT curriculum containing many components in a

Distance modality is AMT 101 – Introduction to A&P. This one credit hour course is a pre-

requisite for program entrance. It serves as an overview of the aviation maintenance career

field and as an orientation to the AMT coursework and program requirements.

This course requires that students attend class for ten hours total on two consecutive

weekends. The onsite component to this class enhances the student‟s understanding of the

depth and breadth of the program‟s teaching day, as well as introducing them to the

environment of the program‟s facilities. The remaining coursework is accomplished through

the distance learning framework, including such tasks as writing responses to industry-related

articles posted by the instructor, searching industry websites, and researching job

opportunities and career paths through information found at the Bureau of Labor Statistics


Generally, this course has had significant enrollment. Its offering over the past five years has

helped increase the average AMT program enrollment. The lead instructor for this course will

be seeking an IIP grant for this academic year. He will investigate possibilities for expanding

the offering of the course through more online research components and virtual classroom/lab


Additionally, the instructor hopes to develop a learning module approach to subjects such as,

fire safety, machine safety, program time card management and other appropriate subjects

that can be presented online. Also being considered is expansion of the open time of the

course which would allow increased access to this course by students that might not be able to

attend the current two consecutive Saturday offerings per term.

F. Has the SAC made any curricular changes as a result of exploring/adopting educational

initiatives (e.g. Service Learning, Internationalization of the Curriculum, Inquiry-Based

Learning)? If so, please describe.

The major emphasis of the Aviation Maintenance Technology coursework is to facilitate

students successfully meeting the requirements of Federal Aviation Administration‟s

competencies for the Mechanic certificate, with either an Airframe or Powerplant rating or


The curriculum is currently composed of 93 credit hours, which is a significantly full

requirement for students to complete in a 23 month program. It is difficult to incorporate

additional educational initiatives that will not also lead to further hours of investment by the

students into course completion.

Completers of this program are presented with Global skills. Part 147 has international



Section 3: Needs of Students and the Community

A. What is the effect of student demographics on instruction and have there been any

notable changes since the last review?

We continue to offer instruction to a diverse student demographic group. There have

been no significant shifts in the demographics of students since the previous program

review. AMT students come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

An informal survey of the AMT students indicates that 22% of students moved to Oregon

or Washington, from outside the Portland area, to be in region so as to be able to attend

AMT classes at PCC. Recent data indicated that 38% of our students have prior military

service experience. The age of our students ranges from 17 to above 60, with the average

age around 28.

Women constitute generally between 5-7 percent of our student group. This

average is higher than that within the Aviation Maintenance industry itself, where

women make up approximately 1% of the work force.

The AMT program has seen students of a variety of minority ethnic and cultural

backgrounds enter and succeed in the program. A quick glance overhead, when

entering the East Hangar, reveals the flags of over thirty nations, representing

students who have completed AMT program of study.


B. Has feedback from students, community groups, transfer institutions, business and

industry or government been used to make curriculum or instructional changes? If so,


Anecdotal feedback from students on a daily and class by class basis, as well as informal

evaluation of student retention and general coursework completion rates by individual

instructors has led timely revision of the program curriculum. A case in point is the recent set

of changes made to the AMT Practicum classes. Content from the formerly two 4-credit hour

Practicum classes was divided into three 2-credit hour Practicum classes. The added third

Practicum was placed earlier in the AMT class sequence. This has allowed students exposure

to the FAA certificate testing rigor earlier in the program. This strategy has also allowed for

improved Practicum class completion by students.

C. Describe current and projected demand and enrollment pattern. Include discussion of

any impact this will have on the program or discipline.

For the two previous academic years to this report, enrollment pressure has increased

steadily for the AMT program. The program has two cohort entry points each academic

year; the Fall and Winter terms. The past four cohort entry points has seen increasing

numbers on the PCC registration The 2010 Fall term saw three to five students on the

waitlists for each of the three entry term classes. Demand for entry into the AMT program

should stay steady, if not continue to increase. The factors that contribute to the increase

in demand are several; a well-publicized increased need for additional trained aircraft

mechanics worldwide, following the increasing number of retirees from the industry.

D. What strategies are used within the program/discipline to facilitate access and diversity?

We continue to welcome everyone into the AMT Program who is qualified to attend, based

on placement testing. Program entrance is offered twice yearly, once each during the

Fall and Winter terms. Due to the increased number of prospective students, some

students have been delayed in their opportunity to enroll in the program.


Section 4: Faculty composition, qualifications and professional development

A. Provide information on:

1. Rationale for the size, distribution and composition of the faculty in the subject area.

The AMT program consists of 44 distinct FAA prescribed subject knowledge areas. Each

of these subject areas represents a vertical expertise within aircraft maintenance. The

duration and structure of the AMT program class offerings and the number of subjects of

study compels the use of full time faculty, where possible. 50% of all the sections offered

in an academic year are taught by part-time faculty. Four full-time and two part-time

faculty are able to cover all the sections offered throughout the academic year. Typically,

the four full-time instructors teach as part-time faculty during the summer term and are

able to cover all the summer term classes.

2. Quantity and quality of the faculty needed to meet the needs of the program/discipline.

The quantity of both full and part-time faculty adequately meets the needs for all the

currently offered AMT sections. There is an overall increased interest in the AMT

coursework, indicated by substantially increased enrollment in the introductory course

sections. This increased prospective student interest precipitated the use of the PCC

registration Wait List function Fall of 2009. Discussions in the department are ongoing as

to how additional sections may be offered to meet this increased interest.

3. Extent of faculty turnover and changes anticipated for the future.

Faculty retirements are not anticipated for another three to four years. Following that

another retirement is anticipated every four to five years.

4. Extent of the reliance upon adjunct faculty and how they compare with full-time faculty

in terms of educational and experiential backgrounds.

The use and retention of adjunct faculty within the AMT program presents several

challenges. Generally, adjunct faculty have less industry experience than their full-time

colleagues. They tend to be more recent graduates of an AMT program and/or are

between full time employment opportunities.

The AMT program schedule makes it difficult to find and retain qualified adjunct

candidates, as it is difficult to teach from 7am to 12pm for four weeks on an intermittent

basis and maintain full time employment within the aviation industry, as is required for

certificate currency.


5. How the faculty composition reflects the diversity and cultural competency goals of the


The diversity of the AMT faculty presents a challenge for change. In the history of the

AMT program, only one person of color has served as a faculty member. The aviation

maintenance industry itself is not as diverse as the population as a whole. So, to discover

qualified candidates of diverse culture, color or gender poses many challenges.

Even so, the student population within the AMT program reflects a higher than average

female enrollment and an average diversity. The retention of these students over the years

reflects adequate cultural competencies on the part of the AMT faculty.

B. Report changes the SAC has made to instructor qualifications and the reason for the

changes. http://www.pcc.edu/resources/academic/instructor-qualifications.pdf

The SAC described Instructor Qualifications for teaching in the AMT program were reviewed

and revised in the Spring of 2010. Essentially, all newly hired full time faculty must hold

both the Airframe and Powerplant ratings, have at least five years of aviation maintenance

experience in the industry and earned an AAS in Aviation Maintenance Technology or a

related transportation field. Please see Appendix G for Instructor Qualifications.

C. How have professional development activities of the faculty contributed to the strength of

improvements? If such activities have resulted in instructional or curricular changes,

please describe.

Much of the professional development has resulted in enhancing the curriculum in terms of

exposure to current technology / trends and awareness of issues that affect our industry.

Examples include;

The AMT faculty has participated in one or more of each of these activities or

services since the previous program review.

8 hour - Inspection Authorization renewal course – A variety of subjects related to the

skills needed as advanced Airworthiness Inspectors.

3 day - International Association of Missionary Aviation conference - An annual

gathering of agencies and training organizations focused on aircraft operations

conducted in remote regions, providing logistical support for relief and development,

education and medical services.

3 day - Aviation Technician Education Council (ATEC) Conference

40 hour and 8 hour respectively - FAA Technical Personnel Examiners Training –

Initial & Recurrent

2 hour - Inspection Authorization refresher on Human Factors

40 hour - Teledyne Continental Motors Factory Training course


The Engine Inspection courses have been enhanced to include latest techniques and

requirements from the manufacturer.

Recent changes in regulations have been included in the CFR course content; Activities

associated with FAA testing of mechanic applicants gives the department informal

feedback concerning areas of weakness, and provides a usable level of quality control;

Human Factors in Maintenance is currently the most crucial area of emphasis as

regards the safety of flight. Increased availability of curriculum and training

opportunities are constantly being pursued by AMT faculty

Associations with ATEC, PNWAEA, IAMA and others allow instructors to be aware

of what colleagues at other schools are doing; how they are recruiting, and retaining

students, how they are working with FAA representatives, how they are sourcing and

obtaining equipment for their curriculums, etc. These knowledge pieces support the

upgrading and improving of curriculum in a variety of ways.


Section 5: Facilities and Support

A. If impact on success of classroom space, computers/technology and library/media,

laboratory space and equipment.


The program is housed in a 26,000 square foot, two-hangar complex. The facility

includes five classroom/lab spaces, eight shops, complete tool room, and a computer

resource center.


Fifteen aircraft, including five helicopters, are used exclusively for maintenance



A partial list includes sixteen Allison 250 turbine engines, eight turbojet J-34 engines,

and twenty Lycoming 0-290 reciprocating engines. Also included are aircraft

component training aids such as carburetors, magnetos, instrument system mockups,

heating, air-conditioning, and other system mockups. An extensive instructional video

collection with a variety of VHS's and DVD's are used for instruction in each of the

program's classes.


The addition of a turboprop aircraft, turbofan engine, run-stands for the Allison 250

turbine engines, engine dynamometer run-stands, and overhead crane in hangar all

would improve the instruction in the program.

B. Describe how students are using the library or other outside-the-classroom

information resources.

AMT Resource Center:

Students use the AMT resource center in many of our courses to research aircraft data,

parts information, FAA regulations, FAA Advisory Circulars, service letters, service

bulletins, Type Certificate Data Sheets (TCDS's), Supplemental type Certificates

(STC's), and other publications. The media sources utilized for this research include

hardcover aircraft manuals, textbooks, microfiche, CD ROM, electronic aircraft

maintenance information, and the internet.

PCC Library:

AMT students use the Rock Creek campus library for research projects and

presentations. They also use this, in conjunction with the program's resource center, to

conduct job searches.

Tool Room:

The program's tool room accommodates the students with the most often used aircraft

and component maintenance information as well as specialized tooling for class



Wireless Internet:

Recent wireless connections in the building allow for greater access to the internet

based resources.


Cost of program text books is sometimes a financial burden for students. One possible

solution is to offer text books for temporary use by such students, possibly on reserve

in the library.

C. Provide information on clerical, technical, administrative and/or tutoring support.

Learning Skills Specialist:

The Learning Skills Specialist offers tutoring for students needing additional

instruction in general subjects such as aircraft electricity and math. Support in

academic advising, registration, searching for academic financial support and location

of other student services is also offered through the Learning Skills Specialist.


The Aviation Maintenance Program has a distinct requirement for relatively expensive

and technical equipment, namely aircraft and aircraft components. The upkeep of this

equipment is a time consuming job, and requires a considerable level of attention to

detail. Added to this is the anticipated increase in student enrollment that will increase

demand on the maintenance of this equipment. Some of this is addressed by hiring

student help with funds from the department budget. However, the level of skill and

hours available from students does not fully address this situation. The AMT Program

needs two part-time lab technicians in addition to the existing Instructional Support


Lab Technicians: The AMT department needs two part-time lab technicians. The first one is

needed to support the repair and maintenance of our tools and training aids. This is especially

needed because of the increased student retention in our program. The second part-time lab

technician is needed to support the tool counter during the afternoon practicum classes

(AMT108, AMT216, and AMT225). These practicum classes have more student enrollment

than can be supported by the instructors.

D. Provide information on how Advising, the Office for Students with Disabilities and

other student services impact students.

Student Services:

All of the school's student services are useful in the ways intended. Those that are the

most valuable to AMT students are as follows:

The Financial Aid office assists students with funding for the program.

Student employment and cooperative education office offers assistance with resume

writing, interviewing, and other job searching skills.


The Academic Advising office assists with advising for general education


Counseling services helps students overcoming barriers to learning inside and outside

of classroom and offers excellent “at-risk” student intervention.

Veterans' Services primarily assists students with acquiring funding from U. S.

military services. As the Aviation Maintenance Technology program is a

degree/certificate program at PCC, students who are veterans qualify for funding

through these sources. The office also assists veterans in finding additional resources

outside of the school, such as counseling services. The office recently hired a third

staff member and is currently developing their web site with more on-line services to

better aid the students that use these resources. Unfortunately, the only office for

Veteran's Services is located at the Sylvania Campus.

Department Faculty:

In addition, the faculty plays an important role in the advising of students during

normally required office hours.

E. Describe [how] current patterns of scheduling (such as class size, duration, times,

location, or other) address the pedagogy of the discipline and the needs of students.


Focused modules of 90-hours of instruction start every 3-1/2 to 4 weeks. This

schedule follows the industry model of fulltime instruction (approximately 8

hours/day). Students attend classes 5 hours per day, 5 days a week providing the

optimum use of the student‟s time, minimizing distractions, and all instruction is

geared towards the same subject for each class.


Accessibility is maximized by scheduling classes from 7am to noon daily. Classes are

short-term intensive modules lasting 18 consecutive days.

The earlier daily dismissal accommodates afternoon employment situations. Entry

into the program is possible twice each year. Students are carefully scheduled into

modules so as to optimize the student‟s schedule and flow through the program and to

give planning information for future offerings of modules. The forecast for each

student is laid out for their entire tenure with us. We continue to welcome everyone

into the AMT Program who is qualified to attend based on placement testing. Due to

the increased number of prospective students, some students have been delayed in

their opportunity to enroll in the program. The anticipated increase in enrollment may

boost the number of delays.


FAA A&P Mechanic Certification possible in 22-23 months

Class Sizes:

With current classroom space and instructional/project equipment, class sizes above

20 students are difficult. The department faculty has, in general, recommended that


the maximum class sizes be 20 students for general classes and 18 for airframe and

powerplant classes. These recommendations were made after considering factors such

as student/instructor contact, safety, quality of education, and current facilities and



Section 6: CTE Programs - changing employer needs

A. Evaluate the impact of the Advisory Committee on curriculum and instructional content

methods, and/or outcomes.

The curriculum is governed by 14CFR Part 147 regulations. While our program meets the

regulatory minimums, our program is not prevented from going above and beyond such

minimums to satisfy the demands of rapid technological advancement that is characteristic in

the industry.

Although the advisory committee typically meets with the department two times a year, the

curriculum, defined by regulation, is not open to significant revision resulting from advisory

committee input. The advisory committee assists with curriculum emphasis, instructional

methods, equipment and tooling resources, and industry training opportunities for our staff.

Over the years, the advisory committee has helped us change the content emphasis in the

areas of welding, fabric covering, and wood construction but all within our prescribed

curriculum. Use of maintenance software is another area where the advisory committee input

has been helpful.

FAA inspectors are invited to attend the Advisory committee meetings in an ex-officio

capacity, and provide appropriate support and input.

B. Degree and Certificate Outcomes:

1. Identify and explain any changes that have been made to degree and certificate

learning outcomes since the last program review

http://www.pcc.edu/resources/academic/degree-outcome/ .

Revision to the Degree and Certificate Outcomes were proposed just this year as a follow

through to the evaluation of Embedded Related Instruction within the AMT curriculum.

Significant outcome changes were primarily in the form of better alignment of the course

outcome wording, enhancing the clarity for outside evaluators.

Essential technical content has not changed since the last program review. Course

technical content is governed by 14CFR Part 147 regulations and is only changed when

initiated by the FAA.

2. What strategies are in place to assess degree and certificate outcomes?

At the course level, course outcomes are defined for each course and also for the program.

The expectation that students will become problem solvers, able to draw upon many

sources and engage in a process of synthesis and analysis in their efforts to find solutions

is basic in the AMT course of study and industry employment settings. The department

continues to seek additional methods of providing feedback regarding accomplishment of

student outcomes.


Some current methods of determining that students are meeting course outcomes include:

Lab projects on aircraft and aviation equipment based upon the content and outcomes for

each course that are evaluated by instructors, and documented in the student's progress


Course final testing required by the FAA curriculum, with results also recorded in the

students‟ progress records.

At the practicum level, confirmation of competencies, and identification of weaknesses is

accomplished in the Practicum portion of the program that is scheduled at the end of the

program courses including the General courses and for each certification rating, Airframe

and Powerplant. Deficiencies that have either persisted or developed since specific

courses were taken, are identified and addressed through assigned work, including

applicable hands-on projects, focused in the deficient areas.

Successful completion of each course, accompanied by the instructor certification of

specific competencies, provides documentation of outcomes being met.

At the certification level, to receive FAA certification as Airframe and Powerplant

Mechanics, our students must pass FAA written, as well as oral and practical, exams.

3. Give evidence that students are meeting these outcomes.

Graduates of the AMT Program have, for the past several years, been achieving a near 100

percent pass rate on of the written tests required by the FAA for mechanic certification.

This written test result information is available through the following web site, and is

updated regularly: http://av-info.faa.gov/atssn/

4. Describe any changes made towards improving attainment of the degree and/or

certificate outcomes.

In 2008 the AMT Department changed the way it offers the Practicum courses. It used to

offer two Practicum courses, Airframe and Powerplant. It now offers three practicum

courses; General, Airframe and Powerplant. By adding a General Practicum course the

material taught in the other General courses is tested in the General Practicum course

while the students have just completed the General courses. This permits them to have the

General course information more current in their memory, instead of about a year after

taking the other General courses as it was before the change. The credit hours for the

Practicum courses went from four to two credit hours. However, with the addition of

General Practicum, the total Credit Hours for all three courses is now six. Additionally,

the written test part of the Practicum courses is now done “on-line” and there is

significantly more instructor one-on-one contact time for Oral/Practical assessment. Since

this change is relatively new, the AMT Department is still evaluating the effectiveness of

this change. This change should improve student retention and program outcome



C. Review job placement data for students over the last five years, including salary

information where available.

Students completing the AMT Program are prepared to enter an industry with both local and

global career opportunities. A Faculty conducted survey of local employers revealed the


Companies with higher percentages of our graduates are:

Global Aviation, Hillsboro: 80% of their maintenance personnel are PCC AMT graduates.

Horizon Air, Portland: Estimates are 40% to 50% of their maintenance personnel are PCC

AMT graduates.

Columbia Helicopters, Aurora: Approximately 50% of their maintenance personnel are

PCC AMT graduates.

Additionally, United Airlines, Flightcraft, Nike Flight Services, Hillsboro Aviation, and

Aero Air are among the many operators that welcome the applications of our graduates.

Additionally, the following information was obtained from the United States Department of

Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, in

relationship to Job Placement Data for the Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians


“Aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and service technicians held about 138,000 jobs

in 2006; about 5 in 6 of these workers was an aircraft mechanic and service technician.

Employment of aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and service technicians primarily

is concentrated in a small number of industries. More than half of aircraft and avionics

equipment mechanics and service technicians worked in air transportation and support

activities for air transportation. Around 18 percent worked in aerospace product and parts

manufacturing and about 16 percent worked for the Federal Government. Most of the rest

worked for companies that operate their own planes to transport executives and cargo.

Most airline mechanics and service technicians work at major airports near large cities.

Civilian mechanics employed by the U.S. Armed Forces work at military installations.

Mechanics who work for aerospace manufacturing firms typically are located in California or

in Washington State. Others work for the FAA, many at the facilities in Oklahoma City,

Atlantic City, Wichita, or Washington, DC. Mechanics for independent repair shops work at

airports in every part of the country.”

The Handbook went on to say the following concerning Salary Information for Aircraft


“Median hourly earnings of aircraft mechanics and service technicians were about $22.95 in

May 2006. The middle 50 percent earned between $18.96 and $28.12. The lowest 10 percent

earned less than $14.94, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $34.51. Median hourly

earnings in the industries employing the largest numbers of aircraft mechanics and service

technicians in May 2006 were:


Scheduled air transportation $27.46

Nonscheduled air transportation 23.33

Federal Government 23.19

Aerospace product and parts manufacturing 21.58

Support activities for air transportation 19.57

Median hourly earnings of avionics technicians were about $22.57 in May 2006. The middle

50 percent earned between $19.02 and $26.65. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $15.65,

and the highest 10 percent earned more than $30.33.

Mechanics who work on jets for the major airlines generally earn more than those working on

other aircraft. Those who graduate from an aviation maintenance technician school often earn

higher starting salaries than individuals who receive training in the Armed Forces or on the

job. Airline mechanics and their immediate families receive reduced-fare transportation on

their own and most other airlines.

About 3 in 10 aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and service technicians are members

of unions or covered by union agreements. The principal unions are the International

Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, and the Transport Workers Union of

America. Some mechanics are represented by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.”

D. Forecast future employment opportunities for students.

While it is rather difficult to forecast the destiny of air transport, in view of global instability,

experience has shown that there is, there has been, and there will always be a shortage of

A&P mechanics.

The following information was obtained from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau

of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, in relationship to

Employment Opportunities for the Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians Position:

“Most workers learn their jobs in 1 of about 170 schools certified by the Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA).

Job opportunities should be favorable for persons who have completed an aircraft mechanic

training program, but keen competition is likely for jobs at major airlines, which offer the

best pay and benefits.

Job opportunities are likely to continue to be best at small commuter and regional airlines, at

FAA repair stations, and in general aviation.”

The Handbook went on to say the following concerning Employment Opportunities for

Aircraft Mechanics:

“Job growth for these mechanics and technicians is expected to be about as fast as the average

for all occupations. Job opportunities should be favorable for people who have completed an

aircraft mechanic training program, but keen competition is likely for jobs at major airlines.


Employment change. Employment is expected to increase by 10 percent during the 2006-16

period, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Passenger traffic is expected to

increase as the result of an expanding economy and a growing population, and the need for

aircraft mechanics and service technicians will grow accordingly.

Job prospects. Most job openings for aircraft mechanics through the year 2016 will stem from

the need to replace the many mechanics expected to retire over the next decade. In addition,

some mechanics will leave to work in related fields, such as automobile repair, as their skills

are largely transferable to other maintenance and repair occupations.

Also contributing to favorable future job opportunities for mechanics is the long-term trend

toward fewer students entering technical schools to learn skilled maintenance and repair

trades. Many of the students who have the ability and aptitude to work on planes are choosing

to go to college, work in computer-related fields, or go into other repair and maintenance

occupations with better working conditions. If this trend continues, the supply of trained

aviation mechanics may not keep up with the needs of the air transportation industry.

Job opportunities will continue to be the best at small commuter and regional airlines, at FAA

repair stations, and in general aviation. Commuter and regional airlines is the fastest growing

segment of the air transportation industry, but wages in these airlines tend to be lower than

those in the major airlines, so they attract fewer job applicants. Also, some jobs will become

available as experienced mechanics leave for higher paying jobs with the major airlines or

transfer to other occupations. At the same time, general aviation aircraft are becoming

increasingly sophisticated, boosting the demand for qualified mechanics. Mechanics will face

more competition for jobs with large airlines because the high wages and travel benefits that

these jobs offer generally attract more qualified applicants than there are openings. Also, there

is an increasing trend for large airlines to outsource aircraft and avionics equipment mechanic

jobs overseas; however, most airline companies prefer that aircraft maintenance be performed

in the U.S. because overseas contractors may not comply with more stringent U.S. safety


In spite of these factors, job opportunities with the airlines are expected to be better than they

have been in the past. But, in general, prospects will be best for applicants with experience.

Mechanics who keep abreast of technological advances in electronics, composite materials,

and other areas will be in greatest demand. Also, mechanics who are mobile and willing to

relocate to smaller rural areas will have better job opportunities. The number of job openings

for aircraft mechanics in the Federal Government should decline as the Government

increasingly contracts out service and repair functions to private repair companies.”

Based upon a Feb 2003 survey update from ATEC, data from A&P schools like ours is

revealing that there are at least 3 openings for every graduate of an A&P school. ATEC,

Aviation Technician Education Council, is a national organization representing 84% of FAA

certificated A&P schools in the US.

“With many Vietnam War-era mechanics nearing retirement, there‟s a growing need for

maintenance technicians in the U.S. aviation industry.” – Jeffrey Leib, The Denver Post,

March 12, 2000.


“There is a huge shortage of mechanics in the airline industry. It has almost come to a crisis

situation.” – Debbie Heath, director of the A&P mechanics department at Fox Valley Tech,

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, quoted in a story by Brian Sharkey, The Business Journal (Milwaukee),

October 13, 2000.

E. Analyze any barriers to degree or certificate completion that your students face, and

consider the reason that students may leave before completion.

Studies on this subject reveal that the above barriers have to do in part with being prepared for

program participation. Since the program has implemented entry level prerequisites, it expects

and is experiencing improvement in the retention rate. The lack of preparation issue is

expected to diminish in time.

In addition to the above, we have identified other barrier issues including finances, time

management skills, study habits/skills, intensity of program content, etc.

Being aware of these issues over a significant period of time, we have implemented remedies,

and continue to seek opportunities to create solutions. Examples include an AMT Faculty-

funded scholarship program, changes in the daily schedule to an earlier dismissal, thereby

accommodating afternoon employment situations, greater AMT Faculty-contributed

availability of Shop Practice course opportunities, etc.


Section7: Recommendations for program improvement

A. Assess the strengths in your program/discipline.

Fifteen unique program strengths are listed in detail in Appendix A

B. Identify the areas in need of improvement.

Areas needing improvement include:

1. Lab Technicians: The AMT department needs two part-time lab technicians. The first one

is needed to support the repair and maintenance of our tools and training aids. This is

especially needed because of the increased student retention in our program. The second part-

time lab technician is needed to support the tool counter during the afternoon practicum

classes (AMT108, AMT216, and AMT225). These practicum classes have more student

enrollment than can be supported by the instructors.

2. Internships: Securing internships for AMT students with local or regional aviation

maintenance services providers has been a continual challenge for the AMT program. It is

difficult for companies to place our students into “real” shop positions where those students

can actually perform maintenance. Companies must assure that the products they place on

their aircraft have been scrupulously inspected to insure reliability. This then places a

significant burden on a hosting company to assure that the intern is continually supervised

while performing maintenance.

We would like to make a concerted effort to work with local or regional aviation industry

partners to affect the establishment of at least two continuing student internships of one term

duration each, by the end of academic year 2011-2012. We will work with the appropriate

PCC programs to help establish this. We also feel that additional, non-traditional assistance

from PCC administration and college legal resources might need to be involved to creatively

address liability concerns.

3. Industry Interface: There has been on the part of the AMT program, over the past several

years, an overall weakness in connectedness with the local and regional aviation industry.

This weakness is not just in the conducting of Advisory Committee meetings, but in all

aspects of mutual consultation and interface. This lack of connection has been due to factors

on both sides. From the industry perspective, the global aviation industry has been affected

by the severe economic recession. From the department perspective, there has been a change

in faculty leadership with associated spool-up time. There have also been significant college

requirements associated with accreditation, program review and GCAC China partnership.

The AMT Faculty Department Chair will be making a concerted effort with the AMT staff, in

this academic year, to assist key industry representatives in the re-establishment the industry

Advisory Committee, following the revised guidelines Advisory Committee Guidelines.

Further, this effort will also assist in renewing the AMT program connectedness with our

local and regional industry partners.


4. Turbofan powered Aircraft: This would supplement our turbofan powered aircraft

curriculum so that students could see, and perform projects on an actual turbofan aircraft.

5. Overhead crane: This would provide the ability to remove and move engines throughout the

hangar. Right now the only way to do this is with the mobile engine hoists.

6. Both turbine and reciprocating engine run stands: This would make it possible for students

to perform run-ups on turboprops and reciprocating engines on run stands. Many Part 147

schools have the PT-6 turboprop on engine run stands to provide the ability for students to

perform turboprop run-ups as part of their curriculum.

7. Office furniture: The AMT Department needs new office furniture. The office furniture in

the office is all from property disposal.

C. Given the above analysis and other findings of the SAC,

1. Prepare a set of recommendations relevant to areas such as curriculum and

professional development, access and success for students, obtaining needed resources,

and being responsive to community needs.

Curriculum Support:

New FAA and industry emphasis on transport category aircraft, electronics/avionics,

equipment, NDT, and composites will require significant additional resources as these

changes are implemented. The program lacks necessary storage areas at the hangar to store

and provide common, identifiable storage for course training aids.

Professional Development: Training opportunities for both full time and adjunct faculty need to be made available for

factory schools, industry courses, conventions, and other professional development events.

This includes FAA regulatory and other industry changes. These training experiences are

essential to provide maximum utilization of faculty talent throughout the program. The need

exists to increase the use of local industry provided opportunities for professional

development. Instructors within the program continue to solicit and receive grant and funding

for training opportunities. Limitations also continue to arise in releasing faculty through

substitutes. The AMT faculty is developing a long-term plan for taking advantage of

professional development opportunities, local and national.

Access and Success for Students:

The Department‟s web-site helps with recruitment. We continue collaboration with the

Aviation Science Program at conventions, fairs, and other recruiting activities. The

Department does have a marketing plan that needs to be revisited and discussed. Some

“action” items are needed in the area of recruitment such as another mailing to the military

bases. A budget needs to be developed for the marketing plan “action” items. We already

take advantage of some workforce training opportunities, but need to do more of this, such as

the Employment Skills Training Certificates.

Student retention improved through program identification of appropriate placement testing.

The department continues to monitor completion rates and retention issues. Student success


needs to be evaluated based upon repeat rates on a course-by-course basis. We also need to

evaluate how effectively each course is preparing students for success in future courses.

Obtaining Needed Resources:

The Department is always ready to take advantage of any resources and donations made

available to it. We continue to seek donations industry. The program still needs on-going

equipment maintenance requirements, lab technicians, and replacement equipment. Some of

these equipment needs are an overhead crane, turbofan powered aircraft, tooling, both turbine

and reciprocating engine run stands, office furniture, etc.

Being Responsive to Community Needs: Local Aviation Community

Our advisory committee continues to keep us apprised of what our program needs are for

improvement, change, and the local aviation community needs. Local Fixed Based

Operators (FBO”S) continue to hire our graduates. An increase in industry contact would

be beneficial to the program. The program needs to identify what it expects to achieve

from its industry contacts.

Regional Aviation Community

Students completing the program are finding employment with regional air carriers and

other operators within the region.

National/International Aviation Community

Many of our students find employment with the national and international air carriers.

The program continues the inclusion of Transport Category Aircraft technology into the


Local Residents

We meet a need of the local community by providing the only local opportunity for FAA

Part 147 school training with the consequent opportunity for A&P Mechanic certification.

We need to continue to evaluate as to how we can best meet this need and get the word

out to the community about the programs availability.

2. For recommendations that require additional funding , please identify those that are of

greatest importance to the SAC

1. Lab Technicians

2. Turbofan powered aircraft

3. Overhead crane

4. Both turbine and reciprocating engine run stands

5. Office furniture





FAA approved Part 147 School certificated since 1969.


Approved by the Veterans Administration


Approved by the State Division of Vocational Education


Thousands of students have completed the program over the years and are working for local,

national, and international employers.

Local and world-wide career opportunities:

Some local companies that hire our students are: Global Aviation, 80% of their maintenance

personnel are PCC AMT graduates. Horizon Air, estimates are between 40% to 50% of their

maintenance personnel are PCC AMT graduates. Columbia Helicopters, approximately 50% of

their maintenance personnel are PCC AMT graduates. Additionally, United Airlines, Flightcraft,

Aero Air are among the operators that await graduation of our students with great anticipation.

Our Aviation Advisory Committee has told us at a recent meeting that our graduates are meeting

their expectations and are very employable.


The program is housed in a 26,000 square foot, two-hangar complex. The facility includes five

classroom/lab spaces, eight shops, complete tool room, and a computer resource center.


There are four A&P certificated instructors, two of which are Designated Mechanic Examiners,

(DME's), and four hold Inspection Authorizations (IA). Several instructors have pilot experience

and hold up to Certified Flight Instructor Certificates.


As of January, 2011, the total cost of the AMT Program is under $11,000, approximately 1/3 that

of many other AMT programs.


Sixteen aircraft (including five helicopters) used exclusively for maintenance training.


Partial list includes sixteen Allison 250 turbine engines, eight turbojet J-34 engines, and twenty

Lycoming 0-290 reciprocating engines.



FAA A&P Mechanic Certification possible in 22-23 months.


Focused 90-hour, 18 day modules. This follows the industry model of fulltime instruction

(approximately 8 hours/day). Attend classes 5 hours/day, 5 days/week providing the optimum

use of the students‟ time. No distractions, all instruction is geared towards the same goal.

Degree Possible:

Associate of Applied Science degree available

Possible transfer to 4-year Aviation/Industrial Management degree programs

Unique Availability:

PCC's AMT Program is the only complete AMT program available in the Portland area.

Consequently, it serves close to 900,000 residents in a five-county, 1,500 square mile area in

northwest Oregon. As a matter of fact, the nearest complete AMT Program south of PCC is Lane

Community College in Eugene (approximately 110 miles). PCC and LCC are the only two

complete AMT programs in Oregon. The nearest one north of PCC is Clover Park Vocational

Technical Institute, Tacoma, Washington, (approximately 130 miles).

Student Services Available:

Student Services available including Financial Aid and Job Placement



Mapping Level Indicators:

1. Not Applicable.

2. Limited demonstration or application of

knowledge and skills.

3. Basic demonstration and application of

knowledge and skills.

4. Demonstrated comprehension and is able to

apply essential knowledge and skills.

5. Demonstrates thorough, effective and/or

sophisticated application of knowledge and


Core Outcomes:

1. Communication.

2. Community and Environmental


3. Critical Thinking and Problem


4. Cultural Awareness.

5. Professional Competence.

6. Self-Reflection.

Course # Course Name CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6

AMT 101 Intro to Airframe & Powerplant 2 1 2 0 0 0

AMT 102 Aircraft Electricity I 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 105 Aviation CFRs & Related Subjects 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 106 Aircraft Applied Science 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 107 Materials and Processes 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 109 Assembly & Rigging 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 115 Aircraft Structures & Inspection 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 117 Reciprocating Engine Theory & Maintenance 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 120 Propellers & Engine Installation 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 121 Turbine Engine Theory & Maintenance 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 123 Ignition Systems 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 124 Fuel Metering Systems 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 203 Aircraft Electricity II 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 204 Aircraft Electricity III 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 208 Aircraft Systems 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 211 Composite Structures 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 212 Sheet Metal 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 213 Hydraulic, Pneumatics & Landing Gear 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 214 Instruments, Comm & Nav Systems 3 1 4 1 4 4

AMT 216 AMT Practicum / Airframe 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 218 Powerplant Inspection 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 219 Turbine Engine Overhaul 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 222 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul 3 2 4 1 4 4

AMT 225 AMT Practicum / Powerplant 3 2 4 1 4 4

Updated August 2010


Appendix C

AMT - Aviation Maintenance Technology Outcomes

AAS: Aviation Maintenance Technology

Make independent and accurate airworthiness judgments in the process of inspecting and

maintaining aircraft structures and powerplants in accordance with applicable airworthiness


Develop and implement a plan for aircraft maintenance action based on research and

understanding of appropriate maintenance and inspection data.

Troubleshoot aircraft structures, powerplants and their associated systems with a discerning

recognition of the specific malfunction within the scope of the overall aircraft and associated

systems and accomplish the correct maintenance action that will allow approval for return to

service of the affected items.

Develop and act upon a personal attitude and plan of "Safety Awareness" and compliance that

includes one‟s self, ones‟ co-workers, the work area, and the aircraft.

Satisfy the FAA required competencies for completing the required written, oral and practical

exams for the Airframe and Powerplant ratings of the FAA Mechanic certificate.

Integrate airframe and powerplant knowledge to create adaptable solutions to evolving

problems satisfying the greater aviation maintenance industry need.

Be prepared to transfer to a college or university for upper level studies in aviation or

industrial management. 1.2010

Two-Year Certificate: Aviation Maintenance Technology

Make independent and accurate airworthiness judgments in the process of inspecting and

maintaining aircraft structures and powerplants in accordance with applicable airworthiness


Develop and implement a plan for aircraft maintenance action based on research and

understanding of appropriate maintenance and inspection data.

Troubleshoot aircraft structures, powerplants and their associated systems with a discerning

recognition of the specific malfunction within the scope of the overall aircraft and associated

systems and accomplish the correct maintenance action that will allow approval for return to

service of the affected items.

Develop and act upon a personal attitude and plan of "Safety Awareness" and compliance that

includes one‟s self, ones‟ co-workers, the work area, and the aircraft.

Satisfy the FAA required competencies for completing the required written, oral and practical

exams for the Airframe and Powerplant ratings of the FAA Mechanic certificate.

Integrate airframe and powerplant knowledge to create adaptable solutions to evolving

problems satisfying the greater aviation maintenance industry need. 1.2010


One-Year Certificate: Aviation Maintenance Technology - Airframe

Make independent and accurate airworthiness judgments in the process of inspecting and

maintaining airframe structures and associated systems in accordance with applicable

airworthiness requirements.

Develop and implement a plan for airframe or system maintenance action based on research

and understanding of appropriate maintenance and inspection data.

Troubleshoot airframe or associated system problems with a discerning recognition of the

specific malfunction within the scope of the overall aircraft and associated systems and

accomplish the correct maintenance action that will allow approval for return to service of the

affected items.

Develop and act upon a personal attitude and plan of "Safety Awareness" and compliance that

includes one‟s self, ones‟ co-workers, the work area, and the aircraft.

Satisfy the FAA required competencies for completing the required written, oral and practical

exams for the airframe rating of the FAA Mechanic certificate. 1.2010

One-Year Certificate: Aviation Maintenance Technology - Powerplant

Make independent and accurate airworthiness judgments in the process of inspecting and

maintaining aircraft powerplants in accordance with applicable airworthiness requirements.

Develop and implement a plan of powerplant maintenance action based on research and

understanding of appropriate maintenance and inspection data.

Troubleshoot powerplant problems with a discerning recognition of the specific malfunction

within the scope of the larger engine and associated systems and accomplish the correct

maintenance action that will allow approval for return to service of the affected items.

Develop and act upon a personal attitude and plan of "Safety Awareness" and compliance that

includes one‟s self, ones‟ co-workers, the work area, and the aircraft.

Satisfy the FAA required competencies for completing the required written, oral and practical

exams for the powerplant rating of the FAA Mechanic certificate. 1.2010


Appendix D

Course Outcome Examples:

AMT 102 – Electricity I

1. Identify and apply the factors affecting voltage, resistance and current to aircraft electrical


2. Identify and use common electrical symbols during the basic analysis of basic electrical


3. Identify and apply by measurement or mathematical calculation the values of power, voltage,

current and resistance in aircraft electrical circuits.

4. Identify and apply the use of magnetism and electromagnetism during the analysis of basic

aircraft electrical circuits.

5. Identify and apply basic strategies for the use of electrical test or monitoring instruments

during the testing, monitoring and troubleshooting of basic aircraft electrical circuits.

AMT 115 – Aircraft Structures and Inspection

1. Inspect, and make independent airworthiness judgments of aircraft structures based on the

knowledge of applicable airworthiness requirements and airframe stresses.

2. Identify and implement a strategy for accurate and timely maintenance research.

3. Identify and implement record keeping strategies that are intelligible, accurate, and in

compliance with applicable regulations.

4. Communicate effectively with employers, co-workers and costumers in a professional


AMT 213 – Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Landing Gear

1. Identify and apply the principles of function and safe operation of aircraft landing gear,

hydraulic and pneumatic systems and their components when operating and maintaining


2. Inspect and safely perform maintenance and troubleshooting on aircraft landing gear,

hydraulic and pneumatic systems and their components, in accordance with the

manufacturer's service manuals, and acceptable industry practices and applicable regulations.

3. Identify and apply basic theory and computation skills regarding hydraulic and pneumatic

power as they relate to landing gear and various aircraft structure mechanical advantage



Appendix E


Building futures for our Students and Communities


Portland Community College provides access to an affordable, quality education in an atmosphere that

encourages the full realization of each individual‟s potential. The college offers opportunities for

academic, professional, and personal growth to students of all ages, races, cultures, economic levels, and

previous educational experiences.


Portland Community College is a public, multi-campus, comprehensive community college serving the

lifelong learning needs of our students. We offer college transfer programs; professional technical

education programs; adult basic skills; opportunities to develop English as a second language; high school

completion and dual credit; community and continuing education programs; and service-learning

opportunities that foster the development of civic responsibility and engagement. Through extensive

partnerships with business, industry, labor, educational institutions and the public sector, we provide

training and learning opportunities for the local and state workforce and promote economic and

community development.


• Quality, lifelong learning experiences that helps students to achieve their personal and professional


• An environment that is committed to diversity as well as the dignity and worth of the individual

• Continuous professional and personal growth of our employees and students

• Effective teaching and student development programs that prepare students for their roles as citizens in

a democratic society in a rapidly changing global economy

• Academic Freedom and Responsibility - creating a safe environment where competing beliefs and

ideas can be openly discussed and debated

• Sustainable use of our resources

• Collaboration predicated upon a foundation of mutual trust and support

• An agile learning environment that is responsive to the changing educational needs of our students and

the communities we serve

• Accountability based upon an outcomes-based approach in education

• The public‟s trust by effective and ethical use of public and private resources


Goal 1 – Access: We will improve access to quality lifelong learning opportunities through the effective

use of technology, affordable classes and the strategic location of facilities.

Goal 2 – Student Success: We will promote success for all students through outstanding teaching, student

development programs, and support services in all that we do;

Professional technical education will be responsive to industry needs and prepare students to work in a

global marketplace.

Transfer preparation will prepare students for success in obtaining baccalaureate degrees.

College readiness will promote student preparation for college-level programs and employment.

Community education/continuing education will provide quality education to enrich students

personally, socially, culturally, and to upgrade occupational/job skills.


Goal 3 – Diversity: We will enrich the educational experience by committing to the development of

diversity in our student body, faculty and staff.

Goal 4 – Continuous Improvement: We will develop, safeguard and allocate our resources (human,

financial, capital, and technological) to ensure through planning and assessment the delivery of relevant,

quality programs and services.

Goal 5 – Cultivating Partnerships: We will effectively respond to the educational needs of our students

and communities through strategic alliances with business, government agencies and educational


Goal 6 – Community: We will facilitate growth and development of our district communities by

accepting a leadership role and serving as a key educational resource to the community.



Appendix F




AAss aa cceerrttiiffiiccaatteedd tteecchhnniicciiaann II hhaavvee aa rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ttoo tthhee UUnniitteedd

SSttaatteess,, iittss ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt,, aanndd ttoo iittss cciittiizzeennss.. MMyy ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee iiss aa ppuubblliicc

sseerrvviiccee.. II mmuusstt eennssuurree tthhaatt II ppeerrffoorrmm mmyy wwoorrkk aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo tthhee

hhiigghheesstt pprriinncciipplleess ooff eetthhiiccaall ccoonndduucctt ssoo tthhaatt aallll cciittiizzeennss wwiillll hhaavvee

ccoonnffiiddeennccee iinn mmyy iinntteeggrriittyy.. TThhee rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy II aacccceepptt ddeemmaannddss tthhaatt II

eexxeerrcciissee mmyy bbeesstt jjuuddggmmeenntt oonn tthhee aaiirrwwoorrtthhiinneessss ooff aaiirrccrraafftt aanndd

eeqquuiippmmeenntt.. II sshhaallll nneevveerr kknnoowwiinnggllyy ssuubbjjeecctt ootthheerrss ttoo uunnnneecceessssaarryy

rriisskkss aass tthhee lliivveess aanndd ssaaffeettyy ooff ootthheerrss aarree ddeeppeennddeenntt uuppoonn mmyy sskkiillll aanndd


AAss aa cceerrttiiffiiccaatteedd tteecchhnniicciiaann II aamm aawwaarree tthhaatt iitt iiss vveerryy ddiiffffiiccuulltt ttoo

ppoosssseessss tthhee kknnoowwlleeddggee aanndd sskkiillllss ffoorr aallll aassppeeccttss ooff aavviiaattiioonn

mmaaiinntteennaannccee.. II pplleeddggee tthhaatt II wwiillll nneevveerr uunnddeerrttaakkee oorr aapppprroovvee aaccttiioonnss

ffoorr wwhhiicchh II aamm nnoott aauutthhoorriizzeedd oorr wwhhiicchh II bbeelliieevvee ttoo bbee bbeeyyoonndd tthhee

lliimmiittss ooff mmyy kknnoowwlleeddggee aanndd sskkiillll.. FFuurrtthheerrmmoorree II sshhaallll nneevveerr aallllooww aannyy

ootthheerr ppeerrssoonn ttoo iinnfflluueennccee mmee ttoo aacctt ccoonnttrraarryy ttoo mmyy bbeesstt jjuuddggmmeenntt nnoorr

ttoo ppeerrssuuaaddee mmee ttoo aapppprroovvee aannyy aaiirrccrraafftt oorr eeqquuiippmmeenntt aass aaiirrwwoorrtthhyy

wwhheenn tthheerree iiss aannyy ddoouubbtt iinn mmyy mmiinndd..

II tthheerreeffoorree pplleeddggee tthhaatt II sshhaallll hhoolldd iinn ssaaccrreedd ttrruusstt tthhee pprriivviilleeggeess

aanndd lliimmiittaattiioonnss ccoonnffeerrrreedd uuppoonn mmee aass aa cceerrttiiffiiccaatteedd tteecchhnniicciiaann,, aanndd II

pplleeddggee uunnyyiieellddiinngg aaddhheerreennccee ttoo tthheessee pprriinncciipplleess..

aaddoopptteedd bbyy tthhee AAvviiaattiioonn MMaaiinntteennaannccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt

ooff PPoorrttllaanndd CCoommmmuunniittyy CCoolllleeggee,, 11999966


Appendix G

AMT Instructor Qualifications


An AMT Instructor will hold at least and Associate of Applied Science in Aviation

Maintenance Technology or other vehicle service field and a valid FAA Mechanic

certificate with both Airframe and Powerplant ratings.


An AMT instructor must present valid evidence of a minimum of five years recent

experience exercising the privileges of both the Airframe and Powerplant mechanic

ratings. Five years‟ experience teaching at the college level or aviation maintenance

training department or a combination of experience may be substituted, year for year, for

recent aviation mechanic experience.

Related Instruction:

An AMT instructor presenting valid evidence of a minimum of five years‟ experience

exercising the privileges of an Airframe and Powerplant mechanic, or an appropriately

related aviation industry, qualifies to teach the Related Instruction content regarding

Computation, Communication, and Human Relations.

Part time Instructors:

An AMT Instructor presenting a valid certificate with a single rating will be limited to

teaching only the subject material related to that rating. AMT Instructor education and

experience still apply appropriately to the single rating.

Submitted by AMT SAC in Spring 2010