Portfolio Visualization and Prioritization For Business...

Portfolio Visualization and Prioritization For Business Agility - Workshop It’s the People not the Tool

Transcript of Portfolio Visualization and Prioritization For Business...

Portfolio Visualization and Prioritization For Business Agility - Workshop

It’s the People not the Tool

This is a workshop and we want to reserve the time for your work.

Use the Law of Two Feet.


•  About Us

•  A quick view of some Visual Management Systems (Printed copies are at your table)

•  Working session (You will Build a VMS)

•  Workshop readout

Bob Payne


About Us

George Dinwiddie


The Ball Game

Workers Need Direct Access to Information



An Established & Proven Pattern

T.I.P. Token – Visual Representation of Something that is Important, Visible from a Distance

Inscription – What is written or represented on those tokens, Greater Detail

Placement – How the tokes relate to each other or to the whole, Create the Space that has Information

Team Level

Backlog Refinement



Nearly Ready

Stories being researched and prepared for the upcoming iterations.

Three Amigos discussions happen here.

Also, technical and process improvements that have been identified and can be worked when product work is blocked or done.

Nearly Ready

ß Stories being researched and prepared for the upcoming iterations

Three Amigos discussions happen here à

Current Iteration

You may find that 3 columns Ready - In Process - Done

Is sufficient

Product Discovery Ideas Prioritized To Do Doing Done

Another way of showing the current iteration

Tasks on yellow stickies

Box on sticky filled in to indicate how far along the work has been done

Red card for blocker

Stories at the top

Conversations at the Wall

Multiple Release Burn-Up

A lot of information in a clear format

Niko-Niko Calendar

Cumulative Flow Diagram


List of other activities competing

for attention

Outcomes, Key Performance Indicators

0 2 4 6 8

10 12 14 16 18

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Week number

Conversions (1000s) Customer Service Calls

New Team Members

Program Level

Visualize Project Traffic

Use visual boards to track projects Note where projects are in the process And how long they have been there If projects are not flowing through to done regularly then you probably have a system problem (not a team problem!)

Each card is a project

Q: Do you have too many efforts going on?

Whittling It Down We asked one team to write down all of the current efforts underway

12 simultaneous projects for a 10-person team!

Senior managers weren’t aware that this team was spending time on all of these items

Score the efforts on several factors:

T-Shirt Size (S,M,L)

Biz Value ($, $$, $$$) Agreed to put all focus on smaller efforts of high business value first and deprioritize everything else

Portfolio Alignment Wall

Release Plan

Release Plan / Story Map

Visualize Team Metrics and Health

Use visual boards to track Metrics Note where projects are in the process Encourage “RED” Teams live in an Environment not in Isolation Resolve problems quickly

Q: Do you have too many efforts going on?

Visualize Management Work

Use visual boards to track Management Work Teams know where the support is coming from Managers concentrate on Valuable work

Q: Do you have too many efforts going on?

Enterprise Level

•  Each sector is a different business area

•  Concentric circles represent time

•  Managers put their approximate project timing needs on the board

•  The center circles represent what’s going on right now

•  Use it to drive hard discussions

•  If you keep saying ‘Yes’ to everything, you have a work-intake problem, not a PM problem!

Work Intake “We have 12 more efforts scheduled to start next month” But we aren’t finished with what is going on right now What are we going to do?

Go to the Gemba

Visualize Releases

Use visual boards to track Releases Allows for rapid replanning Teams can spot dependencies

Q: Do you have too many efforts going on?


•  Pick a problem to work on for your table and Write It Down

•  Does the data need to be managed/seen at Team, Portfolio, Enterprise Level

•  Prototype a VMS to represent the data (Several if you wish)

•  Brainstorm the people processes around the VMS

•  Post your Results on the Big Wall

Bob Payne •  Change Agent

•  Experience: 25 years industry, 17+ years of Agile/Lean

•  Specialties: Agile, Lean, Innovation

•  Practitioner, consultant, trainer, author, speaker and community organizer

•  AgileDC is October 16th this year!

[email protected]



George Dinwiddie •  Coach and Trusted Advisor

•  All levels, Code to Executive

•  Experience: 35+ years industry, 17 years of Agile/Lean

•  Focused on Effective Software Development, Collaboration

[email protected]


Links to Resources

Live Stream of the Talk https://www.pscp.tv/w/1ZkKzOlAEQZGv

Making the Case for Visualization https://hbr.org/2016/06/visualizations-that-really-work

Information Visualization for Agile Software Development http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6980227/?reload=true

Managing trade-offs between conflicting goals through a portfolio visualization process http://archives.datapages.com/data/bulletns/2008/10oct/BLTN08068/BLTN08068.htm?doi=10.1306%2F06040808068


Tips on How to Start




Workshop Results