Portfolio Sine sams_137752


Transcript of Portfolio Sine sams_137752


2. CONTACT Sine Astrid Morris - SAMS 137752 Applicant from Copenhagen, Denmark Email: [email protected] Phone: 0045 6015 0182 https://www.linkedin.com/pub/sine-morris/43/580/327 Applying for: - Principles of Game Design, unit code: GAM10002 - Scriptwriting and Directing: Short Film Production, unit code: FTV20011 - Scriptwriting and Directing: Non-Fiction Production, unit code: FTV20010 - Scriptwriting and Directing: Major film and TV productions, unit code: FTV30008 3. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 2013-2014: Chairman of ITU Innovators (Student Entrepreneurship Organization) - Main organizer of Roskilde Create. A weekend event to create a digital concept for the biggest Danish music festival, Roskilde Festival. - Main organizer of collaborative event with PlayIt (Student Games Organization), The Underdog: How to Create a Business in the Games Industry 2014: CPH Pix Volunteer. Driver and organizational assistant for the Copenhagen Film Festival CPH PIX. 2014: Participator in the PlayIt Board game Game Jam at the IT University. 2014: Digital Play Concept submitted to the Copenhagen Play Festival, WOOT Festival. 4. PERSONAL STATEMENT I wish to be considered for the above mentioned courses at Swinburne University of Technology. I believe that I can bring an international perspective to the table and that my entrepreneurial mindset will aid our common goals. I adapt well to new technology and using restraints as a creative motivation. I work well in groups and am very engaged in volunteer organizations. I am passionate about exploring digital games, what I believe is the definitive medium of my generation, and I hope to be inspired by my fellow students to create new works of digital play artifacts. Film and video have captured my mind long ago and being able to pursue this dream with other likeminded students would be an incredible experience for me. I hope that my experience of European films can help and inspire other students at Swinburne. I dedicate myself to diligently live up to the expectations that my teachers and Swinburne set up for me. I hope the following examples of my work and creative engagements will demonstrate that I am qualified for these courses. 5. MY WORK The following slides contain examples of work Ive done in different creative design disciplines such as: - Game pitch - Video experience - Volunteer work - Arduino - Processing - Webdesign - Photography - Photoshop - Illustrator - Writings - Drawings - Paintings 6. BOARD GAME PITCH For our Co-Design class, our group worked with a elementary school class in creating a board game that fosters the understanding of code languages. This was our concept. You can find a more in depth explanation on the next slide. 7. Initial Concept Working with kids with no prior understanding of programming we chose to focus on one of the fundamental structures in programming the selection- or if-structure. The format of the rules are based on choosing a condition and an action for the players. This concept only focuses on this small aspect of programming. The way of teaching this concept is based on the four central themes from our co-design findings, which we implementing in the following manner. Dualism - The game is based on playing against each other. Familiarity - We use familiar characters (knights in this example). Visualization - The character sheet should communicate in a highly visual way. Childrens logic - The rules are arbitrary, a shield can harm a sword if the rules, as defined by the players say so. This framework further calls on the reflection on their own logic. Playing the game Two players pick a universe to play in. The two players each choose a character in relation to the universe, and each character has three weapons. These weapons are the same for both players, fx. both will get a sword, a shield and a net for their knight. Now the players have to choose, either to print out a analogue format of the game, or use the concept digitally. The players starts with deciding the rules of the game within the following framework: If [weapon] meets [weapon] then [player] moves [number] fields forwards or backwards Each player play a weapon simultaneously and move according to the rules defined in step 4. Play the game through, and see if it works. If not, change the rules, (according to step 4), and play the game again. Continue until the game makes sense. In a game where a person gets to the end of the line first, that person wins. Iterating through different sets of rules, the players would discover how setting up conditions for different actions influence the experience of the game. This concept as described focuses only on a small part of programming, and it would therefore be natural to extend this concept or create similar covering other fundamental structures. 8. FILM EXPERIENCE The following three videos are demonstrations of my progress with storyboarding, filming and editing. The first video, Roskilde, was an extracurricular project I did while covering Roskilde Festival for our student blog CBSLife. The second video, Heppeh, was a concept piece for our Interaction Design class. It is a visualized idea of a running app and sticker-sensor product to be used for motivating runners. The third video, Absence, was a more abstract concept on the position of mobile phones in society. It was presented in the class Mobile Media and Social IT. 9. ROSKILDE FESTIVAL 10. HEPPEH 11. ABSENCE 12. THE DANISH HOSPITAL CLOWNS VOLUNTEER WORK 13. What Ive learnt As a volunteer for the non- profit organization The Danish Hospital Clowns in 2013 and 2014 I have edited footage in accordance with their wishes and created several videos for their main sponsors. I also act as a photographer at their events. This has enabled me to get a better grasp on video editing and working together with an organization in a creative endeavor. 14. ARDUINO PROGRAMMING I have experience working with new technology and use it creatively. Here I am sketching with Arduino sets. Pictured is a small light and piezo sensor installation. 15. CODE ART While working in Processing, I mixed media and created a small poem in the code for a reactive generative art piece. 16. CODE ART Excerpt from intercode poem GOD // In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, // the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, // while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. void setup() { // God created a more manageable space to work in. size(600,800, P3D); // He saw that it was good. noStroke(); // Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. fill(255); // And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. } The code itself created an orb with light that followed the mouse. It was a kind of visualization of an all-seeing entity. I tried to evoke thoughts about the relationship between the watcher and the watched, the authority and the power it derives from its subjects. 17. WEB DESIGN Ive ventured into the world of web design. These are my projects. My personal site - Sinemorris.dk Professional work: http://cleoh.dk/ http://cbslife.dk/ Synapse-connect.dk (currently working on) 18. WEB DESIGN 19. WEB DESIGN 20. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY 21. PHOTOSHOP ENHANCEMENTS 22. PHOTOSHOP ARTWORK 23. ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR WORKS 24. WRITINGS I co-founded a university blog for foreign exchange students. You can find some of my writings here: Cat-Royalty, Baby Names, and Sluts: Denmark Explained The 5 Worst Things About Moving to Copenhagen Roskilde Festival, Part 1: The Art of Waiting Rustur Is Literally The Worst Thing Ever 25. DRAWINGS 26. PAINTINGS 27. I hope to have the opportunity to spend a semester at Swinburne and learn much more in your classes. Cordially, Sine Morris THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION