Page 1: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share





Page 2: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share
Page 3: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Each of us gains various experiences, every second you experience something new or

different. But none of your experiences is identical to those of all other 7.5 billion

people on this planet. Just like no other human has your DNA.

As Tony Parson describes in his book "The Open Secret": " In what I experience as my

world everything is totally unique for me. No-one else can know my experience of the

colour red, my taste of tea, my feelings of fear and happiness, of walking, of dreaming,

or of waking. "

In time, our experiences shape our beliefs and behavioural pattern. Our actions are consequently based on our beliefs. How can we then judge about something and consider it as right or wrong if it is impossible for us to know what another person has experienced, and thus accordingly acts on?

Therefore, we are ignorant of every person we encounter.

How might a world look like if we could show understanding for every individual? Understanding does not mean to approve of it. How might this understanding thus look like? Can it be called tolerance? Indulgence? Compassion? Unconditional love? For ourselves and each on this planet, as I realize, we all drawing from the same source:


Page 4: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, 25cm x 35cm

Price: 40€, Date: 19.02.2018

I drew this picture after a really dark phase. I didn’t know what my

subconscious mind would put on the paper. It turns out to be The

Warrior. She told me “you are strong, you are not alone, you can do

it, you can fight. You are a Warrior of light!“

The internal battle happens in the heart and mind of each human

being. The moment we open the door to begin our evolution into

light, our inner darkness is triggered. This darkness is a part of us,

and it is pleading for freedom. It wants to be seen, to be liberated

from its pain: after all, it is part of our own self. The darkness needs

to be embraced by the light of our consciousness. A warrior becomes

a warrior not by maintaining the illusion of peace, but by going to

war and emerging victorious from the internal battle with his own

shadow. In this war the sword that I carry is my light. Love, acceptance, trust,

compassion, forgiveness, purity, understanding, faith are my other

weapons. Join me! Be not afraid! We can all become Warriors of



Page 5: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I

share an indescribable connection.

It symbolizes the divine feminine and divine masculine, both

energies are embodied in the 2 snakes and try to find a balance.

I have a fascination for the beauty and the wonder of nature. What

nature offers us during the Japanese Spring is so beautiful. The

colors of the cherry blossom are also reflected in my painting. The

connection with the spring, giving birth, creation, transformation,

renewal. For me, a lot of the feminine energy is represented in the

spring season.

I never know what I will draw before I start. I paint what is processing

in my subconscious mind. When I finished the picture Japanese

spring just popped into my mind. He shares, amongst other things,

a fascination for Japan.

The most difficult, but also the most important thing about love is to

begin to love yourself unconditionally. A journey with a lot of

challenges and fears.

The universe will show you the way. You are guided by the wind,

kept warm by the fire and carried by the earth. Flow with the river of

life and magic can happen all the time.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Date: 28.03.2018


Page 6: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 28.03.2018

I channeled the energy that was within me. I was agitated. It felt like

there was a storm swirling in me, strong, happy and impatient. I had

to draw faster and faster.

Mostly I walk through life happy, full of energy, thinking positive,

that everything is possible but not all the time patient. It is important

to celebrate life, the energy it gives us, and to feel the happiness that

comes within. As well as to pause and be patient, because

everything in life goes with the flow in alignment with our decisions

and needs. We can trust patiently that everything happens as it

should, at the right time and at the right place.


“Patience is the companion of wisdom”

Saint Augustine


Pisces is my zodiac sign, and green my favourite color.



Page 7: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

When I finished this painting at first I didn’t like it. I was wondering

“why?”. I thought about the fact that you often hear that artists

don’t like their own paintings. For myself I found out that I didn’t like

it, because it reflected something within me that I didn’t like or I

didn’t want to see. I associate vulnerability with this painting. For me

it is an embryo lying in the womb. Imbedded, secure, soft, pure, and

vulnerable. I consider myself to be strong, and seeing my own

vulnerability in this painting made me feel uncomfortable.

“To be vulnerable” doesn’t mean “to be weak”, rather it shows

strength and courage. You express how and what you truly feel. You

open up and show yourself in an authentic way with your strength

and weakness. Be you, because the point of life is being who you

truly are. No one else on this earth is exactly like you, so why

wouldn’t you want to share your uniqueness?

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 80€, Date: 29.03.2018


Page 8: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 60€, Date: 30.03.2018

The day I was painting this, I had my period, and women know what

I’m talking about when I say sometimes everything seems really dark

in these days. I started with the black side, and on the other side I

started with blue. I drew something on the blue side that I didn’t like,

and I was getting really angry. I exploded and expressed my anger.

The result: The confetti explosion.

Anger is an emotion we don’t talk about, and for which there is no

space in our society. Also, we don’t know how to deal with it. Even in

many spiritual circles anger rarely has a conscious space. I was

always the kind of person who said “I and anger? No, I don’t have

anger!”. I accumulated so much anger during my childhood and

teens that I couldn’t even access it for a while. It was a lot, and it was

buried deep inside of me. We all have anger. In general, there is

rarely room for kids to express and release their anger. Parents often

don’t know how to handle it. In addition, our society prefers not to

see us angry, but rather see us being kind, smiling and obeying, and

behaving well… Anger is mostly mixed with other emotions: hurt,

pain, frustration, fear - all this and much more can be contained in

anger. It’s difficult to express anger, but it is never appropriate to

suppress anger. We should express our anger with respect and

without hurting anyone. On another note, anger is not to be

mistaken with aggression.


Page 9: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

I have never painted regularly, but if I did paint, it was led by my

mind. For 3 weeks now I paint almost every day! It’s like a calling, I

have to bring it on paper from the inside out. I never know what

comes out of it. If I don’t do it, I get really nervous. When I’m the

process of creating, I can’t stop anymore. I often have the feeling

that I have to start with a certain colour. For this painting it was blue.

I have always had a strong connection to my inner world, my heart,

my inner voice, my inner eye. It’s my compass. It’s like a 6th sense. I

have the gift to see behind the human wall, see the purity and the

perfection of everyone. Seeing with the inner eye means for me to

be guided by my intuition, love and compassion. Seeing with the

eyes of a mother, a daughter, a sister, a grandmother, a friend and to

also see with the eyes of the goddess, the queen, the priestess, the

warrioress and the lover.

Connect with your heart, look with your inner eye and listen to your

inner voice. I promise you, they will not lead you astray.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 30.03.2018


Page 10: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 45€, Date: 31.03.2018

After I started this painting I painted something that I didn’t like; The

grey part in the middle came out of it. I was with my friend Monika

and said to her “Now, I have destroyed it and it is ugly”. She said,

“You believe it’s ugly. Your mind is telling you that it’s ugly and that

you’ve destroyed it. But who knows if it’s really ugly and

destroyed?”. She also asked me “Why do you think it’s ugly?” So I

paused and started to accept the destruction, and did not let my

mind judge the beauty or ugliness of my painting. It was what it was!

And so I found my flow again. The beauty of destruction is the



Page 11: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

When I was drawing this painting, I felt excitement, loss of control

and fear to be rejected! It felt a raging storm within me. Excitement,

fear, joy, love, dark, light, anger. Everything was mixed up. I knew

my fear to be rejected is rooted inside me. People or situations just

trigger it or act as a mirror and bring my pain to the surface.

My inner child was screaming. I held her in my arms. Then the storm

calmed down.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 01.04.2018


Page 12: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 01.04.2018

I painted this one after I had a conversation with my friend Monika

about the dark, the light and the colourfulness, which are parts of

our life path. They will appear repeatedly in all shapes and in all


In the dark time, there is always also a light at the end of the tunnel.

In every dark time, we will also find colour. It appears in form of

hope, trust and sometimes even in joy by realising what the dark

tries to show us. Our life can take all colors with all nuances. Let us

assume all the shapes and colors of life in their diversity and with

their power.


Page 13: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Once upon a time there was one soul, made of light, pure

consciousness, who decide to experience the human world of

polarity as two aspects: the feminine and masculine aspect of an

originally identical energy. Love is the reason why this soul chose to

divide from one consciousness, to journey in separation in physical

form. The mission of those two souls was to “gift” the world with

unconditional love, to help the planet’s ascension into a higher state

of collective consciousness.

One day in the human world after healing their wounds, embrace

their shadows, releasing old baggage’s, cleansing their energy, they

found their way back together and reunite in love.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 09.04.2018


Page 14: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 09.04.2018

…the souls reunite in love. The desire for the other is almost unbearable. The feeling is indescribable and intense. They quench their thirst and express their sexual energy: loving, open, playful, joyful, passionate, healed, tender, humorous, spontaneous, touching, creative, unflinching, sensual, often and unite in absolute ecstasy.


Page 15: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Nothing is infinite, everything is finite. The flower shows us its

beauty, a couple of days, sometimes a few weeks. We enjoy its

beauty at a certain moment. Everything in our life happens at a

certain moment. Every second after the other is a snapshot. The past

is what we have experienced, the future what is waiting for us, but

finally what is important is the moment.

Live in the HERE AND NOW, because everything is transient.

Soft pastel, Acrylic Ink, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 60€, Date: 9-10.04.2018


Page 16: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 80€, Date: 12.04.2018

Do you sometimes feel like someone has dropped you off on this

planet? Have you experienced the feeling that you are here for a

special reason? Have you felt it deep in your bones but couldn’t quiet

find out what it is? Do you know that you have certain gifts but you

can’t put these in words? And/ or you are afraid to share these with

the world? Do you feel alone with that?

I have good news for you, you are not alone! My whole life I have

been a highly sensitive empath and felt like that.


Page 17: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

I draw this painting after I received a call of the Anti-squatting

housing company that they would have an apartment for me in

Amsterdam, under the condition that I had to move the same day! I

didn't have a good feeling about the whole thing and I had no idea

how to manage this. I asked if I can have 10 minutes to think about it.

Finally, I accepted, and ignored my intuition….

I couldn’t reach the person anymore who managed the whole

recruitment process. So I was nervous and was asking myself

whether I missed an opportunity because I waited too long, but then

on the other hand I thought, wait they asked you to move the same

day. It’s normal to take 10 minutes to think about it. I did not receive

this apartment, but they called me in the afternoon that they would

have another one for me, nicer and that I will have time to visit it and

I could move whenever I wanted. This is the wonderful apartment

that I call my new home now.

This situation was during a period where I have faced the theme of

self-esteem and self-worth almost every day. I understood that day

that it’s good to fight for my dreams and freedom, but that I’m

definitely more worth than to sleep on a cold floor for the upcoming

nights, in a house that I haven’t seen before. Afterwards, I also heard

that the area is not safe, so my feeling was, as always, right.


“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”

Mark Twain

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 50€, Date: 12.04.2018


Page 18: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 90€, Date: 13.04.2018

You are much more than your mind, and most of your thoughts are

not from you. They have been thought long before by others and

you only adopted it through "learning". On closer inspection, we are

all crammed with "beliefs and dogmas" about the functioning of the

world and our role in it. When we parrot these beliefs and tell them

to ourselves and others, we do not behave much differently than a

parrot. Our education system promotes such behaviors when it

attaches particular importance to storing knowledge and to

reproducing it.

Many thoughts even make life really difficult for us, for example

ones in the form of "You can’t do that", "You are a failure", "Nobody

wants you", "You can’t get out of this whole", "What will the others

think?". Because we assume that our minds are so clever and helpful

in their own right, we no longer even get the idea to question the

possibilities of the mind as such. Since we like to stay in this world of

thoughts, we constantly run the risk of confusing our ideas with


Why a Parrot?

A Parrot can talk nonstop, preferring to repeat old trained

(memorized) proverbs. Interestingly, hardly one parrot owner will be

dominated by his parrot. Just as we can enjoy a beautiful parrot and

its sayings, we should perhaps also consider with interest and proud

our own mind and try to understand how our mind works. In

addition, we can teach the parrot more helpful proverbs anytime,

and find out where those beliefs are coming from and where they

are rooted!


Page 19: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Rainbows are a beautiful phenomenon that bears significance across

different religions and cultures. The seven colors of the rainbow are

also linked to seven chakra colors and the colors of the Auras.

There are many references to rainbows in the Bible. After God

flooded the world, he/she promised to never again destroy the

world, and sent a rainbow to mark this promise.

In Hindu and Buddhist Tantra apparently, those who have surpassed

their earthly ties are in a position to achieve the highest meditative

state, and experience the “rainbow body”.

In many cultures, rainbows are a sign of pathways, messages,

messengers and a sign of luck or a gift from the gods.

Some Native American tribes believed that rainbows were the

bridge between the spiritual and human world. This is sometimes

referred as the “Rainbow Bridge”. In my meditations, I have had

several visions of native tribes and shamans. Probably visions from

previous life. For me, this painting reflects my home, my tribe or

maybe it is the bridge to my home?

Life is an explosion of colors and opportunities. Recognise its beauty,

magic, diversity, and the gift to explore life through the colors of the



“Shine your soul with the same egoless humility as the rainbow does,

and no matter where you go in this world or the next, love will find

you, attend you, and bless you.“ Aberjhani

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 90€, Date: 13.04.2018


Page 20: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price:100€, Date: 13.04.2018

Who is she? Where is she from? When did she live? I love her and

sometimes she scares me. She looks at me straight and powerful.

She knows what she wants and who she truly is. She is wise and

ignorant. She is light and dark. She knows both realms and how to

travel between them. She is me, I am her. I love her and sometimes

she scares me. I love me and sometimes I’m afraid!


Page 21: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

When I drew this, I was definitely in my inner child. At that moment I

felt lonely, alone on earth. As always, I painted intuitive, afterwards

when I looked at it, I understood the meaning.

The story behind it: My parents separated when I was 5 years old.

Since then, I was used to travel from one place to another at least

once a week. When I was a teenager I often also stayed in friends'

homes. Sometimes I even traveled between 3 households. Every

Friday and Monday, I had my red travel bag with me in school,

packed with my stuff and ready to go back to Mum, Dad or a friend.

My whole life I had difficulties to identify myself with a place I would

call “home”. I learned to adapt myself so fast to new environments

and situations that today I would say I have multiple homes. Sure,

often it was not easy, sometimes I felt lonely and I wished to have a

traditional home like others, but with times I realized that I feel at

home where the people live that I love. Home is about people, about

the feeling and the energy of a place and not about a house,

furniture and/or objects. The people who I love are all over the world.

I’m a citizen of the world and the world is my home.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 65€, Date: 16.04.2018


Page 22: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 17.04.2018

I think this painting looks good, doesn't matter how you turn it. I see

an eye and plenty other things. It shows diversity and flexibility.

Flexible means by definition “able to change or be changed easily

according to the situation".

Life offers us a variety of opportunities and directions if we stay

flexible. Flexibility also means to me to go with the flow. To adopt

myself to the given situation. Also, to let go of control at the

moment and to be open for any direction that I haven’t imagined

before. To be flexible allows me to be open for other opportunities

and to be open to seeing the beauty and the miracle that life offers

me in a situation because I changed my direction.


“Ultimately spiritual awareness unfolds when you're flexible, when

you're spontaneous, when you're detached, when you're easy on

yourself and easy on others.”

Deepal Chopra


Page 23: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

From inside out. On this day I felt confusion in every part of my life.

With my living and working situation and in my private life.

When I was younger and depressed or sad about one situation, I had

the tendency to believe in that moment that everything is not going

well in my life. My mum then always said: “Are you cooking a stew

and mix it up? “.

She helped me to look at each part individually and we found that

there were maybe only one or two things I felt sad or confused about

in my life, but not everything.

Sometimes, if we face confusion or too much is going on in our lifes,

we have to remember to take a break, to sit down, to breathe and to

look at each part individually. To accept that everything needs time

to be processed. And sometimes we need also distance to the given

situation to see and to understand.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 65€, Date: 18.04.2018


Page 24: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 70€, Date: 18.04.2018

This day I felt a lot of confusion and it was just too much.

Sometimes, I escape in another world. She is colorful, warm and

peaceful. When I’m there, I feel carried, protected and safe.

Everything is possible in this world, time and space don't exist. I

don’t have to be somebody or to become someone. Everything is

there, everything is connected and whole. It’s a world of perceiving

and feeling, of love and compassion and a world where my fears and

pain are welcome.

We all have this world within us. You can always go there. Close your

eyes, let your inner child take you by the hand and discover your own

magic underwater world.


Page 25: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

The last year the owl has been with me. She has an important

meaning for me.

Quality: Wisdom

The Owl’s message.

“ I live in the night, but not for fear of the light. All my senses are

geared to the world of shadows. Some say that I’m a portent of

death, but that’s not necessary so. Death is only one aspect of

darkness. The shadowy realms can be kind of scary, yet there really

isn’t anything to fear. The darkness is just as sacred as the light, and

in it there is magic, mystery, and ancient knowledge. You can’t have

one without the other, and light will always dissipate the darkness.”

Author: Steven D. Farmer, Ph.D.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 100€, Date: 20.04.2018


Page 26: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 100€, Date: 21.04.2018

In many of my pictures you will recognise different birds. Birds have

always inspired people with their ability to rise above the earth.

Their home is the element of the air and yet they are also connected

to the earth. They generally represent freedom and peace. I also

associate with birds the property of vision, the change of

perspective, the bigger picture and the ability to outgrow yourself.

For me, they also stand for a bridge to the spiritual world. Their

messages are information, help or messages from the higher

vibrating spiritual dimension, they usually deliver them very directly

to us to earth.


Page 27: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

The Dragon has been the inspiration for countless books, poems, art

and movies. This powerful creature has been well respected in many

cultures. The Dragon is the symbol of primordial power. It is master

of all elements: fire, water, air and earth.

The Dragon invites you to open yourself to the wonder and mystery

of our world.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 60€, Date: 05.05.2018


Page 28: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 100€, Date: 07.05.2018

Sometimes I’m tired and I can’t hear it anymore. Embrace this,

accept that, sit with this…Feel the pain, look at it, bla bla bla. But

actually, it’s the key! To see, what is now! To accept how it is at the

moment! To feel it. To not push it away and to want to change it.

Often we think we have to do something “to fix us” or to change the

given situation to feel us better. We belief that we have to seek, to

find and to achieve something or to arrive somewhere.

But the only thing we have to do is to be there for us! To accept how

we are in our core. To embrace what is. It’s you! And the healing and

insight will come and flow automatically.



Page 29: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

When I look at this picture, it makes my heart melt. It touches me

deeply. It is as if this eye belonged to a being whom I have never met

and yet it is so familiar to me. I feel deep affection, gentleness,

understanding, compassion and love.

Who are you?

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 120€, Date: 07.05.2018


Page 30: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 85€, Date: 07.05.2018

I have been enchanted by the miracles and the beauty of the world since I was a child. But I often felt uncomfortable and out of place at school. Learning was rather difficult for me, in school. Sometimes I felt like someone has dropped me off on this planet.

I entered a world where I had to become something and where I felt separated from the whole. A world lead by thinking and doing instead of perceiving and feeling, where fear comes before love. It was and is difficult for me, because I mainly let myself be guided by my intuition.

I have always felt that I was gifted with skills that I could not put into words and that were not nurtured at school. I also always felt that I had been sent to this world for a certain reason. I remember that during the time of my studies I once desperately asked my mother what my talent was. And my mother answered: “You touch people's hearts".

Live your own truth, create and do what you love and let your light shine.


Page 31: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

I see you. I see the purity and the perfection of you. I see the infinite

greatness and power of you. I see you. I see, who you truly are. A

wonderful, perfect human being.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 40€, Date: 09.05.2018

(It has small water drops at the top, on the right side)


Page 32: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 80€, Date: 09.05.2018

Behind the curtain. What is hidden behind your curtain? We all have

a curtain behind which we feel safe in the outside world. It gives us a

sense of security. The security not to get hurt.

With the people we love we can open the curtain, at first only a crack

and someday, we can drop it completely. Sometimes we can drop it

instantly, sometimes not. Sometimes it takes time.

Behind the curtain hides our true self. The purity and the perfection,

the vulnerability and the love, the infinite greatness and power.


Page 33: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

This painting shows how our subconscious mind works and I’m really

fascinated by it. I see in this painting a Parrot. My mum also sees a

rabbit. I agree, but at first I saw the parrot.

Why I’m so fascinated: it's because I drew this painting in the

evening, after I published the post on Instagram about my painting

“Our mind, the parrot”. Where in my explanation I compared our

mind with a parrot. As I explained already, I draw my paintings

intuitively and I very rarely take a conscious look at it before I have

the feeling, I’m done. So I was really surprised when I realized that I

drew a parrot again. I had the impression my mind is telling me:

“Forget it, you will never get rid of me!

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 60€, Date: 18.05.2018


Page 34: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 65€, Date: 21.05.2018

Are we alone in the universe?

How often do you look up into the night sky and wonder just how

many stars, planets, galaxies, and more are out there? Counting the

stars in the universe is like trying to count the number of sand grains

on a beach.


Page 35: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

In shamanism, the East is mostly represented by the eagle or the

condor, which gives visionary power and clarity. The eagle overlooks

the entire panorama of life without getting lost in details.

The last year the eagle has been with me and has an important

meaning for me.

Quality: Spirit.

The Eagls’s message.

“Whether or not you’re aware of it, you have complete access to an

awesome spiritual power! When your vision has become too narrow

or limited and you can’t find solutions to any of your problems or

challenges, take a look from where I can see. Come with me and I’ll

take you to the sun and stars. You must have the courage to

relinquish stale and comfortable habits and beliefs and soar into

unknown realms and new realities, continually expanding your view.

Now it is time to take full responsibility for your life and to be

prepared for instant karma. As your spiritual awareness increases, so

will positive and negative repercussions become more immediate

and have greater force. When you have to make a choice, no matter

how large or small, first hover above all the possibilities laid out

before you. Then choose one, and go for it wholeheartedly and

without equivocation. Don’t let material concerns keep you from


Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 70€, Date: 21.05.2018


Page 36: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 65€, Date: 28.05.2018

Flowers are like life. Vital and colorful, they fully appeal to our

senses. At the same time, flowers reflect the beauty and uniqueness

of life, but also transience.


Page 37: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

In my painting repetitive eyes appear. The eyes are known to be the

most powerful body part that expresses one’s emotions. Eyes can

never lie. The eyes are known to be the mirror to the soul and can

therefore show whatever one is feeling deep inside.

Look into each other's eyes: Honesty and love will connect you.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 80€, Date: 31.05.2018


Page 38: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 31.05.2018

In the past, my friends sometimes called me a fisheye because I had

big eyes through my glasses, and I was sometimes extremely

clumsy. We traced that back to my visual impairment, although

nobody knew what fisheye really signified. It was always in funny

situations and we laughed really hard. By the way, it is very healthy

to laugh about oneself.

But what is a fisheye?

Did you know that the eyes of fish are mostly on the side of the

head? And on every side they have a field of vision covering up to

180 degrees. Although they can’t or can see spatial only very limited

(which is also one of my health restrictions), but in total with both

eyes they have a nearly all-round view.

And that is exactly the gift that I have always had. I’m able to get a

good all-round view of any situation or place really quickly. My

friends had already recognized my talent.


Page 39: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

With full force into the depth and coming out with full power again

into the light. This is me.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 150€, Date: 31.05.2018


Page 40: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 150€, Date: 02.06.2018

Breakthrough or breakdown?

The last few years I have explored many black holes, experienced

depressive states and had situations again and again where I

thought, it cannot be worse. Desperation that results from

existential fears is the worst thing I have ever experienced, I think,

and I would not wish that upon anyone.

During two weeks, I felt "Shari, you will either experience a total

breakdown or a breakthrough!" And I choose the breakthrough. Two

important conversation supported the process. Thank you Beate and

Lino, you have carried me in this moment and reminded me of who I

truly am! In addition, at the end of these two weeks, my wonderful

friends Alice and Kerrie were here to give a Kambo ceremony. You

can read about what Kambo is in de caption of my picture "The

magic cocktail". My intention for the ceremonies was "letting go of

the last thing that hindered my success and breakthrough". Now you

may guess who I met again in the ceremony? Yes, exactly, my good

old friend self-esteem. I really thought that can be serious. I got

really angry because I realized that I did not want to let go! Welcome

to the subconscious, but luckily Kambo did his job and I let go.

The tarot card I drew after the ceremony and which symbolised the

result of the process was the card VI of Brooms: Victory. The

Meaning of the card, success, public recognition, satisfaction,

creative achievement and triumph. A big smile appeared on my face.

I painted this in the evening after the ceremony. I chose, the



Page 41: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

I drew this one after the Kambo ceremony. Kambo is a poison from a

giant monkey frog called Phyllomedusa Bicolor living in the trees of

the Amazonian Jungle. The Kambo is applied on small circular

surface burns on your skin, it will turn up the heat in your system. It

makes your heart race, your eyes water, your throat and your face

swell. Your muscles may cramp.

With a rich cocktail of more than 100 chemical compounds, the

poison will overload and rearrange your nervous system to change

your neurochemistry. Then you will purge with intensity. The violent

vomit will set free what kept you locked in a place of emotional and

mental captivity. Kambo helps you to catalyze you into your

emotions and clean you from the inside out.

Kambo it’s becoming popular outside of the Amazon as an effective

treatment for chronic pain, drug dependency and other ailments.

Source: http://www.awholenewhigh.com/kambo/

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 65€, Date: 02.06.2018


Page 42: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 120€, Date: 03.06.2018

The energy and spirit of the Kambo usually stays with you for a few

more days. I also experienced that. During the ceremony, I felt that I

had not let go of everything. A little was still in me, because I had an

enormous resistance. But the process had already begun. There was

pain that wanted to be felt and seen.

I drew this painting one day after the Kambo ceremony. The little

Kambo and the little Shari who hold each other’s hands, feel, see

and understand.


Page 43: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Boom boom, my heart is beating. Boom Boom my heart is beating in

the rhythm of the water, the wind, the sun and the earth. Boom

Boom, my heart is beating. It is open for you and for me. Boom

Boom, my heart is beating. Boom Boom, my heart is beating in the

rhythm of love.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 70€, Date: 03.06.2018


Page 44: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 85€, Date: 06.06.2018

On this day, I felt a deep insecurity within me. It hurt and nearly tore

me apart. It felt like Freddy Kruger was slitting my chest with his

metal fingernails. The orange stripes in the picture represent the


The most insecurity comes from inside ourselves. The feeling can

start early in life with an insecure attachment to your parents, or can

develop after being hurt or rejected by someone you love and care


I let it be, felt the pain and painted.


Page 45: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

As a child I could never understand why in a romantic movie the

women and the man did not come together or why they had to go

through so much drama until they came together. It was a logic

thing for me. She loves him, he loves her, where is the problem?

Now I know why, at the time I didn’t know about the pain. The pain

we have experienced in childhood. We crated protectors, whose role

is to protect us from being hurt. As a child we could not handle this

pain. It was just too heavy.

The pain of the feminine encounters the pain of the masculine. Fear

rises up. The battle between heart and mind begins. The protector

tries everything so that we don’t feel the pain. There is love,

unconditional love. There is pain and fear.

The problem is that when we block out hurt, we also block out love.

Feel the pain, face the fear, and the love will win, and remember:

The love has never left us.

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 90€, Date: 08.06.2018



Page 46: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 100€, Date: 10.06.2018

The name of this painting is Anne. Anne is a wonderful soul. She is

one of my closest friend. We talked on the phone for 3 hours, but

more because she needed my presence instead of the talking. She

was riding her bike, bought pizza, went to bed and researched where

to spend her vacation and I drew.

And do you know why she needed me? Because she feels. Do you

know what it means to feel? It blows your mind away, everything is

out of control, right or left, ego or heart, today or tomorrow, pain or

joy, tears or laugher. But if you really feel all that, do you know what

it makes you feel? ALIVE!


Page 47: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

I knock on the door, sometimes it opens, sometimes it stays closed. I

knock on the door. It opens. The light shines inwards, it gets nice and

warm, for a moment the door remains open, but suddenly it closes

again. If we open the door to begin our evolution into light and love,

our pain and fear is triggered.

I knock on the door, today it stays closed. When will the door to your

heart open again?

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 105€, Date: 10.06.2018


Page 48: PORTFOLIO. OUR OWN EXPERIENCES. I AM. SHARI ...shariruppert.com/app/Portfolio_Our_own_experiences-Shari...I drew this painting while I was thinking of the person with whom I share

Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 12.06.2018

Many of the native tribes believe that people have power animals. Of

course the way they define a power animal differs. What most

people don’t know is that we also have a shadow animal.

This animal possesses qualities within you that are suppressed. It

represents your subconscious self. Although not always the case,

many people know what their shadow animal is because it is the

animal they fear resist the very most.

I drew this painting after I had a conversation with friends about my

shadow animal and we were figuring out if it’s really my shadow

animal. I can see the animal in the painting but until now nobody

could recognize it so I leave it like that.

What is your shadow animal?


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Perhaps you have noticed that the last few days were different than

usual? More intense, confusing and emotional? Solstice gateways

open. Approximately 5-7 days before and after the actual solstice

21st June – we have an influx of light and energy. This is high

vibrational power and turbulent and transformative times

energetically. There are many shifts that can happen. Go within and

figure out your inner alignment above all. This is your heart’s desire

calling to be heard.

It’s a time to be grateful. Celebrate yourself and others and embrace

the shift.

I drew this painting intuitively. Afterward I became aware of the

connection to the summer solstice and the gateway into the light.


Soft pastel, paper medium fine 180g/m2, 29,7x42 cm

Price: 75€, Date: 14.06.2018


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[email protected]

+31 619501661

Website: www.shariruppert.com

Instagram: @shari_ruppert

People who inspired me and / or helped me with the portfolio.

The universe, Ute Ruppert, Klaus Ruppert, Gerlinde Buchberger,

Anne Bontemps, Monika Smulska, Alice Smeets, Philip Lozano,

Beate Breunig, Tatjana Buchberger, Lino Pankert, Ilka Zänger,

Patrice Masthoff, Kevin Bru.


Name: Shari Ruppert

Bank: Aachener Bank eG


IBAN: DE60 3906 0180 1701 2320 18

PAYPAL: [email protected]