Portfolio ingles iv

PORTFOLIO Mariana Gisela Martínez Ortíz. A01421808

Transcript of Portfolio ingles iv

  • 1. PORTFOLIO Mariana Gisela Martnez Ortz. A01421808

2. https://accounts.google.co m/ServiceLogin?service=bl ogger&ltmpl=start&hl=es&p assive=1209600&continue= http://www.blogger.com/h ome 3. My Opinion About English In my Opinion I think that is important learn english, because is the international language. Even though I dont like the American english, I like to learn more every day. But I still prefering the British english. Is easier than the American english for me. Maybe because Im always listenning to people on videos that talking that kind of english and I can understand them more. I like the english clases, but I not sure, that Im learned something very well in this semester, because maybe we went so fast with all the topics in the clases. I didnt like that sometimes we must to do homework even when we didnt know about that topic. But I like to work in the english lab. Its no difficult to me, is just that in the class I didnt understand to the teacher very good. And with the practice I wiil be better in the future. 4. INTRODUCTION In this little project you will find a little introduction, of what is the tornado. What it could happen and where has happened. You will find the causes of this big problem and of course the effects of it. And at the end there is a situation that I invented. 5. DISASTERS. TORNADO Description WHAT IS A TORNADO? A tornado is a very strong gust of air. The tornado comes from the ground, and it comes from a thunderstorm until to provoke a big disaster. The difference between the tornado and other disasters like volcanic, seaquakes, and clones among others is that the tornado is the most strong disaster that could happen in the earth. It is so dangerous, it can destroy a lot of things like houses, buildings, it could kill the animals and it could kill humans as well, in case we have a tornado, we need to be prevented. 6. CAUSES AND EFFECTS What causes the tornados? The causes of the tornados are three reasons and these are the three types of air, this types of air get together to make a whole. In the floor exists a kind of air warm and humid and strong winds from the south and the west. All this creates an instability of air in the sky. What could be the effects of the tornados? Could destroy: o Buildings. o Houses. o Schools. o Furniture. o And also it could kill many people and animals too. 7. Places where it has occurred. YEAR NAME OF THE TORNADO PLACE 1925 Triestatal U.S.A. 1936 Gainesville U.S.A. 1932 Talladega, Alabama U.S.A. 1965 Indiana U.S.A. 1912 Regina, Saskatchewan Canada 1987 Edmonton Canada 1970 Bulahdelah, New South Wales Australia 8. We are on vacation in the summer and we are all together. We are in the living room, eating a delicious food that was hold on the table. Suddenly something happens and all things begin to fall. In 5 minutes all the home furniture, the ceiling and the food were not anymore in place, everything happened because of the tornado. My family was scared like me, all we were desperate and panic. If I were in a disaster like a tornado with other people, I think that I would do a plan. The first on my plan could be: Keep calm. Look for a basement to safe my life and my familys life. Share food. Pray IMAGINARY SITUATION 9. LEARNING In this project I learned more about the big problem that are the disasters, like the tornado is. What are its causes and its effects. Where were the places where it ocured. And finally I writed a imaginary situation, about where, when, and how ocured the tornado. And with this I learn some new grammar and vocabulary too. 10. OPINION In my opinion this kind of works help to me to improve my grammar an my vocabulary, beacuse I have to research in the internet, and I have to read to much to know more about the topic, so it helps me to me to be a better student. 11. INTRODUCTION In this project you will see the city that we made in team. The problems that it has. Some characteristics. And of course the advantages that our city has. The work as all the works that me made was for knew new vocabulary, but with another topic. 12. CITY: TRIANGULWATER WHERE: Under the ocean POSSIBLE PROBLEMS: One could be that is not going to be very sunny, so maybe the trees could not grow up. We could have less water and less clean water. HOW WE SOLVE THEM: We can build like a crystal roof that allows the sun gets into to the crystal world. And build one big elevator. We have to build lots of wells to have enough water. 13. ADVANTAGES OF OUR CITY: Will be less fabrics and less pollution in the air. The fabrics will work with solar energy and hydraulic energy. Our meals are going to be healthier. We are going to avoid the ceases. Its going to be more relaxing, because we are going to be in contact with the nature. CHARACTERISTICS: Ecology in the world Ocean animals A world with less people More security More beautiful in sights Cleaner environment 14. LEARNING I learned to use an application in the Ipad that is to create image using your creativity. A new vocabulary and new grammar. And I learned to work in team so good. 15. OPINION I like it, because I drawed the image using my creativity and at the same time we write using the vocabulary that was on the studentsbook and in the workbook. I enjoy to do this homework. 16. INTRODUCTION In this project we work in team again, and the topic of the work is DEFORESTATION. We selected this topic, because, we think that the deforestation is something about the people must to talk everyday, so in that way the humans could make something to stop the problem in many countries. 17. In this presentation we are going to describe the topic "DEFORESTATION".In the world this problem is worrisome, because it's affecting the people that live there. So that's why we are worried and we want to make a change.Deforestation is the cutting down of trees or forests on Earth at large quantities, which result is the damage of the Earth. 18. Deforestation is the cutting down of trees or forests on Earth at large quantities, which result is the damage of the Earth. 19. The humans need to build houses, cut down forests to build cities, produce paper, fuel, etc... And as humanity grows in population they will need to use land to make their lifes more comfortable. There also exist natural factors like forest fires, people might plant more trees to replace them, but nobody does. The most common example of deforestation is the use of the wood: Wood will always be necessary for daily life activities, to make papers, notebooks, books, to build buildings, houses, and also to build cities. So as we grow in population, we are going to need more space each time and in a couple years there won't be any other forest to cut down. The humans will never satisfice his ambitions, and our nature is to get what we want no matter who we affect and thats why we destroy everything in our way. This is like a sequence in life. The word produces natural resources, we spend them all faster and the world won't be able to replace at the same speed as we spend them. 20. South America, specifically Brazil.-Sri Laska and Costa Rica. -The amazon - Indonesia.It emans that actually in all around the world is happening this.so is so hard to make a change. But we can make this happen. 21. 90% of forests have been cleared in VeracruzIn Uxpanapan, Orizaba, near the city of Jalapa, Mexico ranks second place after Brazil in deforestation.Drastic exampleIn 1940 49% of Mexico's rainforest was in tabasco, currently there's only 2% 22. In this image we describe how could be in the future the world if we don't do anything to preserver it 23. WE MUST TO STOP THIS! One easy way to stop deforestation is planting a tree. But you can take it one step further by making sure the choices you make at home, at the store, at work, wont contribute to the problem. Plant a tree. Go paperless. Recycle and buy recycled products. Look for Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification on wood and wood products. Eat vegetarian meals as often as possible. 24. LEARNING In this project I really learned so much, I didnt know to much about the deforestation. I just know that this is a big problem, but now I think that is the biggest problem in the world. I learned where is it happening. And what are it causes and effects. 25. OPINION We must to stop this, because if we killed the forest, the earth dies, and if the earth die, then it is going to be more difficult to cultivate again. So I think that the human should to cultivate more trees in the forests to have a nice green planet. 26. SELF-EVALUATION How was your work? Good, I think that it was good, because I did my best. How was your learning? Why? What did you learn? Good, but it could be better, Because I dont think that the teacher teach very well, but I learn a little just a little. What problems did you find? That maybe the teacher didnt teach us so good, the homework that the you gave us was about news topics, that even when I didnt know, I must have done it. How did you solve them? I asked to my mother, and to my brother in my house, and the I asked to you in the next class. How can you improve for the last part of the semester? Im going to do all better, because I want to have a better grade in the final evaluation.