


my 3rd year graphic design portfolio

Transcript of portfolio

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my manifesto was simply a mantra; ‘learn from your mistakes, and also your successes’. the idea of the flip book is that people assume

that something will animate/change within it, yet my mantra simply repeats itself, as a mantra should in order to reinforce the

idea. also there are a few pages included within the book which are upside-down to represent ‘mistakes’.


project: Manifesto

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project: Manifesto

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project: competition brief

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for this brief i had to create a typographic tattoo using a line from Arthur O’Shaughnessy’s poem ‘Ode’ - “we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams”. my idea was to create another visual language by combining morse code & typography, perhaps a new language only for designers?

competition brief

project: competition brief

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project: typo berlin

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‘space’ is a typeface which i created during the typo berlin project. the brief for this was to create an animation which advertised the annual gathering of

renowned typographists in berlin. every year there is a theme, & i decided to explore into the theme of space. after looking at constallations it was clear a typeface could be made from them, a starry dot-to-dot. once this was made i then created my animation, an asteroid-esque sequence where my typeface is

shot at with the letter ‘a’ and the type slowly disintergrates.

typo berlin

project: typo berlin

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project: Mammoth (resolutions)

this piece was in response to a brief set by my agency, mammoth. we were

required to create a piece of work using the letterpress facilities, and also it

had to be a new year’s resolution. mine was “get arse into gear” purely because

i relaxed far too much at christmas & needed to get back into the working

spirit. this in fact worked, after having tacked it up on my desk & also to the

window in my bedroom.


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project: Mammoth (resolutions)

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this was from an external brief set for the work to be shown in an exhibition outside of college. the brief was to listen to a piece of music and to visually represent it within the realms of graphic design. my chosen piece of music was bach’s sonata no.2 in a minor and the concept behind my work was that i wanted to visually represent the emotions caused by specific parts in the music. due to the soft, calming piece of music i needed it to be represented as fragile but masterfully pieced together, hence the different sections of fabric.

visualising sound

Project: visualising sound

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Project: visualising sound

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Project: zine

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Project: zine

for my zine i had to create a modern storytelling of a classic fairytale,

i therefore chose hansel & gretel, as it was one of my favourites as a child. it is a social commentary

on people’s greed today, as well as being a retelling of a classic story.


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Project: personal project

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the idea behind my personal project came from the fact that my family & i have a passion for sayings,

for example ‘the world’s your lobster’ & so on. what i wanted to achieve was to pass on these sayings to

either rekindle memories, or to create new ones. i wanted to glorify these sayings because they are

extremely personal to me, therefore i put my visual representation of a saying in a picture frame, and proceeded to take photos of them in the locations

where that saying is most likely to be heard.

personal project

Project: personal project

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Project: personal project

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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tttttttttttttttttttt yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Project: geometric typeface

a typeface created whilst forming an identity for myself. i realised how much passion i had

for geometrics and so wanted to convey this thorugh my logo. after really liking the ‘Rw’ for my initials i decided to create a

font in this style for future use.

geometry typeface

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i had to create a magazine with the title imperfect and to comment on cultural identity in response to a brief. my idea was that knowledge-wise we are all incomplete; imperfect. I wanted

to create a magazine which was aimed at graphic designers & creatives which focussed on filling those blanks. my magazine

physically had holes in representing the gaps in people’s knowledge, yet you could still read the information attatched to it. my magazine was also based on an imperfect grid system based

around triangles and irregular shapes.

‘imperfect’ magazine

Project: ‘Imperfect’ magazine

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Project: ‘Imperfect’ magazine

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Project: ‘Imperfect’ magazine

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Project: ‘Imperfect’ magazine

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