
KAROLIN KÕRGE product design Estonian Academy of Arts PORTFOLIO


portfolio for the Erasmus program

Transcript of portfolio

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KAROLIN KÕRGE product design Estonian Academy of Arts


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2 contents3 clothes rack4 kick sledge5 firewood holder6 kid’s rocking chair7 packaging design8 stool9 micro 4/3 camera10 souvenir for Museum of Occupations11 cv


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clothes rack 2012

Steel made clothes rack comb is perfect for throwing clothes onto it or storing whatever needs storage.




clothes rack 2011


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kick sledge 2011This is a sledge for parent and the child. Used materials are steel, impegneer fabric and an old kid’s sledge,


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firewood holder 2011



This firewood holder is designed to bring the woods indoors, as well as for storage. Holder’s shape can be played according to the amount of woods.

material: plywood, teak veneer, rope


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kid’s rocking chair 2012-2013The chair is usable in both sides. One side is for swining and the other is for stationary stitting. The space between the seats is a good place to keep toys or drawing papers. Enclosed front-and backside keep things firmly in the drawer during the swinging. Material is a combination of wood and plywood.


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packaging design 2012The given assignment was to design a package for household liquids, with the capacity of 1L. They had to be suitable with different caps - an ordinary bottle cap, pump and spray cap. It was also important to maintain the elegance and ergonomics.


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StoolBent plywood





stool 2012The stool is made from bent plywood and linen rope.


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micro 4/3 camera 2012The assignment was to choose an existing company that was not currently producing photo cameras and design a micro 4/3 camera for them. For our project, we chose Nooka, a company that is manufacturing watches and sunglasses. The camera is covered with rubber membrane and is accompanied by a detachable flash and a neckband.

Nookacam NOOKA CAM

Autorid: Karolin Kõrge, Martin Lõkov, Brett Astrid VõmmaJuhendaja: Sven Sellik





EKRAANIDNOOKAcam’il on puutetundlik ekraan kasutajaga suhtlemiseks ning analoogekraanid kasutaja teavitamiseks. Puutetundliku ekraani kaudu saab kasutaja määrata pildistamiseks vajalikke seadeid, vaadata tehtud pilte ning neid jagada. Peamenüü on oma käe järgi seadistatav.

NOOKAcam on vahetatavate objektiividega foto- ja videokaamera. Temas peitub 12-megapiksliline digifotoaparaat ning FULL-HD’d filmiv videokaamera. NOOKAcam’i kummist ümbris on vastupidav põrutustele ja niiskusele.

NOOKAcam’i välk on distantseeritud tema kerest. See võimaldab välku kasutada erinevatelt külgedelt, mitte ainult pildistamise suunast. Välk ühildub kaameraga 5-meetrise juhtmega ning töötab AA patareidega.

NOOKAcam’il on vahetatavad objektiivid. Kasutaja saab valida fix objektiivide ja zoom objektiivide vahel.

Turvalisemaks pildistamiseks on NOOKAcam varustatud kaelarihmaga. See on kaamera küljest eemaldatav, võimaldades kaamera klambriga millegi muu vajaliku külge kinnitada.

Co-authors: Brett Astrid Võmma, Martin Lõkov


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souvenir design 2012The assignment was to design a souvenir for Museum of Occupations to reflect the exhibition and have a practical value. This souvenir is a needle storage pad or with granule filling stress pillow. CCCP quality sign is tightly related with the exhibition.


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experience:2013 workshop "Kid's Bike Seat Rain Cover", supervised by Heikki Zoova2012 Souvenir design project for Estonian Museum of Occupations2012 workshop "Put in motion" at Tallin Design Night Festival, supervised by Björn Koop and Veiko Liis2012 sketching workshop, supervised by Sven Sellik2012 etnographic practice in Estonian Open Air Museum, supervised by Sixten Heidmets 2012 workshop "Cremation urns" in Estonia Academy of Arts, supervised by Tarmo Luisk2012 participation in the exhibiton "T-Sledge" in Tallinn Creative Incubator2012 sketching workshop, supervised by Björn Koop2011 sketching workshop, supervised by Sven Sellik2009/2011 participation in Pelgulinna Gymnasium High School Graduation Exhibition in Kullo Children Gallery 2010 participation in Hobby Center Kullo annual exhibition at Kullo Children Gallery2009 participatinon in Tallinn Light Fest "Firesculptures"2009 participation in "Jazz-painting" competition at Kumu Auditorium2009 vitrine decoration for Väike-Karja hairdresser's salon2008 participation in design competition "My Hook" organized by Arte Fakte

languages:Estonian(first language), English (good), Russian (satisfactory)

programs:Adobe Illustator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Solidworks

name: Karolin Kõrgedate of birth: 12.12.1991nationality: Estonianhometown: Tallinn, Estoniaphone number: +37256497328e-mail: [email protected]

education:2011-... Estonian Academy of Arts2005-2011 Pelgulinna Gymnasium1999-2005 Tallinn Art Gymnasium


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