Portfolio-2010-Heath Woloszyn



Some prime examples of my recent work as well as some other pieces from within the last three years.

Transcript of Portfolio-2010-Heath Woloszyn

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“What if we just poked it a little with a stick?”One of the many illustrations of mine, whose inspiration was derived from a random quote. This idea almost instantly appeared in my head --or at least something close to it anyway. To answer the question: Nothing. Absolutely nothing will happen. So, go ahead; keep poking it.

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“Chicken ala King Me”This was an incredibly fun and random illustration. Thus answering the age-old question: Who would win in a game of checkers--a chicken or a gorilla?

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“Abducted”This was a piece the sprung from a story the whole class worked on together. The main character, Del, finds himself suddenly immersed in a beam of light, floating steadily up and into a dark, ominously hovering spacecraft.

This whole piece was all about working with an odd perspec-tive. That and some fun light-ing, but this has to be the single most extreme perspec-tive I’ve ever used.

“Dr. Chewlittle Gum”These pieces was created for a package design class in order to find a new and interesting sort of gum and then create the design for the gum case’s layout. Dr. Chewlittle Gum al-lows you to speak to different sorts of animals, and as such, the design of each container holds reference to the type of animals you can speak to. Shown are: Mammal, Reptile and Amphibian.

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“Salutations!”This was an on-going piece that I’ve been working on for some time featuring a very odd T-Rex/Chameleon character, who just so happens to be the head honcho of the world of deranged dreams. His tattered clothes and an over-sized spring where his insides should be all add to his whimsical and inane character.

“Illuminated Leave-Behind”This was a Design piece that was created to be left behind at interviews as a more tactile way for the interviewer to re-member me by. The redesign of the light bulb packaging includes bits of information about me and my design and illustration skills, as well as contact info and program capabilities.

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“Phish Boi”This could very well be the secret behind Michael Phelps’ super swimming abilities...or it could just be a freaky fish guy. Being mostly nocturnal, he’s not a fan of the light; so whether it’s the rising sun or a mob of angry villagers, he’s not sticking around to find out.

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“Kitten Loves Draggie”This was a quick glimpse into a children’s story that I’ve been illustrating for a while. The style is that of the old illuminated manuscripts, keeping the earthen tones to the colors along with a more stylized rendering of the image.

“Late”This piece was a way to answer the question of why the White Rabbit is always late. Apparently, the Mad Hatter’s been keeping up this prank for quite some time.

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“Come Closer...”This airbrush work was an assignment created in order to take a figure or character from a point in history or from literature and to render them in a classical, iconic style. In this instant, Little Red Riding Hood is realizing just how big her grandmother’s teeth are.

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“Ink Creatures”Each of these little creatures were created by first dripping ink onto a page before blowing it about with a coffee straw. A few tweaks and scribbles later, they’ve been trans-formed from blobs of ink into...other things made out of ink.

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“Hey, what about Major Kong?”Another airbrush assignment, we were to pick a movie that was at least 25 years old, a scene and character, create a dynamic point of view for the piece and replace the actor with a likely animal stand-in. What better animal for Major T.J. Kong than a raging bull?

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“The Grass Is Always Greener” The horror! We needed to show something hap-pening from two different perspectives; this was the result. The view from the grass is a bit more whimsical and surreal in its presentation to help show the odd twist on man vs nature.

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“Her Most Prized Possession”One again, another quote inspired piece. “In her hands, she held her most precious possession” was the actual quote. After thinking over many possibilities, this is what I settled on. What could be more precious to a snail than a way to travel faster?

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“Charizard” and “Shinhew”These two illustrations are examples of digital speed-painting using Painter programs. Speed is just as important as quality when creating any piece, and these exercises while also fun, also help to sharpen that ability to create under the pressure of time itself.

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“Flamingo”This was a quick piece done for fun; emphasizing and focusing on the ‘flame’ aspect of the name ‘Flamingo’ and exaggerating it in a physical representation. It was also a great way to be both realistic and comical at the same time in one illustration.

“Magcargo”The focus of this illustration was taking the idea of a pre-existing fantasy creature and re-envisioning it in a more realistic and detailed style. This was a rewarding and challenging attempt at creating more realistic textures and attributes on a cartoon-like creature.

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“Deep Sea Fangler Fish”This is an example of the flow character development from a flat 2-D form into a more 3-D and re-alistic shape, complete with skewed perspective and multiple light sources. This gradual flow began with a simple ink blot creation, then moved on to a penciled rendition and then finally a digitally colored final piece, giving life and completeness to the image.

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“Gentleman Quiet Fish”This cartoony illustration sprung up from a random conversation which inevitably held the titled term within it with no actual idea of what such a fish would look like. With the utmost use of artistic license, this entertaining piece was born, simply spawning from three little words.

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“Beavzilla”As you can tell, I’m great at coming up with titles. This piece was stewing around in my mind for some time. The idea--beaver seeing a world full of tall buildings as just another forest to be felled, really appealed to me. But at that time it was still a normal beaver, normal sized anyway.

Then I had the idea for the little guy using the felled buildings for his own dam; so he in turn got supersized for the role.

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