Porpoise Hunting at Grand Manan - Scribners 1880

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Transcript of Porpoise Hunting at Grand Manan - Scribners 1880

  • 8/8/2019 Porpoise Hunting at Grand Manan - Scribners 1880



    \'L. xx.


    _.-I "1'0 rUnSfl; uoo r !>eo,; .... fflch ~ ' Indian Buch .11 .... ~ . "e go 1)1\l'ilot-bo>t, .. .rti ....cry ....ick.On hea';nll Sel ..,i,', rcm . .k. , he"'r!:lugh .Dd cheor arne f'o", ,0 . " "'. . ' "'he 1 ~ I o I - b o o " and. 'luDkin, them lOr tboirkUad in,"",.... we boo< . . . .y lOt our

    " C A - ~ o ~ . I > o , - o y . . " . r ~" AhoY.(ly-

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    .......... .._. .. , , , . ~ ,Ithat at timn oi, f.M of h10.i n 0"''''''0.'.I .... , o'-erboonl il l ,, , in't.nt .",1 >1tug

    ~ l e < t "ut of tho ""'ell Df tho "' , . An",hlie:Too ....""" oo.h. too nJuoh Wih. lOr Ilittle C ~ I > O t : ',ri," this in mi' mind. I ...,ill to ""I"'ti"., Don', ) ' I)U 11I",k that we "",c.",ing '00.... uch ""il? .\ I. . ,, ') ' !ice .ad trouLole

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    I'ORI'OISE_SlIOOTl:\G.- - - - - ' - ' -I I " ~ . .e no.' on Indun Ikacb . -here ,I>""'....d kr lbe o/>eII.... of tb< " ' .ha"gtn, dilb..I .". . . .b ..... .. .. ond . . b""PrH .-nl,-.... "'e ""I>Kkcd d.e ....... . 'Ddco.....10." H ............. 10 s.o.".'. "",,,p.l ' , ~ , , ~ . l bd . 10 IIw: iloilo-..of ,,"" l ' . _ ~ Irib< Ihrir priIlocip>1""""no ol""'l'P'l't- it; . ,.ac,iotd .. .n..,._ 0 "'" ,1M: W. Ult01',1>0: oll in ,wy I'I'1""il;'. m'''''''''nd.,-"h w , n"t. 1;0' lal oll". ,1,,:0 eul ,n'o.m.11 I ' i" ,.'h"h 'ro I ~ " " " " \ in hug< ,roolI"" .",,1 rod,,,1 00" r i c . t i l l ~ m._c h ; , , ~ , . "cr ~ .. wid,-, 0",1 i. u""fkctc-JIll' roI,1 .,.. , h , ~ . \\h.n 1'"'". 111

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    th.ir .y . . at nigh!. Th. light is ,'ery I ,h,n perhaps ""yother occup.otion. I could."ft. and. u.oed in a G.rman "udent', Lamp. lWt h.lp fling a m.lancholy int.""t inOIl. can ",ork aim.,., as cu. .ion.and they will probably averag.three g,l1on, In the momiug. all the wom.n and chil_of oil .ach. But. unfOnnJUt.ly, the poor dreu 'umed out '0 oee the cano, or .. necessity compels th.m. canoe, ...ere ouus....lly lale in returning,Their way \ I n,nally to accumulate lOme mony an.iou, .y.. would be turned seaward.fifteen or twen'y gallons of oil, then go off Th.y wen: alway, plcasant and good_n.,uredto E.a.tport. Moine. with it. for a ,nark.1. wi'ho"" ano'her, lOd in generol retnrned fromThus, much tim. is I"" in loi,.ring abou' thehunt.bou'threeodockintheofttmoon.the town', and in going to and returning Aft., dinn..-, OIle would have though' that.from the hun'ing_ground,. Moreover. ,he. . I'ired out with th.ir exertions, they wooldare alw.y' two Indians 'o .ach canoe, .nd have ""'gh' repose; lout tbey did not se=lthe proceed. ofth. hun' h.v. to bediVided'

    lto need it, and the res' ofth. d.y until ,un_TheTC i, quite. good d

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    roN POISE_SHOO TING_.----c-c-c-c-C&,,'11.0 sound I"ng "'fote Iho.' CCl" see ,he only un,lo, circum'ta"cc, R1,"'0 ,h" In,lio,,',~ " , n e . 1',, ill til" .1Ot of h ," Iing him ohoa"l, ~ ' h , " ,I,,, Col""d ,,,,,,,o'o(]10 i, l" 'w", of ' I ",,,,,I,. "J 6 [< ' IIY

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    May be fiv. dol-How mLlCh worth 1lon,"" W e l ~ Paul, 111 p"y you half, and we.'Opute poosession of the prey.Although them are well authenrieoted. . . . . of a .harl:'. ha>ing a"mlly cut the!""1'?"" io half just a. the Indian ..... haulmg it aboard of hi> conoe, 1 h,ve ee"crh.,rd of any h.'m ,..,ulting \0 the Indian'from attac" of this nature; nor do they inthe lea.t learthe .h.rks, but, on the contrary,boldlyattacl: and d,i"e t(>em off with thei,long 'pea,.,..

    One eveninf' after 1 h.d passed severalday, 00 the odi.n &ach, .kotehing .ndmaking >Iudi.., Sebotis returned from vi.;t_ing OOe of th.

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    m i ~ h ' h,,'o i",,,,, utte,ed oJ" "'",,",oin~ l l O t l l e hoe" ,h,ougil the ,-oid_,hi."" ' '1 ,I i"ml"\;ong, kong" of tOe,ayCl1. ,e. . "d ' ~ ' 0 l ' upon -">inl 0",1 all,in, hi, sreatest >i,< ""Jt l \ ~ , ' m'F";c form. 'The trnmformo_,iol' como a, quiokl}", an,l al",(ISl ina t,,-,"kling , ~ ,',]e ]'rooff ill '1".,( of )""1'0;"",") l o ~ - filf 0 '" OIT )'OU going, Sdh"i, I".. Can't ,ell ret; )"OOL

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    '---__ ----==. ==-------'-=JM"1"hc1'e pes JXlIP'IUnd" ,he.. "'" 'im more"lO>t "I"'" emo< be..,I.; OOm< .ime you p o r ~ u " " "l>uJ, ';m lun, ,'1'0".tis fuod. ,henohouldn,.be .....It of this inCal .... 'ioo. In dropped his " '" aIId picked up .... kmg,hljl.........,..."., ''''''r ue ..... oin,uIar. . . ,he IIJ'C2' ,,'hidl la, reod, to b.. hand in!IsIIumaI vf Neri:>omdlall

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    PORPOISE-SHOOTING_ ...co b""t ~ ' Jm l. . . . . . . . . doc. . . . .' be 'lid ~ ' _ ptWp _,w aDf S01 U,IIOnn, OIlI, l i n k ~ .lhat,.slI. By...-by,. . . . . . , im pIenof par_pais. AJ-n,. ...bea t.eeq thea ptW'JlOIlistint! pia"'. f01t ---.jump'n>omd eYay_........"Dotbepoo, C O ; " ~ d o o I s l ".. AI...., . ,ood - f ~ , - - "I 1ft'" ron, Of &fl, POOl is an jIlmpiot.' ro .d . . ,be Rm e lime..."""""'!CIa thou porpuois l" Wd f'Id.-. \\'hidl ...., ' W Seboria... Ther< they sn:. S e b u i s , ~ I . . it!, u....""'1 blac ... alld _ canoo alaap;sidcIt:booDet. Not 10) t.-d, JOU .... ; . . .. , por""" eme, poddlc. and opea.--bcm,"'...'hot'l all""y " " had a very nsnow neap< 'loa'~ m . _ "

    "Well, yOll sec, almoll doo't 'It:al''' 'taJI,wind anol . . . . . . . he y. By 'und. . ., .'hen Il.t ashore, Ind t.:: _:: about it, gooo.l manyngins come and I;t.te/l.".. Go on, Sobo,;.."M Well, . 'pose IIOC 'ell 'im ""yhow, belt1.. .,,1 I D I I > C " ' ~ llId poll 'im OIIt porpuses...,d Il"l din..... fi..... thea I ",n 'im 1Ioty,_

    too b""P'l' """".-"Indian Ileoch 0fIly lillie ways. lbao.beol: cboDee, and I _ 'ia> old CapuiaSo",'s . . h "'" WI;"g . . beadI Ibio-ma ' ; IDI, be , . . fnooh " " dim>oo:.w said""'-"Saniro, that's bac . . . . . . . .w .. .id Sebatis;- Copuia. Sua ..,.,. good oW I IOID,-"n.u is I _, Scbatio; ""'""'t"" I"" aD, 1 "- WeD, e.ajbod, call Cspcaia Ssm;...., be Jaddle alonpi

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    PORPOISE_SHOOTING.olher being held lightly do.ed, Captain &1ma,ked:"Be you a dhin's a dryishsn of. .ork the best of times."" Sebatis, bring a couple of bottl. . of ok""Wh., " 'n of ale be thi neighbor?Thq do tell me that moot of the liquor nowdays's no beller oOt pi,en,"" Help you""lf. C.p;ain. ,hat ale WOllthun you.""He ... your good he.lth. neighbor.Injun Tommy. all han...' said C.ptainSam. a, the bottom of a tin pint co>ered thelarga, ponion of his f:let'."You, SOlI doe,n't em to ca'. fo, hi,ale. Cap. . in."

    "Come, Tommy. my boy. drink up you,ale," said the capt.in....pleni,hing hi> pint."And. Tommy,don't you n..er forget whatI'm .lw.y, a tellin' >'ou. 'Cast )"OIlr bre.din the "aten,' ' ' hn .dded. after a ge>od pullat the ale."Time to go." said Sehali" sententiou,ly."Good.bye. Cap . .in.""Goin' po",u,in', neighbor. Le you IW.Il. Seb.",. t.... good ca.. . of him, .oddon, you never __ "

    The I. . t w aw of tbe good old caplain.h. . . . . still silting.t OUI improvised . . hie atlhe c.mp dwr, pledging hi> bor. wilh pintheld to pin'. and no doubt quamtly repe.t.ing his f..o,i. . maxim,I rear that the ale w. . loo mucil for oneofhi, abstemious habits.Piel,oma h.d ..a,hed out .nd dried thecanoe. and ooce more we . . t oul in pu"uitof Ih . porpoi...."Whc... a 'e"e going no.. . Sehatis I""Goin'away longeddy. offnonhernhud."" is thai a good pl."" for porpoi. . . ?"" Sartin; alwa>'. on rips vcry ~ o o d place;you " ' , plenly mackerd., herno and allkinds fi,h. . in eddie, and rips; "ery goodrdin.ground fo, !""pu,i you _ ,"The edd,. . oe nps alluded to by Soha,;,"ere coused by the obstruction offered byprojecting headland. to the ebb amI flo . . ofthe tide, which on ,his coa" rises some fortyfeet."Pretty late wheo we get wok. ,'posewe go all way to long rips," said Pieltoma."w.n." replied Sebalis," "J'O'" dar lh.n..e11 camp ",men'here .11 oight_l fetch'im provuion, and cooking tools; sartin.canoe .od .. .il maire '"Of}' good camp."talking did JlO( intonere wi,h their pad.dling. and ....'e... going at a .apid rate forthe place whe . . they hoped to find the por.poises. Presently.'. emored rough water.with much .nch sea as is caused by windagainst tide. and the canoe began to jump.bout io 0 ""'Y lively toann.,."There goes porpUll. Sebotis," said Pieltoma." I . .e 'im," .. .id SebOlis, . .anding up inthe caoo. gun in hand. Ju" ,heo "e gotinto IIOme >"'Y rough woter. and it ,, '" a"udy to see the a

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    PORPOISE_SHOOTING. 'nSebati. turned a withering glance n[>Onhim, and tI,en, a> we mounl.d a wa"e, firedat 110m. objett lhat I did not . . . ."II '"" that . porpoise, Seb.,,,?""s",rtin, Fonr, five pntpu,i, on rollin'

    ,Wel" togotha.".. DiJ )'ou kill him?.. ~ o mi. . 'im clean; all gone down,You see, Pieltoma scored 110 bad make memi" 'im l " ' r p u ~ " h. r""lied, i , ? ~ ) c . l ~ .R.tainlOg h" UP"lht pnslllOn In thecanne, h. relo.ded io gun, .nd stnodr