Population Growth

Population Clock How many people are there in the world NOW?


Lesson 2, GCSE Humanities, WJEC

Transcript of Population Growth

Page 1: Population Growth

Population Clock

How many people are there in the world NOW?

Page 2: Population Growth

Learning Objectives

• You will understand these key concepts: Population change, birth and death rates, the demographic cycle, using the correct key terms.

• You should be able to describe how different factors influence population size

• You may be able to give specific examples of countries at different stages of the demographic cycle

Page 3: Population Growth

What factors influence birth & death rates?

Women have a better education now and careers. They have less time for a family and have fewer children

Women have a better education now and careers. They have less time for a family and have fewer children

Better roads and communications mean that food and emergency services can reach all areas of the country, so fewer people die.

Better roads and communications mean that food and emergency services can reach all areas of the country, so fewer people die.

Several religions encourage big families

Several religions encourage big families

Diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, cholera and typhoid can cause many deaths.

Diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, cholera and typhoid can cause many deaths.

Parents want to buy things for their children, so they have a small family and can spend their money on just 1 or 2 children.

Parents want to buy things for their children, so they have a small family and can spend their money on just 1 or 2 children.

So many children die before they are 5 years old that parents have lots of babies in the hope that at least some will survive.

So many children die before they are 5 years old that parents have lots of babies in the hope that at least some will survive.

No wonder so many babies are born – there’s no family planning or birth control available.

No wonder so many babies are born – there’s no family planning or birth control available.

Improved medical care and more doctors and nurses produce lower death rates.

Improved medical care and more doctors and nurses produce lower death rates.

Clean water and proper sewage systems keep people healthy

Clean water and proper sewage systems keep people healthy

Few doctors and hospitals mean that even simple injuries and illnesses can kill.

Few doctors and hospitals mean that even simple injuries and illnesses can kill.

Poor farmers need lots of children to help them work the land and help earn money.

Poor farmers need lots of children to help them work the land and help earn money.

A big family is a kind of insurance policy, making sure that there are children and grandchildren to look after you when you are old.

A big family is a kind of insurance policy, making sure that there are children and grandchildren to look after you when you are old.

Page 4: Population Growth

Influence birth or death rates?

Clean water and proper sewage systems keep people healthy

Clean water and proper sewage systems keep people healthy

So many children die before they are 5 years old that parents have lots of babies in the hope that at least some will survive.

So many children die before they are 5 years old that parents have lots of babies in the hope that at least some will survive.

Increase or



Page 5: Population Growth

Factors influencing population growth

Impact on population size

Birth rate Death rate



Page 6: Population Growth
Page 7: Population Growth

World map by population size

Page 8: Population Growth

World map by number of Births

Page 9: Population Growth

• Notice how Japan, Europe and the US shrinks?

More children are born each year in Africa than are born in the Americas, all of Europe and Japan put together. Worldwide, more than a third of a million new people will be born on your birthday this year.

Page 10: Population Growth

How have population growth patterns changed?

Page 11: Population Growth

Stages• Stage 1

Birth rate and death rate are high - low natural increase - low total population

• Stage 2 Birth rate is high - death rate is falling - high natural increase (population growth)

• Stage 3

• Falling birth rate - low death rate - high natural increase (population growth)

• Stage 4Birth rate and death rate is low - low natural increase - high total population

Page 12: Population Growth


• Stick your copy of the demographic transition model onto a double page in your book.

• Use the links on the blog.to annotate/ explain what the model is showing

• The web address for the blog is http//geographylost.blogspot.com or ‘google’ geographylost.