POPULAR SCIENCE - Springer · 2012-04-27 · The Forgotten Cure The Past and Future of Phage...

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Transcript of POPULAR SCIENCE - Springer · 2012-04-27 · The Forgotten Cure The Past and Future of Phage...

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POPULAR SCIENCESPRING 2012 - Title Selection

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springer.com Biomedicine 2


A. Kuchment, Scientific American, New York, NY, USA

The Forgotten CureThe Past and Future of Phage Therapy

“Bacteriophages have the potential to stop many ifnot most life threatening, drug resistant bacterialinfections.  The Forgotten Cure is a non-stop, coverto cover read.” James D. Watson, Nobel Laureate  “Alively tale of killer viruses, superbugs and a magicalcure that has all the twists of a cold-war spy novel.” –George Hackett, Newsweek magazine   “A marvelous,jargon-free historical account of the genesis, theups-and-downs, and the current renaissance ofphage therapy. The Forgotten Cure ranks at thelevel of Judson’s Eighth Day of Creation.” SankarAdhyaNational Institutes of HealthThe ForgottenCure: How a Long Lost Treatment Can Save Lives inthe 21st Century   Before the arrival of penicillin inthe 1940s, phage therapy was one of the few weaponsdoctors had against bacterial infections. It saved thelife of Hollywood legends Tom Mix and ElizabethTaylor before being abandoned by Western science.Now, researchers and physicians are rediscoveringthe treatment, which pits phage viruses againsttheir natural bacterial hosts, as a potential weaponagainst antibiotic-resistant infections.“The ForgottenCure” traces the story of phages from Paris, wherethey were discovered in 1917; to Tbilisi, Georgia,where one of phage therapy’s earliest proponentsdied at the hands of Stalin; to the Nobel podium,where prominent scientists have been recognized forbreakthroughs stemming from phage research. Today,a crop of biotech startups and dedicated physicians isracing to win regulatory approval for phage therapybefore superbugs exhaust the last drug in the medicalarsenal. Will they clear the hurdles in time? 

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0250-3Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XVI, 131 p. 6 illus. Hardcover978-1-4614-0250-3

▶19,95 €

Computer Science

U. Barthelmeß, Koblenz; U. Furbach, Universität Koblenz-Landau

IRobot - uManKünstliche Intelligenz und Kultur: Einejahrtausendealte Beziehungskiste

Warum werden Roboter oft als bedrohlich oderihr Einsatz als unsozial empfunden? Könnenkünstliche Systeme Emotionen und Bewusstseinhaben? Die These des Buches ist es, dass wir von denunterschiedlichen Sichtweisen der Literatur- undGeistesgeschichte profitieren und dadurch aktuelleEntwicklungen der Robotik unvoreingenommenaufnehmen können. Besonders deutlich werden dieunterschiedlichen Sichtweisen, wenn mittelalterlicheGolem-Mythen, die Philosophie der Aufklärung,androide Roboter aus der Romantik und dieEntwicklung im 20. Jahrhundert betrachtetwerden. Dabei erfahren wir auch einiges über diegeistesgeschichtliche Entwicklung des Menschen,denn stets stellt sich auch die Frage nach dem, was derMensch ist, was sein Bewusstsein ausmacht und wasihn von anderen Wesen oder Robotern unterscheidet.Gedanken zu den Möglichkeiten der KünstlichenIntelligenz  und der aktuellen Determiniertheits-Debatte der Menschen runden das Buch ab.

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-22927-5Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. VIII, 126 S. 35 Abb., 30 in Farbe. Hardcover978-3-642-22927-5

▶27,99 €

acatech, acatech - Deutsche Akademie derTechnikwissenschaften, München, Germany (Ed.)

Cyber-Physical SystemsInnovationsmotoren für Mobilität, Gesundheit,Energie und Produktion

Schon heute arbeiten etwa 98 Prozent derMikroprozessoren eingebettet in Alltagsgegenständenund Geräten, über Sensoren und Aktoren mit derAußenwelt verbunden. Zunehmend werden sieuntereinander und in das Internet vernetzt. Diephysikalische Welt verschmilzt mit der virtuellenWelt, dem Cyberspace. Es entstehen Cyber-PhysicalSystems. Zukünftige Cyber-Physical Systems werdenin bisher kaum vorstellbarer Weise Beiträge zuSicherheit, Effizienz, Komfort und Gesundheit derMenschen leisten und tragen damit zur Lösungzentraler Herausforderungen unserer Gesellschaft bei,wie die alternde Bevölkerung, Ressourcenknappheit,

Mobilität oder Energiewandel. Deutschland hat dieChance, sich mit innovativen Cyber-Physical Systemsim internationalen Wettbewerb einen führendenPlatz zu sichern. Welche Voraussetzungen dafür zuschaffen sind und wie Deutschland die technischen,politischen und gesellschaftlichen Hürden auf demWeg dorthin bewältigen kann, benennt acatech indieser Stellungnahme.

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-27566-1Online orders shipping within 2-3 days.

2012. Etwa 35 S. 6 Abb. in Farbe. (acatech BEZIEHTPOSITION, Vol. 8) Softcover978-3-642-27566-1

▶18,64 €

Earth Sciences

T. Kardel, Holte, Denmark; P. Maquet, Aywaille, Belgium(Eds.)

Nicolaus StenoBiography and Original Papers of a 17th CenturyScientist

This is by far the most exhaustive biography onNiels Stensen, anatomist, geologist and bishop,better known as "Nicolaus Steno". We learn aboutthe scientist’s family and background in LutheranDenmark, of his teachers at home and abroad, ofhis studies and travels in the Netherlands, Belgium,France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Bohemia andGermany, of his many pioneering achievementsin anatomy and geology, of his encounters withSwammerdam, Malpighi and with members of thenewly established Royal Society of London andthe Accademia del Cimento in Florence, and withthe philosopher Spinoza. It further treats Stensen’sreligious conversion. The book includes the fullset of Steno's anatomical and geological scientificpapers in original language. The editors thoroughlytranslated the original Latin text to English, andincluded numerous footnotes on the background ofthis bibliographic and scientific treasure from the17th century.

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-25078-1Due: January 31, 2012

2012. XX, 900 p. 130 illus., 50 in color. Hardcover978-3-642-25078-1

▶99,95 €

springer.com Economics 3


K.M. Wasylyshyn

Behind the Executive DoorUnexpected Lessons for Managing Your Bossand Career

Sigmund Freud meets Peter Drucker … Behind theExecutive Door is a revealing look at the behaviorof top business leaders – and how the next level ofaspiring managers can learn to navigate the politicaland personal landscape.  Through a variety ofreflective and action-oriented exercises, she guidesreaders to recognize the characteristics of Remarkable,Perilous, and Toxic leaders, and leverage thisinformation to increase their savvy and effectivenessin the workplace.  Praise for Behind the ExecutiveDoor“Behind the Executive Door offers exceptionalinsight into the leadership challenges we face in aglobal economy where collaboration is key to businesssuccess, people are networked 24/7 and empathyand understanding are central to the effectivemanagement of teams.  Karol Wasylyshyn presentsthree leadership types in a way that absolutely ringstrue in the current business environment.  Groundedin solid research, she describes and assesses themprofessionally, avoids glib and superficial jargon, andillustrates them with riveting real-life examples.  Sheoffers practical, systematic techniques for evaluatingthe leadership type of your boss and for managingthat crucial relationship.” Ellen Kullman, Chair &CEO, DuPont  “Once again Karol provokes ourthinking with her wise counsel.  She offers a creativeand intriguing framework to help us understandthe underbelly of leadership behavior and providesmeaningful ideas for change. This book will be onyour desk for many years providing opportunityfor reflection and as a guidebook as you face intoyour role as leader.”   Monica McGrath, PhD,Assistant Adjunct Professor, The Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania “An inspiring bookto understand your leadership behaviors and thepersonality traits of your boss. Karol has guided meall along my career and this book will provide thatsame guidance to leaders for years to come.”PierreBrondeau, President, CEO, and Chairman of theBoard, FMC Corporation "Karol's insight into whatbehaviors and skills enable leaders to unravel theirpotential and achieve positive results, along with her25 years of experience, have been instrumental tome and most of my leadership team’s development.I believe  Behind the Executive Door  to be a mustread for all current and aspiring modern leaders."

Moncef Slaoui, Chairman, Research & Development,GlaxoSmithKline

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0375-3Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XIII, 174 p. 12 illus., 11 in color. Softcover978-1-4614-0375-3

▶19,95 €


K.F. Long, Reading, Berkshire, UK

Deep Space PropulsionA Roadmap to Interstellar Flight

As humans take their first tentative steps off ourhome planet, and debate the costs/benefits of sendingpeople back to the Moon and perhaps on to Mars,we must also start to make plans for the day whenwe will venture forth as pioneers farther out into theSolar System and beyond - perhaps far, far beyond -to explore and settle new worlds around other stars.It is vital that we develop the deep space propulsiontechnologies that will take us there, first to explorewith robotic probes, then to follow ourselves. This isnecessary so that if anything catastrophic happened toEarth, our species would survive. And the possibilitiesfor catastrophe are great. An impacting asteroidended the reign of the dinosaurs, and today we havemany other threats such as global war, climate change,pollution, resource limitations and overpopulation. Inthis book, Kelvin F. Long takes us on all the possiblejourneys - the mission targets, the technologieswe might use to power such journeys, and whatscientific knowledge we are seeking to obtain uponarriving there.Despite the problems of today it isimportant that we take a long-term view for the futureof our species. In fact, the only way to assure a futureis to start planning for it now and then progressincrementally. Today, society is not in a position tolaunch the types of missions outlined in this book,mainly due to a lack of political motivations to try andthe economic cost for launching it. But if we start todevelop these technologies today, then it is likely thatone of them will come to technological maturity atsome point in the coming centuries and will powerour species to the stars. Our commitment today toachieve near-term goals will ensure a tomorrow forthe generations ahead.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0606-8Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XXI, 367 p. 73 illus., 22 in color. Softcover978-1-4614-0606-8

▶44,95 €

acatech -, acatech - Deutsche Akademie derTechnikwissenschaften, München, Deutschland (Ed.)

Future Energy GridIKT für den Weg in ein nachhaltig-wirtschaftliches Energiesystem


More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-27861-7Online orders shipping within 2-3 days.

2012. Etwa 30 S. 2 Abb. in Farbe. (acatech BEZIEHTPOSITION, Vol. 10) Softcover978-3-642-27861-7

▶18,64 €


G. Götz, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Global ChangeInterviews with Leading Climate Scientists

The book consists of interviews with leading climatescientists. Experts on different aspects of the topicexplain their own field and give their opinion ongeneral questions concerning climate change. Theinterviews cover both fundamental research (climatemodeling, global warming, sea level change, meltingof the ice caps, natural hazards) and impact assesment(adaption, mitigation, economic impacts and costs ofclimate change). The goal is to provide the reader withfirst-hand information on the current state of climateresearch.

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-23443-9Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. VII, 53 p. 7 illus. in color. (SpringerBriefs in EarthSystem Sciences) Softcover978-3-642-23443-9

▶49,95 €

4 General Science springer.com

General Science

E. Lichtfouse, INRA, Dijon, France

Rédiger pour être publié!Conseils pratiques pour les scientifiques

Publier ou périr. Cet adage illustre l’importance dela communication scientifique ; essentielle pour leschercheurs, elle est aussi un secteur stratégique pourla compétitivité d'une nation. Domaine souventnégligé, la communication scientifique prend uneimportance vitale avec les nouvelles technologiesinformatiques qui accélèrent et modifient enprofondeur la diffusion des connaissances. Lanécessité de bien communiquer ses découvertes auxspécialistes devient cruciale pour les chercheurs, lesinstituts et les universités du fait du recours récentaux facteurs d'impact pour évaluer et financer larecherche. Ce manuel expose les règles d’or de larédaction d’un article scientifique. Conçu à partirdes défauts majeurs rencontrés, l’auteur expliquela manière de structurer facilement un article etexpose les remèdes aux défauts typiques des auteursfrancophones qui souhaitent publier en anglais.Il propose des conseils pour mieux éduquer ouvulgariser le savoir, et suggère enfin de nouvellestechniques de rédaction à l'ère d'Internet comme lemicro-article, qui permet au chercheur de focaliser sesrésultats sur un seul point innovant.

More on www.springer.com/978-2-8178-0288-6Online orders shipping within 2-3 days.

2012. 116 p. 24 ill. en couleurs. Softcover978-2-8178-0288-6

▶26,54 €


G. Glaeser, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria; K.Polthier, Free University of Berlin, Germany

A Mathematical Picture BookHow can one visualize a curve that fills the entireplane or all of space? Can a polyhedron be smoothlyturned inside out? What is the projective plane?What does four-dimensional space look like? Cansoap bubbles exist that are not spherical? How canone better understand the structure of vorticesand currents? In this book you will experiencemathematics from the visual point of view, wherefascinating images, many of them appearing inprint for the first time, provide answers to the abovequestions. Every picture is accompanied by a briefexplanatory text along with numerous referencesand web links for further reading. This book isintended for all friends of mathematics— students,teachers, amateurs, and professionals—who want tosee something beyond dry text and endless formulas.It will provide inspiration for further pursuit of topicsin mathematics that may previously have seemedinaccessible. You will get to know mathematics froma totally new and colorful viewpoint. Enjoy the beautyand fascination of mathematics in over 300 pagesrichly illustrated with more than 1000 figures on thefollowing topics: • Polyhedral Models • Geometry inthe Plane • Problems New and Old • Formulas andNumbers • Functions and Limits • Curves and Knots• Geometry and Topology of Surfaces • MinimalSurfaces and Soap Bubbles • Tilings and Packings •Space Forms and Dimension • Graphs and IncidenceGeometry • Flexible Shapes • Fractals • Maps andMappings • Forms and Processes in Nature andTechnology

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-14647-3Due: May 31, 2012

2012. XII, 339 p. 1000 illus. in color. Hardcover978-3-642-14647-3

▶59,95 €

K. Gustafson, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA

The Crossing of HeavenMemoirs of a Mathematician

As one of the most prolific mathematicians of ourtime, Karl Gustafson has been a central figure inthe astonishing technological revolution of the lasthalf-century—a revolution which has transformedhuman life. This, his own account of his journeythrough those decades, takes the reader from hisearly pioneering work in computing and espionage,where his contribution was vital to the American ColdWar effort, to his observations on core contemporaryissues such as the stability of the world’s financialsystem.Gustafson’s crucial role in top-secret militaryintelligence, which saw him tracking Russiansubmarines, intercepting electronic intelligence andwriting the software for America’s first spy satellite, isrelated here for the first time. His narrative includesfascinating encounters with Nobel laureates andfigures of historical importance, the European post-doctoral fellowships that expanded his perspectiveson science and life, and hair-raising stories fromhis early rock-climbing days including brusheswith death then and later, such as being struck bylightning and knocked unconscious near a mountaintop. Gustafson’s wide-ranging mathematicalaccomplishments have led to invitations and travelthroughout the world, and he tells of the great—andat times strange—personalities he has met along theway. His unique journey has included hard knocksand beautiful women, who have, as he likes to say,added to the great adventure.

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-22557-4Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XVI, 176 p. 26 illus., 18 in color. Hardcover978-3-642-22557-4

▶39,95 €

springer.com Medicine 5


W. Gatti, FNOMCEO, Italy

Sanità e WebCome Internet ha cambiato il modo di esseremedico e malato in Italia

In questi anni l’utilizzo del Web ha profondamentetrasformato la vita quotidiana di uomini e donne,intervenendo sul vissuto contemporaneo oltreche sulle sue forme di comunicazione. Anche ilparlare di “salute” oggi non è possibile se non nellaconsapevolezza di quanto Internet stia cambiandoantropologicamente il presente di chi è malato edi chi cura. Il libro SANITA’ E WEB è la primaindagine realizzata in Italia su quanto il web abbiacambiato i differenti modi di pensare alla salute,tanto da giungere a una sostanziale modificazionedella stessa “Alleanza Terapeutica”. I “punti di vista”sono sempre essenziali per una visione d’insieme,per questo nel volume si descrivono, si raccontano esi approfondiscono, attraverso numerose interviste,storia e momenti critici (come il "caso H1N1"), leattese di medici e cittadini, nonché i “punti di vista”delle Istituzioni, delle professioni, del territorio, dellecase farmaceutiche, dei media, per ridonare al lettoreun quadro complessivo dello stratificato rapporto“sanità & web”. Tentando di indicare dei percorsi peraffrontare il futuro in modo più consapevole.

More on www.springer.com/978-88-470-1958-4Online orders shipping within 2-3 days.

2012. XII, 328 pagg. 16 figg., 1 a colori. (I blu) Softcover978-88-470-1958-4

▶25,00 €

J.T. Harrington, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA;E.D. Newman, Geisinger Health System, Danville, PA, USA(Eds.)

Great Health CareMaking It Happen

Great Health Care is enlightening and entertaining.  It’s a must read for physicians, patients, healthpolicymakers and administrators, and the interestedpublic---anyone who wants to understand what greathealth care is, and how we might build it together.   The authors share their stories and motivationsand the methods they have used to transform carefor their own patients within their own practicesand health systems. They thoughtfully explore howwe got into this mess, how we can get out of it, andthe barriers to making it happen.•“It is not onlythe impact of chronic diseases on our health andeconomy that draws us to this subject.  It is theintriguing and rewarding potential for improvingthe status quo through redesigning how chronicdisease care is provided and paid for.”  (TimothyHarrington, MD) •"You can't do things differentlyuntil you see things differently." (Eric Newman,MD)•“We start people on the road to recovery, butthe 12 weeks of cardiac rehabilitation is just thewarm-up period. The really important part is whathappens afterward.” (Richard Lueker, MD, BethMcCormick, MS)•“We believe the extra-ordinaryefforts of our program coordinators are key to ourclients’ wellbeing and our unusually low readmissionrate.” (Kathi Farrell, RN, BSN, PHN, KathleenSullivan, RN, MSN)•“In real life, we are not usuallygiven the chance to have a do-over.  But we are giventhe chance to continuously improve.  With the rightskill sets, and the right partners, we can transform.” (Eric Newman, MD)

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1197-0Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XII, 258 p. 53 illus., 40 in color. Softcover978-1-4614-1197-0

▶39,95 €

L. Chlan, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; M.I.Hertz, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA (Eds.)

Integrative Therapies in LungHealth and SleepIntegrative Therapies in Lung Health and Sleepprovides an overview of integrative therapies toassist clinicians caring for patients with acuteor chronic lung diseases and sleep disorders--emphasizing the scientific bases for these therapies;and their implementation into clinical practice.  Thisvolume focuses on complementary and alternativemedicine (CAM) treatments, modalities, and practicesthat are integrated with conventional medicaltreatment and for which there is some evidence ofsafety and efficacy.  Whole Medical Systems, witha specific focus on Traditional Chinese Medicine ,are also addressed.  Individual chapters are devotedto specific health conditions or illnesses, addressing the current state of the science in the four organizingCAM domains, including available informationregarding benefits, risks, or safety considerations.  Unique aspects of this volume are the chapters relatedto evaluation of the evidence base for integrativetherapies; new animal model research with herbalpreparations focused on the serious problem ofsepsis in the ICU; guidance for counseling patientswith chronic lung illnesses who may be desperatefor a cure; and palliative and end-of-life care forpatients with chronic lung conditions.   Cliniciansin various health care settings will find IntegrativeTherapies in Lung Health and Sleep beneficial in theirpractice, particularly as the use of integrative therapiesbecomes more widespread. 

More on www.springer.com/978-1-61779-578-7Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XV, 327 p. 62 illus., 4 in color. (Respiratory Medicine,Vol. 4) Hardcover978-1-61779-578-7

▶159,95 €

6 Physics springer.com


P. Pugh, Wiltshire, UK

Observing the Messier Objectswith a Small TelescopeIn the Footsteps of a Great Observer

Observing the Messier Objects with a Small Telescopelets the reader follow in Charles Messier's footstepsby observing the Messier objects more or less as thegreat man saw them himself! This book containsdescriptions and photographs of  his 110 catalogedobjects, with instructions on how to find themwithout a computerized telescope or even settingcircles. Messier's telescope (thought to be a 4-inch)was, by today's amateur standards, small. It also hadrather poor optics by modern standards. The visualappearance of a Messier object is often very differentfrom what can be imaged with the same telescope,and this book shows what you can see with a smalltelescope or even binoculars!

More on www.springer.com/978-0-387-85356-7Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XIV, 387 p. 296 illus., 99 in color. (Patrick Moore'sPractical Astronomy Series) Softcover978-0-387-85356-7

▶44,95 €

P. Simpson, Cloudcroft, NM, USA

Guidebook to the ConstellationsTelescopic Sights, Tales, and Myths

This handbook is a guide to exploring the nightsky and its wonderful telescopic sights. All eighty-eight officially recognized constellations in bothhemispheres are presented in natural groups, relatedby their origin and location. The author, a formerastronomy instructor and planetarium director, hasfor over thirty-five years, researched myths from allover the world to identify the most memorable storieswhich link multiple constellations in a single story.Thus, the interested observer may discover that it

will be easier to use already known constellations tolocate and remember new constellations. The authorhas found that showing each constellation figure witha simple line drawing is helpful for rememberingeach constellation. He includes photographs of manyof the brighter celestial objects, as well as manyaccompanying drawings which illustrate how thetelescopic views differ from the photographs. One wayto use this handbook, which is useful to beginners aswell as experienced astronomers, is to read the mythor story that explains the constellation of interest,view the corresponding photograph, finder anddetailed charts, and then go outside and find it! Thismethod was successfully used with groups rangingfrom third graders to college astronomy classes.An index and seven appendices help the user findspecific objects or subjects of interest. Other helpfulfeatures of this comprehensive guidebook include:Specific instructions for finding each constellationAlist of the named stars in each constellation with thecorrect spelling, pronunciation, and origin of thestar namesFinder charts showing each constellationwith a large area of the sky around itDetailed chartsshowing the location of the celestial objects in eachconstellationConstellation photographsPointer starsand special star groups which can be used as aids infinding specific constellations

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4419-6940-8Online orders shipping within 2-3 days.

2012. XII, 863 p. 370 illus., 25 in color. (Patrick Moore'sPractical Astronomy Series) Softcover978-1-4419-6940-8

▶34,95 €

S. Miller, University College London, UK

The Chemical CosmosA Guided Tour

If you have ever wondered how we get from theawesome impersonality of the Big Bang universe tothe point where living creatures can start to form,and evolve into beings like you, your friends and yourfamily, wonder no more. Steve Miller provides us witha tour through the chemical evolution of the universe,from the formation of the first molecules all the wayto the chemicals required for life to evolve. Using asimple Hydrogen molecule – known as H-three-plus- as a guide, he takes us on a journey that starts withthe birth of the first stars, and how, in dying, theypour their hearts out into enriching the universe inwhich we live. Our molecular guide makes its firstappearance at the source of the Chemical Cosmos,at a time when only three elements and a total of 11molecules existed. From those simple beginnings,H-three-plus guides us down river on the violentcurrents of exploding stars, through the streams of

the Interstellar Medium, and into the delta wherenew stars and planets form. We are finally left on theshores of the sea of life. Along the way, we meet thekey characters who have shaped our understandingof the chemistry of the universe, such as Cambridgephysicist J.J. Thomson and the Chicago chemistTakeshi Oka. And we are given an insider’s viewof just how astronomers, making use of telescopesand Earth-orbiting satellites, have put together ourmodern view of the Chemical Cosmos.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4419-8443-2Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XII, 236 p. 25 illus., 22 in color. (Astronomers' Universe)Softcover978-1-4419-8443-2

▶29,95 €

A. Mazure, Marseille, France; V. Le Brun, Marseille, France

Matter, Dark Matter, and Anti-MatterIn Search of the Hidden Universe

For over ten years, the dark side of the universe hasbeen headline news. Detailed studies of the rotationof spiral galaxies, and 'mirages' created by clusters ofgalaxies bending the light from very remote objects,have convinced astronomers of the presence of largequantities of dark (unseen) matter in the cosmos.Moreover, in the 1990s, it was discovered that somefour to five billion years ago the expansion of theuniverse entered a phase of acceleration. This impliesthe existence of dark energy. The nature of these'dark; ingredients remains a mystery, but they seemto comprise about 95 percent of the matter/energycontent of the universe. As for ordinary matter,although we are immersed in a sea of dark particles,including primordial neutrinos and photons from'fossil' cosmological radiation, both we and ourenvironment are made of ordinary, baryonic matter.Strangely, even if 15-20 percent of matter is baryonicmatter, this represents only 4-5 percent of the totalmatter/energy content of the cosmos.Here, authorsAlain Mazure and Vincent Le Brun present theinventory of matter, both baryonic and exotic, andinvestigate the nature and fate of matter's twin, anti-matter. According to the standard model, matterand anti-matter should have been formed in equalquantities. Yet there seems to have been a very slightasymmetry, as yet unexplained, where 100,000,001particles of matter formed for every 100,000,000particles of anti-matter! The authors show howdevelopments in technology have led to significantprogress in scientific research and how, in tandem

springer.com Physics 7

with the evolution of new ideas, these advances arehelping to lift the cosmic veil.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4419-8821-8Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XXIII, 172 p. 81 illus., 61 in color. (Popular Astronomy)Softcover978-1-4419-8821-8

▶34,95 €

T. Aranda, Chicago, IL, USA

3,000 Deep-Sky ObjectsAn Annotated Catalogue

The Annotated Catalog of 3,000 Deep-Sky Objects isa record of the most extensive and systematic visualsurvey of the sky done in modern times. The 3,000deep-sky objects listed contain short descriptions ofwhat these objects look like in the author’s powerfulbinocular telescope. Objects in the book are organizedby position for easy identification of unknown targets.Full indexes by catalog numbers and names allowsearches for specific objects. Descriptions of objectsare better than photographs for identifying deep-skyobjects because the visual appearance never matchesthe photographic image. Nor are sketches entirelysatisfactory because there is a strong unconscioustendency to draw what the observer remembersfrom photographs of objects. Compared to otherastronomical guidebooks this book contains by farthe largest number of objects viewed through a 10-to 14-inch telescope and is a ‘must-have’ for seriousamateur and professional observers.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4419-9418-9Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XII, 563 p. 38 illus., 21 in color. (Patrick Moore'sPractical Astronomy Series) Softcover978-1-4419-9418-9

▶44,95 €

E. Seedhouse, Milton, ON, Canada

Interplanetary OutpostThe Human and Technological Challenges ofExploring the Outer Planets

Water has been discovered on the Saturnianmoon, Enceladus, and on Jupiter's moons, Europa,Ganymede, and Callisto. Where there is water, couldthere be life? Could this tantalizing possibility resultin a manned mission to the outer planets? But howwill such a mission be designed, what propulsionsystem will be used, and what hazards will thecrewmembers face?Interplanetary Outpost describesstep by step how the mission architecture will evolve,how crews will be selected and trained, and whatthe mission will entail from launch to landing.It addresses the effects that exteneded duration,radiation, communication, and isolation will have onthe human body, and how not only performance butbehavior might be affected.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4419-9747-0Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XXVIII, 253 p. 84 illus., 75 in color. (Space Exploration)Softcover978-1-4419-9747-0

▶39,95 €

R. De Laet, Bekkevoort, Belgium

The Casual Sky Observer's GuideStargazing with Binoculars and Small Telescopes

Here is an invaluable guide for those stargazers whoare just starting out on their fascinating journey.Don't know what sights to look for? How to locatethem? What seasons are best for viewing what stars?All that and more is included in these pages. Plus lotsof tips for what equipment to use and good observingtechniques.Take this with you to your viewing site,along with your equipment, and you're ready to

begin. The universe is there for your viewing pleasure.Enjoy!

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0594-8Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XIV, 292 p. 160 illus., 64 in color. (Astronomer's PocketField Guide) Softcover978-1-4614-0594-8

▶39,95 €

F. Reddy, Syneren Technologies Corp, MD, USA

Celestial DelightsThe Best Astronomical Events Through 2020

Celestial Delights is the essential 'TV Guide' for thesky. Through extensive graphics integrated with aneight-year-long calendar of sky events, it providesa look at "don't miss" sky events, mostly for naked-eye and binocular observing. It is organized byease of observation – lunar phases and the brighterplanets come first, with solar eclipses, the aurora,and comets coming later.This third edition alsoincludes a hefty dose of sky lore, astronomical history,and clear overviews of current science. It provides ahandy reference to upcoming naked-eye events, withinformation broken out in clear and simple diagramsand tables that are cross-referenced against a detailedalmanac for each year covered. This book puts avariety of information all in one place, presents it ina friendly way that does not require prior in-depthastronomical knowledge, and provides the contextand historical background for understanding eventsthat astronomy software or web sites lack.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0609-9Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XV, 423 p. 132 illus., 34 in color. (Patrick Moore'sPractical Astronomy Series) Softcover978-1-4614-0609-9

▶44,95 €

8 Physics springer.com

M. Beech, University of Regina, ON, Canada

The Physics of InvisibilityA Story of Light and Deception

Arthur C. Clarke famously wrote that, "anysufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishablefrom magic." These words most certainly ring truewith respect to invisibility cloaking devices. At workis the magic of science, of course. The technology tomake an object simply disappear from view is now areality.There is both great fear and great desire in thethought of invisibility. Indeed, for thousands of years,authors have grappled with the idea. Power, devilry,secrecy, ethical dilemma, and moral corruption -invisibility has it all. And yet, our waking worldis full of familiar invisible phenomena. Electricityflowing along a metal wire, the gravity that keeps usgrounded, the air we breathe, the bacteria and virusesthat make us ill, the X-rays that reveal our brokenbones - all are invisible to our eyes. They surroundand envelop us, and we don't give them a secondthought. Nature long ago learned how to play trickswith light rays, enriching the world with rainbows,mirages, and animal camouflage. The new physics ofinvisibility simply aims to take these tricks of nature afew steps further. Indeed, by learning what light is andhow it interacts with matter, physicists have begunto take control of light - with metamaterials, which,manmade, can be precisely melded, warped, twisted,transformed, and even time-edited.In this book theancient and modern story of light and invisibilityis revealed, from early Greek speculations to theremarkable works of James Clerk Maxwell. The newand burgeoning field of transformation optics is alsoexplored, and the story behind the development of thefirst fully functional invisibility cloak is charted. Whatwill they be used for and how will they change things?Find out here.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0615-0Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XVII, 206 p. 135 illus., 55 in color. Softcover978-1-4614-0615-0

▶29,95 €

C.R. Kitchin, Essex, UK

ExoplanetsFinding, Exploring, and Understanding AlienWorlds

Since 1992 there has been an explosion in thediscovery of planets orbiting stars other than theSun. There are now around 600 alien planets thatwe know about and that number is likely to breakthrough the 1,000 ‘barrier’ within a couple of years.The recent launch of the Kepler space telescopespecifically to look for new worlds opens the prospectof hundreds, maybe thousands, of further exoplanetsbeing found. Many of these planets orbits stars thatare not too different from the Sun, but they are soclose in to their stars that their surfaces could beflooded with seas of molten lead – or even molteniron. Others orbit so far from their stars that theymight as well be alone in interstellar space. A planetclosely similar to the Earth has yet to be detected,but that (to us) epoch-making discovery is justa matter of time.Could these alien worlds couldprovide alternative homes for humankind, newsupplies of mineral resources and might they mightalready be homes to alien life?Exoplanets: Finding,Exploring, and Understanding Alien Worlds takesa look at these questions - examining what suchplanets are like, where they are, how we find themand whether we might ever be able to visit them. Itis written for the non-specialist but also providesa comprehensive, accurate and balanced summaryuseful to researchers in the subject. Above all thisbook explores the excitement of how a new branch ofscience is born, develops and in less than two decadesstarts to become a mature part of our knowledge ofthe universe.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0643-3Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XVI, 281 p. 76 illus., 36 in color. (Astronomers'Universe) Softcover978-1-4614-0643-3

▶29,95 €

R. Jayakumar, General Atomics, San Diego, CA, USA

Particle Accelerators, Colliders,and the Story of High EnergyPhysicsCharming the Cosmic Snake

The Nordic mythological Cosmic Serpent,Ouroboros, is said to be coiled in the depths ofthe sea, surrounding the Earth with its tail in itsmouth. In physics, this snake is a metaphor for theUniverse, where the head, symbolizing the largestentity – the Cosmos – is one with the tail, symbolizingthe smallest – the fundamental particle. Particleaccelerators, colliders and detectors are built byphysicists and engineers to uncover the nature ofthe Universe while discovering its building blocks.“Charming the Cosmic Snake” takes the readersthrough the science behind these experimentalmachines: the physics principles that each stage of thedevelopment of particle accelerators helped to reveal,and the particles they helped to discover. The bookculminates with a description of the Large HadronCollider, one of the world’s largest and most complexmachines operating in a 27-km circumference tunnelnear Geneva. That collider may prove or disprovemany of our basic theories about the nature ofmatter.The book provides the material honestlywithout misrepresenting the science for the sake ofexcitement or glossing over difficult notions. Theprinciples behind each type of accelerator is madeaccessible to the undergraduate student and even to alay reader with cartoons, illustrations and metaphors.Simultaneously, the book also caters to differentlevels of reader’s background and provides additionalmaterials for the more interested or diligent reader.

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-22063-0Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XI, 222 p. 103 illus., 2 in color. Hardcover978-3-642-22063-0

▶49,95 €

springer.com Physics 9

R. Handy, Poway, CA, USA; D. Kelleghan, Bray, CountyWicklow, Ireland; Th. McCague, Oak Forests, IL, USA; E. Rix,Zanesville, OH, USA; S. Russell, Berkshire, UK

Sketching the MoonAn Astronomical Artist's Guide

Soon after you begin studying the sky through yoursmall telescope or binoculars, you will probably beencouraged by others to make sketches of what yousee. Sketching is a time-honored tradition in amateurastronomy and dates back to the earliest times, whentelescopes were invented. Even though we have lotsof new imaging technologies nowadays, includingastrophotography, most observers still use sketchingto keep a record of what they see, make them betterobservers, and in hopes of perhaps contributingsomething to the body of scientific knowledge aboutthe Moon. Some even sketch because it satisfiestheir artistic side.The Moon presents some uniquechallenges to the astronomer-artist, the Moon beingso fond of tricks of the light. Sketching the Moon:An Astronomical Artist’s Guide, by five of the bestlunar observer-artists working today, will guideyou along your way and help you to achieve reallyhigh-quality sketches. All the major types of lunarfeatures are covered, with a variety of sketchingtechniques applied to each. These techniques areexplained and illustrated in ways that take the mysteryout of artwork, rendering it (so to speak) moreaccessible to those observers interested in goingfarther than merely illustrating their notes.So usethis comprehensive and easy to follow guide to makeastronomy more than science for you—make it alsoan art!

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-0940-3Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XXXI, 233 p. 405 illus., 31 in color. (Patrick Moore'sPractical Astronomy Series) Softcover978-1-4614-0940-3

▶39,95 €

A. Cooke, Capistrano Beach, CA, USA

Dark Nebulae, Dark Lanes, andDust BeltsAs probably the only book of its type, this work isaimed at the observer who wants to spend time withsomething less conventional than the usual fare.Because we usually see objects in space by means ofillumination of one kind or another, it has becomeroutine to see them only in these terms. However,part of almost everything that we see is the definingdimension of dark shading, or even the completeobscuration of entire regions in space. Thus this bookis focused on everything dark in space: those darkvoids in the stellar fabric that mystified astronomersof old; the dark lanes reported in many star clusters;the magical dust belts or dusty regions that havegiven so many galaxies their identities; the greatswirling 'folds' that we associate with bright nebulae;the small dark feature detectable even in someplanetary nebulae; and more.Many observers payscant attention to dark objects and details. Perhapsthey are insufficiently aware of them or of the viewingpotential they hold, but also it may be because ofthe various viewing challenges that dark objectspose. Discussions on viewing methods and the bestequipment for a wide cross section of these objectsare included, along with many detailed descriptions.The book contains virtually every dark object worththe observer's attention.Whether viewing live throughthe eyepiece or indirectly through CCD or otherimaging techniques, this unique compendium anddiscussion of all things dark in space will hopefullyprove compelling and rewarding.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1185-7Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XI, 243 p. 75 illus. (Patrick Moore's Practical AstronomySeries) Softcover978-1-4614-1185-7

▶39,95 €

J. Wilkinson, Castlemaine, VIC, Australia

New Eyes on the SunA Guide to Satellite Images and AmateurObservation

Information collected by satellites recently sentby the USA, the European Space Agency, Japan,Germany, the United Kingdom, and Russia tomonitor the Sun has changed our knowledge andunderstanding of the Sun, particularly its effect onEarth. This book presents these findings in a waythat will be welcomed by amateur astronomers,students, educators and anyone interested in the Sun.Enhanced by many colour photographs, the bookcombines newly acquired scientific understandingwith detailed descriptions of features visible on theSun’s surface and in its atmosphere.In the past,observing the Sun has been left to academics withspecialised instruments, since solar observationhas been unsafe because of the risk of eye damage.  This book explains how amateur astronomerscan safely observe the various solar phenomenausing special hydrogen-alpha telescopes that are nottoo expensive. Amateurs can now make a positivecontribution to science by monitoring the Sun asprofessionals do. Amateurs can also access the solarimages taken by satellites via the internet. This bookhelps readers interpret and understand what theseimages are showing about the Sun, including the latest3D images. Solar observers will enjoy comparingtheir own solar telescope observations with thoseproduced by space probes such as SDO, SOHO,Hinode and STEREO, and further enjoy learningabout transits, eclipses, and space weather and howthe Sun compares to other stars in the universe.Themain purpose of this book is to present some of thefascinating solar phenomena in their full splendor toreaders through a variety of illustrations, photographsand easy to understand text. John Wilkinson is ascience educator with over 30 years experience inteaching science, physics and chemistry in secondarycolleges and universities in Australia. He is authorof over 100 science textbooks. He completed hisMasters degree and PhD in science education at LaTrobe University, Australia. Throughout his life hehas been a keen amateur astronomer and operateshis own observatory from his backyard.  His mainastronomical interests include the Moon, Sun andSolar System objects. John is also author of “Probingthe new solar system” and “The Moon in close-up”. His web site is http://astroscimac.com. 

More on www.springer.com/978-3-642-22838-4Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XI, 249 p. 128 illus., 35 in color. (Astronomers'Universe) Softcover978-3-642-22838-4

▶34,95 €

10 Popular Science springer.com

R.N. Boyd, Ohio State University, Windsor, CA, USA

Stardust, Supernovae and theMolecules of LifeMight We All Be Aliens?

Where were the amino acids, the molecules of life,created: perhaps in a lightning storm in the earlyEarth, or perhaps elsewhere in the cosmos? Thisbook argues that at least some of them must havebeen produced in the cosmos, and that the fact thatthe Earthly amino acids have a specific handednessprovides an important clue for that explanation.The book discusses several models that purport toexplain the handedness, ultimately proposing a newexplanation that involves cosmic processing of theamino acids produced in space. The book providesa tour for laypersons that includes a definitionof life, the Big Bang, stellar nucleosynthesis, theelectromagnetic spectrum, molecules, and supernovaeand the particles they produce.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1331-8Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XI, 215 p. 39 illus., 26 in color. (Astronomers' Universe)Softcover978-1-4614-1331-8

▶34,95 €

K.S. Thomas, Hamilton Sundstrand, Windsor Locks, CT, USA;H.J. McMann, Temple, TX, USA

U. S. SpacesuitsSpacesuits are far more than garments. They are apersonalized spacecraft that allows direct contact andinteraction with everything beyond our world, anda last refuge for survival in a disaster. Creating safe,reliable, and comfortable spacesuits is an ongoingchallenge that has spanned over four decades. "U. S.Spacesuits, 2nd Edition" by Kenneth S. Thomas andHarold J. McMann details the technical evolutionof U. S. spacesuits from their roots in high altitudeaviation and vacuum tube development to presentday, with an additional look into the future. Thisprimary source of spacesuit information explains

the functions, historical development, and use ofspacesuits from a worldwide perspective. In this newedition, the authors update the story of U.S. spacesuitdevelopment and efforts, from the design challengesmodern engineers face to the latest roles of spacesuitsin space exploration. The book also provides a closeup look at NASA's new Constellation Space SuitSystem as well as Apollo prototype configurationsthat have been discovered since 2005. Also not in theearlier edition is a prototype and model of the Geminipressure suit and an explanation of its development.Finally, there are new insights into the suits usedfor the Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Space Shuttle, andInternational Space Station missions.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4419-9565-0Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XXXV, 472 p. 284 illus., 124 in color. (SpaceExploration) Softcover978-1-4419-9565-0

▶44,95 €

M.D. Inglis, Suffolk County Community College, Brentwood,NY, USA

A Field Guide to Deep-Sky ObjectsThis popular title is now back, bigger and better thanbefore!In this companion guide to stars, star systems,galaxies, and other deep sky sights you can choosea class of object and set up an annual program foryourself that will take you from month to month,helping you locate famous targets or, if you prefer,hunting down the lesser known but still dazzling skysights. Detailed descriptive summaries of each classof object are followed by extensive lists of deep-skytargets, presented in a monthly format and goingfrom those objects easy to locate to those that aremore of a challenge. Amateur astronomers of all levelswill find this book invaluable for its broad-rangingbackground material, for its comprehensive lists offascinating objects, and for its power to improve yourobserving skills.

More on www.springer.com/978-1-4614-1265-6Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days.

2012. XVII, 261 p. 61 illus., 2 in color. (Patrick Moore'sPractical Astronomy Series) Softcover978-1-4614-1265-6

▶39,95 €

Popular Science

B.P. Pieroni, UNAMSI, Milano, Italy

90 anni di "Italie"Questo libro raccoglie gli appunti della vitaprofessionaledi Bruno P. Pieroni, decano deigiornalisti medici.L’idea nasce da una chiacchieratacon amici in vista del suo 90esimocompleanno,durante la quale una collega, dopo averascoltatoalcuni episodi della sua lunga attivitàgiornalistica, riguardantiesperienze e personalità divario genere - da Gina Lollobrigidaa Nino Manfredi,da innovatori delle scienze mediche comeEdmondoMalan e Lucio Parenzan ad altri protagonisti delmondoscientifico - gli ha suggerito di trasformarei suoi racconti verbaliin appunti scritti. Durante levacanze estive Pieroni si è quindidedicato a scriverequeste pagine, con grande impegnoma anche congrande divertimento. L’autore esprime la speranzacheanche chi avrà la ventura di leggerle, a sua volta,possain qualche modo divertirsi.

More on www.springer.com/978-88-470-2540-0Online orders shipping within 2-3 days.

2012. VIII, 92 pagg. Softcover978-88-470-2540-0

▶11,54 €

Spring 2012 – Title Selection POPULAR SCIENCE acatech Cyber-Physical Systems

acatech - Future Energy Grid

Aranda 3,000 Deep-Sky Objects

Barthelmeß IRobot - uMan

Beech The Physics of Invisibility

Boyd Stardust, Supernovae and the Molecules of Life

Chlan Integrative Therapies in Lung Health and Sleep

Cooke Dark Nebulae, Dark Lanes, and Dust Belts

De Laet The Casual Sky Observer's Guide

Gatti Sanità e Web

Glaeser A Mathematical Picture Book

Götz Global Change

Gustafson The Crossing of Heaven

Handy Sketching the Moon

Harrington Great Health Care

Inglis A Field Guide to Deep-Sky Objects

Jayakumar Particle Accelerators, Colliders, and the Story of High Energy Physics

Kardel Nicolaus Steno

Kitchin Exoplanets

Kuchment The Forgotten Cure

Lichtfouse Rédiger pour être publié!

Long Deep Space Propulsion

Mazure Matter, Dark Matter, and Anti-Matter

Miller The Chemical Cosmos

Pieroni 90 anni di 'Italie'

Pugh Observing the Messier Objects with a Small Telescope

Reddy Celestial Delights

Seedhouse Interplanetary Outpost

Simpson Guidebook to the Constellations