Popped Collar K

Polytechnic 06-07 Popped Collar K Popped Collar Critique The Popped-Collar Critique...........................................................2 Endorsement of the popped collar is tantamount to the support for the Confederate flag – this false sense of rebellion denies value to life..........................2 The alternative is to <reject all instances of the popped collar> – this restores value to life......................................................................2 Violence impact......................................................................3 Popped collars justify violence....................................................3 Popped collar causes backlash and violence.........................................3 Evil module..........................................................................4 The popped collar is evil. People who wear them do no helpful things whatsoever. . .4 Selsberg 05........................................................................4 Denying evil and refusing to act against means support for it......................4 Gordon and Gordon 95...............................................................4 Refusal to fight against the popped collar makes extinction inevitable.............4 Seabrook 04........................................................................4 AT: Insignificant issue..............................................................5 Claims that the popped collar is an insignificant issue create a false will to revolution that destroys society...................................................5 Overpopulation.......................................................................6 Popped collars lead to increased populations.......................................6 Answers..............................................................................7 Popped collars provide protection against erratic weather – the impact is academic failure............................................................................7 Popped collars increase head support which increases education.....................7 Unpopping ______________________________________________________________________________ Unpopping 1


The popped Collar Kritik.

Transcript of Popped Collar K

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Polytechnic 06-07 Popped Collar K

Popped Collar Critique

The Popped-Collar Critique.................................................................................................................................................................2Endorsement of the popped collar is tantamount to the support for the Confederate flag – this false sense of rebellion denies value to life......................................................................................................................................................................................2The alternative is to <reject all instances of the popped collar> – this restores value to life..........................................................2

Violence impact...................................................................................................................................................................................3Popped collars justify violence........................................................................................................................................................3Popped collar causes backlash and violence...................................................................................................................................3

Evil module..........................................................................................................................................................................................4The popped collar is evil. People who wear them do no helpful things whatsoever......................................................................4Selsberg 05.......................................................................................................................................................................................4Denying evil and refusing to act against means support for it........................................................................................................4Gordon and Gordon 95....................................................................................................................................................................4Refusal to fight against the popped collar makes extinction inevitable..........................................................................................4Seabrook 04.....................................................................................................................................................................................4

AT: Insignificant issue.........................................................................................................................................................................5Claims that the popped collar is an insignificant issue create a false will to revolution that destroys society...............................5

Overpopulation....................................................................................................................................................................................6Popped collars lead to increased populations..................................................................................................................................6

Answers............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7Popped collars provide protection against erratic weather – the impact is academic failure..........................................................7Popped collars increase head support which increases education...................................................................................................7

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Polytechnic 06-07 Popped Collar K

The Popped-Collar Critique

Endorsement of the popped collar is tantamount to the support for the Confederate flag – this false sense of rebellion denies value to life. Doug Seacord, undergrad English student at University of Missouri and Kearney and Bostick’s former debate partner, Xanga,

“Snoopdougy17” March 20, 2005

The battle over popped collars is like an extremely trivialized version of the Confederate flag debate. In the one camp, you have the logical, rational, decent human beings who recognize the inherent immorality of popping the collar (in our analogy, those that recognize that the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and ignorance), and in the other, you have those that believe it to be an attractive, edgy look worn in spite of social conventions as a statement of fashion anti-consciousness (similar to those that mistakenly believe the Confederate flag is a representation of Southern pride or some sort of symbol of defiance and rebelliousness). In the latter camp, you have those legions of frat boys with their cheap beer and their disdain for gender equality; in the former, a large number of dudes who drink cheap beer and maintain a disdain for gender equality. What differentiates the one from the other is the decision to pop the collar on collared shirts, which essentially translates into a willingness to degrade oneself for the sake of a shitty style versus a strong desire to maintain one's dignity and self-respect.

The alternative is to <reject all instances of the popped collar> – this restores value to life.Doug Seacord, undergrad English student at University of Missouri and Kearney and Bostick’s former debate partner, Xanga,

“Snoopdougy17” March 20, 2005

Boycott the collar. If you are approached by a young man with a popped collar, firmly let him (or her) know that his (or her) poppage is also his (or her) undoing. If someone you know is being preyed upon by a popper, watch for foul play as you intercede on behalf of that individual close to you (in other words, execute a 'cock block-' this is one of the few scenarios in which such a block is merited). Together, we

can fight the popped menace that has besieged house parties on college campuses everywhere. Together, we can work for a return to the standards of decency and self-respect that were the norm before the resurgence of the popped collar. Send this shackle of pseudo-radical servitude back to the wretched decade from which it was spawned. The 80s are over. Let the collar rest in peace.

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Polytechnic 06-07 Popped Collar K

Violence impact

Popped collars justify violence.Doug Seacord, undergrad English student at University of Missouri and Kearney and Bostick’s former debate partner, Xanga,

“Snoopdougy17” March 20, 2005

Popped collars are for mother fuckers. They're a target of many's ridicule, and yet, despite the well-known attitude of disdain for that most lamentable of pseudo-trends, many wayward souls still sport the popped collar. For them, I'd like you all to come together to say a little prayer. Please, pray for them, or hope for them, or FIGHT DUDES SPORTING THE POPPED COLLAR ON SIGHT, whatever fits your particular worldview.

Popped collar causes backlash and violence.Chris Wong, Daily Collegian, University Wire, “Fashion statement more than just a college trend” July 14, 2005 lexis

I admit, at first, I too was confused about this new fad. It seemed to be everywhere -- at parties, in the street, even in class. I thought it was the product of an alien invasion. Maybe it would just blow over before I had to deal with it. But it didn't.This fashion statement grew and grew until it taunted me everyday. And because I didn't understand it, I immediately feared it and it made me angry.

In fact, every time I saw a popped collar, I would cower in fear. Sometimes, I would even get angry and go on blind rampages causing bodily harm to those sporting the new fashion . But thinking back, maybe my actions weren't really necessary. I should have gotten both sides of the issue before I really formed an opinion. The fact is, I was just ignorant of the facts. That is, until a friend described something she saw that opened my eyes.

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Polytechnic 06-07 Popped Collar K

Evil module

The popped collar is evil. People who wear them do no helpful things whatsoeverSelsberg 05 Andy, Village Voice, “Flippin’ Out,” August 1 http://www.villagevoice.com/nyclife/0531,essay,66379,15.html

Collars are up this summer. This is significant, because it's among the few fashion statements that has primarily evil implications. Not a single humanitarian act has ever been committed by someone with a fully upturned collar. No one pops a collar to go volunteer at the women's shelter or pitch in at the soup kitchen . That said, upturned collars can be a cool and intriguing look. There are several theories to explain the resurgence of the style. It could be part of a more general 1980s preppie revival, but this '80s "revival" has been going on in some form or other since 1990. Though there is something to the revival theory—many who couldn't wear their collars up then because of social pressures or the landscape of their confidence at the time, are able to embrace the fashion now. This pattern is similar to the one followed by current devotees of black heavy-metal T-shirts—people who would've gotten whipped for wearing Iron Maiden shirts in 1985 are wearing them now with brio and impunity.

Refusal to fight against the popped collar makes extinction inevitableSeabrook 04 Todd, The Miami Student, “Here’s looking at you, Facebook,” November 18 http://mustudent.muohio.edu/amusement/article.php?d=111804&s=column&n=1

Well, screw that.I will not stand idly by while a bastard child of Instant Messenger and E-mail take over easily malleable minds with ego-

driven log-ins and the hope of a better life. The ridiculousness of the popped-collar fad left me stunned and weeping for humanity’s future, so I am wary of any fashion that flexes its metaphorical muscles . Thefacebook is threatening on the Western front of popular opinion and is out-flanking Miami pseudo-style on all sides.Form ranks, comrades. Prepare to engage the enemy.

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Polytechnic 06-07 Popped Collar K

Denying evil and refusing to act against means support for itGordon and Gordon 95 Haim and Rivca, Sartre and Evil: Guidelines for a Struggle, pp. xvii

In the first section of this book we deal with the problem of intuitively responding to Evil. Our experience has taught us that too many people have learned to pass by or to ignore the Evil that confronts them here and now. They purposely refrain from perceiving a specific and concrete instance of Evil. Hence they never need to fight it. Of course, they thus support the evildoer and the evil regime , but that only partially concerned us in this section. Different questions seemed more crucial: What characterizes the consciousness and the freedom of a person who does respond intuitively to Evil, and who tries to fight it? What attitudes interfere with such an intuitive response? We sought significant answers to these questions in Sartre's literature and drama.

AT: Insignificant issue

Claims that the popped collar is an insignificant issue create a false will to revolution that destroys society.Doug Seacord, undergrad English student at University of Missouri and Kearney and Bostick’s former debate partner, Xanga,

“Snoopdougy17” March 20, 2005

You may falsely believe that the popped collar is so insignificant that it deserves no discussion. On the contrary, it's precisely because the popped collar is such an insignificant issue that it is of paramount importance. Those that pop 'em when they've got 'em do so with the knowledge that decent folk

everywhere look upon their poppage with disgust. That they pop them, even though they must realize how fucking

retarded they look, indicates the willingness of the poppers to rebel against society over the most irrelevant of disputes (they become, if you will, rebels without causes).

This rebel spirit, however, speaks to a false will to revolution. The popped collar quasi-revolution is the stuff of Limp Bizkit revolution, that kind of institutionalized radicalism that substitutes for real

nonconformity. For proof of that, one need only look to the popped collar support communities that emerge around any popper- whether they be other dudes with popped collars or dudes with collarless shirts that rally about their popper leader, around the fuckhead popper there tend to be entire groups dedicated to the protection of the popper. It is not, however, an expression of a personal desire to challenge societal norms; rather, it's an expression of a desire to date-rape sororisluts (God bless them everywhere) or GDI girls with prodigious natural endowments (and extend the blessing to these young women as well). To confuse the popped collar with a legitimate spirit of rebelliousness is to equate smoking pot with social activism- the act of violating tradition, convention, law, or norm does not, in itself, inherently represent an act of violation against society itself. Instead, it neatly fits into a net of acceptable nonconformity that acts like a magnetic field around the center of social acceptability. Beyond this line one does not cross, says society, and the popper is neatly contained within the boundaries of that line.

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Popped collars lead to increased populations.Chris Wong, Daily Collegian, University Wire, “Fashion statement more than just a college trend” July 14, 2005 lexis

Third, and maybe the most important, it just makes you look that much cooler.Another one of my friends popped his collar at a bar one night and he suddenly had multiple females approach him and ask him for his number. The band on stage immediately called him up on stage and asked him to help sing. The bartender gave him free drinks for the rest of the night. And that was the night he became my hero.

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Polytechnic 06-07 Popped Collar K


Popped collars provide protection against erratic weather – the impact is academic failure.Chris Wong, Daily Collegian, University Wire, “Fashion statement more than just a college trend” July 14, 2005 lexis

That collar needed to be popped.

As I thought over the events that happened, I realized that popped collars were no simple fad. It was a necessity -- and let me share with you why.First, they provide that necessary protection against the erratic weather that plagues State College . Residing in the middle of Pennsylvania, the weather here is as unpredictable as the student government. From time to time, when there isn't rain passing through or snow falling in the middle of April, there are heavy gusts of wind. Sometimes, the wind is even wild enough to carry away some of the smaller freshmen. And why weigh yourself down with unnecessary coats or jackets, when a popped collar would do the job just as well?But let's say you don't want to pop your own collar. Let's say you want to risk being attacked by this blustery weather. Well, if those heavy gusts were to hit you while you were outside, you may get sick. And if you get sick, you can't go to class. If you miss a few classes, you'll probably end up failing that class -- all because you didn't want to pop that collar. So think twice before you go out.

Popped collars increase head support which increases education.Chris Wong, Daily Collegian, University Wire, “Fashion statement more than just a college trend” July 14, 2005 lexis

Second, look at the obvious head support that you can gain from popping your collar. You won't have to support your head with your own strength and energy anymore. Remember all those times in those boring lectures where you had to hold your own head up with your arm or a desk? Well, fear not, because those days are in the past. All it takes is a popped collar to hold up your head.

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